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Chetana's Hazarimal Somani College Of Commerce & Economics, Smt. Kusumtai Chaudhari College Of Arts, Bandra ( E) , Mumbai - 400051.




3 JAN 2009


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OMKAR DALVI Name of the student

Interdependence has a greater value than independence. This work is synergistic product of many minds. I am grateful to those who have relentlessly provided the necessary support, the right of information and the expertise required for achieving this mission. I value those who have assisted me to take such a pragmatic subject matter, which today in the global scenario is of a paramount relevance for any enterprise anywhere in the world. I also owe a great debt to the thinkers whose work has enriched my knowledge of the dynamic of the business enterprise.

First it is my pleasure to thank University Of Mumbai for giving me this opportunity to work on this project. At the outset, I express my profound gratitude to my guide Mr. Hemant Kombrabail, who has been a constant source of inspiration to me. His innate knack of unfolding new ideas and extensive knowledge in this subject has helped me immensely in doing the project, I would also like to extend a note of thanks to Mr. Vikram Tulsulkar, my project assistant from S,Y.BMS. Without his inputs this project would have not taken shape. Special thanks to all my friends for all their technical support & help. Lastly I would like to thank my parents, my friend especially Mr. Rohit Kamble, who all had taken pains during the project work. My heart felt thanks to all people who are left unmentioned here but have contributed in giving me shape and rewarding insight how my project should be carried.

Music Therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program. (American Music Therapy Association Definition, 2005) For thousands of years, cultures throughout the world have used the powers of music to heal the body, mind and spirit. Five hundred years ago, the therapeutic role of music was eclipsed by its role as entertainment. Only recently has the field of sound healing emerged into fulI-scale public awareness. Studies have shown that music can reduce stress, enhance immune system function, slow down and balance brain wave activity, reduce muscle tension, increase endorphin levels, and evoke feelings of love and inner peace. The idea of music as a healing modality dates back to the beginnings of history. Mythology is full of stories suggesting that music is balm for the soul. The Bible talks of how David played the harp to help ease his despair against King Saul's tyrannies. In Greek mythology, there is the story of Orpheus-the musician who could soothe savage beasts and move rocks with his lyre.

Music therapists in India derive a lot of their knowledge from the science of yoga. Physicians of the ancient Muslim world treated mental illness with music therapy. Special choirs and live music bands entertained patients and there were comic performers as well. There is so much conflicting information, however, that many people are more confused than ever. How can you make sense of it all? Even more important)




Stress is a complex phenomenon. It has been defined in many ways, but simply put; it is the wear and tear of everyday life. In every day's life, people are subjected to a wide range of pressures. Similarly there are also a wide range of resources and strategies for coping with pressure. Sometimes people cope well and will not feel that the pressure is having any adverse effect upon them. At other times they will have difficulty in dealing with the situation and that is when we may use the term "stress".

In reality, any situation that puts pressure is technically "stressful". Stress is not necessarily unpleasant or harmful. When people are able to cope satisfactorily with the stress and find it to be positive in its effect, they tend to use other words - such as "stimulation" or "challenge". In this regard a simple but accurate definition of stress is: "Stress occurs when the pressures upon us exceed our resources to cope with those pressures."

it follows, therefore, that we can attempt to tackle stress either by reducing the pressures or by increasing our coping resources - or, indeed, a combination of both strategies. The problem is that different people find quite different situations and circumstances to be stressful. At the extremes, a situation which one person experiences as positive and stimulating will cause another person acute distress.

The word 'stress' is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "a state of affair involving demand on physical or mental energy". A condition or circumstance (not always adverse), which can disturb the normal physiological and psychological functioning of an individual. In medical parlance 'stress' is defined as a perturbation of the body's homeostasis. This demand on mind-body occurs when it tries to cope with incessant changes in fife. A 'stress' condition seems 'relative' in nature. Extreme stress conditions,

psychologists say, are detrimental to human health but in moderating stress is normal and, in many cases, proves useful. Stress, nonetheless, is synonymous with negative conditions. Today, with the rapid diversification of human activity, we come face to face with numerous causes of stress and the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Medically, stress is defined as a perturbation of the body's homeostasis. The common indices of stress include changes in: 1. Biochemical parameters such as epinephrine and adrenal steroids, 2. Physiological parameters such as heart rate and blood pressure 3. Behavioral effects such as anxiety, fear and tension. In essence, stress is an umbrella term that encompasses physical trauma, strenuous exercise, metabolic disturbances and anxiety as they produce challenges to the body's homeostasis. The wear and tear that stressors subject our body too is termed as stress.

For the layperson, however, the word stress has mental rather than physiological connotations. As Anandi iyer, Deputy Director at German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) says: "Stress occurs when you are incapable of handling a given situation. For instance, for soldiers constantly at the border, the situation is no longer so stressful. But for others, it would be."

According to Janki Chopra, associated with the Delhi center of the Vedanta Institute: "Stress is an agitated mind, a state that's caused by unfulfilled desire. Stress has nothing to do with an external situation." "The Changing Times model" is one of the few to recognize this fact. It is also one of the few, and widely known and successfully implemented programs, which has been specifically designed to avoid both psychological jargon and an unhelpful emphasis on medical models of stress. Some people who suffer from mental disorders may be more susceptible to stress. Equally, prolonged or acute exposure to excessive stress can lead to illnesses. For the

great majority of people, however, stress is a perfectly normal and natural state that may be unpleasant or disabling but which can be reduced without reco.urseito medicines or therapy. All people need to do is develop a better understanding of the causes and effects of our stress. The Changing Times model is designed to help people do just that.

With that understanding everybody will be much better equipped to reduce the pressures which cause stress and/or increase our resources for coping with those pressures.

What Happens When Were Stressed? When the stress response is activated: 1. Our senses become increasingly alert to the threat of potential danger.

2. Adrenaline and cortisol, the stress hormones, flood our bloodstream to increase the body's metabolism and overcome the effects of fatigue. 3. Breathing becomes shallow as it speeds up to supply increased oxygen to our muscles. 4. Heart rate and blood pressure are increase to rush blood to our arms and legs.

5. Sugars and fats and cholesterol from the liver are converted into fuel for quick energy 6. Saliva dries up and the digestion and elimination systems are stopped so blood can be directed away from our internal organs to our muscles and brain. 7. 8. Muscles become tense ready for action. Perspiration cools the body allowing it to burn more energy.

9. Blood clotting mechanisms are activated to protect us from blood loss in case of injury. 10. The immune system's efficiency is suppressed. 11. The sleep process is blocked.

Eustress Eustress or positive stress occurs when your level of stress is high enough to motivate you to move into action to get things accomplished.

Distress Distress or negative stress occurs when your level of stress is either too high or too low and your body and/or mind begin to respond negatively to the stressors.

Stages of stress ( from management point of view)

1. Alarm stage 2. Resistance stage 3. Exhaustion stage Alarm stage As you begin to experience a stressful event or perceive something to be stressful psychological changes occur in your body. This experience or perception disrupts your body's normal balance and immediately your body begins to respond to the stressor(s) as effectively as possible.

