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Hybrid Vehicles An overview

Lecture delivered by: Prof. Ashok.C.Meti

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


At the completion of this session, the delegates will understand and will be able to appreciateappreciate
The need for Hybrid automobiles The working principles of hybrid vehicles. Advantages and limitation and related issues


M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore



Hybrid vehicles Introduction Hybrid system design Potential areas for efficiency improvement Types of Hybrid Vehicles Hybrid Vehicle Components Control Systems in Hybrids

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Hybrid Vehicles


Stanley Steam Car -1905

Ford Model T (1909)

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore

Background: In early days of automobiles competition between vehicles powered b IC engines and vehicles d by i d hi l powered by electricity. IC engine powered vehicles, electricity powered vehicles and steam cars were sold in the US (1890-1905) Work of the pioneers like Edison, Tesla and Westinghouse contributed to electric vehicle development. Limited range of EVs was not an issue for the small cities of that period 4



Limitations of batteries - range and utility of EVs. Some developers went straight to IC engine powered vehicles. Some tried to marry the advantages of EVs and th internal combustion engine into d the i t l b ti i i t Hybrid vehicle First hybrid vehicle was built in 1898 and several vehicles were sold in 1900s Hybrid vehicles had significant problems:
Require two propulsion systems consumes
more space, add weight and greatly increases cost.

Careful coordination of the engine and motor was necessary for achieving much of the efficiency efficienc benefits and tackle drivability dri abilit problems (mechanical systems).

Thus, the EVs did not survive the continued development of IC engines. (early 1900s) What happened next?

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What is wrong with IC engine powered automobiles?

Main concerns:
Fuel efficiency Environmental pollution

One of the solutions Hybrid powertrain approach

IC Engine - Energy balance

Pollutants from an automobile

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Example of a typical hybrid automobile

GM Hybrid System - Aura Green Lines hybrid powertrain is rated at 164 horsepower (122 kW) at 6400 rpm and 159 lb.-ft. (215 Nm) of peak torque at 5000 rpm.

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GM Hybrid system - Aura Green Lines hybrid powertrain is rated at 164 horsepower (122 kW) at 6400 rpm and 159 lb.-ft. (215 Nm) of peak torque at 5000 rpm. While maintaining the vehicle s sporty feel, the GM vehicles feel Hybrid system seamlessly reduces fuel consumption by:
Shutting off the engine when the vehicle is stopped, to minimize idling Restarting the engine promptly when the brake pedal is released Enabling early fuel shut-off during vehicle deceleration Capturing vehicle kinetic energy during deceleration through regenerative braking to charge the advanced nickel metal hydride battery Performing intelligent battery charging when it is most efficient

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Hybrid System Design

Introduction: There are virtually a large number of ways to design a hybrid system and many different methods of achieving similar fuel consumption benefits. These methods have different tradeoffs on cost and customer acceptance, acceptance which will influence market acceptance and future hybrid design. design Most hybrid systems combine an electric motor and IC engine to improve overall efficiency and recapture regenerative braking energy. energy
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Efficiency benefits:
The average efficiency of a gasoline IC engine driven automobile in a typical use:
Only about 15 % O h 85% i lost to Other is l
Engine heat Heated exhaust gases Aerodynamic drag Tire rolling resistance Driveline losses Braking

Combining electric motor and energy storage to the IC engine significantly improves efficiency in several ways depending upon the system design
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Potential areas for efficiency improvement

Idle-off (Stop-Start Systems) IC Engine
Engine downsizing Engine Efficiency New Technologies

Regenerative Braking Electrical Accessories Others

Aerodynamics Weigh reduction

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Average vehicle idles approximately 18-20% of the time in a city driving condition Stopping the engine at idle can reduce fuel consumption by about 5-8 pp g g p y %. [ time to restart] More fuel can be saved by cutting of the fuel during deceleration More powerful motor can restart the engine much more rapidly than a conventional starter motor and modern computers and fuel injection have solved the startup problems. A 3-5 kW motor can spin the engine up to normal idle speed in less than 500 ms F l control can eliminate un-burnt fuel and its hydrocarbon Fuel t l li i t b t f l d it h d b emissions. Idle-off systems need little energy storage and can be implemented with relatively small, low cost battery packs

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore




Regenerative Braking
When the vehicles slowdown or stops a large amount of kinetic stops, energy is lost mainly in the form of heat The energy is lost to friction
Primarily in the brakes To Mechanical friction losses in the engine

An electric motor can be used as a generator to capture some of this energy. This mode of operation of the motor is used to recharge the energy storage device. Most accelerations and decelerations are relatively mild and relatively of small duration duration. An electric motor of about 10 20 kW, depending on the size of the vehicle is sufficient for this purpose

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore


Large regenerative braking rates must be coordinated properly with friction brakes of the vehicle to avoid large deceleration or jerk in the forwards and backwards

Other issues:
Cost of the system and incremental efficiency benefits
[ motor and storage system].

