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B Level Audit of Cement Ball Mill Systems

HGRS /Mechanical Process Technology/OR

MPT 03/14949/E PT-Dok. B7.1.3-1

The copyright for this document and all appendices are reserved by Holcim Group Support Ltd


1. 2. 3. 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 4.

WHAT IS A "B" LEVEL AUDIT? "B" LEVEL AUDIT TARGETS GATHERING OF THE DESIGN AND OPERATING INFORMATION Starting point for a "B" level Audit Product requirement Conditions prior and during a "B" level Audit (fig. 3) Logical realisation order Design information from main machines Control Room: Mill Control System & Strategy, Operation Data & Trends Circuit Visual Inspection Energy Measurements Electrical energy consumption Fuel consumption Circuit: Material Measurements & Sampling Material throughput Liquids consumptions Material sampling Circuit: Mill Ventilation Measurements Circuit: Separator Air Measurement Mill: Material Sampling Mill Visual Inspection Mill: Ball Sampling Separator: Visual Inspection Fans: Visual Inspection DATA COMPILATION

3 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18



WHAT IS A "B" LEVEL AUDIT? The performance evolution with the time of a grinding system can be followed by way of the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) For sure the analysis of these data can lead to the identification of some of the possible improvement potentials for the grinding system operation (see "A" level Audit Document). But to be able to identify the actual situation of the grinding system ("is state") and the concrete actions that will allow reaching the targeted operating conditions ("should state") deeper a more detailed analysis is necessary. The "B" level audit is a in depth "snapshot" (fig. 1) of a grinding system aimed to gather all the required information to: Identify short & medium term optimization actions Define the necessary additional investigations and/or tests for medium & long term improvement The "B" level Audit consists of the following steps: Gathering of the required information Each cement type (different mill fresh feed composition and target fineness) has a mill system operating point (throughput, mill motor absorbed power, etc.). This operating point is influenced, and/or limited, by the design values of the different machines that compose the grinding system. Determining the operating point and comparing it with the design values of the main machines in the grinding circuit is the first step. Standard representation of the operating conditions The gathered raw operation data have to be further compiled in standard performance documents for future interpretation and comparison. Circuit performance evaluation Mill motor and system specific energy consumption related to cement fineness Hourly production related to mill feed characteristics and cement fineness Cooling / Drying capacity (product temperature/residual moisture) Separator efficiency Mill control behavior and mill stability Mechanical weak points list Dedusting system efficiency Conclusions and proposals Based on the weak points found and each process case, conclusions can be drawn and proposals made. The present document handles the"gathering of information" and its "standard representation".



"B" LEVEL AUDIT TARGETS The "B" level Audit is a way to (fig. 2): Estimate the saving potential on mill system specific energy consumption Savings potential can be estimated based on the observed grinding system operating conditions and/or in benchmarking with other systems grinding the same cement components or with a laboratory grindability test. Identify reasons why there is insufficient mill performance Constant deterioration of mill performance Constant performance but below nominal Fluctuations in performance Cement components physical characteristics have a paramount influence in mill performance but are not the only possible explanation for one of the above mentioned performance disturbances. A grinding system is a complicated succession of interrelated processes and at least one of them might have become the performance bottleneck. Not acceptable product quality For given cement components the operation of the grinding system has an influence in the cement quality. Not optimal circuit operation can lead to the quality problems, as for example: Extreme fineness standard deviations Inadequate fineness Cement strength development not according to specifications Cement temperature too high Changes in the products range Prior to launching a new cement type into production or deciding important modification in the use of MIC (slag, puzolana, fly ash, etc.) in the actual range of products a "B level Audit" should be done. A ball mill can only be optimized for one product type and, therefore, minimal operating cost will only result from the best compromise based on the product range. Adding, replacing and/or modifying a cement type can brake this compromise making it worth evaluating the impact of such a change prior to realizing it. Grinding capacity increase to satisfy market requirements or logistic strategy. Experience shows that often a capacity increase of some 5 - 15 [%] can be achieved with the existing machines. Higher increases will need to justify CAPEX investment for replacement of existing equipment. With a "B" level Audit the CAPEX can be reduced to the strict necessary, and in some special cases, even avoided. Routine performance test The performance test should be carried out on a regular basis (at least once per year) to allow: Routine "health check" of the grinding systems Preventive process efficiency evaluation



