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Problem Books in Mathematic Series Editor: PR. Halmos UasoWved Probie in Intitve Mathematics, Volume ‘Unsolved Problems in Number Theory by Richard K. Guy 1981 i, 161 pages. 17s ‘Theorems and Problems i Functional Anatais bya Kilov and.A.D. Grishin rans, Harold H. MeFaden) 1980, ix, 347 pags. 6s, Problems in Analysis by Bernard Gelbaun 1982, wii 228 pages. 9 Bus. ‘A Probie Seminar bby Donald J. Newman 1982. i 3 pages. Problem-Solving Trough Problems by Loren C. Larzon 1983 a, 344 pages. 108s. Loren C. Larson Problem-Solving Through Problems ‘With 106 Mhustraions Springer-Verlag g| New York Berlin Heidelberg Tokyo Loren C. Larson Depatneat of Mahemats SO Calle None MN 5057 Editor Pau! R. Halo Browne aes loomingion «705 Usa ‘ANS Clasifietion (981) ATT Library of Congest Cate in Pblaion Data robien song Doig problems (roben bo in athena) 1 Mathemater “Problems eer, 2: Poblem song Tale Tl See QABLs7 I so e296 (© 198 by Springer Vein New Yor Ts [Al ght served. No pr of Bis ook may be insted 0 rereded in ay form wioat writen person from Spring Vera, 175 Fith Avene, Now York New You ied USA. “Typeset by Compare SPs Minesot. fumed and bound ty RR. Dooney & Sons Harsonure Vin. ISBN 0947-9003. Springeverg New Yok Han Heiberg Tokyo ISHN 3300-9000.% SprngeVerkg. arin Heselbeg New Yor Tekno To Elizabeth Preface ‘The purpose of this book i to ote and draw atienlon to the most important problem-solving tecnigusstyally encountered in unde gad ste mathematics and to ilsate ther wee by interesting examples sad problems not eauly found in ther soures Exch section features single ‘den, the power and versatility of which demonseed in the exanpes and veinforeed in the probes. The bock serve att tdycton nd ‘uid to the problems lvrature (eg, as found inthe problems sections of Undergraduate mathematics journals) and as an easily asoeted reference a ‘wont owleige for students and aches of mathematics The book is both an anthology of problems ands manual of instruction, Te consis over 700 problems, over onethird of which are worked i etal Each problem i choven for is natal appeal and bea, bat primary for ts unique challenge, Each inludod wo provide the context for istrating 4 given problemolving method. Tae aim thoughout isto skow how 8 ‘asc set of spe techriqus can be applied in diverse was to soe an enormous variety of problems Whenever posse problems ain secs fare chosen to cut across expeced coeee boundaries and to thereby ‘soengen he evidence tat a single intuition s capable of broad applic toa. Fach section concludes with "Additional Examples” hat post 1 otter contexts where the lecniqae is appropriate ‘The book is writen at the upper undergraduate level. 1 asumes a raimentay knowledge of combiastonc, umber theory, aches, snaps sand geometry. Much of the content aceesble to stents ih ly 2 year f calesus, anda saable proportion doer not even requ Ge onever, mat of the problems ate at's Teel shighily beyond the usual contents of textbooks. Tas, the materal is wpecily appropri for ‘students preparing fr mathematical ompestons”

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