Cardiac - increased heart rate Respiratory - increased respiration Skin - decreased temperature Hormonal - increased stimulation of adrenal genes which produce an adrenal rush. Resistance stage During this stage your body tries to cope or adapt to the stressors by beginning a process of repairing any damage the stressor has caused. Your friends, family or co-workers may notice changes in you before you do so it is important to examine their feedback to make sure you do not reach overload. EXAMPLES Behavior indicators include: lack of enthusiasm for family, school, work or life in general, withdrawal, change in eating habits, insomnia, hypersomnia, anger, fatigue.

Cognitive Indicators include: poor problem solving, confusion, nightmares, hyper-vigilance.

Exhaustion stage During this stage the stressor is not being managed effectively and the body and mind are not able to repair the damage.

Digestive disorders, withdrawal, headaches, tension, insomnia, loss of temper.

"Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances." -Thomas Jefferson

These stages can be applied to common man's life

In the days when prehistoric man had not yet attained self-consciousness, he reacted to any signs of danger in two ways: he fought or he fled. This is the 'fight-orflight' response-a term coined by W.B. Cannon in 1914. During this, the body reacts with alarm to the threat: there is a rapid increase in metabolism, with hormonal, physiological and biochemical changes taking place instantly.

The body muscles become tense and the hypothalamus activates the pituitary gland, which secretes hormones that then activate other hormone-producing centers like the adrenal glands. The release of adrenaline and other hormones sustains the alarm reaction and physiological changes occur in response to the stress stimulus. The body

now needs glucose for the muscles to function properly. The liver responds by releasing some into the bloodstream. For the glucose to be transformed into energy, extra oxygen is required. The heart begins pumping blood faster to carry this extra supply, leading to a rise in blood pressure.

The amount of blood available in the body is, however, limited. In order to deliver extra blood to select areas-the muscles, heart, lungs, kidneys and the brain-there is a temporary cutoff in blood supply to non-priority areas. Consequently, the digestive system slows or stops altogether, the salivary glands stop secreting, blood vessels in the kidneys and the abdomen constrict and the immune system slows down. These physiological effects are categorized as 'arousal'. Concomitant emotional manifestations like fear, apprehension and worry are termed 'anxiety'. Once the Neanderthal dealt with the threat-usually an animal, which he fought off or fled from-the body's reactions quickly returned to normal. All of which was fine in the good old days of yore. If this stressful situation is not resolved (the Neanderthal could be up a tree with a saber-toothed tiger snarling below all day long!), the body goes into a second stage, the adaptation stage. This also happens when you aren't able to resolve the conflict with your boss. The changes that have occurred become chronic, that is, they take place all the time. This is the stage when the body is most prone to illness. The third stage, according to Hans Selye (1956), was the "stage of exhaustion" which came about if the stress was constant and prolonged. Here, the body's resistance finally crumbles and death is usually the consequence.


Stress is a natural part of life. Everyday there are obligations, pressures and responsibilities in the life that change and challenge their work. There are innumerable stress factors since different individuals react differently to the same stress conditions. Extreme stress situations for an individual may prove to be mild for another, and yet for another person, the situation might not seem as a stress symptom at all. There are mainly three types of stressors in the life of celebrities: Work stressors Environmental stressors Personal stressors



Task Demands Task demands are stressors associated with specific jobs. Some task demands may pose physical threats to a person's health. E.g. enacting certain situations such as working 24x7. Security Someone who is guaranteed a job security is not worried about losing that position whereas the person who is not is under tremendous stress. Thus we are under pressure that if they would loose goodwill in market than no one will appreciate them Overload It occurs when a person has to work much more than he or she can handle. It is quantitative as well as qualitative. Quantitative is when the person has too many tasks to perform or too little time to perform them. Qualitative is when the person feels that he or she does not have the ability to do the job. Physical Demands It refers to setting of the job. One important element is temperature. Working outdoors in extreme temperatures can cause stress and so can improperly cooled or

heated offices. A poorly enacted role makes it difficult for a person to prove himself. Likewise poor lighting, inadequate surfaces can also create stress. Role Demands It can prove to be stressful. People may experience stress either from role ambiguity (lack of clarity as to what is expected) or conflict (incongruence among two or more people). Interpersonal Demands It consists of three types i.e. group pressures, leadership & conflict.

Group pressures: Include pressure to restrict output, pressure to conform to groups' norms and so forth. It is quite common for a work group to arrive at an informal agreement of how much each member will produce.

Leadership: An employee needs a great deal of social support from his leader but the leader is brusque and shows no concern for him then he will be stressed out.

Conflict: It occurs when two or more people work together having different attitudes, behavior and personalities. They will not be comfortable working together and may experience stress. Environmental Stressors Environmental factors influence stress. Changes in income cause economic uncertainties. When there is no work for celebrities, they become increasingly anxious about their job securities. Political uncertainties are created when countries do not stable political systems, thus changes cannot be implemented in an orderly manner. Yet political threats and changes can induce stress. Technological uncertainties arise because new innovations can make employees' skills and experiences absolute in a very short time, computers, robotics, automation and similar forms of technological innovations are a threat to people and cause them stress. Terrorism is another important factor causing stress. Employees in Israel have long faced this threat and have learnt to cope with it whereas Americans have opened doors to new -terrorism

related stress such as working in sky-scrapers, flying and attending large public events. Personal Stress Personal stress is any meaningful change brought about in a person's personal or work situation. Stress in an setting is influenced by events that take place inside or outside the work area. This stress can lead to death or a disease. Pressure This is found in celebrities when they are not able to cope up with work thus they start smoking, drinking and taking drugs. Now days the girls have started to smoke with wrong intention to loose weight. For e.g. few months back it was reported in Mumbai mirror that Rani Mukherjee use to take cigarettes in toilets. Thus she believe that it helps her to minimize stress and have a good day. Test Anxiety This is found in cricketers who have poor form. For e.g. If there form is not good in some matches than there is pressure on them to prove themselves Finances And Relationships Money has become a huge stressor these days. Due to money there are problems in relationships. For e.g. if a husband does not have a good job and earns a small amount of money and is not able to meet expectations of wife this can lead to a divorce. Pushing Ourselves Too Hard This is most common cause of stress. For e.g. if a husband takes the responsibility of managing the he take more than he realizes. This can damage his body as well as his emotional well being. Illness And Injury Extended illness such as cancer, respiratory ailments and accidental injury such as broken arm and leg can lead to missing work and this puts an additional stress financially.

