The Junk Future

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enterologist and obesity surgeon in the Hospital

ngeles del Pedregal. Postgraduate in parenteral
and enteral nutrition from the University of

Founder of Parenteral and enteral nutrition
department in the High Specialty Hospital picacho
of PEMEX. Graduate in Hospital General from
Centro Mdico Nacional del IMSS.

Coauthor of the books Tentaciones que matan
(Temptations that kill) and Principio de nutricin
intravenosa (Nasogastric intubation principles);
he has published in The American College of
nutrition, Journal of parenteral and enteral
nutrition (JPEN), Gastroenterologa de Mxico
(Gastroenterology of Mexico) and Diabetes hoy
(Diabetes today).

Society of Geography and Statistics), which was
the first scientific and cultural society in the
Americas, where Ochoa Torres is a member of
the Consejo Acadmico Nacional (National
Academic Counsel), and President of the
Academi a de Pobl aci n (Academy f or

He has written many books* on social, economic,
ecological, civilian, historic, nutritional and
demographic issues. Some of them have been
translated i nto English and are currently
distributed in many countries.

Both authors collaborate here on the premise that
junk food has been having a very negative impact
on the modern society. Furthermore, it conveys
the threat of becoming something very hard to
handle within in fewyears in the personal as well
the social domains. In consequence, the research
question is treated here fromvaried perspectives.

Gustavo Cruz Santiago
Juan Manuel OchoaTorres
Original TitleinSpanish: El Futuro Chatarra
ISBN: 978 607 7944 03 4
Copyright GustavoCruzSantiagoandJ uanManuel OchoaTorres
Correspondence with the authors:
Gustavo Cruz Santiago:
Tels. (52) (55) 5568 8077 and 044 55 2663 2152
Juan Manuel Ochoa Torres:
Translation: Eileen Lynch
Justo Sierra 19 Centro Histrico
Phone numbers: (52) (55) 5542 73 41 and 5522 2055
Mexico 06020, D.F.
Printedandmade at
Talleres de Cactus Displays, S. A. de C. V.
Total or partial reproduction of this bookis
Prohibitedwithout the authors authorization.
INTRODUCTION .......................................................... 5
LESSON I ................................................................ 7
USE THE MAGIC KEY........................................................... 7
SWEET REFLECTIONS ........................................................... 15
A BRIEF HISTORY OF SUGAR ................................................. 18
LESSON II ............................................................... 21
THE ART OF CAMOUFLAGE ..................................................... 21
THE ORIGIN OF ILLNESSES ...................................................... 23
ORGANIC DEPHASEMENT ....................................................... 29
CELLULAR IMBALANCE ........................................................... 36
LESSON III .............................................................. 51
WHEN THE FUTURE CATCHES UP WITH US ...................................... 51
OBESITY: THE FIRST STEP ........................................................ 58
DIABETES, THE MOST BITTER SWEETNESS ........................................ 61
RENAL PROBLEMS ............................................................... 64
BLINDNESS ....................................................................... 74
DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS ............................................................ 77
OTHER INCONVENIENCES ....................................................... 80
HIGH TRIGLYCERIDES ............................................................... 81
CARDIOVASCULAR PROBLEMS ....................................................... 83
UNUSUAL CONDUCT ................................................................. 84
LESSON IV .............................................................. 91
OBTAINING THE IMPOSSIBLE .................................................... 91
THE FIRST STEP .................................................................. 92
SECOND STEP ................................................................... 94
THIRD STEP ...................................................................... 98
FOURTH STEP .................................................................... 101
FIFTH STEP ....................................................................... 105
SIXTH STEP ...................................................................... 113
LESSON V............................................................... 119
GIVING UP AHEAD OF TIME..................................................... 119
A PROPOSAL FOR THE CONSUMMER .......................................... 125
DESIGN YOUR OWN DIET ..................................................... 125
EXERCISE ...................................................................... 131
PRODUCTIVE ORIENTATION..................................................... 134
CHANGING HABITS ............................................................ 135
THE FUTURE .................................................................... 137
NAUGHTY RIDDLES ..................................................... 141
THE AUTHORS CLARIFICATIONS....................................... 144
APPENDIX A .......................................................... 145
APPENDIX B .......................................................... 151
We are convinced that you, as a businessman, have asked
yourself if there isnt any easier way to make great profits,
without having to undergo the pressure of your present ac-
tivity; in which one has to face hard competition, financial
limitations and endless other things.
Therefore, to date, we have an excellent option for you:
there is a way to obtain resources more easily, by which,
it will be much easier for you to reach your economic
goals, and as if that were not enough, the final invest-
ment will only be a fraction of the final profit.
And that is not all; we will also show you a type of
secret key which will skyrocket your sales, to levels
you could never have imagined, in a very simple and
inexpensive way.
If you are thinking that we are suggesting something
illegal, do not. Our proposal, to date, is still regarded
as being completely legal, and we assure you that if
you follow our instructions we will wash your image to
such an extent that in the eyes of the public you will be
cleaner and more innocent than a white dove.
Surely, the following generations will see things differ-
ently but today, you will be able to take advantage of
the current situation and permissiveness in a very ad-
vantageous way.
As you continue reading, you will realize that this
guide; in only five short lessons, will initiate you in
the enterprise of your life, without anyone else realiz-
ing what is actually happening.
We wish to warn you regarding possible future respon-
sibilities, we will not only present the profitable side
of the issue, but also its dark side; since the social and
human repercussions will be incredible the final eval-
uation and decision will be entirely your own.
Before entering the subject, we wish to advance
something, the line of business that we will suggest
you try is directed toward a fundamental human
activity: FOOD. And as you will comprehend, when it
deals with something that we necessarily need to do
day after day, if you proceed exactly as we tell you to
do, we can assure you that you will have complete
Prepare yourself, then, to receive our recommendations,
which will welcome you to the world of successful
This book was intentionally prepared to be easily read and understood by the
public in general and medical specialist, as well as those who are not. That is
why all the scientific words or ideas that we are forced to used due to certain
medical protocols and that are not possible to express in everyday language
will be explained in the footnotes at the end of each page, (following a
numeric order: 1, 2, 3, etc.) and in regard to the bibliographic sources, or
data related to medical and scientific investigators, published in specialized
magazines, you will find them at the back of the book. (In this case, follow-
ing an alphabetical order: A, B, C, etc.).
When we speak of food, do not think that simply
because we mention it, we are already assured of a
high consumption rate. As is understandable, from the
moment there are many opinions available we, as your
possible advisors, must put all our experience to use so
that your future customers may prefer your products,
instead of those of the competition.
Being so, our first step will be to find a type of magic
key that will act like a magnet to attract customers.
How can we achieve this? Would it be possible for us
to convert our consumers in a type of addicts, in order
to insure high volume sales and profits?
The truth is that there are many substances on the
market that could cause this effect; so that your prod-
ucts would have a sort of addictive effect. However, the
same but as always, the majority of the substances
are catalogued as being illegal.
It is said that among illegal products, many drug pro-
ducers generously give the first doses to adoles-
cents and possible customers, with the sole purpose
of converting them into addicts due to a chemical
reaction they produce in their bodies, and they can
thus add them to their list of captive buyers.
Although this type of substances is prohibited by law,
the wonderful part of our proposal is that what we
suggest today as an essential part of your products is
still considered to be legal or permitted.
And obviously, as long as that situation persists, we
should capitalize it to the inth degree, and we will turn
it into that hidden key or code that will skyrocket our
sales. Little by little, we will reveal the reasons why it
will become a powerful element attracting clients in
an unforgivable way, the same way that light attracts
What would we have to do? We would have to add a
product, in a calculated manner that would seem more
inoffensive than a just bathed baby lamb; its color is
even white. That product is commonly known as re-
fined sugar.
We are sure that, at the beginning, it will seem incred-
ible that this simple product can fulfill such a chal-
lenge. How does the sole addition of this element
achieve this effect? Look, there are two main factors
that influence it.
The first is that the majority of living beings are ge-
netically inclined toward sweet flavors, which you will
see is the reason that it is found intrinsically in a great
variety of fruits and natural products,
it is even present
in breast milk.
In order to substantiate this inclination of living beings
toward sweet flavors some researchers have carried
out interesting experiments: in the cage of a group of
healthy mice they presented the two different ways:
It is present in all natural products, in the form of: monosaccharides, disac-
charides or polysaccharides.
as usual with complex carbohydrates or refined sugar,
as you can guess the mice entirely preferred the sweet
In one of many A, they placed two types of food before
a group of mice: refined sugar was added to one part
of their food, B, and their traditional food was given to
the other. As you will understand these animals were
inclined entirely to the sweet flavor.
You yourself, without having to be a great investigator,
will be able to do a simple test. All you would need to
do is: the next time you make a birthday cake be sure
NOT to add any sugar or any other type of sweetener
and you will see how no one will eat it, and you will
practically have to throw the whole thing in the gar-
bage can.
On the other hand add sugar to anything else that has
an insipid flavor, and you will see how its flavor is trans-
formed like magic. Add calculated doses of sugar to a
simple tomato or to a raw egg yolk, and you will see
how this will turn it into a great desert.
Things being as they are, our dear student, there you
have the key that will be your magic little formula.
Simply sweeten anything that you make, and it will
transform it into something unexpectedly attractive.
Fortunately, for you, the majority of consumers do not
reflect sufficiently about this sweet little trick: that
any product with any possibility of being eaten; with-
Although they also observed that, with the sweet food, they began to suffer
certain ailments.
out it mattering if it is especially insipid, or even al-
most toxic. At the time a calculated doses of sugar is
added to it, (and even better if a flavor is also added) it
is transformed, as if by magic.
So, we should follow this same course so that anything
you produce turns into something delicious. Do you
realize what that would mean for your business?
The best part of all this will be that the cost of this
add-on is insignificant, compared to the enormous fi-
nancial benefit it represents.
The second key factor that will convert this add-on ele-
ment, sugar, into that marvelous key to wealth, will be
discussed below, but you must not reveal it.
The consumption of artificially sweetened merchan-
dise will absorb differently than the sugar contained
in natural products, and this will cause (abnormal) the
content of sugar in their blood to spike, which will
happen inside their bodies with or without their knowl-
edge, (see graphic no.1), and this will create the fol-
lowing process:
After that unusual spike of blood glucose, if they have
not yet acquired diabetes or the insulin resistance syn-
drome, there will follow an also abnormal elevation
of the level of insulin in their blood stream (see graph-
ic 2, page 12). In only a few hours, it will also cause the
majority of your customers to suffer a new and unex-
pected decrease of sugar in their blood; as a result of
that extra insulin the pancreas released into their blood
The best part of this interesting process, for you, is
that it all takes place in a completely invisible way, without
GACETA MDICA DE MXICO 1991 MZO. ABR; 26 (12): 178-83
DIABETES 1977; 26 (12): 1178-83
MARCH. APRIL; 26 (12): 178-83
26 (12): 1178-83
your customers having the slightest idea of your gim-
mick; since when they become hypoglycemic a few
hours later, they will interpret it as an irresistible de-
sire (or preference, as others would say) toward a
new intake of sugary products; when the underlying
factor, was a type of cerebral order that sought to
somehow compensate that drastic decrease of glucose
in their blood.
This admirable process, within your customers endo-
crine system, becomes your perfect ally, because it re-
peats itself daily for years inside your clients bodies,
until their endocrine systems wears out and a series of
problems appear which we are going to reveal here
little by little. In the meantime, while this occurs, your
cash register will keep on ringing.
Also, you should not worry about the fact that many
people will fall ill from various diseases, given that
while some get sick or even die prematurely; new seg-
ments of the population will replace them. So you will
need to captivate them, as a part of your clientele, for
which you will have to make use of a series of proce-
dures that we will be showing you in other lessons.
Do you realize how wonderful this invisible process
can be? And how we reiterate that your customers will
not have the least idea about what is happening inside
their organisms; in fact, the majority of times, your cus-
tomers will feel fortunate to have found your products
on the store shelves.
Will anyone be able to find a substance, still consid-
ered to be legal, with a more addictive effect? We do
not think so. It would be very difficult for anyone to
find something with a greater addictive capacity than
this. The strangest part of all this is that, in spite of the
endocrine changes and the consequent dependence
that it generates, refined sugar is not considered to be
an addictive or illegal substance.
A third factor, even much more important, that chang-
es refined sugar
into the perfect ally, is that a slight
resemblance exists between the chemical structure of
sugar and that of cocaine.
That is why you will see that when we suggested the
simple fact of adding this substance, sugar, in any of its
to your products, we were not kidding. It is the
perfect addictive that converts your customers in a type
of ideal addicts. And best of all, to your eyes, as well as,
those of the authorities, it will seem that you carried
out a completely clean, legal, and almost ethical busi-
ness transaction.
What do you think of this? You might think that it is
too good to be true, and maybe you will be surprised
to know how it is possible that the health and legisla-
tive authorities have not acted on this matter.
Look, before you open your eyes, do not lose the time
that you have left. Make sure that you fill your pockets
with money taking advantage of the present situation.
And we will try, for the same price of the present
guideto comment on other things, such as: how this
Sugar is one of the few words that can be either masculine or feminine (in
Sugar has a chemical structure somewhat similar to that of Cocaine. Cocaines
structure is C
, and that of Sucrose (common sugar) is C
the difference is that Sucrose does not contain Nitrogen (N).
The commercial presentation of sugar can be in the form of: sucrose, fruc-
tose, glucose, galactose, maltose, maltodextrin, sorbitol, high fructose corn
syrup and many others.
product appeared as a type of food, as well as, some
additional thoughts. If this sweet preference of the public
is going to be taken advantage of in order to carry out
the business deal of your life, you need to know more
about it.
One of the first objections that you as a businessman
will get, will be in this sense: they will tell you that
sugar is an added and artificial product, to which,
we suggest that you answer calmly that sugar is a natu-
ral substance, extracted mainly from sugar cane, which
is not a lie.
Obviously, what you will not say will be the most important.
You must never acknowledge that common sugar, in the
strict sense, not only does not exist in nature, but is a mere
extract or is refined from another natural product.
Under no circumstances should you acknowledge, for
example, in the case of sugar, that it only represents 12
or 13% of the sugar cane, after eliminating all the fi-
ber, nutrients and enzymes that compose it; in such a
way that when it is extracted and pulverized, the body
will absorb it in a totally different manner than it would
have if it had remained in its original state, such as in
fact will happen to any other carbohydrate that is con-
sumed naturally, without having been refined.
We reiterate a lot in this sense, because look, if the truth
comes to light, that refined carbohydrates are absorbed
by all human beings healthy or sick in a completely
abnormal fashion, that would put the complete enrich-
ment project we present today at risk. The difference
between how the organism absorbs something in its nat-
ural state as to when it is refined is so great that we
present a somewhat extreme example.
If anyone were to add poppy plants to his/her salad
that would not pose a major threat to his/her health.
But, attention, if anyone commits the grave error of
isolating, refining or synthesizing, small component of
that plant, and consumes them like that, separately;
the result will be completely different.
Your customers should never discover that it is more nu-
tritional and even cheaper to consume carbohydrates and
other nutrients naturally. But lets not have our sweet
and incipient businessman get alarmed ahead of time.
Throughout this book we will first convert you into a true
master at acting like you know nothing about the matter
and then, how to beat anyone who wishes to reveal this
situation that is unfavorable for your finances.
At the end of the book you will realize that what you
paid for the present text will be insignificant, compared
to the golden road that you will discover. Even though
we warn you that once you assimilate everything that
we are going to unveil; you should hide or even de-
stroy this book.
Why? Imagine if someone accidentally were to dis-
cover it in your bookcase, which would manifest that
you already knew the damage you were causing and
that in spite of the fact you went ahead with your
We are confident that you understand that what has
now been revealed is to be handled confidentially. And
as we told you, if we present the disadvantages of this
sweet and new activity, we do so in order to warn you
so that you will know how to defend yourself when
You will note that all this makes our advice and our
brilliant suggestions necessary; which we will pro-
vide throughout the following lessons and, at the end;
you will be convinced of the advantages of following
But before continuing, we feel obligated to propose an
indispensible condition, without which we will not be
able to continue advising you.
If you truly wish to become a successful and sweet
businessman, your objective will not be to care for the
health of the public, but rather to obtain the maximum
advantage of the present situation, which fortunately
for you, unites the following elements: the inclination
toward sweets mentioned above, the calculated and
invisible organic addiction that we create toward our
products and all this together with a legislative and
health omission that still exists in this regard.
If you cannot overcome this moral scruple and if you
do not feel capable of setting your monetary interest
before the interest of the community, and, due to this,
you feel bad about damaging your peers, you had bet-
ter close this book now and use it to swat insects. But if
you feel capable of not feeling the smallest remorse
about acting this way, please continue reading.
And note that if you have decided to go forward, we
congratulate you; you have what all our hardworking
and ambitious disciples should have.
Before continuing we will reveal, even though very
briefly, the history of how others have progressed on
this sweet trail.
Around the V century B.C., someone from India dis-
covered that if you extract the juice of sugarcane and
later dehydrate it, you will obtain a type of white pow-
der, which can be reused in two new ways:
Consuming it alone or as a type of additive to other
products, which is the way it has been used in most cas-
es. This provoked in the buyers a new and unexpected
sweet taste, by artificially increasing the normal sweet-
ness of other foods, and simultaneously those who pro-
duced and commercialized it obtained a profit.