3.1 3.1.1

Starting point for a "B" level Audit Product requirement Each production facility has to produce a range of product adjusted to the market demand or the company local marketing strategy. Each of these products has its own customers and/or norm requirements to fulfill regarding early and/or late resistances, temperature, etc (annex 1). Based on these requirements and on the audit targets it has to be decided with which cement type(s) the performance test has to be carried out (fig.3): The one with the highest hourly throughput The most produced (if it is not the one with the highest throughput, then also audit the cement type with the highest throughput).


Conditions prior and during a "B" level Audit Prior to the audit Calibration of the grinding system measuring devices as fresh feed weight feeders, electrical counters, water and air flowmeters, etc. is necessary. Conditions during the audit The conclusions from an audit are based on the quality and representativity of the data collected. It is a must to have a stable circuit operation during 6 - 8 hours (if necessary the circuit will be operated manually). Stable circuit operation means material flow stability (mill fresh feed and separator returns).


Logical realisation order See fig. 4 Define the cement type for the audit Gathering of main machines design data Central Control Room visit Circuit visual inspection Field activities Counters reading Sampling Measuring Mill, separator and auxiliaries internal inspection Data compilation, analysis and calculations Conclusions and reporting



Design information from main machines To know the design data of all the main machines in a grinding system is very important because they are setting the frontiers of what can/could be done with our grinding system. The data in annex 2 has to be completed with an up to date grinding system flow sheet (typical example in fig. 5) and some additional data as below indicated: Feeding system Process problems can have their source in the feed bin, for example material segregation, the bin design & capacity has also to be included in the information package. For the feeders the type and weighing range are required. Hot gas generator The heating capacity, the fuel type and gas temperature at the generator outlet. Mill Mill motor reducer nominal power Ball charge composition (see annex 3) indicating the dates of last classification, ball quality and net wear rates for each chamber. Dynamic separator A separator layout general drawing (see annex 4) including cyclones, ducting, filter, etc. giving the main dimensions. Filters For the main filters, mill and separator, indicate the design airflow capacity, filtering surface, number and dimensions of bags, casing main dimensions and a general drawing. Fans For each main fan (at least mill and separator fans) a characteristic curve and rotor main dimensions as well as design rotating speed. Transports For each material transport in the flow sheet (fresh feed belt, mill outlet air slide, separator feed air slide, etc.) the type and its transport design capacity. Control system Short description of the control strategy used, the completed questionnaire of annex 5 and short term trends (less than 6 [h] per screen) of the fresh feed, separator returns, mill and bucket elevator motor, mill outlet temperature covering 2 - 3 days of operation, start/stop sequence and cement quality change.



Control Room: Mill Control System & Strategy, Operation Data & Trends Nowadays most of the cement grinding systems are automatically operated from a Centralized Control Room (CCR). In modern factories the mill circuit's most important operating data are visible on the PLC or DCS control screens (see fig. 6). These systems allow e.g. the evaluation of production parameters by statistics and trends. The following points have to be checked: Automatic Mill Control System Which inputs does the control system use and are they reliable? (e.g. sound measurement, kW or return flows). Do the process values respond adequately to set point changes of feeders and separator speed? Using trends of the process values and the set points, the grinding system response can be determined. Automatic Mill Control Strategy Which control philosophy is used (e.g. PID-control of returns by fresh feed)? Are the action times in accordance to the reaction time of the mill? Response times of the grinding circuit can be measured (for different products!): by making significant changes under stable conditions of one set point by checking time interval until first response and time for stabilization of the circuit. Inappropriate action times and/or action size are the main reasons for cycling! Control Screens With the data on the control screen it is possible to cross - check the field measurements done during the performance test (especially temperature and static pressure, annex 6 & 7). Production parameter trends A production trend analysis of the most important parameters (fresh feed rate, separator returns and cement fineness) is needed to establish if during the performance test the circuit was stable. Unstable operating conditions will make the test less representative or even unusable.