Other Prime causes A stress-free existence is, perhaps, a mirage. Hans Sale aptly commented: "Complete freedom from stress is death!" The pressures of modern living ensure that stress is always lurking in the background. It is generally assumed that adverse life events or challenges called stressors cause stress. if this stress becomes very intense or chronic, it leads to stress-related diseases. However, this phenomenon is not as simplistic as it sounds. Different individuals subjected to the same stressful event may react differently, with responses ranging from extreme to mild to absent. Although the causes of stress are myriad, we could loosely categorize these into common and uncommon stressors. Common stressors comprise disease, academic stress (heightened during examinations), marital discord, separation or divorce, career stress, bereavement and unemployment. The uncommon ones include overcrowding, commuting, sleep deprivation, shifts (home, school, career), malnutrition, drug abuse, phobias, excessive exercise, noise pollution, et al. Frustration through sexual deprivation, social or peer pressure to conform, and the struggle for professional advancement all cause stress. It was Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) who pointed out that if psychic energy is unable to meet its original objective, it fixes upon an alternative. This impulse leads to sublimation. It can also lead to stress. While the individual adapts to the situation, if pressures become unbearable or persistent, he may enter a state of chronic stress. Most of these stressors can ultimately impair immune functions. Emotions and ailments Surprisingly, emotions can have an effect on diseases that might seem beyond the power of the mind to influence. Cholera is a classic example, first recognized by Dr A.T.W. Simeons, a British physician who practiced for some time in India. In his book, Man's Presumptuous Brain (1960), Dr. Simeons pointed out that in a cholera

epidemic the very old and the very young survive. Though endowed with greater powers of resistance, those in the prime of life are the chief victims. The explanation illustrates the awesome power of mind over matter. The cholera bacillus flourishes in an alkaline medium that, when taken into the body, is normally killed by stomach acids. But fear and worry can alter the rate of acid secretion in the stomach. In a cholera epidemic, young people worry the most, being the breadwinners. Tragically, the worry created by their sense of responsibility alters the acid content of their stomachs, allowing the cholera bacilli to slip through into the alkaline haven of the small intestine. Babies who are oblivious to their illness and the aged who aren't bothered about whether they live or not, survive because their stomachs continue to secrete acid normally. Reviewing the relationship between personality, stress and death from cancer and heart disease, H.J. Eysenck (1988) found that stress was a potent cause of death-stressed individuals having a 40 per cent higher death rate than non-stressed ones. Response to stress is not static. It fluctuates and changes as the person interacts with and responds to the stressor. At the workplace, stressed people could be prone to 'desk rage'-flinging whatever comes to hand at colleagues, across the room or on their tables."Stress can be subdivided into constructive stress and destructive stress. The former is positive and a good motivator. It increases productivity and efficiency, besides providing stimulation. Destructive stress is counterproductive and detrimental to both psyche and body," Dr. Chugh elaborates. Needless to say, stress affects a negative person's performance in a well-defined manner. This effect is referred to as the Yerkes-Dodson law, which states that as arousal increases, performance improves, and with further increase in arousal, performance drops. Stress also effects their behavior by boosting the activity level. Besides, the individual attempts to engage in coping behavior. Stress and gender Does stress tend to affect the male of the species more than the female? Opinions vary, since there are differentiating factors between the sexes. All parameters being equal,

however, the preponderant view is that women are more adept at handling stress, thanks to better coping mechanisms.


Physiological factors. This topic was researched by specialists in the health and medical sciences, this research led to the conclusion that stress could create changes in metabolism increase heart and breathing rated. Increase blood pressure, bring on headaches and induce heart attacks. Foe e.g. Priyanka Chopras father suffered heart attacks because of stress.

Psychological Symptoms Stress creates dissatisfaction. The simplest and most oblivious psychological effect of stress is job dissatisfaction. Stress is shown through tension, anxiety, irritability, boredom and procrastination. Stress and dissatisfaction increase when celebrities are placed in jobs that make multiple and conflicting demands or in which there is a lack of clarity about the incumbents' duties, authority and responsibilities. The less control they have over the pace of their work' the greater the stress and dissatisfaction.

Behavioral Symptoms Behavior-related stress symptoms include changes in productivity, absence, turnover as well as changes in eating habits, increased smoking, consumption of alcohol, rapid speech, fidgeting and sleep disorders. These are very much common in celebrities.

Stress can be broadly classified in the following categories: Acute stress is what most celebrity identifies it as stress. It makes itself felt through tension headaches, emotional upsets, feelings of agitation and pressure. It's easily treatable and can be brought under control in six to eight weeks. For example: Britney Spears underwent treatment for 6 weeks at Rehabilitation center Episodic acute stress is more serious and can lead to migraines, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, anxiety, depression, serious gastrointestinal distress. It's quite treatable, but it takes general life style readjustments, four to six months, and often requires professional help. For example during fight between Nusli Wadia & Dhirubhai Ambani. The later faced heart attack and finally died. Chronic stress is the most serious of all. It's the stress that never ends. It grinds us down until our resistance is gone. Serious systemic illness such as diabetes, decreased immunocompetence, perhaps cancer is its hallmark. It can be treated, even reversed, but it takes time - sometimes two to three years-and often requires professional help. Traumatic stress is the result of massive acute stress, the effects of which can reverberate through our systems for years. Post-traumatic stress disorder is treatable and reversible and usually requires professional aid.





Imagine a stress-free life, create it; think positive thoughts, be happy-that is the art of managing stress Do you feel anxious all the time? Is decision-making difficult for you. Are there times when you really feel stretched out and want to run away? Do you feel lethargic? Or have you been losing sleep lately? Does the mere If you have change disturb you? thought of answered most of these questions in the affirmative, you may well be in the grips of stress, a malady of modern times. Stress has been defined as a reaction or response to any kind of change. It acts like a signal for the body and mind to get prepared for any eventuality. In that sense, some stress is essential for a healthy, lively life. But if you are facing a significant number of stress symptoms, you definitely need to do something about it, for these persistent problems could trigger off some more serious types of illnesses, physical and mental.

There are three main ways to manage stress which are as follows: Action oriented stress In this celebrities seek to confront the problem causing stress, changing the environment or the situation. Emotionally oriented stress In this celebrities do not have the power to change the situation, but can manage stress by changing interpretation of the situation and the way they feel about it.

Acceptance oriented stress In this something has happened over for which they do not have power and no emotional control, and where their focus is on surviving the stress.

Other methods Deep breathing

The simplest of all stress-reduction techniques is deep breathing. Concentrate on your breathing several times in a day. This could be done anywhere, anytime -while traveling, stopping at traffic lights, while the telephone is ringing, or while waiting in a queue. Take a deep breath right from the pit of your stomach. Inhale through your nose. Feel the energy coming in and revitalizing your body. Breathe out through your mouth, making a quiet, relaxing, whooshing sound like the wind as you gently blowout. Continue to take long, slow, deep breaths which raise and lower your abdomen. Focus on the sound and feeling of breathing as you become more and more relaxed. Continue deep breathing for about 5 to 10 minutes at a time, once or twice a day, for a couple of weeks. Then, if you like, extend this period to 20 minutes. At the end of each deep breathing session, scan your body for tension and compare the tension you feel at the end of the exercise with what you had experienced when you started. You can practice th is whenever you are feeling tense, angry or worked up and can easily breathe away to a state of almost instant relaxation. This exercise helps reduce anxiety, depression, irritability, muscle tension and fatigue. And though it can be learned in a matter of minutes and its immediate benefits experienced, its true effect may be fully apparent only after months of persistent practice.