But it so happens that it did not end up being as simple
as originally was thought, since, when one proceeds in
a different manner than what nature offers us, nor-
mally, this action produces certain consequences which
in this case were unexpected.
If you have ever had the curiosity to find out what the
oldest reference in history is regarding diabetes,
will tell you, as a logical coincidence, that it comes
exactly from India, as is recorded on one of the papy-
rus that can presently be found in Leipzig, Germany,
that not only mentions said illness with great detail,
naming it madhumeha,
but also, surprisingly for the
time period, observed that said illness seemed to be
associated with the people who consumed a lot of that
newly discovered white powder.
Since that indicated date, without measuring its scope
well, the consumption of sugar
later extended to many
Which means sweet urine.
The word sugar originated in Sanskrit, specifically from the term: SUKHA.
Sanskrit is a classic language of India, and is one of the ancient and ...
other countries, among them being the Arab commu-
nity, from which it passed on to Europe
and from there
it spread to America several centuries later.
It is worth mentioning though that, as this habit ex-
tended, it did not reach the excessive numbers of con-
sumption per inhabitant as those of the XX century,
for the simple reason that its price was too elevated,
which resulted in the fact that its consumption re-
mained accessible only to affluent consumers or to the
, who were so enthusiastic about said con-
sumption in a reiterated way that they developed di-
verse chronic-degenerative illnesses similar to the
present ones.
It is also worth mentioning, that in spite of the fact
that the consumption per inhabitant in the past cen-
turies was not as elevated as today, this business did
not cease to awaken the greediness of other sweet
businessmen before you, and that attitude had differ-
ent social manifestations; for example, it is estimated
that an important percentage of the commerce of Afri-
can slaves in the world originated from the growing
need to provide strong and cheap hand labor to culti-
vate sugar cane, and thus satisfy that sweet demand.
The situation changed radically in the XXcentury, when
the industrialization process which was growing world-
wide, permitted this white powder called sugar to in-
crease its production substantially and much cheaper,
and was placed perfectly within everyones reach.
... most documented Indo-European languages, together with the Hittite and
Greek Mycenaean languages. Sanskrit is presently used as a liturgical lan-
Mainly due to the inevitable transmission of customs, during the era of the
And if we add to it the, at times, unscrupulous use of
marketing techniques, parallel to an efficient commer-
cialization, and most important of all, the desire to take
advantage of this sweet temptation, we will have the
results that we will show you on the following pages,
so that you may be aware of them, even if it is only in a
private manner.
Later we will show you how you can take advantage of
this situation before the health and legislative authori-
ties take action on it. But you need to move fast, so
that when the whole truth about the social and human
damage that it causes are known, you will already have
a solid patrimony, and will simply argue with an ap-
pearance of surprise and profound pity, that you knew
nothing about it.
As we already told you, we mentioned the inconve-
niences of the sweet business that we propose; not to
discourage you but only so that you might have a slight
idea of the consequences of providing food to the com-
munity in a different manner than nature itself does.
So, with this proposal, we invite you to carefully ana-
lyze the following lessons, trusting that you will de-
stroy this book, and no one will ever know that you
already knew what you were provoking.
We wish to make only one more additional recommen-
dation: The sugary merchandise that we recommend
that you produce and sell, given that it causes a series
of alterations in the organism, neither you or your fam-
ily should consume it, or at least, not without first ana-
lyzing what we will reveal in the next two lessons, and
after that, the final decision will remain in your hands.
You and we know well that the best food for a human
being is that which our Creator has provided us with
in all the ample variety of natural foods.
He knew, better than anyone, exactly what type of
food was appropriate for man, as well as how he
should eat it. That is why He placed an ample vari-
ety of: grains, legumes, oleaginous, tubers, vegeta-
bles, fruits, meat, fish, seafood, milk products, and
others, which duly combined provide us with all the
necessary nutrients.
This being so today, any person that is able to eat his/
her meals in a balanced way, will be able to provide
him/herself with all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes,
fiber, proteins, amino acids, fat, carbohydrates, and di-
verse necessary elements; and by eating them will be
able to maintain an excellent state of health.
Unfortunately, this ample array of natural products is
not compatible with the personal enrichment plan
that we have especially designed for you, our sweet
disciple. Why?
First, because we cannot present those products as
something that you created and, then that productive
chain, from the time it is planted up to the final sale,
implies a much greater degree of difficulty.
The worst part is; the profit margin is much lower
than that of the food that is recommended for us,
you will only use industrialized products, the major-
ity of which have already been processed by others,
they will be mixed, you will add sweeteners and fla-
vors to transform their original flavor, you will add
preservatives, and by doing so you will convert them
into an excellent hook that will make the consumers
favor your products.
The best part of this whole plan is its monetary aspect:
if you take a pencil and a piece of paper, you will see
that the direct cost of the components of our proposal
is very low compared to its total sale price. The rest
will be the packaging, the distribution, the commis-
sions, the publicity, the marketing, and the remainder
will be considered as your sacred profit. That is to say,
this whole process can be carried out with a lower cost,
risk and work than if the natural products were used.
It is true that from any point of view, natural foods
with a big margin of differenceare incomparably su-
perior, but, unless you want to work more to make less
money, you will have to decide on our proposal.
In order to compensate the nutritional deficiencies, you
will be able to count on a long series of strategies that
we will reveal later.
Obviously, neither of us are so dumb that we are un-
aware of the absolute superiority of natural foods, and
that is why it is indispensable to make pretending a
true art. Why?
Any specialist, who were to dig just a little into this
matter, would also become perfectly aware of the large
number of inconveniences that the repeated consump-
tion of artificially sweetened food causes the human
But, fortunately for you, what really counts are not the
investigators, nor of the scientists, nor the doctors opin-
ions, but what the majority thinks. While your nice cus-
tomers are still not aware of all the implications that
this type of food causes, and the health and legislative
authorities do not take action regarding the matter.
we assure you that there is still time for you to be able
to make a considerable amount of money.
Now, why do we insist on pretending that we are not
aware of the health consequences? Maybe even you
have not perceived it this way, but we believe that the
massive consumption of this type of food could com-
pletely ruin any health system in the world.
How can it be possible that one simple modification
of the food chain could cause such a disaster? We ask
you very discreetly to internalize the following infor-
mation that we have prepared for you.
Before revealing the true origin of the majority of the
illnesses human beings suffer, we wish to tell you about
a crucial element that is the very root of the problems
that negatively reflect in the world surrounding us.
It is worth mentioning that there are more and more opinions on the part of
the medical and scientific world community mainly from European coun-
tries trying to pressure health and legislative authorities, in the sense that
they impose some type of limitation on the commercialization of intention-
ally altered foods in regard to their sugar content, in order to increase their
It might be difficult for you to believe, but what we are
going to reveal to you now has a very negative influ-
ence on any type of biological, social or economic pro-
cess and on almost anything where several elements
interact. What are we referring to?
In any process, if a type of breach were to occur, for
any reason, among the factors intervening there it
would cause a problem; which would be as critical as
the magnitude of the breach.
In order to reveal this, in a more comprehensible way,
we would like to present only three simple real life cases
from among so many others that we could present.
The first two examples are of a physical type, and are
somehow related to the same event: on January 28, 1986,
a space shuttle, named Challenger, was launched with
seven crew members on board; during the first 72 sec-
onds, everything seemed to be going all right.
However, the next second, the 73d due to a minute
filtration of fuel from a leaky washer, that was designed
to function at temperatures a few degrees above those
that existed on that day, caused that insignificant leak
to come in contact with the fire at the base of the space
shuttle igniting, almost at once, all the fuel that was
stored in the fuel tanks; which destroyed the space
shuttle and caused the mission to fail.
Why did this happen? Wasnt the power of that fuel
prepared precisely to be used? Yes, it should have been
consumed completely, but not so quickly and in a dif-
fuse manner, but rather at a specific speed and
expulsing all that stored power through channels de-
signed for that effect; if it had operated in a pro-
grammed way that space shuttle would have been tak-
en to its destination without any problems.
However, when that combustion occurred, in such a
short lapse that represented the missions complete
failure, and believe us, something similar will occur
with any defacement/alteration that comes to your
mind, and not only on physical grounds, but also on
economical, astronomical, medical and absolutely any
other grounds that you could imagine.
Since we mentioned this example, lets also analyze
the importance of the defacement/alteration of B un-
der another perspective, now regarding the life of the
crew members on board that same space shuttle.
At the beginning it was believed that the crew mem-
bers had died the same instant the tragedy occurred,
afterwards it was thought differently.
The abrupt combustion of all the energetic power they
carried was not produced at the same second, but during
the following ones, and everything seems to indicate that
before that occurred, as a result of the first explosion, the
space shuttle separated into several sections.
Despite the fact that the space shuttle was headed to-
ward space at a speed of Match 1.9 (that is to say, at
1.9 times the speed of sound), when this problem oc-
curred the occupants suffered a alarming reduction of
speed which, together with the initial explosion, de-
tached the cabin with the crew members inside it and
they lost consciousness for several seconds.
No one knows how many of them remained alive after
the first few seconds, but an irrefutable fact is that due
to the shuttles specific conditions, which were consid-
ered to be very safe and taking into consideration the
great height they were at, the crew members did not
have the least possibility of surviving.
But, why? Were they not to fall over the ocean or over
water that would cushion the impact? Well yes, they cer-
tainly fell on the water, but you must also analyze here,
the role that this type of physical defacement played.
At the moment the unfortunate event took place, the space
capsules remains and the crew members, were at an
altitude of 16 kilometers, and according to the Laws of
Acceleration Principle, after 2 minutes and 45 seconds,
the rest of the space shuttle touched the ocean, but at a
speed of around 330 kilometers per hour, which left the
crew with no possibility of survival.
Look at the extraordinary importance of the deface-
ment/alteration of the speed between those two ele-
ments: regardless of the fact that they would have fall-
en on water, at the moment the remains of the cabin
and the waterboth made contact, a devastating
effect was produced, as if they would have fallen on a
cement surface. All of this was due to something that
many give no importance to; the enormous decoupling
or differential between each ones speed.
We now invite you to analyze the negative effects of
other types of defacement/alterations, even though we
are referring to a type of socio-economic event. If within
the context of any society in the world, we add the
dynamic of the population element, acting at an inap-
propriate speed, that is to say, growing too fast, we
will see that that apparently inoffensive defacement/
alteration, will lead to a quite conflictive panorama.
Gee whiz! Is man, by chance not, the most valuable
visible element in the world? When there are more
human beings on the planet doesnt that increase the
possibilities of working and thinking? This is true, but
if the demographic increase causes the population to
duplicate in too short a period of time, the negative
consequences will be unfathomable. Such as?
With the great medical advancesG fortunately when
a decrease in infant mortality occurred several centu-
ries back, it decreased by around 750 childrens deaths
per one thousand births
to less than 50 per every one
thousand. This caused such an accelerated increase that
it abnormally shortened the lapse for the duplication
of the population, which at the same time turned into
something very essential, family planning; but since
many people did not practice it, see what happened.
Countries like: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Bolivia,
India and a large quantity of underdeveloped nations
of the world, duplicated their population in a time span
of between 32 to 35 years. And what repercussions did
that event have?
A nation like the ones we mention, or any other, if it
duplicates its population in a very short lapse, that is
to say of 34 years, that would be equivalent to the fact
that in that same period, it should have duplicated all
the necessary satisfiers, such as: housing, employment,
potable drinking water resources, sewage, education,
gasoline, forest reserves, agricultural production and
absolutely everything.
But since no one on our planet would be able to create
the equivalent of a new country in such a short time,
aside from renewing the whole infrastructure that as
the years go by becomes obsolete, as well as solving
the different deficits that have been accumulating on
different aspects. What will we have?
This brutal defacement/alteration among the different
interacting factors will have concrete manifestations
on many areas of society as a whole.
Upon not being able to duplicate the capacity for pro-
viding remunerated employment. What will happen?
The percentage of unemployment will increase palpa-
bly, the need to immigrate will increase, informal eco-
nomic activity will flourish, and violence and other di-
verse manifestations will increase.
We also see that every country that has experienced
rapid growth has not been able to transmit education-
al and moral values to the new social segments, which
will also have harmful consequences.
Upon not being able to duplicate the green areas, the
forest reserves or the capacity to produce food, there will
also be grave deficiencies along those lines, and this will
also produce accelerated ecological deterioration.
Surely it would not be possible either to duplicate the
capacity to produce the different energetic needs that
the new community would require, and so I could list
a large series of similar problems.
And now; if in that same country we interrelate all the
ample array of unsatisfied needs, we will see that the
situation is all together pitiful and unjust for an ample
segment of the population.
It is curious that the citizens perceptions, almost as a
rule, will blame the ruling government for all its needs,
without considering that the somewhat invisible forces,
like the ones cited, acted to develop said situation. What
happened underneath all this? It is very simple; it was
caused by this apparently inoffensive defacement/alter-
ation among the different factors that interacted.
Why are we revealing this to you? Isnt it supposedly
our intention to lead you to earning large profits by
intentionally and deceptively altering the glycemic con-
tent of your products?
This is true, but we should also put our feet on the
ground. In the future if anyone tries to establish your
responsibility, you should know, at least privately, what
the real situation is and we will then tell you what
strategy you should follow.
With this order of ideas, do you think that an artificial
alteration of the absorption and assimilation process
could lead to an organic defacement?
As you will understand, if the list of serious consequences
of such decoupling is so extensive and covers all the
sciences and all the ramifications of human knowledge,
to the extent that an encyclopedia could be written
with them, defacement in the field of nutrition could
not be the exception.
Now then, how could we represent a type of deface-
ment in the human organism? And if it existed how
would it affect its health?
We invite you to analyze the following carefully, trust-
ing that you, our budding disciple, will be sufficiently
discreet as not to reveal to third parties what we will
tell you below: the origin of the majority of the chronic
degenerative ailments that are afflicting millions at this
very moment; could be in the food itself.
On the prior pages we told you that man was inten-
tionally surrounded by a great variety of nutrients,
which are not only tasty and varied; but that when
they are eaten in a balanced manner, provide every-
one with an ample array of vital nutrients that will
protect them from many illnesses.
And something worthy of admiration, said nutrients
are duly designed to be absorbed by our body at a
certain speed, which coincides with its own internal
need for them.
It is our duty to warn you, that neither we nor you or
even all human beings together, could come even close
to knowing the great amount of advantages the con-
sumption of natural foods brings with it.
But in order to contrast that overwhelming superiority
of natural foods, you our astute and sweet business-
man, go ahead and take hold of todays advantages: an
almost unlimited use of marketing, the ability to fool
the consumers pallet, mans inclination toward sweet
flavors, the ignorance of many authorities regarding
the matter, with their honorable exceptions the
legislative voids, and above all, our valuable advise,
since we could become your most faithful allies, and
we could teach you an infinite number of tricks of the
Besides, do not forget something very important: While
your kind customers are not entirely aware of what we
are going to reveal to you in a moment, you will be
able to go ahead, even though always acting as if you
do not have the least idea what you are really causing.
This being so, the main principle of the second lesson
will be to make you, our well intentioned entrepre-
neur, aware of the scope of an alteration of the glyce-
mic content of food, which will derive in an apparent-
ly inoffensive nutritional type of defacement.
So, we invite you to analyze the issue under two per-
spectives: first we will see the macro aspect of the
whole human organism, and immediately afterwards
we will see the micro aspect, that is to say, what
happens inside the small cell.
Under a whole or micron vision of the human organ-
ism, as we call it, the natural nutrients, are able to be
absorbed by your body at a particular speed, which sur-
prisingly, is compatible with the internal organic ca-
pacity, and also, with the need to start using said nutri-
ents and so that desired situation of balance b is
attained, that is vital for anyones health.
What is critical for your personal enrichment project
is that that natural form of nutrition, even if it is infi-
nitely superior to the one that we propose, leaves you
out. Or more correctly said it would leave you out of the
game, if you are not smart enough to sweeten your
products, and thus attack your customers by tricking
them, in order to make them prefer your merchandise
over another, without it mattering that that which is
natural is, by far, the best option.
And why does a plain and simple sweetening interfere
with the digestion, absorption and assimilation processes
and could cause serious damages? Couldnt we argue that
we are only sweetening the customers lives? Dont some
of the natural products also have a sweet flavor?
Even though it certainly is true that carbohydrates (sug-
ars) come integrated in the majority of natural nutri-
from the moment that a carbohydrate is isolated
See the list in Annex A.
or refined, as is the case of sugar and is used later
as a sort of additive in other products, the absorption
and assimilation process takes place in a completely dif-
ferent form, and after a while, can cause catastrophic
If you analyze graphic 1 from lesson 1, you will see what
happens to a completely healthy person who consumes
the equivalent of only 50 grams of glucose in different
forms. There you will see that if that caloric force comes
from refined sugars, it is absorbed almost immediately,
and passes to the blood stream too abruptly.
This produces the following effect: without a person
even realizing it, his/her brain, in a surprisingly effi-
cient manner, worthy of admiration, before such a bio-
logical prodigy orders an extremely high liberation
of insulin, (as is described in graphic 2 of the prior
lesson) in an attempt to compensate that rapid and
certainly abnormal elevation of the glucose levels.
This being so, you will see, that in any completely
healthy and normal person a sudden elevation of his/
her blood sugar level, will be followed by another also
high insulin response, which will effect him/her, in a
paradoxical way, so that while the person is still
healthy in a few hours, the blood level of glucose
will descend to levels lower than those that he/she could
have had at the moment this pernicious cycle began.
