Random Event Cards

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Wargame Random Event Cards (WREC)

Designed by DeadGuy (AKA Shay Walsh) www.dgditch.blogspot.co.uk Contributors & play testers: Sam Walsh, Counterpane I decided that I wanted to spice up the occasional wargame, both commercial and free rules. I decided that some sort of random event would befall a unit each turn and keep myself and my opponent on our toes and also have a little chuckle. I did find some random events suggested on one website and also sets of cards, but these were specific to a rule set or period. I needed a set that would be very generalised. To cover all rules and any period. There were none so I decided to make my own and here they are. Card Rules;
1. One card to be drawn each turn AFTER the first turn.

2. To be acted on by the drawer. 3. ANY soldier/unit of the card drawer can undertake the action stated. 4. The rules/actions on the cards supersede any rules you are using. 5. To be discarded at the end of that turn.

If you dont want to draw a card each turn, another option is to roll d6 and on 5, 6 to draw a card. As they are not rule specific obviously use your common sense when interpreting them for the rules you are using and the specific action mentioned on the card. Again as I wanted them to be used for all types of wargames I have used the following in the text; Soldier / unit which means the following; Soldier = for skirmish and/or individually based figure games. Unit = for larger games and/or figures grouped on bases. Soldier / unit applies to infantry, cavalry, artillery, armour. Unless stated all actions are for ONE soldier or ONE unit. NOTE: Last page is card backs; print this page out six times.

Run Away!

I cant do this, I need to get the hell out a here!

Where you lot going?

A soldier / unit Retreats one full move

A soldier/unit Retreats one full move Any other soldier / unit Within 6 roll 1d6 on 5-6 does the same

A soldier / unit becomes over zealous and moves forward another move.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Theyre over there, sir

More ammo over here!

Another life Saved

Enemy unit spotted On firing at an enemy soldier / unit their cover is NOT accounted for.

A soldier / unit has run out of ammo and unable to fire this turn.

Medic /Surgeon nearby A soldier / unit wound or dead result is ignored

Discard at end of turn Were all doomed!

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

"Go again Sir?"

Blessed be (insert deity name here)!

A soldier / unit believes they are being out flanked and panics. Fails any moral test and retreats one full move.

A soldier / unit which failed morale this turn. The unit automatically rallies and is so inspired that it may take a free move outside the normal turn sequence.

A soldier / unit is blessed by their God/ Gods with good luck. One dice roll may be rolled again, and the better of the two results chosen.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Watch where youre going!

Cant see for S**T

Get a move on there!

A soldier / unit has encountered an area of unseen rough terrain. Their movement rate is halved this turn.

A soldier / unit has wandered off the battlefield and become lost. Roll 1d6, the soldier / unit will arrive back at the players table edge on this turn.

A slacking soldier / unit is forced to take another movement turn.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn "The Commander is a blithering idiot"

"Im off home lads"

"Three Cheers for the Commander"

A soldier / unit which failed its morale check this turn. Scatters with no chance of being rallied and is removed from play.

A commander who proves to be capable and popular. A soldier / unit automatically pass any moral test.

A commander who proves to be incapable and very unpopular. A soldier / unit automatically fails any moral test.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

"Dont shoot!"

"The Commander has been hit!" A commander has collapsed or lightly wounded at a critical moment, causing great confusion. A soldier / unit may not move this turn, although they may carry out all other actions as normal.

Whos with me?

In the smoke and confusion of battle, A soldier / unit mistakenly fires at a friendly soldier / unit. Either in front or on its flanks. The fire effect against the friendly unit is calculated normally.

The commander has inspired his men with a heroic speech. A soldier / unit gains an extra movement and pass any morale for that turn only.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Where did this junk come from?

What the?

Damn pen pushers!

Faulty ammo. A soldier / unit fire effect is halved.

A soldier / unit misinterpret its orders and will do the opposite of what was intended.

An administration error. Your ammo has been sent to another part of the country/planet. A soldier / unit May not fire this turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Bloody turncoat!

Brew Up?

Hit the Dirt!

An enemy deserter reveals vital information. The owning player may look at the NEXT Random Event card. Either takes it or discards and draws another.

A soldier / unit spends a turn taking a well earned brake. Can only defend this turn.

A soldier / unit panics at a flock of birds thinking that they are incoming projectiles. NO actions this turn.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

He was my friend!

He not dead yet!

Holy Crap!

A soldier / unit goes berserk. An extra close combat action is taken.

The last soldier / unit that died has been found to be still alive. A miracle or just bad medical care. They will arrive back at the players table edge on this turn.

A soldier / unit seams to have a case of dysentery. Can only defend this turn while he/they find some relief.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Did you see that?

Where did that come from?

Hunker Down lads

One fired shot, whether it hits an enemy or not carries on to another target.

A sudden lightning strike/toxic cloud descends and causes a hit/wound On a soldier/unit

Soldier/unit moves to the nearest piece of cover and cowers behind it. Can only defend. Any hits are automatically void.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn Phwoar, look at that!

Discard at end of turn Oh that smell


A soldier/unit screams its war cry as it moves/charges into combat. Another charge/movement is taken. Another combat attack is taken.

A soldier/unit notice a young um... lady and spends the turn ogling and jeering. Can only defend

There is a terrible smell wafting around a soldier/unit. We think it may come from Dirty Ned. The soldier/unit moves one full move in any direction.

Discard at end of turn Discard at end of turn Their coming! The Sneaky Bas***ds! Discard at end of turn Cease Fire!

Rumours of a new enemy soldier/unit approaching your left flank. Move at least one soldier/unit to your left flank, NOW . Discard at end of turn

You see movement of to your Right flank. Move at least one soldier/unit to your right flank, NOW. Damn it was only the local wildlife!

Both sides call a halt in proceedings for one turn. Any wounded have their wounds healed and all moral and rally checks succeed.

Discard at end of turn Discard at end of turn

Look what we found!

Should you be looking at that? A set of sketches / pictures / holographic images of a dubious nature are being past around. A soldier/unit passes any moral this turn. But only half movement as trying to see said items.

Cheap and nasty

An ammo supply has been found / liberated. A soldier/unit can fire again this turn.

A soldier/unit weapon has exploded causing a hit/wound on a soldier/unit and anyone within 2 radius

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn.

Nothing to Report

Nothing to Report

Nothing to Report

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Nothing to Report

Nothing to Report

Nothing to Report

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Nothing to Report

Nothing to Report

Nothing to Report

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Nothing to Report

Nothing to Report

Nothing to Report

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Nothing to Report

Nothing to Report

Nothing to Report

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

No events have occurred this turn. Carry on men.

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

Discard at end of turn

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