Positive imagery
Visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in life. It is based on the principle that the mind and body are intimately connected and changes in the physical state of the body create changes in the mind. Through visualization, we learn to use positive mental images consciously to bring about changes in the way we think and feel. It is, therefore, also called positive imagery. Before we move on to the actual visualization method; let's do an interesting little exercise that will convince you of the efficacy of this technique.

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes, relax your body and imagine a lemon in your hand. Now smell it. There is no smell like the smell of a lemon. Is there? Now bite the lemon. Bite it hard, let the juice swirl around in your mouth and taste it. What does it taste like? What happened? You began salivating. Such is the power of the mind. You did not need the real thing, just the imagination was enough to create a real bodily response. Here is an example of visualization which can help you relax by creating your own special place: Lie down or sit comfortably. Be totally comfortable. Close your eyes. Now imagine that it is a beautiful day. You feel like taking a mentally leave your bed, your room, your home. You find yourself in an open field...a vast stretch of green...imagine yourself walking through the field...on the far side of the field is a forest. As you come into the forest, through the trees, it becomes more shady and cool. You can hear the sound of running water...walk along the can feel the wet sand under your come to the top of some can see a beautiful garden below. Start stepping down towards the garden...walk down the steps...down 10 steps...with each step you feel your tensions going away...1...2...3...4...5...6... 7...8...9...10. Now you are in the garden, take a look around...the lovely flowers...smell the sweet keep looking at the flowers...brightly colored. You can hear the leaves rustling in the wind. Smell the fragrance of freshness. Now, you wish to come to the steps...climb up to the riverside...walk along the river...through the forest...out in the fields... Let this image fade. You are back in your room, feeling refreshed and alert...ready to get up. Now mentally count 1...2...3... and 3...2...1... Slowly open your eyes. Stretch and roll on to a side and keep lying down for a few minutes. Get up slowly. You feel absolutely calm, and completely relaxed...

As you may be unfamiliar with the skill of conscious visualization, it may take some time to learn. It is very likely that the images could be discouragingly uncooperative initially, flickering on and off, moving around or disappearing altogether when interrupted by'some thoughts. If you have trouble getting impressions from all the senses, work on your strongest sense first.

The rest will gradually improve. Practice often, at least three times a day. You could play some light, soothing music to help the visualization process. Visualization is very effective in treating many stress-related and physical illnesses, including headaches, muscle spasms, chronic pain and general or situation-specific anxiety.

Progressive muscle relaxation

At the heart of this technique, which was developed by American physiologist Edmund Jacobson, is the premise that the body responds to anxiety-provoking thoughts and situations with muscle tension. This physiological or bodily tension is reduced by muscular relaxation, which thereby reduces anxiety. Here is the modified version of Jacobson's technique in four steps, which can be easily practiced at home: 1. Fold your hands into tight fists. Tighten the biceps and forearms. Hold for a few seconds. Release the tension and relax. Repeat.

2. Wrinkle your forehead. At the same time, push your head as far back as possible. Roll it towards the right and then towards the left, then bring it back. Now tense all your facial muscles, press your eyes hard, wrinkle your forehead, tighten your jaws, tongue pressing the roof of the mouth. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then Repeat. 3. Arch back as you take a deep breath. Hold. Relax. Take a deep breath, pressing out your stomach. Hold. Relax. Repeat. relax.

4, Pull your feet and toes up towards your face. Hold. Relax. Now push your feet and toes down, tightening the calves, thighs and buttocks. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat. Keep lying down for a few minutes. Continue to take deep breaths. Now tell yourself: "When I get up, I will be fresh and alert." Count from 1 to 3 and 3 to 1. Open your eyes". Turn and roll towards one side. Keep lying, down for a few minutes, then slowly get up. For achieving quick deep muscle relaxation, whole muscle groups are tensed and relaxed. Each step is to be repeated twice, tensing each muscle group for 5 to 7 seconds and then relaxing it for 20 to 30 seconds. Remember to observe the contrast between the sensations of tension and relaxation This exercise should be practiced twice a day while sitting in a comfortable chair with a high back, or lying down on a flat surface on a thin mattress. Avoid tight clothing. You can listen to some soothing background music to enhance the feeling of relaxation.

Do not, however, do this exercise immediately before or after a heavy meal. Ideally speaking, it should be learnt under the guidance of a trained professional. It is a take-home therapy that should become a part of your daily routine. Consistent practice of this technique has helped in the treatment of muscular tension, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, irritable bowels, muscle spasms, neck and back pain, high blood pressure, mild phobias and stuttering & is being practiced by celebrities like SRK & Big B (reported in Bombay times that when they go for shot they use to rehearse some of these steps and no one is allowed to disturb them in between)

And how can we forget the role of laughter in reducing stress? Remember, a chuckle a day, more than an apple, keeps the doctor away.

1. Try to spend as much time as possible with cheerful people. 2. Try not to always take yourself too seriously. 3. Keep a collection of your favorite funny books and videocassettes.

What Laughter Can Do Against Stress And Its Effects? 1. Laughter lowers blood pressure and reduces hypertension. 2. It provides good cardiac conditioning especially for those who are unable to perform physical exercise. 3. Laughter cleanses the lungs and body tissues of accumulated stale air as it empties more air than it takes in. It is beneficial for patients suffering from respiratory ailments. 4. It increases muscle flexion, relaxation and fluent blood circulation in body. Produces a general sense of well-being. Thus now-a-days many actors are indulging themselves into different comedy programs.

How can stress be eliminated? As it is seen, positive stress adds anticipation and excitement to life, and everybody thrives under a certain amount of stress. Deadlines, competitions, and even frustrations and sorrows add depth and enrichment to people's lives are part & parcel of celebrities life. One's goal should not be to eliminate stress but to learn how to manage it and how to use it to help better. Insufficient stress acts as a depressant and may leave a person feeling bored or dejected; on the other hand, excessive stress may leave us feeling "tied up in knots." What needs to be done is to find the optimal level of stress which will individually motivate but not overwhelm everyone. How Can the optimal level of stress be identified by an individual? There is no single level of stress that is optimal for all celebrities. Every celebrity has

unique requirements. As such, what is distressing to one may be a joy to another. And even when it is agreed that a particular event is distressing, different celebrities are likely to differ in their physiological and psychological responses to it. Also, personal stress requirements and the amount which a person can tolerate before he/she becomes distressed changes with his/her ages. It has been found that most illness in celebrities is related to unrelieved stress. If somebody is experiencing stress symptoms, that person has gone beyond the optimal stress level; that person needs to reduce the stress in his/her life and/or improve his/her ability to manage it. How can we manage Stress Better? Identifying unrelieved stress and being aware of its effect on their lives is not sufficient for reducing its harmful effects. Just as there are many sources of stress, there are many possibilities for its management. However, all require work toward change: changing the source of stress and/or changing our reaction to it. How to proceed? 1. Become aware of stressors and emotional, physical reactions. 1. Notice distress. Don't ignore it. Don't gloss over the problems.