We recognize that it is true that this will dangerously
increase the possibilities that, as the years go by; your
kind customer will have serious health problems. How-
ever, these sudden ups and downs will be phenomenal
for your pockets. Why will such imbalances be so ben-
eficial for your company?
Observe: When your customers blood sugar levels de-
scend abruptly, they will feel an uncontrollable desire
to consume more refined carbohydrates, since their
brains will be confused by this sudden descent of the
blood sugar level, they will seek to compensate that
low by consuming more sugars.
And the economic advantages for you will not stop
there; for reasons that we will reveal to you in the
following lessons, that will cause your clients to con-
sume more food than is necessary.
Could anyone design a better mechanism to keep their
customers captive? Unless they resort to illegal sub-
stances, we doubt it.
Therefore, we assure you that, as we described, you
will be able to continue generating growing sales, up
to the moment that your customers start getting ill,
which as we warned you that it is highly probable
that this may occur. But dont get alarmed either; new
segments of the population will substitute the sick seg-
ments, which will permit you to continue to receive a
very high income.
If someone asks: Why could these ups and down
be harmful?
We can explain it with an example: it is as if someone
were to buy the finest automobile on the market but in-
stead of driving it carefully, his way of driving is very
strange: each time the green traffic light goes on, he pushes
the gas pedal completely to the floor and simply sees
A phenomena in medicine known as hyperphagia.
himself obligated to also step on the brake pedal and
push it completely to the floor at the next red light, and
proceed to do this again and again every day.
Obviously that car, without it mattering that it was the
highest quality option on the market, sooner or later
will have problems, and at the moment that it is truly
needed for an important trip, that car will leave you
on the side of the road.
We believe that the human organism surpasses by far
the most sophisticated and almost perfect automobile,
but erroneous eating habits as time goes bywill re-
duce the quality and life expectancy of any person.
But dont worry, you, our not so ambitious and sweet
entrepreneur, that will be your customers problem, or
the governments; you and yours, will keep making
money, up until the real situation is discovered.
One of many inconveniences will be those sudden and
daily ups and downs of your customers glucose and
insulin levels which could cause serious problems for
their endocrine systems that would, among other things,
cause their pancreas to fail. From that moment on they
will not be able to lower their blood sugar within nor-
mal levels, a condition that will be diagnosed as diabe-
When this dysfunction occurs, the glucose levels will
remain higher than normal, which among other things
will alter the viscosity of their blood that will facilitate
the adherence of some of their bloods components to
Diabetes Mellitus type II, the most common.
the walls of their cardiovascular system,
which as the
years go by, will become a serious problem.
15 K
There is something else that it is important for you to
know, at this precise moment; there are millions of peo-
ple who are about to become diabetics, but they do not
know it, for the following reason: with every sudden al-
teration of their glucose levels a strong insulin reaction is
triggered, which causes the glucose levels to appear to
be normal, when what really happens is that they are
obligating the pancreas to work at full speed.
That is why, and quite rightly, many people are classi-
fied by their doctors as pre-diabetics, and they are
correct, since their glucose reading are apparently nor-
in reality this is due to the fact that they are
Which is diagnosed by medical science as endothelial damage, that is
but the prelude of an ample quantity of later illnesses.
Given the large quantity of functions of that lining inside the arteries,
the endothelial layerpresently it is believed that chronic degenerative dis-
eases start there, by a process known as endothelial dysfunction. This dys-
function initiates a microangiopathy that leads to retinopathy, nephropathy,
neuropathy and others. There are indicators in blood plasma that anticipate
this endothelial damage long before it is clinically manifested, these are: The
Von Willebrand Factor (VWF), the C reactive protein, thrombomodulin,
selectin, PAI-1 collagen type IV and I-PA. One of the first clinical manifesta-
tions of damage such as shear stress is defined as the tangential force that is
applied on the endothelial surface as a result of the laminar arrangement of
the blood flow. According to the Hagen-Pouseuille Law, the force is directly
proportional to the area of contact, the viscosity and the flow, and is in-
versely proportional to the radius of the vessel to the third power. This means
that a greater viscosity of the blood generates a greater contact force or greater
flow, and there is less contact force inside larger vessels. So, the endothelium
is a site that produces free radicals, induced by the presence of high chronic
glycemia, high fat levels and high blood pressure, which facilitates the ap-
pearance of other more serious ailments, as we mentioned in the prior lesson.
Very often, this overload that the pancreas is submitted to, is manifested as
hypoglycemia, (a low level of sugar in the blood) which works as follows:
after eating foods containing refined sugar, and provoking that excess...
submitting their pancreas to too big an effort which is
a situation that cannot go on forever.
That is why, an increasingly larger number of doctors
assertively recommend, that besides using a glu-
cose tolerance test, (the same one that determines the
pancreas response to a specific glucose load), a test
also be done to evaluate the insulin activity,
in order
to be able to have an idea of the overload levels that
the pancreas is being subjected to, since any part of
the body that is forced to work incorrectly, can fail;
such as is the case of the automobile that is subjected
to constant sudden starts and stops.
But perhaps the best way to know more about this
phenomena would be to analyze what happens on a
micro level, that is to say on a cellular level, since
the result of your body and ours, will not be more than
a simple result of each and every one of the cells they
are made up of.
The same way the total result of any country will not be but
the result of the performance of every man and woman,
... secretion of insulin, that latter lowering of the blood sugar levels is
caused, causing the consumers unconscious desire to consume more sugar,
which completes the allergic-dependency syndrome that is very beneficial
for the producers of sweetened foods, but is harmful for the consumer. The
solution obviously is not, the daily and repeated consumption of foods con-
taining refined sugar, but rather to completely avoid them, in order to avoid
brusque elevations of your insulin level, which is what really causes hy-
poglycemia. If on seeks to benefit the producer of this type of sweetened
food, it is preferable to send him a monthly check and avoid consuming his
Said test is known in the medical media as a serum C-peptide and serum
insulin test, which evaluates the functional capability of the Pancreas.
who is a part of it, if we wish to evaluate the result of any
organism, perhaps the fastest way would be to analyze the
conditions under which each cell should function.
In every society, if any government of the world is suf-
ficiently capable as to facilitate productive activity at
an individual level, and manages to surround every cit-
izen with an appropriate situation without any prob-
lems or conflictive situations, the general result will be
surprising and on the contrary if individual action is
inhibited or is prejudicial, the results all together will
be disappointing.
In your or in our body something similar will happen;
if on a global level erroneous nutritional decisions
are made by choosing bad types of food, this will re-
sult in a deficient joint work, a logical consequence of
an also deficient performance on a cellular level.
Due to this, any person who makes bad food choices will
harm their performance on a cellular level in an impor-
tant way and that awaited vigor and optimum perfor-
mance that we all desire, simply will not take place.
Which makes us remember those wise words of Marcus
Aurelius: That which is good for the bee, is good for the
And we believe that the most effective way
to limit our state of health is to harm the way each tiny
cell, that makes up our body, is supplied.
Therefore it is indispensable to analyze the cells ac-
tion and reaction a little more deeply. How are they
supplied and what does the efficient work of each one
of them depend on?
As we told you, the same interaction that exists be-
tween an individual and his society, will exist between
each minute cell and the rest of the body and the cor-
rect or incorrect function of the cell; whether we like it
or not will reflect on the whole body.
So, in your society, there are an infinite number of goods
and services that were produced by other people,
whether they were made in small workshops or in big
factories, we cannot help but recognize that that pro-
duction is always derived from the acts of individuals
like yourself, and at the same time, in the body, every-
thing also results from the work of those microscopic
and sometimes forgotten cells.
Although the cells have different shapes, sizes and spe-
cialties, in general, we could say that each one of them
has a semi-porous membrane through which it com-
municates with the outside; which in the science me-
dia is called the cellular membrane.
Another key part is the nucleus, which constitutes one
of its main elements, none other than during the pro-
cess of cellular reproduction, since the majority of the
cells have a certain lifespan and as a result in order to
prolong the life of the body each cell should be capa-
ble of duplicating itself almost exactly.
But also, just like a small factory needs energy the cell
is made up of some key parts called mitochondria that
will provide the cell with the energy needed to trans-
form certain basic elements they receive, such as: glu-
cose, fatty acids, amino acids, oxygen and others into
other key substances for the body, depending on the
type of cell we are talking about.
If it is not duplicated exactly, that will give origin to other pathologies,
such as cancer.
Another one of the cells notable characteristics is that,
within the cellular membrane, they also have a net-
work of internal membranes with small granules called
endoplasmatic reticulum, that function like mini fac-
tories of hemoglobin, insulin, albumen, globulins, from
the elements we already mentioned.
And just like a person, workshop or factory is capable
of transforming what it receives into more elaborate
materials, which at the same time will be necessary
for others and with which each person participates ac-
tively in the total production of goods and services; in
that same way, each cell grouped together in tissues
or organs should also receive some things, but on the
other hand, it should also provide others.
Lets say, some types of cells, once they have received
the basic elements, use them to elaborate albumin (that
the body uses to control the pressure of blood plasma),
also globulin (which is vital for the immunological pro-
cesses), hemoglobin (that fulfills the key function of trans-
porting oxygen) and many other things, according to
the specialty of each factory, or specific tissue of
the body.
Because just as in our community, there are many fac-
tories oriented toward producing certain materials, also
on a cellular level, there are specialties, such as in
the case of the beta cells of the pancreas, that are in
charge of producing insulin which is a key hormone so
that a large amount of the nutrients can be incorporat-
ed to the large number of remaining cells, of this bio-
logical wonder called the human body.
But guess what? This admirable productive setting of
the body, can be seriously damaged by other types of
food, that are not the ones that nature under the
Creators control perfected over thousands and thou-
sands of years of evolution.
This being so if the organism receives something dif-
ferent your body will not know how to handle it. And
even worse, when dealing with food that has not even
been designed according to medical and scientific can-
nons; but instead according to an absolute and totally
mercantile criteria, seeking higher sales, as its main
What are we referring to? We will explain it to you,
our sweet entrepreneur, the simplest way possible, since
we know that we are not speaking to a doctor or to a
scientist, (we do not want you to be one either, be-
cause if you were, you would never dare to harm the
awesome mechanism which is the human body) which
functions better than the most sophisticated watch in
the world.
Gee whiz! How could such a sweet and non-greedy
entrepreneur such as you, seriously harm this whole
admirable and complex biological process?
Just as we commented on the prior pages, if in any
physical, social, economic, biological or any other pro-
cess, we where to simply alter the speed at which
certain elements interact, it would be sufficient for us
to ruin the whole thing.
Here something similar will happen, but judge for your-
self: continuing with the analogy of a factory like the
ones you may know. Imagine for a moment that the
raw material does not arrive to that economic unit on
schedule, or at a certain speed, as needed, rather all
of a sudden someone decides to send that material at
an excessive speed, and for periods that are too short.
If that were to happen sporadically, maybe it could be
somewhat manageable, but if that also happens daily,
that erratic form of supply will cram that factory of
raw material, and will cause it to be unable to process
it, and will even speed it up among other inconve-
niences and that part of the available space even of
the internal circulatory system, will have to be used in
order to incorrectly and hurriedly load all that excess
quantity of extra unused material.
Well something similar will happen inside the cell, if
an inadequate supply arrives,
we do not leave it any
other alternative than to accumulate that excess quan-
tity of calories in the form of micro fatty deposits,
which will decrease the intracellular space, having to
keep those micro fatty deposits inside them, which at
the same time will decrease the efficiency on a cellu-
lar level.
A calorie is the energy stored in food.
In order to store energy, the body chooses to keep said excess energy in the
form of fat, since a gram of fat contains twice the amount of calories that a
gram of carbohydrates does.
There is a type of specialized cell for said storage: the adipose cells, which
make up our adipose tissue. They play a crucial role, because they subdue
the excess calories and store them in the form of micro fatty deposits inside
But an excess of calories in a very short time lapse, is also manifested in
another more harmful way: it produces an excess of calories in too short a
lapse, and it also is manifested in another even more detrimental way: it
produces a phenomena known in medicine as oxidative stress, because
when it is present, many free radicals are liberated, which are elements that
contain uncoupled electrons, such is the case of the Reactive Oxygen Spe-
cies (ROS), which at the same time produce the peroxidation of lipids in the
cellular membranes that induces endothelial damage and leads to the in-
flammatory process.
And reducing the efficiency on a cellular level is something much more
serious than it appears. That lesser capacity for internal work is also derived
from incrementing the occupation of the intracellular space, limiting...
This is due to a very simple reason: the natural capac-
ity of absorption and assimilation, that nature had been
perfecting over a period of thousands of years, would
permit the nutrients to be used more or less at the
same speed that they were being required.
But then you, our self-sacrificing entrepreneur, ap-
peared feeling like the most astute person who seeks a
mercantile objective, and proceeded to alter the sugar
content of natural foods by means of food and bever-
ages stuffed with empty calories, without any nutri-
tional value; the same ones that, unfortunately, have
different absorption and assimilation speeds.
And what happens? The body does not know how to
handle that unexpected situation, and, although it seems
incredible, that simple and unexpected situation will
be the trigger of an ample array of illnesses.
Carefully analyze the following: the cells, when they
make an effort, also worthy of admiration, to get rid of
that excess energy, accelerate their internal produc-
tion and since they were made hastily they have
some slight manufacturing defects,
21 N
which will cause
problems later in other parts for the body. Why?
...the capacity for internal oxygenation, due to an increase of the cellular
volume. And since the body as a whole, is but the sum of the productivity of
all the cells that make it up, the bodys total efficiency, will be projected in
every sense, and will contribute in a decisive way together with other
negative elements to the inflammatory process.
These manufacturing defects are due to the fact that, when the manufac-
turing process of diverse cellular products takes place, when they are obli-
gated to carry them out at an abnormally high speed, many atoms of oxygen
and nitrogen, remain unpaired or uncoupled, which will produce the
highly harmful free radicals.
Like every human body similar to what happens in
our society it is perfectly interrelated, and is inter-
dependent among all its other parts; by having ele-
ments with some of their components in an abnormal
state of linkage (known in medical science as free
they will later generate inconveniences.
This happens for a very simple reason; some of the
free radicals upon having some unlinked or incom-
plete electrons will seek to take them (or rob them)
from anywhere they can, by which they will unlink
These abnormalities present themselves in spite of the cells enormous capa-
bility to adapt to changing situations. For example, the beta cells (of the
pancreas, in charge of producing the INSULIN hormone), that produce up to
28 million molecules of protein per minute, when there is an overload
caused by over eating, or a bad selection of food the defect in the process of
fabrication, that we mentioned before, occurs altering the chain of mito-
chondrial respiration in the giving and receiving process of electrons and
protons that produce ATP (ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE), which is the cells
energy currency.
When its efficiency is reduced, the production of proteins is altered in the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or network of cellular membranes, giving place
to defective products, incapable of totally fulfilling their different functions.
Parallel, to incrementing the oxidative stress, that is to say, the production
of reactive oxygen and nitrogen, (the same ones which under normal condi-
tions serve as signal species for a series of cellular functions), when the
apparition of free radicals exceeds a certain limit, they increment the oxida-
tion of the proteins, altering the redox index (the La OXIDORREDUCTION)
which is a vital function for the cells survival; even more so, when it com-
bines with a cells intent to survive. That is why, under extreme conditions,
the cell in an intent to survive starts a UPR (UNFOLDED PROTEIN REAC-
TION) process, which consists of getting rid of the defective proteins that it
classifies as organic trash.
As an example of this, the oxidation of the DNA (in charge of the duplication
of the proteins) causes an inadequate transmission of the hereditary informa-
tion, causing the apparition of defects in the product of the conception.
The free radicals are reactive species of oxygen and nitrogen, the same
ones that when they are not able to be eliminated by the cells antioxidants,
they are turned into a type of excess trash, which not only gets in the way,
but also alters the production of proteins.
by this, they will be transmitting the prob-
lem further ahead.
And exactly here is where the root of the majority of
all illnesses will begin, as if this were not enough, it
has even been proven that this abnormal functioning
of the cell speeds up the aging process.
It is here also, inside this unbalance on a cellular level,
where what many doctors and scientists call the in-
flammation process takes place.
24, P Q.
Lets go back to the example of the factory that cannot
find enough storage space for so much unused raw
material; if that company could try to have more space,
it would have to grow sideways or upwards.
But if in our society this often is not possible; in our
body it can be done,
since some cells have that flexi-
bility, to start a process which is medically known as
and hypertrophy.
The reactive species of oxygen and nitrogen can end up being a big prob-
lem for the body. The conflict initiates the moment that the oxidant capabil-
ity (of those reactive species) surpasses the cells own natural antioxidant
The inflammatory process can originate due to other causes, such as infec-
tions or traumatic situations (bruises), but the first one mentioned, is prob-
ably the most harmful and it is the one that originates the majority of the
chronic-degenerative illnesses.
Hyperplasia is an increase in the number of cells of a certain body tissue.
Unless it is due to another type of pathology, that greater number of cells
conserves the characteristics and the functions of the original tissue. When it
refers to adipose tissue, it is usually due to the fact that there is too much fat
to be stored, once the normal cells of that tissue have reached their storage
capacity and are not able to fulfill their purpose. So, in a very wise manner
and worthy of admiration, the body increments the number of cells of that
tissue (adipocytes), seeking to increase the storage capacity, all this de-
rived from the excess of calories that we mentioned.
Hypertrophy is nothing more than an excessive increase of the original
cellular volume, that manifests itself externally, through out the...