If circuit instability is observed, which can be related to the performance of the automatic mill control system, it is recommended to carry out the performance test in manual operation.



Circuit Visual Inspection The first step of the fieldwork can be undertaken: a visual inspection of the whole circuit (fig. 7). The visual inspection means looking at, listening to and touching, to get a feeling of the circuit friendliness for material, liquids and gas processing and handling. It is a way to identify, at an early stage, possible problems to focus on later or to change some of the sampling and measuring points to an even better position. Some points to pay attention to are: Mill feed system Can the bin design produce a material segregation that causes cyclically mill performance? How full are the feeders? Is the material flow well centered on the belt? Where and how will the material samples be taken? Where and how is grinding aid being dosed? Mill inlet chute Which type is it (drum, step type)? Is there material accumulation? How strong is the air draught? Where is the inlet point of the separator coarse returns? Mill body Where and how is the mill ear positioned? How many inspection doors are there and in which grinding chamber are they? What is the shell drilling pattern? Mill outlet casing Is there any double pendular flap or any other sealing device? Which is the opening - closing sequence? Where is the temperature probe positioned in relation to the logical material flow? Dimensions of the outlet casing? Mill dedusting system Is there a static separator or a cyclone? What are the static separator settings? Are the measuring/sampling points in an optimal position? How is the mill filter duct layout? Which is the mill fan damper position? Is any other equipment dedusted through the mill filter? Fan casing design? Separator system Is there any foreign-bodies trap? Can the separator feed be evenly distributed onto the distribution plate? How does the ducting layout looks like? Are the material outlets equipped with flaps or rotary valves? Is the return cone being drummed by material grains / metallic objects? Fan damper position? Fan casing design? Is the system working in over pressure? Transport, ducting, auxiliary dedusting & sampler Air slide blowers and blowing points? Air slide angles? Is there any air slide in overpressure? How does the material flow in each air slide? Is there any accumulation of coarse material? Do the ducts have material deposition during the operation? Where is the cement sampler positioned? Is there any dedusting point nearby? Where are the sampling points for the audit positioned?


3.5 3.5.1

Energy Measurements Electrical energy consumption The electrical power has to be measured at the available counters or calculated from current intensity measurement for the following equipments (fig.8): Mill motor Mill fan motor Separator rotor motor Recirculation bucket elevator motor Transport bucket elevator motor The whole grinding system If there are no electrical power meters installed, then it is highly recommended to install them for the first two listed comsumers, because calculations based on current are a safety risk (high voltage) and errors occur in the calculation (cos).


Fuel consumption Most installations combine drying and grinding functions and require hot gas. If the hot gas supply is not a waste product (ie: kiln exhaust), then the energy investment must be included. The energy can be measured by: (Mass flow of fuel per unit time) x (Specific energy content of fuel per unit mass) Calculated heat energy per unit of hot gas mass flow per unit time



Circuit: Material Measurements & Sampling The amount and type of material being processed, its fineness, temperature and moisture content after each of the process steps are all key information for the grinding circuit performance evaluation.


Material throughput The circuit hourly throughput is one of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). During a "Performance test" it is necessary to measure this KPI with the indication of the weigh-feeders cross-checked with the readings from the field totalizers for each cement component (see annex 6).


Liquids consumptions The grinding aid dosing and the water injection into the first and/or the second chamber have to be measured and documented.


Material sampling Figure 9 presents a typical example of necessary sampling points for a cement mill system. Taking samples In annex 8 some indications for sampling are given. Samples analysis (fig 10) The following analyses are to be done with the taken samples:
Sample Clinker Gyps Limestone Slag Mill outlet Static separator returns Dynamic separator feed Dynamic separator fines Separator filter dust Dynamic separator returns Mill filter dust Cement
(1) (2) (3)

Sample reference K G L S MO SSR A (*) F (*) (3) SF R (*) MF C (*)

Quantity [kg]

Analysis Cumulated residue on the sieves, for example: 50, 25, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 [mm] Temperature [C] Moisture: [%] H2O [%] Residue on 45 [m] (1) Blaine (2) Laser 0 - 200 [m] - at least for the samples marked with an (*) Temperature [C] (at least MO and R).