2. Determine what events distressed you. What are you telling yourself about meaning of these events? 3. Determine how your body responds to the stress. Do you become nervous or physically upset? If so, in what specific ways? 2. Recognize what you can change. 1. Can you change your stressors by avoiding or eliminating them completely? 2. Can you reduce their intensity (manage them over a period of time instead of on a daily or weekly basis)?

3. Can you shorten your exposure to stress (take a break, leave the physical premises)? 4. Can you devote the time and energy necessary to making a change (goal setting, time management techniques, and delayed gratification strategies may be helpful here)? 3. Reduce the intensity of your emotional reactions to stress. 1. The stress reaction is triggered by your perception of danger...physical danger and/or emotional danger. Are you viewing your stressors in exaggerated terms and/or taking a difficult situation and making it a disaster? 2. Are you expecting to please everyone? 3. Are you overreacting and viewing things as absolutely critical and urgent? Do you feel you must always prevail in every situation? 4. Work at adopting more moderate views; try to see the stress as something you can cope with rather than something that overpowers you. Try to temper your excess emotions. Put the situation in perspective. Do not labor on the negative aspects and the "what ifs." 4. Learn to moderate your physical reactions to stress. 1. Slow, deep breathing will bring your heart rate and respiration back to normal. 2. Relaxation techniques can reduce muscle tension. Electronic biofeedback can help you gain voluntary control over such things as muscle tension, heart rate, and blood pressure. 3. Medications, when prescribed by a physician, can help in the short term in moderating your physical reactions. However, they alone are not the answer. Learning to moderate these reactions on your own is a preferable long-term solution. 5. Build your physical reserves. 1. Exercise for cardiovascular fitness three to four times a week (moderate, prolonged

rhythmic exercise is best, such as walking, swimming, cycling, or jogging). 2. Eat well-balanced, nutritious meals. 3. Maintain your ideal weight. 4. Avoid nicotine, excessive caffeine, and other stimulants. 5. Mix leisure with work. Take breaks and get away when you can. Get enough sleep. Be as consistent with your sleep schedule as possible. 6. Maintain your emotional reserves. 1. Develop some mutually supportive friendships/relationships. 2. Pursue realistic goals, which are meaningful to you, rather than goals others have for you that you do not share. 3. Expect some frustrations, failures, and sorrows. 4. Always be kind and gentle with yourself -- be a friend to yourself To manage the stress in your life, experts offer several strategies: Four types of regular exercise are recommended. Meditation, imagery or breathing exercises allow an individual to relax mentally and physically. Various massage techniques can promote relaxation, improve circulation and relieve tension. Massages benefit both emotional and physical health. Commit to making physical exercise a part of your daily routine, find a noncompetitive partner, have fun and change your routine to keep it interesting. Stress management consultant Loretta LaRouche recommends taking time to find humor in every day life. One of her suggestions is to start a humor box. Fill it with silly guises, cartoons, funny stories and/or favorite humorous videos. Go to this box when you are feeling stressed.

Practicing healthy eating habits can reduce stress. Plan meals based on USDA's Food Pyramid.

Maintain balance: find time for work and play.

Stress is a fact of life.

The best way to confront this fact is through management.


Everyone has stress in their lives. Stress can range from mild to severe. If we let the stress build up without doing anything to relax, our health can be affected. Headaches, diarrhea and gastric problems can be caused by stress. If it is constant and for a long period of time we are putting our health in danger. Serious problems such as heart problems and diabetes could develop. One way to combat stress is using music therapy. A music therapist views the particular needs of their client. The client and the therapist both are involved in the therapy. Music heightens mental functioning, promotes healing and helps you feel calm and relaxed. It is considered a creative art therapy. Experts propose that it is the rhythm of the music that has a calming effect on us. A therapist encourages the use of different kinds of instruments. One way listening to music can manage the degree of your stress is it relaxes tense muscles. When you feel relaxed, your worries float into the background. If you listen to music that has affirming lyrics you are feeding your brain positive thoughts. This may make music therapy twice as successful. It will surround you with positive energy instead of negative energy. The positive energy should decrease your stress levels. Our energetic system is affected by the tone of music. This causes a physical reaction to certain sounds and frequencies. No one likes the same type of music. Whatever you choose to listen to should make you feel comfortable. Listen to your emotions. Make sure your nerves feels soothed. That way you'll know if it is a positive type of music for your individual taste. Fast paced beats can speed up your heart rate and cause difficulty in relaxing your mind. Slow beats or rhythms will slow down your thoughts and you will naturally relax. There are other ways to listen to music for lessening your stress besides going to a music therapist. Music affects the mood in different situations. If you listen to music when you wake up in the morning, your day might run smoother. When you have a hard day at work, the last thing you probably want to do is to make supper. Put on your favorite

music and cooking may seem like a breeze. Taking a walk and listening

to music with nature sounds or sounds of the sea can be extremely calming. Slow tones will cause relaxation and is great to hear right before bedtime. Illness can cause severe stress. Listening to music together with whatever treatment you are receiving can have a strong healing effect on your body. It can also cause your endorphins to raise in your brain. Endorphins are natural painkillers. Serotonin is a chemical that transmits the nerve signals between nerve cells. If your serotonin levels are to low, you may become depressed. Depression can make the stress in your life seem a lot worse. Music may raise your serotonin levels and lift your depression and stress anxiety.

Music therapy has caught on in recent times for its power to relax and relieve stress. It is a convenient and easy way to relax as you can listen to music while continuing with your regular routine. It can serve as a wonderful and pleasurable backdrop to your daily functions. The new found benefits of music are that it can be a therapy to calm and heal people suffering from various illnesses. Research has proved that music can have a very good effect on your mind and soul. People suffering from depression, cancer, tension and stress can find a healing by listening to music. Different types of music has different effects on our brains, a hard beat can increase the brain activity and improve concentration and alertness. A slow tempo can calm you after a hard day and help you relax your mind. Even after you have stopped listening, your brain will still be in tune with the music for a long time. Your heartbeat and breathing can also be affected by music depending on the type and volume of music that is being played. Music can lift your mood and a depressive and negative state of mind can be instantly altered with good music. Listening to good music can have a positive effect on a person and make him optimistic to his circumstances. By relieving your tensions it can regulate your blood pressure thereby increasing your immunity levels and give you a healthy life. Listening to music before you go to sleep can calm you down help you sleep better. It is recommended for patients suffering from insomnia. There are many different kinds of music and you should choose to listen to one that helps relieve your stress. Low volume is recommended for stress relief especially instrumental which is melodious and which can make you flow with the tune and away from your worries. if you are a musician playing your favorite instrument can be the best form of relaxation. it can soothe you and give you peace playing and listening to your favorite tune. Music can also inspire, calm and build up your excitement all at the same time and it is certainly one of the amazing pleasures in life. You can always find the type of music you like to listen to be it jazz or instrumental or rock or ballads or just plain classics.