When the number of cells increases together with the
volume of each one of them,
27 S
(the cellular volume,
sometimes, raises to such a degree, that it goes from its
original 120 micro microns up to 180),
which at the
same time, causes the total body mass to increase.
And if that happens with many body cells and tissues,
it will make that person, that is but the sum of all
his/her cells and at the same time his/her volume to
increase, and acquire what is known as obesity.
Due to this, obesity,
in the great majority of cases, turns into
that clear indicative that one is suffering from malnutrition
on a cellular level, and what we see on the outside of the
body, is only its tangible physical manifestation.
But that feared organic manifestation, weight gain
aside from meaning a much greater effort for the body,
as a whole, for almost all its organs and tissues, has the
following as one of its greatest inconveniences:
...whole body as obesity it is no more than a simple and plain conse-
quence of the fore mentioned inflammatory process that is taking place. This
increase of the volume mainly manifests itself in the adipose tissue, whose
cells are specialized in accumulating lipids in their cytoplasm. The adipose
tissue plays the role of a shock absorber, that stores the excess foods and
keeps them as a reserve, but said tissue should have a much lesser size than
is commonly thought, since it can cause the body grave problems.
The adipocytes, not only increase their volume individually, but as we also
mentioned, they also can grow in number. According to a study, for every 1.6
extra kilograms of additional weight, the patients add 2.6 million new
adipocytes of fatty tissue (a phenomena known as hyperplasia).
The increase, of around 50 percent, of the cellular volume referred to here
is common in the adipocytes,of the adipose tissue since its basic function
is precisely to store fat.
If you wish to know your ideal weight, use any Internet search engine to
look up the words body mass index, and once you enter the site there are
many just type in your weight and height, either in feet or inches, accord-
ing to how you are asked to do it, and it will give you your BMI in a second,
and it will indicate if you are at you correct weight.
That greater cellular expansion, surpasses the capac-
ity for the diffusion of natural oxygen within the fatty
tissue, causing grave damage, derived from insufficient
oxygenation inside each cell. It is worth pointing out
that oxygen is a key element, not only to obtain a good
cellular function, but even for the survival of each one
of them.
That is why it is not strange that, when the feared
inflammatory process is taking place, this can be per-
fectly detected from outside the body, by a blood test,
which will reveal the existence of certain markers or
indicators that something irregular is happening.
This being so, those markers are not only an impor-
tant indicative that said inflammatory process is tak-
ing place, but they give us an idea of its magnitude.
And it is all caused by something that seems to be inof-
fensive: that increased volume on a cellular level, causes
a deficient diffusion of oxygen inside each cell.
That abnormal condition induces hypoxia,
that can
eventually lead to the death of the cell which at the
When the inflammatory process is present in the body a series of mark-
ers are manifested which indicate that something abnormal is happening.
Other indicators or markers in the blood that alert doctors regarding the
development of an inflammatory process, are: an unusual elevation of the C
reactive protein, the measurement of the Necrosis tumoral factor, the mac-
rophage inhibitor factor, the interleukin 1, the interleukin 2, protein-1
chemotactic monocytes, the nitric oxide synthase inducible, the matrix
metalloproteinase 9 and the metalloproteinase 2.
Hypoxia means there is an inadequate administration of oxygen, (or low
oxygen tension) and it often leads to the death of some fatty cells due to
hypoxia. This attracts the macrophages to the fatty tissue, which are the
ones in charge of cleaning the tissue of dead cells. This is the reason why in
a histological study this type of cells, that are common to all inflammatory
processes, is characteristically found. (This phenomenon is observed in biop-
sies of fat using a microscope, for which, it is not of routine clinical use).
same time contributes to increase the inflammatory
And, also, the greater the number of free radicals,
the body, through a desperate cellular mechanism, in-
creases its production of capillary veins, which many
on the outside perceive as inflammation, since it is a
pathological process that requires more room inside
the body.
Are you, our sweet entrepreneur apprentice, aware of
the complexity of the negative effects derived from the
apparently inoffensive fact of altering the sugar content
of a product, in order to sell more of your wonders?
Simply analyze the following paradox worthy of Ripley:
this sad consequence will make some companies try to
develop a whole industry by attacking, not so much
the basic cause that triggers these problems, (which is
eating the wrong way) seeking to diminish the patients
external symptoms, that is, trying to reduce only their
external manifestations of inflammation,
and leav-
ing the basic cause almost intact.
At some moment we even came to think about suggest-
ing that you invest in that industry also, in such a way
that on one part it helps your sweet and treacherous prod-
ucts to develop chronic-degenerative diseases, earning
Angiogenesis is a process which consists in the generation of capillary
vessels. Under normal conditions, the hypoxia increments the production of
capillary cells, however, when a condition of obesity presents itself, this does
not happen. The elevated levels of leptin y glucose in the blood, inhibit the
normal process for the formation of new capillary vessels, which explains the
sustained presence of hypoxia, that can be measured from the outside as low
oxygen tension, a factor that largely contributes to the death of the fat cells.
Which very often are manifested by an increase in volume.
money with them and on the other that you sell the
public an endless number of articles that the victims will
try to use to reduce the external symptoms.
Obviously you and we both know that we could only
avoid those terrible consequences by eating regularly
natural foods, but you should not even insinuate that
to anyone because your brilliant, sweet little business
would collapse.
That is why we reconsidered, and did NOT suggest
that you introduce yourself to the business of factors
(such as, diuretics and others) that attenuate the exter-
nal signs, that will over come many of your nice cus-
tomers, since we consider that if we also introduce you
into that business, knowing what we reveal in this book,
if a leak were to occur through the people you trust,
your liability could be not only civil, but also criminal.
So, keep only the sweet food business and continue to
act like you do not know anything about the problems
we mentioned, and let others do business with the
products that attenuate the symptoms.
So continuing with the physiopathology of the inflam-
matory process: the abnormal presence of free radi-
cals, as well as the alteration of the normal parame-
ters of the viscosity of the blood, as time goes by will
also cause endothelial damage
34 U
and will eventually
result in diabetes.
Endothelial Damage: as we already mentioned, is the damage caused to
the internal walls of the cardiovascular system, but said damage in reality is
barely the beginning of a true chain of inconveniences. The endothelial dam-
age and the abnormal elevation of the bloods viscosity will have a negative
influence on many blood components, such as: cholesterol and triglycerides,
which will start adhering to the internal walls of the extensive network of
capillary arteries.
The damage to the arteries, not only reduces their in-
ternal lumen or the diameter, diminishing its ca-
pacity to oxygenate and nourish but also will con-
tribute, in a decisive way, to the hardening of thousands
and thousands of kilometers of arteries inside your
which, at the same time will contribute to an-
other problem called, High Blood Pressure; which is
nothing else than an abnormal increase of the arterial
You may remember that at the beginning of this lesson,
we warned that neither you nor your family should con-
sume the artificially sweetened merchandise that you
produce. We believe that with what we have expressed
on the prior pages and there is much more you will
perfectly understand the reason for our warning.
However, we do not want to discourage you either, as
we already mentioned, only the medical and scientific
communities that are up to date, are the ones that are
informed of the pernicious process that we described,
and if you are observant you will note that the im-
mense majority of our fellow human beings will con-
tinue to consume a great quantity of junk food like the
An abnormal elevation of the blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and the abnor-
mal elevation of fat (hiperlipidemia) will decisively contribute to greater
oxidative stress on the internal walls of the circulatory system (endothelium),
which will become inflamed and will favor the accumulation of cholesterol
and triglycerides, thus starting the development of arteriosclerosis.
High blood pressure is not a problem that should be treated as an isolated or
independent one, but as what it is: a mere consequence of another problem.
When the body feels that it cannot supply all its cells with the basic nutri-
ents, partly due to the problems we mentioned the body elevates its
blood pressure, as a desperate measure, trying to make them reach all the
cells, but that elevation of the blood pressure also brings with it an important
risk of suffering grave vascular accidents, such as cerebral hemorrhages.
ones we suggest; without ever imagining all the dam-
age it could cause them in due time.
Besides, do not forget that you now can count on our
advice, and as we told you that we were going to re-
veal the advantages and the disadvantages of this sweet
business to you, we feel that our advice would have
been incomplete if we had not warned you of the tre-
mendous social and human damage that it will cause.
We do not want to appear as indispensable advisors,
but take into account that everyday there are more
and more investigators and scientists who are urgently
recommending that people drastically decrease their
consumption of refined sugars, which, we believe,
makes us indispensible in order for you to carry out
your financial objective.
Continuing then with our intensive course, permit us
to show you some clinical cases of some simple and
vulgar mortals who are not as lucky as you are, and
immediately afterwards, do not be alarmed ahead
of time we will reveal to you a marvelous strategy
that you will be able to follow. Just like we promised
you at the beginning, we will leave you before the eyes
of the public, whiter that a newly bathed lamb. You
will see.
As we already mentioned, considering the fact that our
intention is to show you, our dear apprentice, a com-
plete panorama of your new business, we should show
you, even if it is in a confidential way... a complete
perspective, of the good as well as the bad.
That is precisely the reason why, in the prior lesson,
we first presented the total vision of what happens
inside the body on a cellular level. We will now con-
template it from another perspective.
So, we ask you to accompany us, on a virtual tour on a
clinical level, so that we can both verify what is hap-
pening right now in the deep world out there.
That way we will see what really happens to those
who are not as fortunate as you, who only produce,
sell, and bill the sweet food, but are intelligent
enough,we hope not to eat it.
Certainly right now you are planning from the comfort
of your desk, another publicity campaign for another
of your great and successful wonderful food products.
And we warned you: if what we will reveal at this time
seems too bothersome, do not worry, in the next lesson
we think we have the solution: a very well designed
publicity and commercials campaign; which will
erase from your mind forever, and above all from
the consumerswhat we will show you on the fol-
lowing pages.
Besides, maybe only you and us will have found out
about what we reveal in this book, and so, as long as
the great public, and above all your kind custom-
ers do not find out, you should not worry too much.
We have asked you to accompany us only virtually, since
surely you will not be able to do so in person. Look
On one occasion, the authors of this book took a tour
of a Public Health Clinic in Mexico City, D.F., in order
to analyze first hand the problems the whole commu-
nity that regularly eats that delicious and artificially
sweetened food that we proposed to you, has to face
and believe us: the panorama was devastating.
We can assure you that we had a chance to prove it
first hand; any doctor or nurse, who works in a Public
Health Institution, lives it day after day.
The taste that was left in our mouths after that visit
was more or less like the one many investigators
warned us about decades ago, about what could hap-
pen to us, if we continued to permit the indiscriminate
commercialization of food products, whose content has
been artificially altered regarding their sugar content,
and guess what, those opportune warnings are now a
palpable reality today.
This said in a different way: that future is not ahead
of us, it has already arrived; that threatening Sword
of Damocles is now upon us and worst of all we are
not talking about the end of a nightmare, but rather
that it has barely begun.
It has taken concrete form as a true avalanche of chron-
ic-degenerative illnesses, the same ones that a much
higher number of patients are presenting day after
day than the capacity available to attend them prop-
erly; but we will describe the panorama and you will
have the last word.
And you must pay very close attention to what we say,
what is truly alarming is the fact that that avalanche of
illnesses, barely shows the tip of the iceberg, because
the basic causes that originated them, are not only in-
tact but are increasing. Why?
Other sweet businessmen, like you, also pursuing a fi-
nancial objective, obviously setting aside humanitari-
an and public interest considerations, at this precise
moment are competing with each other for the mar-
ket, and they know perfectly well that in order to at-
tain it all they need to do is to use the magic formula
mentioned on the prior pages: the consumer needs to
be provided with more and more delicious and sweet
Lets then proceed to describe for you the human dra-
ma that we saw; the same one that the patients, the
doctors, the nurses and the rest of the personnel of
these Public Health Centers live every day.
The Way of the Cross for the patients and their rela-
tives starts even before they enter a hospital; a conflic-
tive situation that is explained by a very simple rea-
son: the number of requests for admittance through
the emergency entrance is far superior to the capac-
ity of the infrastructure that is available.
And when one is admitted, his/her relatives should stay
outside, sometimes even with small children; since they
have no one to leave them with; one can clearly per-
ceive the look of worry and impotence on their faces.
Walking through the halls, we could go reading each
clinical sheet one by one regarding the reasons the pa-
tients were admitted and upon analyzing them, we
could prove that more than 90% (!!) of the patients,
were admitted to that hospital unit due to a chronic-
degenerative illness.
And which ones are they? They are none other than
the physical manifestations in the body, with different
degrees of progress, of what we described to you in the
prior lesson. Only we first presented it to you analyz-
ing what happens on a cellular level, and what we
now see, is the visible or external organic effect in each
That is to say, now we only see the manifestation in
each organism of what first happens at a cellular level.
And we add something more: those external manifes-
tations of deficient cellular functioning do not develop
only in one direction, but in several. What is it we are
trying to tell you? We will present it to you using an
It is like a tree whose roots are where the cellular
imbalance we mentioned is,
but that tree will not
have only one branch but several; the same ones that
Many specialized doctors and scientists of the world have called that,
apparently simple, imbalance, as we have said: the inflammatory process,
which many are now considering to be none other than the mother or the
prelude of the majority of the chronic-degenerative illnesses.
will grow in several directions, and each one of them
will take a concrete form of a very specific illnesses.
Those branches will take on a physical form such
as: diabetes, cardiovascular complications, renal insuf-
ficiency, digestive problems, high blood pressure, high
triglycerides, serious ocular illnesses and many other
medical problems that could have and should have
been avoided, if something very simple would have
occurred: if their diet would have been different.
And believe us, any doctor knows that when that
pernicious tree, is persistent from the root, and the
patient, continues eating day by day most of the time
due to ignorance your sweet wonder, will contribute
in a decisive way to the development of the feared
inflammatory process, and there is no way in medi-
cal science, to stop the branches from growing up-
ward, causing a crisis first in one or various directions,
sometimes almost simultaneously.
But lets go back to the visit to the Public Health Clin-
ic. Another one of the most lacerating aspects that: the
patients, their relatives, the doctors, the nurses, and
other hospital personnel experience every day is that
when the demand for services surpasses the capacity
of the infrastructure, too many patients cannot be cared
for properly.
This is manifested in the following situation: the ma-
jority of the patients can only be treated initially with
an I.V. solution while they wait to be properly treated
and be able to be assigned a bed.
Only those who can physically contemplate this pa-
thetic scene in the halls, with an infinite number of
patients requiring urgent attention, and who can only
wait sitting in a chair with an I.V solution, can under-
stand the problem well.
Any analyst with the most elemental medical knowl-
edge, would reach the following conclusion: the med-
ical and hospital system, has been greatly surpassed
and does not have the capacity to attend all those peo-
ple from the lowest economic levels, (the best sweet
food customers) that are, consequently, the ones who
are most affected.
That is why this also has another deadly facet: that over-
whelming and abnormal number of newly admitted pa-
tients, suffering from chronic-degenerative ailments,
which are the reason that the normal cases of any com-
munity: maternity medical attention, diverse preventive
treatments, traumatology (accidents) and diverse compli-
cations that require medical and hospital attention, very
often cannot be attended as they should be.
Why? The better part of the available medical capacity is
almost blocked by the fore mentioned ailments. And this
is where you, our sweet and unselfish entrepreneur, who
with your insatiable desire for money, take advantage of
the legislative void perfectly in order to stuff them with
your delicious but betraying junk.
But do not worry too much either, as long as the majority
does not realize the sad reality, and the public does not
truly perceive its true origin, (not only of the present prob-
lem, but what is coming, which is much worse). Do not
get distressed, when the situation is unmanageable, you
personally will have a very sound financial situation.
As long as, the finances of the Public Health institu-
tions do not go completely bankrupt, and the legisla-
tors continue to worry about other things, you will be
able to continue producing your sugary foods freely,
and each time with greater force.
38 V
So do not even worry because you can count on us, to
help you; by using a series of tricks that we will show
you in the following lesson, you will see how we will
orient public opinion in a convenient way for your
benefit, and you can continue on with your projects, as
if the countrys pathetic medical situation, were hap-
pening in another far away country; you will see.
Besides, as we told you at the beginning, what is most prob-
able is that the majority of your customers, will never read
this instructive book, so trusting that, as well as, your own
discretion, we will be able to show you more confidently
what will happen to many of those who become fans of
what you consider to be your sweet wonders.
What we describe below will also make you under-
stand why we recommended that neither you nor your
family should regularly consume your products.
When it is time, we will tell you how we will try to
blame the authorities for not increasing the medical
and hospital capacity, and believe us a situation of
this nature will not be able to be analyzed in depth by
the public.
That is to say, food that has deliberately been sweetened by adding a
complicated catalog of refined sugar, under the most picturesque denomina-
tions, such as: sucrose, fructose, galactose, dehydrated sugarcane juice (eu-
phemism for common sugar), high fructose corn syrup, maltose, maltodextrin,
glucose, and a very ample list of names, which are contained in products
such as carbonated beverages, doughnuts, buuelos, cupcakes, sweet bread,
chocolates, gum drops, lollypops, and thousands of other treats; all with only
one purpose: to make them W appetizinga to the pallet, in order to increase
their consumption.
It is true that a politician with a little experience in
public administration will be able to realize that the
financial capacity of any country would be completely
insufficient facing the massive consumption of this type
of products.
But you have something on your side: as the social,
human and economic problem will turn into a truly
unconcealable catastrophe well into the following de-
it is highly possible that, politically speaking,
the problem will be deferred for some years,
will give you sweet entrepreneurs more time.