Location of the electric motor

Cost and complexity desirable to bolt the motor directly to the engine
Losses are more as engine consumes some energy due to friction.

Al Alternative is to use a clutch. i i l h

But this adds to cost and adds to packaging problem.[Front wheel drive

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore




Engine Downsizing The power required for a vehicle is mainly dependent on:
Vehicle speed Load Operating condition

The peak power is required infrequently In hybrid systems, the electric motor can provide a power boost when appropriate, enabling the use of a smaller engine without degrading performance

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Usually a smaller engine is more efficient for a given load because it has Lower frictional losses L heat loss to engine block and cylinder Less h l i bl k d li d Lesser pumping losses [WOT operations]

Incremental efficiency benefit from the engine downsizing is roughly proportional to the incremental cost of the energy storage and electric motor (need for a trade off) But this does not translate into proportional costeffectiveness of the entire system. ff i f h i

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Engine Efficiency Engines are least efficient when operating at low loads or part loads A hybrid system can be designed to help keep the engine at higher loads and minimize engine operation during less efficient modes. Some examples:
Motor supplying power at low vehicle speeds and loads, engine shut-off. The high torque of the motor allows the engine to turn slower, and hence more efficiently, during the highway driving while maintaining adequate acceleration

Careful integration of the electric motor and transmission can allow the engine to operate at higher efficiency speed and load points. If additional charging of the battery pack is needed beyond that provided by regenerative braking, the engine could be controlled to id d b ti b ki th i ld b t ll d t supply the additional energy under higher engine efficiency modes. There are trade-offs with all of the potential efficiency benefits

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore



Electrical accessories The additional power in hybrid vehicles can be used to improve the efficiency of engine accessories, such as
Air conditioning compressor Power steering pump Water circulation pump and so on.

Currently all these are generally driven by engine (speed dependency) Using electric motors to power accessories allows them to be operated independently of the engine and only as needed The increase in overall vehicle efficiency could be in the range of 5 10 %

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore




Types of Hybrid Vehicles

Many different types of hybrids have been built Though they are generally called as hybrids but they differ greatly in design and purpose C g purpose: Categories based on features and p p
Conventional vehicle (IC engine) Mild Hybrid Stop-start, regenerative braking, electric motor assist, operating voltage more than 60V Full Hybrid Stop-start, regenerative braking, electric motor assist, OV more than 60V, can be powered by only electricity Performance Hybrid designed for improved acceleration rather than fuel economy Plug-in Hybrid Full hybrid, can use external electricity for g y y , y charging batteries, extending the range

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Micro Hybrid Systems

Under this category, normally, the stop-start systems are covered.
Some OEMs use conventional starter system with conventional IC engine combined with Stop-Start ECU Stop Start ECU. Some of the vehicles are fitted with integrated alternator and motor units (or BAS units) In certain designs, Integrated Starter Alternator (ISA), or Integrated Starter Generator (ISG), is built, or integrated, into the existing hybrid structure, rather than hung on the engine as an accessory

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Series Hybrid System

Inverter Inverter

IC Engine



Electric motor a single source of power for traction The engine drives a generator; never drives the vehicle The generator i turn generates electricity h in l i i The energy storage device may be charged by the generator output or by using the regenerative braking The configuration usually is set up with a small engine that provides a range-booster to a large battery pack
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This system optimizes the engine operation

The engine can be run at its most efficient point and shut off when it is not needed Eliminates the need for clutches and conventional transmissions

Low on emissions and has excellent efficiency during stopand-go driving (minimizes inefficient engine operation and maximizes energy recaptured
from regenerative braking)

If the engine is used as primary source of power, double conversion increases the inefficiencies Many hybrids use combination of series and parallel hybrid

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore



Parallel Hybrid System


Engine Motor Transmission

Both engine and motor are connected directly to the drivetrain Highest efficiency range of each is selected and used, i h ffi i f hi l d d d depending upon the operating conditions