When listening to music your nerves are calmed down and your breathing is steady and deeper. This increases the oxygen intake to the body that energizes you and also increases the production of serotonin in the brain which can stabilize your moods as well. Music has the power to take you back in time to when you first listened to a song. It is more than just songs, music can help us overcome challenges that we face in life by energizing us physically and mentally. Music can inspire you and touch your heart deep within, some melodies can even move you to tears or make you smile.


Select Appropriate Music Most of us choose music that we "like" but will this give us the best results? In fact, often the music we are least attracted to will have the greatest benefit (when played in the right sequence). Let's say you are very angry. So your first instinct is to put on some really angry music. Does it really help, or does it kind of perpetuate how you feel? Yet, on the other hand if you play some light and happy music, by comparison to how you are currently feeling, it will probably make you feel angrier! As you see, selecting music is not a simple one-shot process.

Consider Music Sequencing.

Sometimes it is necessary to first choose music that totally matches your current mood rather than the mood you wish to acquire. Consider arranging a series of different musical compositions in sequence that are customized just for your needs. For example, if you are dealing with depression, select a composition which represents depression in its extreme form, to you. Follow this with one that is only mildly depressing. Then select a neutral composition, and end with a composition which is clearly uplifting and motivating. Listening to music in a sequence like this allows for your current stress level or mood to be first honored and then to be gradually transformed. Speakers Are Ideal. It is ideal to listen to the music through speakers rather than headphones so that the cells of the body themselves may "listen" to the sound. Prepare Yourself to Listen. Take off your shoes. Stand relaxed, sit or lie down and breath

Listen All the Way Through.

It is preferable to listen to the musical composition all the way through, without interruption. This allows for the optimum response to the transformation process. Foreground, Not Background. We all have the tendency to use music for the background of other activities. Try developing the technique of just listening to the music, not doing anything else. This way, you will get the best benefit. Your Response is What is Important. It is through your response that the emotional/cellular memory may be released. Do not think that you have to just stay still and concentrate on the music! In fact, if the music inspires you to get up and do something or your mind begins to wander, allow, allow, allow! Allow all responses without judgment. On the other hand, do not begin listening to the music while you are already doing other unrelated activities. The important thing is to let the music embrace you totally. Listen Actively, Not Passively. Allow the music to reach your inner feeling, and respond freely to it. Everyone has a different manner of expression. You may experience visual images, thoughts, movement, an intensification of emotion, physical vibrations, sleep, or nothing at all. Observe Mind Body Connection. A lot of research has been done recently showing that there is a definite connection between the mind and the body. (Actually this refers to the emotions too but it sounds succinct to say "mind/body.") Even though music healing is often related to relaxation and emotional issues, there is the likelihood that this indirectly could have a benefit on physical illnesses as well. Enjoy the Silence! When the music stops, it is suggested that you bask in the silence for many moments. This will help integrate the feelings.


Have you ever noticed that when your spirits are a little low, and you hear an uplifting song- you become instantly elevated? Now, that's sound healing. Rhythm and the pitch of music affect the limbic system, the center of emotions in the brain. The healing power of sound has been revered for thousands of years. It has an exceptional way of nourishing the soul.

How can you harness the healing powers of sound and music for yourself? Listening to certain sounds has the power to open up our subconscious mind, slow our heart rate, our breathing, and transport us into a relaxed state. Sound is widely becoming recognized as a valuable tool for health and healing. Everything in our body vibrates at a distinct frequency. Our atoms, molecules, cells, glands, and organs all have a vibrational frequency. Since our bodies are 70% water, and not solid, they are a great conductor for sound healing. Don Campbell in his book The Mozart Effect, shows how music can improve a variety of ailments from depression to cancer. Music is widely used to help with pain from dental treatments and surgical operations. A sound that is harmonious projected on a person who is in a state of disharmony will bring that person back to balance. Their body will start to respond and resonate at a harmonious frequency.

The sound and rhythm of the drumbeat has the power to raise our consciousness. Drumbeats help heal old unresolved traumas, release stress and move us into a place of deep healing. Drumming has started to have many healing applications from treating substance abuse issues to Alzheimer's patients. The drum has a way of reconnecting us to the very essence of who we are. Science supports that sound can be used as a vehicle to shift brainwave states. The different states are: 1. Beta - regular waking states 2. Alpha - occur when we daydream meditate or under hypnosis 3. Theta - deep sleep, very deep states of hypnosis 4. Delta - deep sleep meditation and healing

Certain frequencies can entrain the brain to create the most effective state for healing. When our brainwave states are shifted, we are more apt to be responsive to hypnotic suggestion. With the combination of music therapy and hypnosis, it is possible to fire new neural networks in the brain to pave the way for change. In his book The Music of Life, Hazrat Inayat Khan describes this phenomenon quite beautifully " What the world is seeking, what the human soul yearns for, is life, whether it comes through music, color, lines or words. What everyone desires is life. It is life that is the real source of healing; music can heal if life is put into it. There is no great secret about this, if only a person is able to understand the truth in its simplicity."


Music can do wonder and alleviate bodily pains as well as mental stress. You can feel the comfort while listening to the beautiful and smoothing music. Music has a great power to heal and the charm of music itself is so soothing that people who are stressed out can get rid of all their pains by listening to some light music. Even when you are tired, you can listen to some light music to get rid of your tiredness.

Example from Bible: From the ancient times we all know how music played its role to alleviate the pains of people. For example the Bible, David played his harp in order to alleviate the pains of King Saul. Some of the best

recommendations from the doctors are the following: Play music and sing songs: Play the music and sing along with it. It works like magic in the worst of time. Even if you can't play any instrument, you can listen to music and sing softly with it. It also works while you are stressed out. Psychological response: According to popular research, music produces in the physiological response system and many psychological patients revived their senses after listening to the music. Music pertaining to loud drum beats was extremely soothing. So were the flute music in place of soothing Mediterranean and Celtic Music.

Biological synchronization: Whenever the proper sounds were experienced by the listener, amazing right/left brain hemisphere synchronization occurred. Thus it has been observed that the entire human energetic system is extremely influenced by sounds, the physical body and energy stores react specifically to some specific tones and frequencies. Deep breathing; music during dental procedure: Another important stress control devise is deep breathing. in this method, the production of serotonin in the body accelerates. Music also relieves the pain which was caused during dental procedures.