Nevertheless, lets see what happens today in real life.
How does a chronic-degenerative disease manifest it-
Returning to the example of the harmful tree, that was
mentioned before, whose roots are feed by the feared
If the consumption of refined sugars in Mexico is approximately 110 lbs.
per inhabitant per year, in the United Stated it is around 135 lbs. per year, (a
little more than 2.2 pounds per week), or 167 grams per day, and believe us,
it only takes 2 carbonated beverages and a few sweetened products to reach
that number.
Each year on health Mexico, as well as, the United States or the European
Economic Community, spend thousands of millions of dollars on complica-
tions due to chronic degenerative illnesses, which prevents themfrom spending
money on items such as forest regeneration, education, investigation, hous-
ing, infrastructure, and other crucial areas.
Remember what Jean de La Bruyre (1645-1696) said: Here you have a
political error, to think of nothing but oneself and in the present. This
will make many politicians try to endorse the problem to their successor,
without wanting to face the derived political cost, which will give the sweet
entrepreneurs more time, unless a true statesman appears to face the prob-
lem, before it becomes something completely unmanageable.
but silent inflammatory process on a cellular level. How
could we detect (above all on time) that that imaginary
tree is strengthening its roots? How could John or Jane
Doe be aware of this, before it is too late?
Will they need to buy an electronic microscope in or-
der to observe with their own eyes, if this deadly pro-
cess is affecting their cells?
The good news is that they will not need to buy that
very sophisticated and expensive instrument in order
to know if this problem exists inside their cells; be-
sides John and Jane Doe would need to study most of
their lives in order to get duly involved with what hap-
pens in this very specialized field.
Well then, how can and how should the common
citizen, know more about his/her own cellular perfor-
mance? For the immense majority, the method is in-
credibly simple and practical: by observing their own
weight. Normally, if there is weight gain, except for a
few exceptions where other factors intervene
is a sign that the inflammatory process is acting inside
the body.
As we were saying, the cells work formula, is condi-
tioned by thousands and thousands of years of evolu-
tion, and by the appearance of that high amount of
refined carbohydrates (within a very short period of
This applies to the great majority, even though there are some cases where
a certain form of wrong eating manifests itself in a first stage as hypoglyce-
mia, which is none other than a decrease in their blood sugar levels, very
frequently caused because the body when it does not receive an adequate
amount of refined sugar produces too much insulin which frequently leads to
subsequent low blood sugar levels; if this eating habit persists it normally
leads the patient to diabetes.
time)that the body does not know how to handle, first
in the digestive system, then in your blood, and later
on a cellular level, and as we explained in the past
lesson, besides the harmful stress oxidative
body starts to store that excess energy as fat.
This being so do not doubt that, for the immense ma-
jority, the first sign of alarm is: weight gain. If a person
wants to avoid increasing extraordinarily his/her possi-
bilities of suffering from the problems that we will
mention below, he/she should stay within his/her ide-
al weight.
And something similar will happen on a national level, an
increase in the obesity indexes, is an unmistakable sign that
the eating habits are suffering a grave deterioration, which
also is a sign of subsequent grave problems.
Because the true problem of every obese person, is not
so much that day after day he/she should carry around
a certain amount of extra weight, we wish it were
as simple as that but, rather, the true risk, is that the
obesity is an indicative, sign or manifestation, that
shows that inside the cells, an inflammatory process is
going on, which is starting to be considered by many
Oxidative stress, the process that generates harmful free radicals, is de-
rived from the abnormal increase of its own functions on a cellular level,
derived in part from an abnormally high amount of calories within a very
short time lapse.
Being repetitive, we amply recommend that you know your ideal weight,
knowing your BMI (Body Mass Index), which is easily obtained through any
Internet Search Engine, by simply writing three words: Body Mass Index
you will find that there are a great many sites that will calculate it for you in
a few seconds. We recommend the OMS site (World Health Organization) as
the most trustworthy. And we warn you that you may be surprised, because
there you will see that the recommended weight parameters for each person
are much lower that the majority thinks.
specialists around the world, as the true origin of the
majority of all illnesses.
But as you will understand, that, we will not be able to
announce the true cause of obesity on a massive level,
because that would also reflect in a drastic decrease
in the sales of their sweet food and what great advi-
sors we would be in that case. So do not worry, we will
remain much more silent than a stone. And you, our
silent and prudent businessman, should do the same.
Before I tell you about this and the following cases, let
me tell you, our dear student, that the cases that we will
tell you about, are the product of 35 years of clinical ex-
perience, and if we would want to show you each and
every one of them, we would need an encyclopedia.
For this reason, regarding Diabetes, we will only tell
you about one, but it is representative of the terrible
problem that is being generated throughout the whole
national and world community.
Jos Luis is an outstanding professional with ample prep-
aration in the area of Business Administration, who at
the moment is 41 years old, has a wife and 2 little girls.
He has just been admitted to Intensive Care with a clini-
cal profile similar to one that he presented 10 years ago,
which he came out of more or less ok: he has Acute Pan-
Diabetes and is quite overweight.
Acute pancreatitis. The ending itis, is a Latin root that indicates the in-
flammation of an organ or of a tissue that it is associated with. In this...
That first sign of pancreatic problems, that started to
manifest itself, as we were saying, a decade before
and that he had more or less overcome, given that the
basic cause of the problem the wrong diet still ex-
isted and as time passed progressed into Diabetes Mel-
litus Type II, which obviously greatly limited his own
natural capacity to control his blood sugar level, which
obligated him to take pills
to help lower his blood
sugar levels.
A person who has acquired Diabetes, as in this case,
should know that if he/she does not control it adequately
by eating a proper diet, his/her cardiovascular system,
another of the branches of the tree from the exam-
ple he/she will suffer a grave deterioration, and to
tell the truth, the cardiovascular system, which is the
key to good or bad health, will surely culminate in a
terrible Diabetic Angiopathy.
46 W it refers to an inflammation of the pancreas, the inflammation of which
represents a serious problem. The key question would be: what caused it? It
can have several origins, even of the infectious type, but the most common,
is that the Beta cells, that make up the Pancreas, have been submitted to a
great overload for prolonged periods of time; which generates the feared
,inflammation process. But in Jos Luis specific case, this situation was also
accompanied by Diabetes and with a very important hypertriglyceridemia
(high triglycerides) with numbers like 1,600 Mg. / Dl. which caused the
pancreatitis a second time.
Called oral hypoglycemics which help to reduce blood sugar levels.
Diabetic angiopathy is a narrowing of the blood vessels as a consequence of
diabetes, which projects in a very negative way on the whole body, since it
substantially reduces the oxygenation and nutrition capacity of all the cells.
It affects the: kidneys, eyes, legs, heart, brain, ears and practically every
part of the body. It is characterized by grave damage to the endothelium (the
internal lining of the whole cardiovascular system) where glycoproteins ac-
cumulate along the inside of the system of arteries and veins which inside
the body is about 90 thousand kilometers long, since it has to reach all the
bodys cells...
All doctors know well, that the direct and indirect cost
of a hospital stay will be incredibly serious economi-
cally speaking for the patient and for the whole family,
but from the collective context, sometimes we do not
reconsider that society, is nothing but the sum of all its
What do you think will happen, if the exemplified case
being described now were to be repeated by hundreds
of thousands? Would any county be able to afford to
waste so many people who are at their full creative
Can the number of premature deaths, the human and
social damage due to this be calculated?
In the prior lesson, we described the physiopathology
of the inflammatory process, as well as, the ramifica-
tions that it would have in the body, and we also told
you that the abnormal elevation of the macrophages
(the ones in charge of eliminating dead cells) in the
body, is a sign that something serious is happening.
Well, guess what, in the case of our society, an abnor-
mal elevation of mortality due to Diabetes, is also an
irrevocable sign that something abnormal is happen-
ing, and in this case it is the artificially sweetened
food. (See Graphics 3, 4 and 5).
But you, our sweet disciple, do not permit those moral
scruples to interfere with your monetary objectives; if
you really want to go far economically, and be able to
obtain a fat bank account, forget the ethical consider-
If a certain percentage of the cases like Jos Luis are
able to survive, their physical and intellectual capacity
will probably be somewhat diminished and they will
be subject to many limitations. But do not let your-
selves be moved by this, focus only on creating and
commercializing more of your sweetened wonders.
Partly also due to this, we do not invite you to know
something about his family, which is made up of his
young wife and two little daughters, because upon
knowing them, we are sure that you would feel com-
passion for them, and you would become more aware
of the great chain of deadly repercussions due to one
simple fact: selling products that are unhealthy.
We simply mention it so that you start to get accus-
tomed to having your soul galvanized against the suf-
ferings of others, since all our students should possess
that hardness of spirit.
Remember well: if our disciples pretend to go far in
this sweet industry, they should be completely inflexi-
ble and at the same time pretend that they know noth-
ing about the health damages, and let others or the
government take care of them.
You should stick to your thing, continue to only pro-
duce delicious food, and follow the indications that
we will give you when it is time; but first know this
When we said that a person consumes the equivalent
of a little more than a 100 lb. sack of refined sugar per
year, as is understandable, if that person cannot expulse
from his/her body all that unused sweetener and calor-
Sucrose + Fructose
Note: We emphasize that a very important percentage of people in this country,
precisely at this moment, without knowing it, are already victims of the Metabolic
Syndrome, and resistance to insulin and if they do not modify their eating
habits, the consequences will reach national catastrophic dimensions within
the years to follow.
(1) Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, is the most common type.
Source: AmJ Clin Nutr 2004;79:774 9. (American Society for Clinical Nutrition).
66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00
Increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes
Increasing carbohydrate intake (g/d)
ic energy, it would almost petrify or crystallize him/her
like a statue in any park.
Fortunately, the body has wisely designed very effec-
tive ways of getting rid of great quantities of waste
products that it considers to be harmful.
So that all that quantity of refined sugar that is not
used, should be expulsed through those little marvel-
ous organs called kidneys.
And when we analyze statistics, it will be very simple
to see how to maintain a group of people captive with
sweetened food, and later, simply, turn the page and
forget the whole thing.
But as we told you, it is not the same to analyze it
calmly looking at the numbers, as it is to see it almost
daily in a multitude of people like yourself and like all
of us, people who also have families, hopes and life
projects, which, at that moment, were left as projects
that were never carried out.
And facing the impossibility to analyze so many of these
cases, lets see what happened to Juan Carlos.
When he was a child, an adolescent and during his
early adult life, this young mans kidneys were func-
tioning so admirably well, that Juan Carlos never
thought about them.
He scarcely knew that they were located in his lower
back, that they were shaped like a bean, and that they
are the size of his fist. Much less, was he aware that
they are two marvelous machines that filter our blood
and do their extraordinary work silently like no other
could do; many of their functions are not even com-
pletely known yet.
Juan Carlos did not feel the need to be aware of this
modest pair of organs which in spite of their small size
are capable of filtering the equivalent of a 190 liter
barrel of his own blood daily; a process during which
among other functions they retain the proteins that
are necessary for the cells, expulsing the waste and
excess liquids.
Their action is so surprising, that they are constantly
monitoring a large quantity of vital and necessary ele-
ments, such as: sodium, calcium, phosphorous and oth-
ers; and when excessive amounts of these are detected
in the blood, they are expelled and on the contrary if
they decrease they automatically and marvelously are
reintegrated into the blood stream.
Now then, how could a sophisticated and surprising
machine such as this be damaged in a slow and irre-
versible manner?
Up till today, in the immense majority of the cases, this
damage occurs due to two causes: d Diabetes and for
having been a victim of high blood pressure for pro-
longed periods of time. And you are not going to be-
lieve us, but those two negative conditioners, come from
a bad diet, saturated with refined sugars. Why?
One of the first consequences of a person having a
high level of glucose in the blood, is that it alters the
bloods viscosity, and that as the years go by, together
with high blood pressure causes serious damage And
...That reduction of the lumen of the cardiovascular system can come to
cause gangrene of the extremities, normally of the feet, which can lead to
their amputation and is also the main cause of blindness in the countries
where high amounts of refined sugar are consumed.
in the correct functioning of some microscopic filtering
factories called nephrons,
which little by little will
make those microscopic filtering centers reduce their
capacity drastically, or even, could stop functioning al-
If the filtering capacity is reduced drastically, the blood
will become toxic, and could contribute even to its
owners death.
And as we told you, it is not the same thing to analyze
this process in books, as it is to contemplate it helpless-
ly, in the cases of real patients or relatives who are
suffering from grave renal problems.
But lets go back to Juan CarlosA specific and exempli-
fying case. As he told us, that due to the lack of em-
ployment in his own country, he had to go to work,
illegally in the United States.
Nephrons or glomerulus, are some incredibly small blood vessels or cap-
illaries that are connected to the blood by microscopic tubes that are able to
recollect the urine and waste materials. Each kidney contains close to one
million nephrons.
Since this large amount of nephrons functions based on microscopic blood
conducts, it needs a certain blood viscosity to keep the whole complex net-
work of microvascularization in good condition in order for it to be able to do
this work.
If in your own country the consumption of refined sugars is high, in the
United States it is even worse, reaching up to 135 lbs per inhabitant per year
which especially affects the Latin-American immigrants. It is an adverse
situation in which several factors intervene: one of them is that for statistical
reasons only the amount consumed per inhabitant is considered, but there
are other elements that many do not consider. Since it is common that the
Latin American immigrants have a more reduced organic complexion (before
becoming obese) the same and abnormal consumption of sugar, has to be
divided among a more reduced BMI body mass, which reflects in an ad-
verse way on this social segment.
The lifestyle and the habits of that neighboring nation,
together with the habits he had already acquired in
his Mother Country, made him drink more and more
gaseous beverages and many sweetened foods, follow-
ing the tendency of what he saw and heard in a multi-
tude of commercial ads.
With the type of life Juan Carlos lived, it promoted
eating quick meals, and he became a fan of that kind
of food and sweetened beverages. After a few years,
he started to miss his Homeland and he returned and
even though he had some discomfort and pain in his
lower back, he thought that maybe it was something
that would pass, and disappear by itself.
But once he was back in his own country, he felt that
the problem of the pain had increased inexplicably and
he noticed that his lower extremities were also some-
what swollen.
When he went to see the Doctor he was diagnosed
with a chronic renal problem, and for many months he
had to be subjected to a very uncomfortable process
called dialysis.
Juan Carlos thought that it was incredible and he
was right that at his 31 years of age, they would have
to carry out that complicated dialysis process several
times a day. But as the weeks passed, when his physi-
cal condition worsened, he understood that that ail-
ment could even take him to his grave.
After several months, for practical reasons, his sister
Maricarmen was taught how to do the dialysis for him
in his own home, a procedure that had to be carried
out several times a day.
So, Maricarmen had to quit her job she was divorced
and at the same time did not have sufficient economic
resources to sustain her and her two children but
very heroically, she decided to help her brother, and
eventually did some sporadic work in order to make a
little money.
As time passed, the dialysis became impractical since
Juan Carlos had acquired peritonitis, which put him on
the verge of death in the Clinic No. 40 of the IMSS,

where both Juan Carlos and Maricarmen agree that

they were well cared for they decided that he had
very little hope of living.
In one last effort to save his life, they decided to try
As I am writing this, Juan Carlos has shown important
improvement and he waits trusting, now that he is only
33 years old, that he, as well as his sister will be able to
reintegrate to a normal life. They are conscious that
the great majority does not accomplish this, but in their
case they hope they can.
You, our dear student, consider that this case is repeti-
tive among hundreds of thousands around the country,
and in many millions in our syrupy world. However,
how could we renounce the sweetening of foods and
beverages, if by using them we increase our profits?
The Mexican Institute of Social Security / Instituto Mexicano del Seguro
Social. (IMSS) this clinic is situated in Mexico City, D.F.
Hemodialysis: A procedure by which the blood is filtered, for which a
catheter is placed in the patient. The procedure takes place several times a
To eliminate the sweetener, would mean drastically
reducing the income and in a certain way, it would be
equivalent to pushing them toward natural foods. Do
not even dream about that.
For us, you and all the sweetened food products, the
sole idea of producing products without a sweet flavor,
surely would give us a rash.
Just between us, we agree that what Juan Carlos has
paid during his whole lifetime for sweetened foods and
beverages, is minimum compared to all the economic
and human damage they caused him, but since the
ungrateful citizens will not want to give us their mon-
ey voluntarily, which would have been much better
they do not leave us any other option than to contin-
ue delighting them with our wonders, and this way,
they will give us their money voluntarily without even
blinking. That is fabulous, isnt it?
But now lets look at another case, equally representa-
tive of what we are presenting to you today.
When Hipolito was healthy, he was the assistant man-
ager of an area of one of the most important depart-
mental chain stores in his country and up until age 37
everything seemed to be going great, not only for him,
but also for his wife and two small children.
He had heard many bad stories about Diabetes, as well
as its horrible consequences and among them eventual
blindness, the branches of the same tree in the ex-
ample we mentioned but Hipolito, seemed to take
for granted that those problems were things that hap-
pened to other people, who he thought were not as
strong or as healthy as he felt at that moment.
Hipolito was forced to eat out on the street, like many
have to do due to their work. On T.V. he saw ads for a
host of sweetened foods and beverages, that pondered
their great flavor, and without analyzing it much,
thought that if the health authorities permitted their
publicity and sale they were surely safe products that
had been duly analyzed.