The sieve normally used for cement fineness quality control. Only if used for cement quality control. If cyclones duct layout is not arranged symmetrically around the separator it is required to take a sample from each cyclone.

The results from the sample sieving and laser analysis can be plotted on the documents presented on the annexes 9 and 10. Annex 11 is an example separator sample analysis also called Tromp curve.


Circuit: Mill Ventilation Measurements Air and/or hot gas in a grinding circuit are used for drying, cooling, transporting and separating purposes. It is easy to imagine that something wrong with the air/hot gas quantity and/or distribution will have a negative influence on the circuit performance. Measuring Also here good measurements of airflow, static pressure and temperature are critical for the later evaluation (see annex 12 & 13). Mill circuit measuring points As for the material sampling and measurements the air/gas measuring points have to be adapted to the circuit particulars. An example is given in fig. 11 for a grinding circuit equipped with a high efficiency separator with cyclones. Point Hot gas generator: Primary air fan Secondary air fan Fresh air Mill inlet Mill outlet Mill Filter Inlet Mill Filter Outlet Mill Filter Chimney Point reference HGPA HGSA HGFA MI MO MFI MFO MFC Measure Static pressure Temperature Volume Static pressure Temperature

Static pressure Temperature Volume

Is not always possible to find an optimal point for airflow measurements. In this cases the air/gas volume can also be calculated based on the fan characteristic curves (mill filter fan and separator fan). To apply this method the temperature, the static pressures before and after the fan and the fan motor absorbed power are required.



Circuit: Separator Air Measurement Air in the separator is one of the leading parameters of the separating efficiency. For first generation separators, as the ventilator wheel is integrated in the separator casing, is difficult to do air measurements. The following indications are only valid for second and third generation separators. Measuring points The number and location of the measuring points depends on the separator duct layout. See the table below and figure 12 for an example on typical measuring points for a high efficiency separator with cyclones. Point Separator Inlet Volute Point reference SIV Measure Static pressure Temperature Volume Static pressure Temperature

Separator Outlet Cyclones outlet Separator Filter Inlet Separator Filter Outlet

SO (1) CO (1) SFI SFO

If cyclones duct layout is not arranged symmetrically around the separator it is required to do a measurement from each cyclone.

Separator airflow measurement All the points above allow easy static pressure and temperature measurements, but there is almost no separator allowing a good measuring point for airflow. The most interesting point for airflow measurement is the volute inlet where an airspeed mapping can be done (see annex 14). That will allow measuring the air volume and also the air distribution at the separator inlet. The separator airflow measurement has to be cross-checked with the fan characteristics curves, fan pressure increase and fan motor power consumption. For a single pass separator the airflow can be measured at the volute inlet (preferred point) or at the filter chimney (before the air recirculation duct, if any).



Mill: Material Sampling The material fineness evolution all along the mill length allows evaluating the grinding process efficiency. Distance between sampling points along the mill First and last sample in each grinding chamber to be taken 50 [cm] away from the chamber inlet and outlet. This is done so as to reduce the border effects. Other samples Divide the remaining space between first and last samples in segments of equal length (+/- 1 [m]) and sample at each division point. Number of samples per point Each of the points above define a mill cross section. Due to the rotating movement of the mill the material fineness distribution in the ball charge might not be homogeneous along the mill cross section. Therefore, to have a representative sampling it is necessary to take at each point three samples at each mill cross section as indicated on fig.13. Taking the sample To get a representative sample the material has to be sampled below the ball charge surface: Remove balls and material to get a 20 [cm] deep hole on the charge surface (foto 1.1 & 2.1) Take the material 0.5 - 1 [kg] sample from the bottom of each of the created holes (foto 1.2) For small balls, < 30 - 40 [mm], material and balls can be shoveled out together and screened on a 10 [mm] sieve (see photos 2.2 to 2.5). The three samples from each mill cross section can be mixed in one can to get a 1.5 - 3 [kg] sample. Caution: Any coarse material remaining on the above mentioned sieve must be removed by hand and put into the can. Samples analysis (see fig.14, annex 15.1 and 15.2)
Sample First chamber Second chamber Sample reference 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 , Quantity [kg] 1.5 - 3 Analysis Cumulated residue on the sieves, for example: 16, 8, 4, 2, 1. 0.5, 0.2 [mm] (1) Cumulated residue on the sieves, for example: 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2,0.12, 0.09, 0.06 & 0.045 [mm] (1) Blaine Laser (for the passing on 200 [m]) for calculation of the d' and n of the RRS grain size distribution