Reduce heart rate and increase body temperature: Sometimes we can hear the music while we are working. This is also extremely beneficial since it helps to promote higher temperature of the body and also to reduce the heart



Ragas are sometimes defined as melody types. The raga system is a method of organizing tunes based on certain natural principles. Tunes in the same raga use the same (nominal) swaras in various combinations and with practice, the listener can pick up the similarity. Each raga has a swaroopam (a musical form or image) that is defined by the swaras used, the gamakas given to these swaras, the sequence in which the swaras occur etc. This definition is termed as the raga lakshanam. (The magazine Sruthi usually contains a discussion of ragalakshanam of one or two ragas in each issue). Raga lakshanam usually contains the arohanam, avarohanam, details of raga chaya swaras (the swaras which are chiefly responsible for the characteristic melody of the raga), gamakas, characteristic swara phrases and general usage notes. It is intended more for the performer than for the listener. We shall first define arohanam and avarohanam. Arohanam is the sequence of swaras used in a raga in the ascending passages i.e. as the pitch goes up. Avarohanam is the sequence of swaras to be used in descent. The arohanam and avarohanam (or the scale) of a raga provide only a skeletal outline upon which the rest of the raga is formed. Ragas are not simply abstract collections of swaras that occur together to produce a tune. Each raga has a distinct image or swaroopam and it is this which defines a raga. Arbitrary selection of a set of swaras is unlikely to produce a distinct raga swaroopam and this is the reason for attributing the foundations of the raga system to nature. The ragas that we know of are the products of centuries of experimentation. Each ragam has associated with it a feeling that it induces in the listener and the performer. Hours of dedicated practice with a single raga (Saathakam) results in the realization of the raga swaroopa on the part of the performer and this is often referred to as obtaining a Dharshan of that particular raga. The unfortunate consequence of this is that various performers have slightly different mental concepts of a single raga and this is manifest in their music. But the good part is that it adds a tremendous variety to the music. This is also the reason why Carnatic music (performance) can never really be learnt from a book but needs a Guru who can portray the raga swaroopam in such a manner that the pupil can pick it up. From the viewpoint of the listener, a realization of the raga swaroopam means that some of the qualities of the music can be anticipated and this contributes greatly to listening pleasure.

Ragas fall into two types, the base or melakarta ragas and the derived or janya ragas. Melakarta ragas have a formal structure and follow a fairly rigid scheme of scientific organization whereas the janya ragas are rooted in usage and are liable to evolve with the music. In fact many janya ragas change their character over time. Janya ragas are derived from the melakarta ragas through various means as described subsequently. Melakarta ragas are identified by the fact that they use all seven swaras and the arohanam and avarohanam are always Sa-Ri-Ga-Ma-Pa-Da-Ni-Sa and Sa-Ni-Da-Pa-Ma-Ga-Ri-Sa. This type of arohanam and avarohanam is denoted by the term sampoornam, indicating completeness. The existence of multiple swara sthanas for Ri, Ga, Ma, Da and Ni implies that by collecting combinations of these, we can form a system of melakartas. This concept will be developed in the succeeding section. Any raga that does not belong to the melakarta system is a janya raga. Janya ragas are characterized by missing notes in the arohanam and/or avarohanam (eg. Sa-Ri-Ga-Pa-Da-Sa), the use of twisted progressions (eg. Sa-Ga-Ri-Ma-Pa-Da-Ni-Sa) etc. Janya ragas and their classifications will be described subsequently. The definition of melakarta given above is a currently accepted one. In the past, melakartas have been defined in other ways, sometimes incompatible with the sampoornam characteristic. The present system is mathematically much more elegant and that appears to be one of the reasons for its wide spread acceptance and use in the past few centuries.


Enhance concentration and memory Music enhances one's concentration and also improves memory. Researchers have found that the silence between the two musical notes triggers the brain cells and stimulates the neurons, which are in turn responsible for a sharper memory. Many factors such as stress and genetic inheritance may lead to neuro-electrolyte imbalance in the brain, hence disturbing the concentration and the memory. Music for you Listen to Rag Bhut. Instruments such as the flute, sarod and the santoor are

recommended. Overcome Depression Depression reduces brain activity and affects the mind's ability to plan a specific task. It may also be referred to as an extreme version of `feeling low' and sad. The chemical reason responsible for such a feeling is the lack of serotonin in the brain. The soothing notes boost the serotonin levels in the brain. It helps you concentrate better at tasks and helps ease depression. Music for you In the evening (around 6 pm), listen to Rag Patadeep, Rag Shankara. At night, Rag Basant, Rag Sohoni (played by Pandit Ravi Shankar) Overcome Anxiety
Anxiety is often associated with an upcoming unfamiliar event or maybe an unknown

outcome. It may also be associated with sleeplessness due to many reasons. Music plays a vital role in this case as it calms the nerves and hence, induces sleep in the brain cells. Classical music has two kinds of notes - natural note (shuddh swar) and flat note (komal swar). Flat notes induce sleep in the brain while the natural notes provide alertness. Music for you Listen to Rag Darbari or Rag Bhairavi (by Pandit Ravi Shankar) in the night. For the Heart Everyday stress and irregular eating habits directly have an adverse impact on the body, and most importantly, on the heart. It's been proved that music improves cardiovascular health. The functioning of the heart depends on the number of beats per second. Music vibrations regulate the heart's rhythm. Moreover, the vibrations also have a toning impact on the heart muscles, which is even more beneficial for overall cardiovascular health. Music for you

Any smoothing ragas such as Raga Malkauns (played by Pandit Ravi Shankar Bhairavi), Raga Chandrakauns (played by Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia) to be heard from 10 pm onwards to midnight. During Pregnancy Even before the baby is born, he/she can experience the benefits of music therapy. A pleasant sound is imbibed with positive vibrations. It's all based on the ancient Indian philosophy of sanskar. For example, if you murmur sweet words to the foetus, it feels good and vice versa. Hence, pregnant women are advised to listen to soothing and melodious music, by which the calming effect is transferred to the baby as well. Any soothing raga can achieve this. Music for you Listen to Rag Kafi (played by Ustad Ali Akbar Khan) in the evening, Rag Bhagyashree (played by Pandit Nikhil Baneerjee) in the night.

Enhance Creativity Not everyone has an in-born creative talent. It can be honed and developed as well. Music plays a crucial role in developing one's creative side, especially among the young. Music works on the right part of the brain which is responsible for one's creativity. The stimulation that the music ragas provide is known to activate all seven chakras of the body and help the listener when performing other creative tasks. Music for you Listen to Rag Yaman (king of all ragas) played by Ustad Vilayat Khan after sunset till 10 pm. Reducing Pain, Aid Healing In a noteworthy experiment performed by US researchers, one group was asked to soak their hands in ice cold water as they heard a singer, without music. The second group was asked to follow the same. However, only this time, the song was accompanied with

music. It was found that the second group was able to bear the sting for a longer period. The underlying corollary of similar researches being that music diverts our mind, due to which we experience less pain. Music also helps secrete endorphins that help faster healing. As a result, patients after surgery are often made to listen to music to aid their recovery.

music therapy is based on the associative and cognitive powers of the mind. Sound creates certain vibrations which are picked up and amplified by the human ear. These waves are then picked up by the sensory nerve going into the middle of the brain and redistributed throughout the neuron network to other parts of the brain to distinguish the pitch, tone, and frequency of that sound. Music, like some other alternative therapies, must work through the mind. The chanting of certain mantras or choir chants create vibrations within the vocal cords, which move deeper through the whole body. These vibrations must be felt in totality for them to have any effect. Hence meditation techniques, whether they are eastern or western, always use chants or music. Studies show that music helps to increase the serotonin and growth hormone levels as well as decrease the ACTH or stress hormones. Music can transport people from a Beta (waking) brain state to Alpha (deep meditative) brain state while remaining awake. Music Helps Music therapy helped in treating many people with problems like dementia, dyslexia and trauma. Many children with learning disability and poor coordination have been able to learn respond to set pieces of music. Heart ailments, high or low blood pressure and respiratory problems are disorders brought about by physical disharmony. Music restores harmony and thus health. Music is a powerful aid to meditation. Music helps people get into certain mood. Resonate with the listener's feelings. Transform the negative into the positive. Promote a state of liveliness or serenity.