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore





Parallel hybrid system is more complicated as it poses more challenges in integration of two power sources The major advantage is that large efficiency gains can be derived with even a relatively small energy storage (weight

Minimizes cost of energy storage and performance penalty from additional weight weight. There are two other variations of series and parallel configurations:
Th Through-the-road Hybrid h h d H b id Fuel Cell Hybrid

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore



Through-the-road Hybrid
An interesting configuration:
one set of wheels are powered by the engine Another set of wheels powered by electric motor

This system is called as Through-theroad Parallel Hybrid because the two power sources are run in parallel by independently driving different wheels The interaction between the IC engine and electric drive is completely done by wire and either of the systems can be turned off to drive the vehicle as an y electric or ICE system The main advantage - it adds part-time all-wheel-drive (AWD) capability. It also allows more flexibility in mounting locations of the motor But, it adds considerable complexity and cost


IC Engine

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore





Plug-in Hybrids (PHEVs)

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are full hybrids with larger batteries and the ability to recharge from an electric power grid The batteries can be charged using a power socket over night from the grid When the batteries run low, the engine starts and powers the vehicle and the generator to charge the batteries They have a larger range in electric only mode
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 27


Hybrid Vehicle Components

Electric Motors
There are two basic types:
Induction AC Motor
Uses part of the electric current to generate the magnetic field. Simpler and cheaper than DC motor Used in low power systems such as- simple idle-off systems with integrated starter/generators

Permanent magnet DC Motor

Uses 3-phase windings and switching modules to sequentially control the flow of electricity to each phase. BLDC permanent magnet motors are more efficient. DC motors are more expensive. BLDC motors use magnets sintered with rare earth metals such as Neodymium.

Electric motor technology is a mature technology

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 28



Examples of Electric Motors:

BLDC Motor 100 kW, oil cooled BLDC motor for automotive application. Weight is 21 kg


Honda Civic Motor The electric drive motors used in hybrids are hightorque heavy-duty permanent magnet motors. These compact, but powerful, dynamos operate on power raging up to about 650 volts. M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore

Toyota P i T t Prius pancake k motor/generator (M/G) set



Energy Storage
Battery packs are the primary type of energy storage for hybrid vehicles Usually designed for hybrid vehiclesvehicles
With higher power density and Sized to deliver sufficient power without overheating.

Ultra Capacitors are high power versions of electrolytic capacitors - Store energy as an electrostatic charge. They have features like
Rapid transfer of power Potential for better durability Lower cooling requirement

They are likely to be considered for hybrids in near future.


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Example of an Ultra-capacitor
Honda uses an Ultra-capacitor in its Fuel Cell powered vehicle FCX. The ultra-capacitor serves as a supplementary power source to the main power source for more powerful performance under various driving conditions. It stores energy produced during deceleration and braking and provides powerful drive assist during startup, acceleration and at other times when an extra boost is required.
HONDA Ultra Capacitor Module

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore



Various types of batteries are developed based on different technologies. Th lead acid battery is the most well known The l d id b i h ll k rechargeable type. Types of batteries include:
Lead acid Nickel metal hydride Nickel ion Nickel cadmium Lithium polymer Lithium ion Sodium sulfur Sodium metal chloride and so on.
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From the designers point of view the battery can be treated as a black box which has a range of performance criteria These criteria will include:
Specific energy (Wh.kg1) Energy density (Wh.m3) Specific power (W.kg1) Typical voltages Amp-hour efficiency (charging efficiency is less than 100%) Energy efficiency Commercial availability Cost Operating temperatures Self-discharge rates number of life cycles Recharge rates, and so on..
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 33


Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries

Have higher power densities Longer life cycle than lead-acid batteries Have safe characteristics and their power output is not affected by battery state of charge. Very expensive High self-discharge rates Low-temperature operation Higher cooling requirements

NiMH Hybrid Battery System [Ford Escape]

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Lithium-Ion batteries Higher power and energy level than NiMH battery Better low-temperature performance Toyota Li-Ion Battery Low self-discharge rate self discharge Need improvement in
Cycle life Durability Cost