However, just before he was 38, he started to notice
that he felt unusually tired, up to the point that, it
surprised him that it was difficult for him to climb
the stairs. He went to see a doctor, who diagnosed him
as having Diabetes Type II. He had already heard a
lot about this ailment, but he always considered him-
self to be very healthy and vigorous, which would
surely place him aside from this type of things.
Worst of all, something that he did not even imagine
at that time was that the problem was just begin-
ning; because five years later, he started to notice cer-
tain problems with his eyesight. He noticed that his vi-
sion was blurry, mainly in his left eye.
A few months later, that problem passed over to his
right eye, and in spite of the great efforts of the doctors
who cared for him; Hipolito at 45 years of age, had
irreversibly lost the sight of both his eyes.
Hipolito was the victim of Diabetic Retinopathy,
a de-
generative ailment which resulted in his total blindness.
Diabetic retinopathy is an illness derived from diabetes. It is manifested
by a grave deterioration of the microscopic capillary vessels inside the eye,
the same conducts that under normal conditions can reach a width of...
At present this ailment is considered to be the main
cause of blindness in all those countries that have per-
mitted nutritional modifications under the terms we
cited in the prior lesson.
You, our dear and sweet student, are not going to be-
lieve us, but you and your sweet gang of entrepreneurs
of this business, also have a great responsibility in this
matter, but we repeat, pay attention you must be
sufficiently insensitive as not to budge not even a mil-
limeter from our financial objective. Please remember
what we warned you at the beginning: you must put
your sacred profit above all other things.
The advantage of this whole regrettable situation is that
we, as your advisors, will make ourselves indispensable.
The formidable social damage will impact the communi-
ty to such a degree that you will not be able to appear
before the eyes of society, without us, your faithful advi-
sors, to design an appropriate strategy for you.
Meanwhile, no sentimentalism nor discouragement, we
do not think that, at least for the moment anyone
is going to hold you accountable for any civil or legal
...around ..5 to 6 microns. When the internal cavity or lumen of this com-
plex system of microvascularization of the blood narrows, among other prob-
lems, the cells of the retina are deprived of adequate oxygenation and nutri-
ents which in the majority of the cases leads to a total loss of vision.
In Hipolitos specific case, diabetes affected his eyesight in a relatively
short period of time. It is believed that when a person has suffered from
uncontrolled diabetes for 10 years, he/she has a 1 in 10 possibility of irrepa-
rably damaging his/her vision. If he/she has been like that for more than 20
years, the possibilities increase to 2 in 5, but if he/she has had this diseases
without caring for him/herself, if he/she survives, he/she will have more that
4 out of 5 possibilities of completely loosing his/her vision. However, a cru-
cial note and worthy not only of worry but of alarm, is that diabetes is
reaching the population at even earlier stages.
It is true that Hipolito,
has now added himself to the
list of dozens of thousands who loose their eye sight
every year in his country as a consequence of Diabe-
tes. It is also true that it becomes a true shame and
extraordinary social, economic and human loss, but just
as all those thousands of our fellow citizens can no
longer see anything around them their surroundings,
their world and their possibilities have been reduced
to total darkness, we are going to suggest what is ad-
visable for us to do:
Lets close our eyes in a figurative sense in order to
pretend that we cannot see what this is causing on a
personal, family, national and world level.
But before we do it, lets continue to become acquaint-
ed with the concrete consequences of this type of eat-
ing habits. So now we will tell you about another case.
Some years back, Alfredo had been diagnosed with
Diabetes Mellitus Type II, which is the most common
and as is logical to suppose, his Doctor greatly recom-
mended that he modify his diet and that he quit eating
some things, especially those forms of food that con-
tained refined sugars.
But the goal that Alfredo had set for himself was not at
all simple. At that moment he was more or less 52 years
old, and during his whole life he had eaten sweet food,
Now Hipolito lives, or rather, survives with a very modest Social Security
and as decades ago, he was very confident that he would
not get that illness, since his parents were not diabet-
and he erroneously thought he was free of it.
The most regrettable part was that, once he was di-
agnosed with Diabetes, Alfredo, in his interior de-
cided to continue eating, almost the same as before,
since he thought that he had to die of something,
that is, his mind invented a type of escape or pre-
text, since he was completely habituated to eating
sweetened food and the natural flavors of food did
not attract him.
And as you will understand, just like the doctors had
warned Alfredo, as time passed, he noticed that his
memory, work capacity, vital energy and many other
things in his life, quickly deteriorated, and something
also happened that he had never imagined.
One day, he started to feel a terrible pain in his stom-
ach and he thought that he had acquired an infection.
Alfredo estimated that this pain would disappear after
The genetic factor certainly influences a lot, but we have seen many cases
of people who have diabetic parents who are accustomed to eating correctly
and who did not acquire this illness, and on the contrary there are those who
do not have a history of it from their parents or grandparents but eat inad-
equately and become diabetics. The worst part is when the two elements
combine: a. - There is a hereditary precedent, and b. - additionally their
diet is inadequate.
The genetic element determines a certain metabolic response facing an exter-
nal determinant, but that trigger that provokes it is necessary which in this
case is the sweetened food.
Even a person who has acquired diabetes, can live as if he/she does not have
it, if he/she substantially modifies his/her diet and habits and his/her life
expectancy as well as its quality will be affected. Although it is obvious that
the ideal is to modify the lifestyle before such a problem appears, and not
later that is to say after acquiring the illness.
a few days, but instead, he started to have a very high
fever and the pain became unbearable.
At that moment he did not know it, but Alfredo had
caught an especially dangerous strain of bacteria called
Escherichia Coli,
which caused extreme bodily harm,
and it was due to several combined factors:
A. - The bacteria was in an abnormally sweet environ-
ment, (due to the food Alfredo ate) which facilitated
its development; B.- Some parts of his small intestine,
were ischemic,
which made it difficult to supply spe-
cific areas with oxygen and nutrients: and C.- Alfredos
immune system was especially weak, due in part to
the Diabetes.
So, he suffered the perforation of his large intestine
which caused peritonitis,
and when he was admitted
to the hospitals Intensive Care Unit, Alfredo present-
In fact this bacteria called Escherichia coli, is found in the intestinal tract of
mammals; it and its strains are commonly known as E. coli. One of its variants
was discovered by the German scientist Teodoro Von Esquerrich in the year
1885, who simply named it Bacterium coli, but later, it was assigned another
name in honor of its discoverer, remaining as: Escherichia coli.
These bacteria, in their strains are not dangerous, but they are necessary for
the digestive system to function properly, and carry out its main role by
producing vitamins B and K. One of its characteristics is that it is anaerobic
which means that they do not require oxygen. This bacteria is particularly
apt to ferment glucose, and can reproduce too much if its environment is
sweeter than normal.
Ischemia is a process that interrupts the circulation of the blood to a certain
part of the body, due to damages to the endothelium tissue of the capillary
veins in a specific area. This pathology is most common in people with
diabetes, and is the consequence of the vascular angiopathy associated with
this disease.
Peritonitis is the acute and usually sudden inflammation of the perito-
neum which is the membrane that limits the abdominal wall and covers
certain organs within the same. One of its causes could be a perforation of
the intestines.
ed the following clinical symptoms: 1.- He had an in-
fection that was out of control; 2.- He suffered tachy-
cardia, caused in part by a cardiovascular system al-
ready damaged due to his metabolic illness; and 3.-
The blood sugar levels in his blood, probably due to an
organic over reaction to the crisis, had quickly elevat-
ed reaching over 700 Mg. /Dl.
After two months in the hospital, and thanks to the
participation of several groups of doctors from distinct
specialties, and after 4 complicated surgical interven-
tions, contrary to some of the doctors prognosis, some
of whom feared the worst, Alfredo was able to be dis-
However, this case is only a small sample of a great
deal of digestive ailments, also derived from eating food
the body is not prepared for.
On that long list of digestive problems, we could find
constipation, gastritis,
and many other inconveniences.
The (fasting) blood sugar levels that are considered to be normal are from
70 to 100 Mg. /Dl. even though there are other investigators who situate them
within a more ample range between 60 and 110 Mg. /Dl.
Diverticula are a type of small abnormal pouches or sacks in the intestine.
When they get inflamed and store fecal material they present a group of signs
and symptoms known as diverticulitis. They are common for people over 50
years of age, who consume food that contains less fiber, which slow the
intestinal transit time.
The word hemorrhoid comes from the Latin and Greek root meaning blood
and oppression or at risk of rupturing, and are the main consequence of
endothelium damage and deficient circulation that many habitual consum-
ers of processed and sweetened products suffer. This added to a lack of fiber
and different consistencies of the fecal material, caused by a low ingestion of
natural foods, contributes to this pathology.
You, our well intentioned entrepreneur, will surely re-
member, that we warned you that we were not going
to be able to compete with natural foods, since, among
other things, natural products contain: enzymes, fiber,
vitamins, amino acids and an infinite amount of ele-
ments specially designed for human health, which when
they are ingested, and avoiding their junk food
the majority of the ailments that human beings suffer
today, simply would not exist.
But it is one thing to realize this irrefutable fact, and it
will be another completely different one to watch your
pocket. So, if your sweet products harm the consum-
ers, we will feel very bad, but we are not going to stop
selling them to try to care for the customers bodies.
But lets look at other cases where the people will also
be affected, in ways that at this moment you do not
even imagine.
The gamma of social and human inconveniences for any
country is so ample that it would be difficult to quantify
its magnitude. But we are going to try to give you at least
a slight idea of some of those collateral effects, and you
will have to reach your own conclusions.
Over the last decades the average life span has substantially increased.
However, for many of our fellowmen what should be the arrival at a golden
and full age, where the experiences of ones whole life should be capital-
ized, will only represent the beginning of a true Way of the Cross with many
health problems. That would have been the ideal situation upon reaching
those superior stages of life, which would have been possible, among other
things by avoiding your deceiving wonders. The good part for you, our
abnegated disciple, is that maybe the majority will never even realize the
role that your betraying sweet edibles played in it.
High Triglycerides. When you, our sweet apprentice,
through a calculated commercial strategy, have been
able to habituate a person to consume sweetened food,
a series of effects are generated which are impercepti-
ble by most people. First observe what happens on the
level of cellular provisioning:
In order to understand this better, we will present a
simple comparison of two different scenarios: on one
side we would have the society we live in, and on the
other, your own cells. Now, within our community, lets
analyze the following dilemma:
When it means providing oneself with the elements
that are considered to be necessary, where do you think
that people will get them? Where it is easier or where
would they have to make a bigger effort?
Lets see a hypothetical example: if your next door
neighbor, or almost anyone has two options for ob-
taining income: and for one of them, he/she does not
have to make any effort, only to go to a certain place,
and he/she will be given the money.
On the other hand, if he/she has to make an effort to
produce some kind of good or service, which would
produce feedback from the community for them but
this option will represent for this same person a much
more difficult effort.....lets be frank, which option do
you think the majority would pick? Right, they would
tend to the one that requires the least effort.
Now lets go to the human body: if its cells can obtain
a certain dose of energy in an easier and faster way,
and at the same time also have the option of bother-
ing to process certain natural foods in order to extract
those nutrients from them. Where do you think they will
get them? These crucial and microscopic elements our
cells even without having the capability to reason like
you and we do, will take them from where it is easiest.
However, it is not difficult to anticipate the disastrous
result from both situations. In the hypothetical case of
human collectivity, if the majority inclines toward the
easy option, the productivity of goods and services
will swiftly crash, affecting everyone.
Now, in the human body, if the cells obtain energy
from a simpler source, (from refined sugars, also caus-
ing the fore mentioned ups and downs of glucose and
insulin) all the ample array of nutrients that nature
wisely and deliberately placed in natural foods, will be
greatly wasted.
And do you know something? It will not be the cells
fault, rather the fault of the person who made the bril-
liant nutritional decision, or more correctly said: the per-
son who in a crafty and skillful way, influenced that nutri-
tional decision.
Always remember, what we mentioned to you before,
the general public should not know this either, it should
be kept between you, our well intentioned entrepre-
neur, and us, your probable advisors.
We should also be careful that the health and legisla-
tive authorities do not find out, because they would
immediately realize the extraordinary negative effect
it would project everywhere, which would impact them
in the sphere of their responsibility.
That also explains why many obese people suffer from different degrees of
But lets continue: why do we have to be so careful
regarding how nutrients are provided on a cellular lev-
el? Because a multitude of consequences are going to
result from that apparently insignificant decision of the
cell, and one of them will be the elevation of the trig-
lycerides. Why?
Natural foods, as we said, are wise and are duly de-
signed so that when our body makes the effort to pro-
cess them a great amount of beneficial elements implicit
in them will be taken advantage of by those who re-
ceive them.
Now then, if Juan Prez regularly consumes your de-
ceptive and sweet edible tricks, and as a result, many
of his cells have already been fed refined sugars what
will happen to the rest of the lipids and additional cal-
ories, that are contained in the rest of the nutrients
that Juan eats? Many of them will be stored and large-
ly due to this an elevation of the triglycerides will be
in people who are used to eating your betray-
ing junk food.
Cardiovascular problems. One of the more weighty
medical axioms is the one that states that a person will
be as healthy as his cardiovascular system is. Why?
The basis of the nutrition, oxygenation and other cru-
cial processes will depend on the state of more than
the nearly 90 thousand kilometers of small and large
The triglycerides are the main form of fat that is stored in our bodies. A
triglyceride is made up of three molecules of fatty acids combined with a
molecule of glycerol.
High levels of triglycerides are considered to be a risk factor, in the process
of the hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), and the inflammation of the
pancreas (pancreatitis).
capillary vessels there are in the whole human adult
body. One cell or group of them that is well supplied
with all it needs will function incomparably better than
the one that is not.
The bad part of it is that another of the ramifications
of the harmful tree mentioned in the example, given
on the prior pages, is the damage to the endothelium,
(that is to say it speeds up the damage to the circulato-
ry systems internal lining) since the bloods viscosity
was altered and oxidative stress was initiated; a deteri-
oration that could be proven perfectly well in millions
of cases.
If you would have seen, with great impotence, the pa-
tients (and their relatives) faces of those who have
had to have one or both of their legs amputated due to
gangrene, as we and thousands of doctors and nurses
have, you would feel equally outraged. Nevertheless,
do not even think about that.
And even though there are those who do not consider
it to be like this, the first ones hit by this sorry situation
will be the doctors and medical professionals them-
selves, so in order for the same thing to not happen to
you, you had better concentrate on your earnings and
this will help you a lot.
Unusual conduct. On the prior pages we commented
that just like any country will not be but a simple sum
of the acts of all its women and men; something very
similar will happen in our own body. We will also be
the result of the good or bad actions of each and every
one of our own cells.
In such a way, that if the citizens of any country face
an abnormal conflictive situation, the total result will
be no other than a diminished social conglomerate in
regard to its true potential.
And also by analogy, in the human body, one of the
ways it will be manifested in the whole body will be
by an inadequate performance on a cellular level. It
will be by means of a certain sense of discomfort on
the part of the person suffering from it. And that dis-
comfort will be projected toward the rest through no-
table alterations and irregularities, sometimes with in-
explicable conducts.
There have been some investigators who have even
suggested, and they are correct,
that when irregular
conduct is detected, including depression and appar-
ent inexplicable anger before doing anything else,
one should first analyze and modify this patients
Among so many cases that we could mention regard-
ing conduct variations; we invite you to consider a case
taken from Universal History. For all those erudites on
this subject, it is well known that Adolfo Hitler had a
totally irascible personality, but if we closely analyze
with care certain habits, we might better understand
the origin of some of them.
According to Ernest Hanfstaengl, who was very close
to Hitler for many years,
he observed among other
peculiarities that this dictator was the victim of a great
addiction to sweets, to the point that his collaborators
The investigators of these variations of conduct have not tried to declare
that all the inexplicable alterations of conduct come from food, only that this
option should be the first one to be analyzed.
Aside from the other errors and grave injustices that this character commit-
ted in different areas.
always had to keep an ample variety of sugary treats
close by, to the extreme that at times when he drank
wine he added sugar to it, to improve its flavor.
That explains why, on the day he died, (1945) having just
celebrated his 56th birthday, in spite of the image of
physical vigor that his closest aides tried to project his
health was totally broken, starting with his teeth, since
almost all of his teeth had cavities, he had Parkinsons
disease, he did not have total movement in one hand and
foot, he suffered from generalized weakness, but he was
always accompanied by his horrible temper.
In our society, there are possibilities that many of the
common problems attributed to psychological mal-
adjustments are a mere consequence of a very high
consumption of refined carbohydrates.
And do you know something else? The list of damages
to your health, with very grave implications in every
social context, is so ample, that we would need to elab-
orate a text much bigger than the present one.
All the pertinent investigations have not been conclud-
ed, but at this moment there are scientists who ascer-
tain that there is a close interconnection between se-
vere types of cancer, Alzheimers and many other
illnesses, with the ingestion of refined sugars.
But we do not want to extend ourselves too much with
this list of health problems, because we would run the
risk of alarming you too much, and that would do away
with our project for becoming your preferred advisors.
However, in order to better exemplify the ample gam-
ma of negative effects, we will tell you that the conse-
quences are not limited to the health aspect, which
in itself is harmful but that they extend to other ar-
eas that you cannot even imagine now. Would you be-
lieve it if we told you that it reaches fields far dis-
tanced from ecology? Please, analyze the following:
Surely you will have asked what the reason is that when
you fly on any commercial airplane, the crew asks you
to turn off your cell phone?
The reason is the following: the planes electrical wir-
ing has been reduced to a minimum in order for it to
weigh less and to save a little fuel and thus contribute
to conserving the environment.