2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.7

1.5 - 3


Can be others sieves, the target is to cover, at least, the indicated particle size interval


Mill Visual Inspection The state of the tube mill internals (shell liners, diaphragms, etc.), the material level and distribution in the grinding chambers as well as the ball filling degree is important information to complete the mill grinding efficiency evaluation. Material level in the chambers & material agglomeration The material level has to be always measured by comparison with the ball charge surface level, as indicated in the figure 15. If there is any material agglomeration on the balls and/to the liners ("coating") it has to be reported. First chamber liner Its function is to ensure proper activation of the ball charge through lifting. Therefore liner type and its remaining lifting height, measured as indicated on the fig. 15, has to be noted. Intermediate diaphragm The grates slot opening and the diaphragm center opening have to be measured. It has also to be noted if the slots are plugged with metal scraps, clinker, etc. Gaps in between the grates, especially in the first chamber side have to be reported in size and distribution. For adjustable diaphragms note the settings of the material flow-controlling device. Second chamber The liner type (not classifying, classifying) and its main dimensions as indicated in fig 15 are to be noted. These dimensions have to be noted for a few liner rigns. If no ball samples are taken a visual estimation of the ball charge classification and state must be done. Outlet diaphragm The grates slot opening and the diaphragm center opening have to be measured. Water injection Type, position, orientation and state of the water nozzles. Ball filling degree In both chambers the ball filling degree must be calculated. The measures to be taken inside the mill to allow these calculations can be found in the annex 16. The above information is the most important to be looked at. Additional information like residual thickness of inlet wall plates, diaphragm grates, etc., adequate support of the liner plates on the shell (especially in case of boltless liners), wedge effect due to ball blockage between liner plates and/or grates, reporting quantity and position of broken or damaged parts, A good solution is to document the mill inspection with photos (fig 16).



Mill: Ball Sampling Why ball sampling? to evaluate the ball charge actual state Recommended where the actual ball charge in the mill is not known, or the charge has not been classified for a longtime (> 3 years) and/or wear rates are high and/or there are too many deformed/broken balls. Ball sampling is overall important for the second chamber. Classifying liner efficiency The classifying liner allows grading the ball by sizes in the second chamber. The biggest balls are moved towards the chamber inlet and the smallest are retained at the chamber outlet. A good ball classification is important for a high grinding efficiency. The evolution of the average ball size along the chamber length allows evaluating the classifying performance of the liner (see annex 17). Ball sampling (see fig 17) The same balls that have been removed for the material sampling can be taken as ball samples for later analysis. Amount of balls to be sampled For 50[mm] balls 50 balls and 200 balls for 40 - 17 [mm] balls are enough to guarantee representative sampling. Number of samples Ideally as many ball samples as material samples should be taken but can be adapted to the ball charge composition. At least four samples should be taken. Sample analysis 1. Weigh each sample separately 2. For each sample classify the number of balls by groups according to their form based on criteria in annex 18 (good, deformed, broken, etc.). 3. Count the number of units in each group per sample 4. Add the "deformed", "broken & "foreign bodies" together 5. Calculate the sample average weight per ball 6. Calculate the average ball diameter 3 D eq [mm] = 245'000 x Sample Weight [kg] Number of balls