Hyundai Li-Polymer Battery

M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore



Regenerative Brakes
Regenerative braking allows a motor to act as a generator when coasting or braking Kinetic energy that normally would be wasted during braking is converted into electrical energy to recharge the battery The energy conversion is achieved within the integrated motor / generator units. While the brake pads and rotors stop the wheels at high speed or in emergency situations, the regenerative braking system slows the vehicle in normal driving
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Gasoline engines
The hybrid car has a IC engine much like the one found on conventional cars H However, th engine on a the i hybrid will be smaller and will use advanced technologies to reduce emissions and increase efficiency These are matched with efficient, electronically controlled transmissions
Epicyclic gear train CVT and so on
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Some of the advanced features of IC engines:

Lighter and compact designs Electronically controlled operations- ease of control in p synch with motor control, if necessary MPFI or GDI systems for Better fuel efficiency and control Reduced emission levels

Engine Motor Transmission

Coil-on spark plug or waste spark ignition system ETC (drive-by-wire)- better control of engine operation Variable valve timing and lift mechanisms- improved performance at wide operating range Exhaust after treatment system for further reduction in emissions

Honda Civic Power-plant


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Variable Valve Timing and Lift Mechanisms

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Electronic Throttle Control

Van Doorne Type CVT

Throttle Body
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 40




Belt Alternator System (BAS)

The motor/alternator of the Belt Alternator Starter (BAS) hybrid system [GM] is driven by a high-tension belt highfrom the engine crankshaft. It boosts power under acceleration acceleration, charges the battery, and restarts the engine after stopping the engine in auto mode

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Stop-Start System
For a conventional vehicle, it is possible to implement to Stop-Start system (micro hybrid, Idle off) The system uses a redesigned conventional starter motor, and ECU, couple of sensor and CAN interface with the vehicle CAN bus. The ECU monitors various parameters like the battery condition, transmission status, clutch pedal travel sensor, Ignition key position and other safety interlock signals.

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Start-Stop System - Typical Configuration

Accelerator Pedal Sensor Power from Battery Starter Motor

Clutch Pedal Position Sensor

Battery Sensor Indicator Lamp

Engine Speed Sensor

Enable / Disable

CAN Interface* Gear Position Sensor


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Power Electronics and Control DC motors generally use 3-phase motor windings. g 3 switching modules control the current flow to the proper windings as the motor turns. The switches must be able to rapidly and accurately turn large amounts of current on and off as well as the controlling the direction and phase of the current. P d Produces a l large amount of heat thus needs a t f h t th d cooling system. Size and cost is substantial
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 44




Converters Converters (DC-to-DC) alter voltage up or down as needed for various components. This may require changing the battery voltage which may range from 144V to 488V to as low as 12V to power the lights, accessories and convenience systems, or step it up to as high as 650V to power drive motors. Inverters Inverters convert DC to AC for the purpose of driving AC motors Cooling Systems Battery pack and power electronics produces large amount of heat that needs to be cooled. g g g g y Charging and discharging a battery involves chemical reactions that generate heat as a byproduct. This heat degrades performance and shortens life. Efficient cooling system is required to cool both
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 45


Control Systems in Hybrids

The control systems in a hybrid vehicle have to perform very complex tasks of managing two different types of power plants IC engine and electric motor The control systems have fast operating speeds and real-time capabilities Different modules are put together to achieve the required control actions The controllers talk to each other through CAN
Ex: Electric motor controller, engine controller, battery management controller, transmission controller, brake system controller and so on

These controllers have to decide the most efficient mode of vehicle operation depending on the prevalent driving conditions and energy resources. This action has to be transparent to the driver
M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 46




Electronics that controls the Hondas IMA

The HONDA Civic is one of the popular HEVs Uses Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) hybrid system The engine is a 1.3 ltr i-VTEC with the i-DSI system engine ( (63kW) coupled to a transmission through an ultra thin (58mm) ) p g ( ) motor (VCM Variable Cylinder Management) The motor is a three phase, synchronous AC motor, gets it power from a NiMH battery pack (158V) and is rated 5.5 Ah It also works as a generator with a max output of 15kW The IMA system is controlled by the components housed in a single unit called Intelligent Power Unit (IPU)

EPA estimated M.S Ramaiahfuel economy rating of 49/51 mpg city / highway School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore



Electronics that make the IMA system work

Battery Module-(BM), Battery Condition Monitor-(BCM), Motor Control Module-(MCM), Power Control Module(PCU), Motor drive Module-(MDM), Voltage Converter Module, DC/DC Converter 48

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Modes of operation of the IMA and i-VTEC

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The historical background of Hybrid vehicles and need for hybrid vehicles have been studied Various configurations of hybrid vehicles have been explained Main components of hybrids, their use have been discussed with examples in a vehicle

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