Radio waves are used to activate certain key mecha-
nisms of the plane, and the use of cell phones could
distort their performance.
Some of the more advanced passenger busses are do-
ing something similar, although the use of cell phones
barely interferes with them and the manufacturers
of those modern passenger busses use as a sales argu-
ment the advantage of having removed a great part of
the electrical wires in order to make the unit lighter
weight; seeking to save fuel, which will first benefit
the owner of the company, and later the whole com-
munity, with less environmental contamination.
But they did not count on your astuteness, our sweet
and hard working student. If due to their greediness a
certain percentage of the average weight of airplanes,
passenger busses, trains and automobiles is reduced;
how much money will that represent and, above all,
how much additional contamination? We would not be
able to quantify it. But we assure you that it will be a
considerable amount, which the whole society we live
in will have to pay for.
But remember, all those grave inconveniences to: ones:
health, family, pocket, ecology
and others that we have
not mentioned, should not budge you, our brilliant stu-
dent, even a millimeter from you final and sole objec-
tive: to earn money.
Never forget that if your goal is set high, you should
consider the human, social and economic costs for your
community, as simple collateral damages that should
be ignored; you come first.
It is true that less efficiency on a personal level will
decrease the capability of the whole country we live
in. We also recognize that the resources wasted in try-
ing to mitigate the cascade of chronic-degenerative dis-
eases, will make the situation unsustainable, but we
have no other option but to continue ahead.
And we remind you regarding what we asked you at
the beginning of this lesson: when we revealed the
malicious side of your sweet business, we did not in-
tend to discourage you, but rather to make you put the
two facets of this matter on a scale: on one side place
your earnings and on the other the formidable social
damage to others.
Just so that you measure the extent of your sweet but profitable pranks,
another disadvantage of the processed products, among so many others
will be the proliferation of trash. The natural products have a certain type of
wrapper that is not only biodegradable, but that if it is handled well can also
be used as fertilizer. Processed products on the other hand come in: cans,
bottles, bags, boxes and an endless number of wrappers that obligate all
cities small and large to have an extraordinary problem handling the trash.
But think about something positive every time you, our uninterested entre-
preneur, see those mountains of waste and trash: your profits and that will
silence your conscience.
Well now, if you decide to go ahead, how could we,
your future advisors, conceal your harmful social con-
duct, or even turn you into a type of model entrepre-
neur? Stick with us, and your will see how we will
make it worth every cent you pay us.
Facing the overwhelming amount of medical and sci-
entific information that arises every day from all around
the world which shows that the damage to humans, as
well as to the economy and the social future is incalcu-
lable, going so far as to have become the worlds num-
ber one health problem. You, our innocent entrepre-
neur, will surely have this doubt: what arguments could
there possible be against this evidence?
The truth is very little, unless you have effective advisors
like we could be, even though we feel obligated to make
an important clarification. Our help is limited only to the
problems appearance, because, as to the true core of the
matter, no human being on the face of the planet will be
able to avoid the phenomenal damage toward the com-
munity in a very diverse sense.
But do not worry, because what is important for you is
not what the doctors and the experts on the matter
say. What is important is your pocket book, what your
customers think, who in the end are the ones who buy
your junk. And as long as the present legislation is per-
missive, you will be able to continue just as you are
doing now.
So sticking exclusively to this slippery field, the foggy
land of appearances, there, oh yes, we are going to
permit ourselves to show you the steps you should fol-
low in order to have complete success.
You will surely remember the pathetic cases from the
prior lesson, where, within that representative exam-
ple, you could briefly make out the difficulties that hun-
dreds of thousands of cases face every year.
But something especially hurtful that is lived every day
by an infinite number of doctors, health personnel and
relatives, is that the immense majority of these patients,
except for some exceptions even knowing that they
are diabetics, on occasions almost blind, with serious
kidney damage, suffering from digestive problems, car-
diovascular diseases and many other complications,
even in those conditions,guess what continue to eat
your sweet atrocities.
But look, you our dear and noble student, to reach a
goal such as that, where they will continue to con-
sume your sticky wonders, even when they find them-
selves in those deplorable conditions, that is an ob-
jective that one has to work to obtain, and one of
those first steps is: to make them addicts from the
time they are little.
Look, if you are able to make them fans of your sweet
food from a very early age, you will think it is incredi-
ble, they will be your customers forever, to the extreme
that even those who are already sick, will continue to
be part of your customers.
The reason for this is very simple: the sense of taste,
for the majority, is formed during the first few years
and throughout all their future life, they will uncon-
sciously continue to remember the nutritional experi-
ences of their childhood.
The big advantage you will have, is that, converting
little girls and boys into addicts is not as easy as it
seems. Among several circumstances, it helps to focus
on the lack of awareness of many adults. Note: the
candor of the majority of parents and teachers.
They innocently believe that they are the ones who
will educate them, without realizing that from the
moment you are able to introduce yourself freely into
their homes through mass media communications; those
little ones will spend many more hours listening about
and seeing your seductive publicity messages than the
time their parents and teachers dedicate to nutritional
We do not want to excite you ahead of time, but do you
realize the extent of this? Who will have the true pow-
er over them? Because if through the programs orient-
ed toward children one can constantly be repeating
the benefits, flavors, and other delights of your sweet
junk, you almost have them in your hands, believe us.
Well now, if you have followed our instructions and
have attained having products with irresistible flavors,
packaged in very attractive wrappers, designed espe-
cially for minors, it is obvious that the children will be
inclined toward them.
One more advantage that you will have is that at those
early ages, they will not be capable of evaluating what is
behind the matter. So, they will be far from being able
to judge that type of food which is something that would
not happen if we would start to make them fans of this
type of food at a later age.
In practical terms that means, that at those tender ages,
they are all yours. So your first step will be to assign this
segment of the population absolute priority: the chil-
dren, and remember, what you sow now you will har-
vest for the rest of your life. Marvelous, isnt it?
If a bothersome investigator or government employee
were to arise, one of those that never fails warning
the community about the risks of your sweet calamities,
it is needless to say that that will damage your busi-
Do not stand up to them, because we warned you: it
will be very difficult to present them with solid argu-
ments to back up the sale and consumption of your
alleged wonders. If you get mixed up in the controver-
sy game, you are using the wrong strategy.
Then whats next? Acting impassive, and as if you do
not hear any of the criticism, you will indirectly filter
this idea in the media: to always maintain a type of
nutritional flexibility that is, selling the idea that the
wise are the ones who, by nature, are: tolerant and
permissive regarding certain inconvenient foods, obvi-
ously without mentioning yours.
The truth is, just between us, whoever is able to sell
that idea, acting with that disguise or mask of permis-
siveness, or of not being so drastic will be able to
justify almost anything, from small and presumably
inoffensive robberies, drug use, infidelities and end-
less other things. Do you realize? That is why, more
than entering in arguments, the only thing that you
should do is convince them of the idea that there is no
need to be an extremist.
Observe for example, a drug seller does not argue that
his product is inoffensive, but rather, he tries to allure
a potential client to consume just a little, to not be
so inflexible.
So that, in regard to the specific case of food, you, our
dear student, will not be able to argue that your prod-
ucts are healthy, but what you will be able to do, pref-
erably in a subliminal way, is to just suggest that they
should be consumed with moderation. Look, you could
even go to the extreme of ascertaining something like
this: true, an excess of sugar is bad, but be careful,
never mention what that excess could be.
Because look, if a consumer falls into this trap of per-
missiveness, believe us that you have got him/her in
the bag; he/she has become the perfect customer, and
we will explain why.
If any person consumes two or three cellophane pack-
ages containing doughnuts, buuelos, chocolates, and
others, together with one or two carbonated beverag-
es; that simple fact, which would seem not to be ex-
cessive, but they would be consuming more than 140
grams of refined sugar a day, which multiplied by 365
days, will result in an annual consumption of close to a
50 kilogram sack.
Did you notice how easy it is to get hitched? And all by
only using the subliminal mask of nothing in excess,
there is no need to be drastic, or things like that.
We will give you some data that will seem incredible at first sight: in any
country where the annual consumption of sugar is similar to that which is
describe on Table 3, for a person 50 years old (on an average) 4950 lbs. (45 110
lbs. sacks) of refined sugar, which we could not load onto a pickup truck but
we would need a lightweight stake truck), have passed through their diges-
tive system...
Obviously, this type of calculations should not be done in
front of people, because you would make them conscious
of the magnitude of the problem, and they would reflect
on how the passage of 50 kilograms of sugar through a
healthy organism, could only cause problems.
But do not even worry, since your customers will not
be aware of this simple multiplication and they will
think that, in effect, they are only being a little toler-
ant. See how marvelous it is to become permissive,
with that apparently inoffensive slogan of nothing in
excess, you have made them your perfect customers.
Exactly the same thing happens with the case of the
drug dealer we mentioned, with the pretext of just a
little, you have acquired a new customer, who will
probably have forever.
Because look, if we mention a few numbers, if we
see that the consumption of sugar (see graphic 3
on page 65), at the beginning of the XX Century,
was barely ten kilograms a year a range that
we could consider as really tolerable. So, how much
sugar was consumed each day?; a little more that
30 grams per day, which is equivalent to consum-
ing a sweetened cup of yoghurt a day, and noth-
ing more.
Look at this other case: if a diabetic makes an effort
as we have known many to do to eliminate the
excess sugar in his/her blood, do you really know
how much the total amount of extra sugar repre-
If a diabetic, fasting, has an amount of 260 Mg. / Dl. of
sugar (a reading that is considered to be very high)
that means that the excess sugar
oscillates above
the 160 Mg. / Dl., which means that that diabetic, in
all his/her blood stream, is carrying only SEVEN
GRAMS of extra sugar.
Let us highlight this number: that small quantity of
sugar in his/her blood (seven grams) makes the big dif-
ference between health and sickness in that patient.
So that, when we mention that your fellow men/wom-
en consume a yearly average of more that the equiva-
lent of a ONE HUNDRED POUND bag of sugar, (fifty
thousand grams)
what stands out most is not that there
are so many diabetics, but the most incredible part is
that they did not get sick before.
...This makes us reflect on the extraordinary resistance our human body has,
which faced with this type of nutritional error, where each 50 gram blow of
ingested glucose, causes the high-low of the blood glucose and insulin de-
scribed on tables 1 and 2. It is worth admiring how the indexes of diabetes
and other illnesses have not shot up to much higher levels, but the conse-
quences could appear with all their might in the following decades.
And you, our Nobel and sweet entrepreneur, keep a discreet silence and only
insist on the need of being permissive and tolerant facing the avalanche of
your sticky marvels.
Given that the recommended blood sugar range should be from 70 to 100
Mg. / Dl. The excess in this case would be of 160 milligrams for each
deciliter of blood, and every person has in his/her blood stream around 44
deciliters (4.4 liters) so that excess level of blood sugar is around the tiny
amount of SEVEN GRAMS.
What would be best would be that that sugar (which is vital for the human
body), did not come from refined sugars, that is assimilate in an abnormal
way, but rather from the sugars contained in natural foods.
And as we said, a person 50 years old could have consumed more than two
tons of refined sugar in his/her life time, (using the average consumption as a
base for the last 50 years), so we can only feel admiration for the extraordi-
nary resistance the human body has to such abuse.
But as we were telling you, do not worry; no one will
make the calculation; so you only have to focus on ob-
taining that permissiveness before the public, and
with that innocent attitude of nothing in excess or
there is no need to exaggerate, you have got it made.
No matter how strong the alert signals are, you will be
able to continue exactly the same, as if absolutely noth-
ing is happening.
And in order to be congruent with that permissive-
ness, apply it also to yourself: continue selling sweet
junk and every instant repeat to yourself: Each per-
son only consumes about 140 grams of sugar, and this
way you will be able to calm your syrupy and also cer-
tainly sticky conscience.
It is more probable that, as the years pass, the volume
of blunt information against the addiction to refined
sugar in processed foods will increase so that you, our
shrewd entrepreneur, will have to seriously think about
doing without that apparently inoffensive white pow-
der. But do not be afraid, that does not mean that your
beautiful little business is going to crumble.
The truth is that if your customers would act intelligently,
they would completely put aside all processed products
and all those with added sugars and flavors, and once
and for all, they would chose natural products, which
among other things would notably decrease the possibil-
ities of falling victim to chronic-degenerative illnesses.
But that would be disastrous for you; so it is indispens-
able that you analyze other alternatives, in order to be
able to continue exploiting to a maximum that sweet
addiction that cost you so much to inculcate, and con-
tinue sweetening the palate of your not at all fortu-
nate customer.
If it depended on you, you would hope that they
would never discover that coffee, fruit, cereals,
leguminosas, oleaginosas, tubrculos, milk products,
meat and all other natural foods, duly prepared and
combined, are not only an excellent option, but the
best one.
So, not only do you not take away that addiction to
sweets, as hard as you worked for it but rather ex-
ploit it to the maximum, but start preparing yourself
with substitutes in case your customers or the authori-
ties open their eyes. Because if the real threat of sugar
is uncovered all at once, guess what, the heart attacks
that many of your customers have will be passed on to
you when your sales plunge.
That is why you need to advance in the field of sugar
substitutes and the advantage that we will obtain from
them is that all their inconveniences have not been
fully discovered yet; as happened precisely at the
time that the massive use of sugar began, at the
beginning of the XX Century where only an
appallingly small number of people, felt like some-
thing did not seem quite right with that marvelous
white powder.
So, unless the inconveniences of the sugar substitutes
start to appear as the years go by, in a confidential
way, do not disclose itwe present a very important
disadvantage to you: those substitutes alter the very
important relationship or balance between acidity
and alkalinity that our body should have.
In chemistry, there is a way to measure this delicate
balance, and it is through an index called pH.
pH that is considered to be desirable for a human be-
ing oscillates around 7.4, and when the pH lowers, it is
something acid, like in the case of: coffee, alcohol, sug-
ars and refined flours and other processed products.
And when the pH tends to rise above 7.4, it is consid-
ered to be alkaline. Another reason to drink suffi-
cient natural water is that its pH is naturally neutral.
When one drinks it it tends to balance any momentary
inclination toward acidity or alkalinity, because
what is desirable, as we were saying, is to maintain
the bodys pH close to 7.4
It is our duty to inform you, our playful disciple, that
there have been some very outstanding investigators
who have dared to point out that a habitual increase of
acidity could contribute to the development of cancer.
And we quote one of those voices: that of the German
physicist and chemist Dr. Otto Warburg,
who affirmed
that one of the primary causes of cancer lies in the
lack of subministering an appropriate amount of oxy-
gen on a cellular level,
pointing out the fermentation
of sugar as one of the causes.
That measuring scale between acid and alkaline is measured by the so
called pHp, which measures the concentration of Hydrogen ions (H+) in an
aqueous solution. This pHp abbreviation comes from the French term pouvoir
hydrognep, or could also mean: potentiel hydrognep, (,Hydrogen
potentialH) considering that in the human body a level of 7.4 is desirable;
and that is precisely why, for that ideal human balance of 7.4, clinically
speaking, when the pH is lower than 7.4, we say it is acid, and if it is above
7.4 to 14, it is considered to be alkaline.
Dr. Otto Warburg, (1883-1970), who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physi-
ology and Medicine in 1931, and one of his works was THE METABOLISM
You will also remember how on prior pages we mentioned that when a
person makes bad nutritional decisions, and repetitively consumes...
Farther ahead other investigators, such as Doctors Keichi
and Herman Aihara
added that that lack
of oxygenation on a cellular level is a consequence of
increased acidity, derived from the repeated consump-
tion of inadequate food, among which they mentioned
sugars and refined flour.
And it so happens that, pending other inconveniences
that will arise as the years go by; the sugar substitutes,
even if they do improve the flavor, they increase the
acidity and contribute to the illnesses we mentioned
In this case, the strategy will be: to use them and also
act like we do not know anything and that your cus-
tomers continue to enjoy the sweetening, either real
or false. What is important is that your cash register
continues to be fully active.
Every time you see a product in the supermarket that
can substitute common sugar (called sucralose), first
...refined ..sugars, a harmful process is carried out which medical science
calls an inflammatory process. Among other inconveniences it makes the
diffusion of oxygen inside each cell quite difficult; which, this outstanding
investigatior has pointed out (an insufficient oxygenation of the cell), induces
Doctors know perfectly well, that cellular hypoxia, (a low level of cellular
oxygenation) appears automatically in the body when the adipocyte (fat cell)
hypertrophies (that is it grows or expands its size) which at the same time
causes an insufficient capillary blood flow that supplies the key nutrients
and oxygen to the cells.
Author of the book THE HIDDEN TRUTH OF CANCER) from the Pub-
Author of the book ACID & ALKALINE from the Publishing House
do the following mathematical calculation, and if it is
to your advantage, get ready to substitute it immedi-
ately. What do we need to take into consideration?
Mainly two elements: its direct cost and then, its sweet-
ening power, if its capability to sweeten is greater, you
will be able to use a lesser quantity (spending less),
since you must not forget that what is really important
is: your pocketbook.
For example at present, we have a proposal: Fructuose.
Starting with its very name it is commercially attractive,
because when a consumer sees that name among the
ingredients of any product, he/she will erroneously think
and we need to leave him/her with that idea that it is
referring to a certain more natural sweetener extract-
ed from fruits, which is very distant from reality.
Fructose, is not only another type of refined sugar, but
the basic difference, is that fructose is not extracted
from sugar cane, nor from beets but mainly from corn.