Separator: Visual Inspection The separator optimal operation depends, among other factors, on adequate air and material distribution at the different phases of the separation process. Depending on the type of separator attention has to be paid to the following points: First generation (fig 18) Material feed (1) Distance and angle between the air slide outlet and the distribution plate Separation counter blades (2) Count the number of counter blades and note their position, if they are adjustable in length or angle, and the gap between the blade end and the separator casing. Fan wheel (3) Measure the gaps between the fan wheel and the separator casing. Note the number of blades, their present position, and if they are adjustable Air vane (4) Measure the angle they form with the separator radius, their height, length and thickness. Count the number of vanes. Second generation (fig 19) Material feed (1) Idem as for first generation Separation counter blades (2) Idem as for first generation Cyclone (3) Check the state and measure the diameter and length of the immersion tube as well as the height and width of the inlet section. Air vanes (4) Idem as for first generation and note the vanes position all along the circumference of the separator. Third generation (fig 20) Material feed (1) Idem first generation. Check wear pattern on the impact ring (2). Rotor (3) Check the number of blades, their position related to the rotor radius and their dimensions. Draw the wear pattern if not even distributed. Dynamic seal (4) Check state of the dynamic seal and measure it all along the circumference. Air guide vanes (5) Same as for first and second generation Inlet volute (6) Measure the internal dimensions and, observe and sketch/photograph possible deposition of materials and/or metallic objects all along the volute. Finally look for material deposition in the ducts, wear pattern of the separator inner liner, material incrustations, etc. to try to understand the separator operating conditions.



Fans: Visual Inspection Air is one of the main actors participating in optimal grinding circuit performance. Therefore, the fans' state, specially the ones from the separator and the mill, have to be checked to be sure they are performing according to their nominal capacity. The points to be checked on a fan are the following (fig. 21): Inlet connection (1) Sketch the layout of the fan inlet connection and the measure the dimensions to calculate the air inlet speed. Venturi (2) Check the surface state and the presence of holes due to wear. Measure the gap between the venturi and the fan wheel all along the circumference and establish the relative position between both. Sketch the venturi to allow airspeed calculation. Rotor Rotation sense Verify that the rotation sense is the proper one according to blades design Geometry Verify that the installed fan rotor has geometry similar to the original design given by the fan manufacturer. Wear pattern Sketch the wear pattern of the fan wheel Material build ups Look for possible material build up and sketch it. Outlet connection Sketch the layout of the fan inlet connection and measure the dimensions to calculate the air outlet speed. The information above, together with the fan operation point (pressures, rotation speed, vibrations level, etc.) is useful trying to identify why a fan could be performing below its nominal capacity.



DATA COMPILATION All the gathered data has to be compliled in such a way as to summarise in a small packet of documentation. The documents are: Performance test sheet (fig. 22 and annex 19) This sheet is a data summary that represents the grinding circuit operating conditions during the "Performance test". Circuit layout (fig. 5) Fresh feed particle size distribution (annex 9) Ball charge compositon (annex 3) Mill longitudinal sieving (annex 15) Mil internal inspection (fig. 15) Mill calculation sheet (annex 16) Circuit samples particle size distribution (annex 10) Tromp curve (annex 11) Mill control questionnaire (annex 5) Mill data sheet (annex 2.1) Additional main machines data Cements requirement data sheet (annex 1) With these documents it can be considered that there is enough data for the evaluation of the grinding system.

Bibliography Tube mills (VA 95/4313/E) Dimensioning of tube mills (PT 99/14486/E) Separators (VA 95/4299/E) Operation of tube mills (MPT 01/14745/E) Operation of separators (VA 93/4052/E)


1. Product and production data sheet 2. Mill data sheet 3. Ball charge composition 4. Separator layout 5. Mill control questionnaire 6. CCR measurements and readings 7. Field measurements 8. Taking samples 9. Feed granulometry 10. Circuit samples granulometry 11. Separator Tromp curve 12. Airflow measurements 13. Prandtl sheet 14. Separator airspeed mapping 15. Mill longitudinal sieving (sieves & laser analysis of the second chamber samples) 16. Ball filling degree and mill calculation 17. Ball sampling 18. Ball form classification criteria 19. Performance test data sheet


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