Sensory stimulus that can work simultaneously on the body, mind, and spirit. Take the attention away from an unpleasant or unwanted situation. Reduce anxiety and pain. Used to affect physiological changes such as lowering of blood pressure, heart rate, lessening muscle tension, decreasing ACTH (stress hormones), and relieving nausea. Anxiety and stress reduction. Non-pharmacological management of pain and discomfort. Positive changes in mood and emotional states. Active and positive patient participation in treatment. Emotional intimacy with families and caregivers. Relaxation for the entire family. Meaningful time spent together in a positive, creative way.

"Music is there in the cycles of the seasons, in the migrations of the birds and animals, in the fruiting and withering of plants, and in the birth,

maturation and death of ourselves."

Stress and anxiety are two very common problems in today's society. When left untreated, these problems can magnify into worse scenarios. Stress can cause diabetes or heart problems if we constantly feel stressed and not do anything about it. Music therapy is known to get rid of stress and many other health related problems. Music therapy uses music to heal different mental and physical problems. A music therapist first understands the needs of the client and then work on the patient accordingly. Therapy has shown that it can increase the rate at which you function mentally. Not only will this accelerate your healing, but it will cause you to be calm in nature and in being. The best way to allow your fears to slide away, is through the use of music. Music has a soothing effect, which will help you reach your goals in time. Just relax during your sessions and watch yourself progress steadily. Lyrics are another major component of any therapy session. The more positive the lyrics are, if there are any at all, the more positive your outlook on life will be. Listening to music will help you succeed. The system that is responsible for our activeness and energetic level is strongly influenced by the music tone. A physical connection is established with sounds and frequencies. Let your emotions rule your therapy sessions. If you feel relaxed with a particular style of music, continue on with that style of music. If you feel agitated, then it would be best to seek another style of music. When listening to your favorite music you should make sure that that your nerves feels relaxed and at ease. Also, you should listen to music with positive lyrics. It is also said that if you listen to fast music it will increase your heart rate and can cause problems when trying to relax.

Relaxing by yourself while listening to music at home, is a great way to reduce stress on a day-to-day basis. Anyone can do this on their own and all it takes is a little bit of practice. Try laying still for 10-15 minutes a day, while listening to mellow music. Music therapy is used alongside traditional medical treatments. If you are undergoing other treatments, take the time to ask about music therapy


At the far end of this piece, we wouldn't labor the point as to which strategies a reader should use. The choice is yours. And if making choices is a stressful activity for you, learn to view things backwards. Remember: STRESSED spelt backwards is DESSERTS! Happy distressing! Stress is a word that is bandied around frequently these days. Every one seems to have it. Whereas at one time, only executives and office workers had exclusive rights to stress, nowadays even housewives and students have laid claim to it, making it a universal complaint which cuts across all genders, ages and socio-economic levels. Many companies now hold stress management workshops and seminars for their employees. But making stress busting techniques available to every one is Bension Jacob and his wife Sinora, who have not only launched a website, but are also planning to introduce a CD-ROM on stress management this month. So you can either access their site at www.aumstress. com or pick up a CD which they have aptly named 'Stress Nil'.

Says Jacob, a senior marketing manager with multinational firm, "After working 22 years in industry, I realised the negative fall-out of stress at the work place,which leads to reduced productivity, burnout, absenteeism and poor morale - all of which prove costly to the industry.

Having been a keen student of yoga for the past 30 years, I conceived this idea of coming up with simple techniques for managing stress and leading fuller and happier life. Studies have proved that too much stress can even lead to death. The Japanese have a word for it - `karoshi'- which literally means death from overwork." Both the site and CD-ROM are easy to follow (no stress here, at least). Jacob first diagnoses symptoms of stress. Do you have frequent anxiety attacks, get irritated easily and feel lonely? If you've answered yes, chances are that are you are under stress. He also lists stress under various headings such as acute, chronic and extreme. While extensive supervision,

groupism and politics can cause chronic stress in the workplace, even simple things like the telephone or doorbell ringing at midnight can trigger off an acute stress attack, while on the home front an unmanageable spouse, too little income chasing too many outgoings and even family atmosphere can cause stress. While long term stress can lead to fatigue, ill health and breakdown, the site also points out that there is something called an optimum stress level, which enhances performance. A few simple stress busters are made available.To name a few, for those who suffer from anxiety, writing a journal can help.Reading will reduce irritability. Doing one thing at a time can improve concentration, while talking to a friend or counsellor can reduce mental confusion. Meditation and prayers are excellent antidotes for frustration or anger and muscle tension can be relieved by exercising. While yoga can cure back pain, a hot bath is best for insomnia. For those with a high blood pressure, it would help to make a list of priorities. The couple also address myths about stress. One is that stress is everywhere and you can't do anything about it. On the contrary, Jacob points out that stress is a natural reaction to competition and demands made on an individual, and while there are no universal techniques tailored to suit every individual, managed stress can make us productive and happy. The crucial step according to him, is the individual's perception and assessment of the environment.

"If you can't change the source of stress, then change the reaction to it. Become aware of the stressors and your emotional and physical reaction to them. Don't ignore or gloss over how your body responds to them. Recognise what you can change in order to eliminate, reduce or shorten stressors. Build family reserves, exercise, eat well-balanced meals, sleep and keep some leisure hours to yourself. Expect some frustrations in life. Having a mutually supportive friend is very good. When you are really stressed out, try slow and deep breathing." And since laughter has always been considered to be the best medicine, Stress Nil also provides quite a few laughs.While the chanting of 'Aum' has for ages been a solution to many problems, Aum Stress Management is planning to make it

the new age mantra. It is said that life acts and you react. Our attitude is our reaction to what life hands out to us. "Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. I am convinced that life is 10 per cent what happens to me and 90 per cent how I react to it. And so it is with you...

Music is one of the most powerful tools for changing brain chemistry. It alters our chemistry instantly, with no known negative side effects. If chosen well, music can be medicine for the mind and soul .

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