But it acquires a special characteristic: its damaging
effects on the body, even worse that those of sugar
cane, beets and others.
Fructose is known commercially as: HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP or
HFCS which is extracted mainly from yellow corn, from a variety that is
used a lot in the United States because it contains an especially high carbohy-
drate content, for which reason it is used to fatten cattle. It also has a sweet-
ening capacity 1.7 times greater than sucrose (common sugar) which means
that you use a lesser amount of fructose to obtain the same degree of
As a result of the recent negative news from the world of medical and
scientific investigation and the subsequent discredit of the term fructose,
some commercial corporations, mainly in the United States have tried to call
fructose by another name using the term: corn sugar. In our opinion the
name fructose is more innocent, because it gives a false impression that
it has been extracted from fruit.
And a curious thing is that some decades ago, it was
erroneously thought that since fructose did not cause
an immediate elevation of the insulin levels in the body,
one could be facing an ideal substitute of sucrose or
common sugar.
Today, it is known exactly that the body does not gen-
erate a brusque elevation of the insulin levels in the
blood, in a still healthy organism it converts this
type of refined sugar, fructose into a product that
is much more harmful for the body.
It is highly probable that that lack of the bodys insulin
response is not so much due to what was originally
thought, that fructose was less harmful, but rather to a
certain peculiarity regarding its assimilation. Fructose
should be metabolized mainly by the liver, different
from glucose which is metabolized by almost all the
cells, which also modifies the bodys natural mecha-
nisms of satiety.
And pay attention, our sweet and not at all tricky ap-
prentice: the fact that the body alters its satiety mech-
anisms, the same natural signal that would keep your
customers from eating excessively.
and what will hap-
Another thing that makes fructose especially harmful is that its metabo-
lism is very complicated for the body; for example, in order to be able to
assimilate it it needs to use phosphate which is the same element the body
takes from the ATP (ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE which is a type of
bargaining chip in energetic matters, and that is fundamental for the body)
which at the same time provokes a lack of ATP in some cells, and its defi-
ciency produces ischemia (a restriction of the blood supply) which affects
among other things, the renal tubules, the endothelium of the capillaries
and increases the oxidative stress that we already mentioned.
Do not ever make the mistake of mentioning that excessive eating is one of
the most important sources of acidity in the body, which leads to another
ample array of problems, among others, what we analyzed in the prior point.
pen when each person consumes more of what is de-
sirable to him/her, which will benefit your pocketbook?
And when we see that many of your kind customers
consume more than what is necessary, we will obvi-
ously act like we do not know why they act that way,
but do you realize how much that will represent in
money for you?
It is true that adding fructose will also cause an imbal-
ance among a persons levels of certain lipids, (increas-
ing the levels of low density fatty acids and decreasing
the high level ones) which will put their cardiovascu-
lar system at risk,
but you, our abnegated student,
cannot become a type of public health guardian; what
it is truly important is your income; and forget the rest.
We recognize that every day more perfectly documented
information is flowing,
in the sense that an excess of
consumption of fructose by a human being,
brings on
serious health risks, such as how they powerfully influ-
ence the development of the Metabolic Syndrom,
which is considered to be one of the basic causes that
provoke serious cardiovascular problems or Type II Dia-
betes Mellitus.
In virtue of the fact that sucrose (common sugar) is composed of 50%
glucose and 50% fructose, upon finding such high levels of sugar (sucrose)
consumption per inhabitant, if fructose is also consumed in a more concen-
trated form (HFCS also contains some glucose, although in a lesser propor-
tion, since fructose is its main component) that situates the consumption of
fructose at a risky level for health.
The Metabolic Syndrome: it is known as the combination of the risk fac-
tors that exist for a person, the same ones that increase the probability of
suffering a cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus type II.
The percentage of people, who suffer from the Metabolic Syndrome, grows
every day in the countries with a diet high in sugars and refined flour.
It has also been observed that a high consumption of
over 50 grams daily of fructose, as presently happens
in the national average elevates the indexes of uric
acid; this has even been proven on an experimental
level in animals, as well as, in humans in a laboratory.
This has made many investigators deduct why certain
groups could be more prone to develop Diabetes.
But these inconveniences to ones health are nothing, com-
pared to the advantages they have for you, our noble
entrepreneur, since fructose has a much greater sweet-
ening power, so that with a lesser quantity, it will sweet-
en the same, which will result in greater earnings.
And as if that were not enough, fructose can conserve
the flavors, the colors and even the texture of your
marvels better, as well as permitting a product to have
a longer shelf life. Ah! And returning to the health in-
conveniences, remember that as long as the news is
not spread too much, act like you do not know any-
thing, and see what we suggest below:
Through out history, there have been an infinite num-
ber of people who have used propaganda very success-
fully. We could almost say that without it, whether for
good or for bad, the course of events, would have been
completely different.
Some extreme cases have been seen, where the bad
use of the psychology of the masses, together with the
use of a monopoly of the communication media, have
had surprising results. So you, our tricky student, will
be able to obtain spectacular results, for two very sim-
ple reasons:
For the moment, you have plenty of liberty to do so
and besides your products have such a good and inof-
fensive appearance, that the majority of the public,
health authorities and legislators, except for some very
honorable exceptions still have not realized all the:
social, human and economic repercussions, they bring
with them.
At the same time, we are now on time to counteract,
through effective campaigns, the increasing warnings
made by doctors, investigators and scientists that ex-
pose them to the public.
That is why, through an intelligent media campaign,
we are in a privileged position to deactivate those med-
dlers, who alert the national and international commu-
nity with solid arguments. How should we proceed?
Before anything else, so that you can assimilate the
powerful media effects, we will describe the well known
case of a gruesome character from the XX Century,
Joseph Paul Goebbels,
who backed up his political
conviction with very effective propaganda, that exalt-
ed the qualities of its leader so much, that that was the
decisive factor with which Hitler, more than with
the force of weapons received popular support al-
most up until the very end.
But there is one fact that many do not consider: and
that is the work Goebbels put into obtaining his pro-
Joseph Paul Goebbels, (1897-1945) was Propaganda Minister during Hitlers
regime, and was the one who coined the phrase repeat a lie a thousand
times and they will end up believing it.
posal, who ended up believing his own lies. That is
why we permit ourselves to reveal this regrettable ex-
ample, so that if marketing techniques are used in a
convincing way, you do not commit the same error:
believing your own lies.
It is worth highlighting how that axiom of Goebbels
about repeating something incessantly, until it becomes
an apparent truth, did not only work for the rest of the
people, but it ended up trapping him also. Proof of
that is that at the end of his days, even though Hitler
offered him an airplane so that he could escape with
his family, Goebbels and his wife, did not only commit
suicide but also sacrificed their sons,
declaring that:
The world without Hitler, makes no sense.
We, as aspirants to being advisors for you, our honest
disciple, want to avoid something similar: that you start
to believe the so-called benefits of your junk, and you
or your family start to consume them.
Once this important warning has been made, we pro-
ceed to detail the great things that you can attain by
employing this fabulous weapon efficiently.
The first thing you should keep in mind is that in the
end you will not be the one to pay for it, your customers
His degree of fanaticism and self-convincement, mostly derived from the
great flow of propaganda information favorable to the dictator, that his Min-
ister of Propaganda constantly produced, was so great that the first initial of
the names of his six children was always an H in honor of Hitler. Their
names were: Helga, Hildegard, Helmut, Holdine, Hedwig, and Heidrun;
and in order to prevent any of them from objecting to the family suicide,
surely the oldest ones would have they were first given a powerful sleeping
pill and later when they were in a deep sleep they were made to swallow a
cyanide capsule, and then their parents immediately committed suicide.
will. Why? When each one of your unfortunate custom-
ers buys one of your wonders, he/she will not only be
paying that insignificant part of the direct cost of each
one, but observe:
Without even realizing it, each consumer will not only
pay for: the package, distribution, administration, and
the payments to your expert advisors, like us but
will also cover the publicity costs, in an undetectable
way. Ah! And it will also include your sacred profits.
So, tell us, who will pay for the publicity? The consum-
er, will end up paying for what it cost you to trap him/
her. Fantastic! Isnt it?
The best part of all is that the larger the investment in
the business, the greater the market segment that fol-
lows it. Well now, how could we take better advantage
of that? Look, as we already mentioned, based on con-
stantly repeating the alleged benefits of your products,
the consumers will come to consider them as a part of
their own lives and as natural as trees.
As we told you, when it is convenient, you also will be
able to orient your business toward children, through
programs especially directed at them, or toward house-
wives, or any other objective that you choose.
This unexpected power will have a relevance that you
probably cannot even imagine right now, and the rea-
son is: with that amount of money destined to publici-
ty, which can represent a very important amount, you
could exercise certain influence toward some specific
media, trying but you wont always achieve it to
impose your own points of view.
There are those who affirm that as a consequence of
that important amount spent on publicity, if you so
wished, you would be able to exercise a type of public-
ity boycott against certain media or people who do not
share your personal ideology, and all that, with the
money that the consumer pays in the end. You could
not be more favored.
We present another case: if at a given moment the pres-
sure of the scientific argument against sweetened prod-
ucts were to acquire so much importance among some
of the media, you would be able to instrument a policy
similar to the following one:
With that privileged position, you could build a cam-
paign that could go more or less like this: that the thou-
sands of millions of pesos that candy companies earn:
are creating jobs, helping the economy, generating tax-
es and well being.
When you have the upper hand, it will be very diffi-
cult for anyone else to be able to show what is really
If the public did not spend that cascade of resources on
junk food, that would not mean that the consumers are
going to make a giant bonfire with the money not spent
on your junk, rather that they would spend it on trips, on
home improvements, education, natural foods, computer
equipment and an infinite number of other things that
also not only generate jobs, taxes, improve the economy
and many other things, but most important of all, they do
not represent a social and human threat.
Neither will many legislators and authorities reflect
that the taxes that they do not receive from that area,
they will receive from another: through the same eco-
nomic activation that would have been generated in
the other alternate areas.
But we insist that whoever has the media force to say
it in a massive way, will win the game. And as things
go, you will have it and your counterparts wont.
Another case where you can influence a lot by using
schemes: is to find a way to filtrate the news that there
has been an outbreak of a chronic degenerative dis-
ease, mainly from the lack of exercise. Many will
believe it.
Obviously regular exercise helps in an extraordinary
way, and not only diabetics, but a very ample variety
of problems for the body, although the key and deter-
mining physiopathological factor of the chronic-degen-
erative diseases is food. If it were true that the cause
derives basically from exercise: workers, bricklayers,
farmers and other groups who carryout extenuating
physical work, would not fall victims of those illnesses,
but this is not so. (Even though we insist, exercise helps
a lot.)
But here also, whoever has the capability to say it mas-
sively will impose his/her truth: so, repeat that exer-
cise, and with it, you will try to wash your hands, as if
you were the improved or modern version of Pontius
And regarding the washing of the hands, when you
create commercial ads, insert something like this at
the bottom: Eat fruit and vegetables, the same mes-
sage that obviously no one will pay any attention to,
but this simple phrase will have a dual purpose: more
than one person will believe that you are really wor-
ried about health, and on the other hand, when the
time comes that they attribute you with civil or penal
responsibilities, you will be able to argue the You
warned about it in your ads.
Also analyze this other aspect: it is highly probable
that as the years go by, public opinion will be more
and more against the use of all types of sugars (real or
false) in foods, but they will not have counted on
your cleverness because taking advantage of your
influence in the public media we suggest that you
broadcast the following:
There are millions of families that totally depend on
the sugar industry, and a drastic limitation of the con-
sumption of sugar would be disastrous, not only for
those people, but also for the country. You cannot deny
that that sounds impressive, can you?
With your excellent power of influence in the public
media, you could prevent another aspect from being
known: that all those millions of tons of sugar that
are now used as a simple hook to induce the con-
sumption of your sweet marvels; could be used in a
much better way, avoiding phenomenal damage to
present health in the production of gasoline and
other energy sources.
If it were possible to accomplish such as change and
erase that little myth of the damage to the national
sugar industry, not only would that sector of the agro
industry not be harmed at all but it would result in an
enormous ecological, economic and social benefit,
As presently happens in BRAZIL, where a large quantity of ALCOHOL is
produced from Sugar Cane, the same kind that is added to gasoline, by
which they not only obtain important savings on combustibles derived from
petroleum, but that new combustible also contaminates less. LCOOL
is a Brazilian strategy) Leo da Rocha Lima, Aluizio de Abreu Marcondes.
UFPR Publishing House. (BRASIL)
The gasoline that has alcohol extracted from sugar added to it is signifi-
cantly less aggressive to the environment.
would even diminish the dependence on imported gas-
But the most relevant of all, is that, by preventing the
passage of those millions of tons of refined sugar
through the bodies of our fellow citizens would result
in extraordinary improvements in their health, which
at the same time would reflect in less medical expens-
the increase of personal productivity and many
other things.
However, that would be fatal for the sweet food business
because the consumption would be oriented more to-
ward natural products, where the public would obtain
simple and complex carbohydrates (natural sugars), vi-
minerals, amino acids, enzymes and other key
nutrients. But we insist the bad part is that that which
would be fantastic for society would be disastrous for
Imagine you would have to dedicate yourself to the
production and commercialization of natural products
and activities where you would have to work much
more, and with a lower utility margin. So, it would be
better to induce them, by using the communications
media to do what is convenient for you, and not what
is convenient for them.
Which would also prevent the present blockage that the Public Health
System is suffering, since at the moment it is caring for that overwhelming
amount of patients with chronic-degenerative diseases, it is impossible for
the health system to take good care of the normal community services,
such as: maternity, the aged, orthopedics, vaccinations, and other vital ser-
vices. But if the basic cause of the present illnesses is eliminated, the people
who are insured can be cared for much better.
And speaking of vitamins, since the sweet processed marvels lack the
majority of the nutrients and the key elements of natural foods, we advise the
entrepreneurs in this area, to add the following inscription: ...contains...
Now tell us frankly, could you steer them in the cor-
rect direction without using the mass communications
media? Of course you couldnt; just like Goebbels would
never have been able to lead his country in the direc-
tion that he did, if he had not used them.
We would not be able to quote the great number of
cases, where you can and should powerfully influence
the public opinion, in order to steer them in the direc-
tion that is convenient for your interests.
That is why, the communications media are there wait-
ing for you, and remember so that it will not hurt
you to spend money on this area that in the end, the
consumer will be the one who will end up paying for
each of your orienting messages, so as long as you
can, exploit to the maximum this extraordinary advan-
Foreseeing individuals are always a step ahead of what
is happening, and you should be one of them. But may-
be it is not enough to be ahead, but also to have the
correct strategy, that is why we advise you and one
of our recommendations is to be near those who make
the key decisions in the country.
...vitamins, which can be added artificially, but will have no comparison
with the ones contained in natural products, but it is probable that it will
make some people believe that those products can help their health.
We also suggest that when the products sugar content is too high, besides
indicating its content in tiny letters, you indicated the calorie content strategically
divided in reduced portions, so that many consumers will estimate that that
amount of calories is not so great.
We believe that joining a good strategy, correct deci-
sions and good relationships you will be able to have
extraordinary results for the growth of your sweet busi-
ness. We will give you a simple example:
Some years ago in Mexico, at the beginning of the
decade of the year 2000 it was deemed pertinent
that a series of laws and initiatives be approved to
permit the use of fructose (corn syrup from high
fructose, or JMAF)(when it is convenient for the
price) in carbonated beverages, substituting the su-
crose (common sugar), with the purpose of obtain-
ing greater profits, even though there are always
buts that would imply a small sin: fructose is more
damaging to ones health.
Tell us, how would such an advance have been able
to be achieved, without a convenient closeness to some
decision making people? Why not believe that only a
few opposed, presenting it every way possible, but to
no avail.
And as proof of the good procedure on the part of
those who impulse the fructose, at this moment, its use
is perfectly permitted, without it mattering that the
indexes of: obesity, diabetes, hypertension and other
serious problems continue to increase.
And this does not only apply to past matters, but to
what is to come in the next years and decades.
We are going to suppose that a law comes out, seeking
the common good, that would somehow limit your ac-
tivity and those of your sweet gang of entrepreneurs.
Can you imagine the magnitude of the disaster? That
is why, you need to get ahead and not wait for us to do
things that are already done.
We present you with a hypothesis, not without first
explaining the background: at present the phenome-
nal financial cost derived from chronic-degenerative
diseases, is paid for in diverse ways by everyone, but if
someone proposes that said cost should be paid indi-
vidually, careful depending on how careful every-
one is about themselves, that would be excellent for
the community, but harmful for you. Why? Look:
If we gather a random group of people between 45
and 60 years of age, we can assure you that a certain
percentage of them has already fallen victim of an in-
adequate diet, which has manifested itself in one or
several of the illnesses mentioned in the prior lesson.
But what they have NOT realized by now, and it is
good for you that they havent is that those who mis-
behave, as far as their personal habits are concerned,
implicitly lean on the rest, since the medical and hos-
pital costs derived from having cared for them, even
though it appears that a certain public or private in-
stitution pays for them, the truth is that those organ-
isms will reflect on everyone. How is that so?
In the public institutions they will reflect through great-
er federal spending, (which will be paid for through
taxes or public debt); and in the private institutions,
they will reflect through an increase in the cost of the
insurance premiums, but do not doubt it for even a
second, currently, the astronomic medical expenses, one
way or another, reflect on the whole community.
This is equivalent to we will give you an example
if in any given classroom the teacher, out of an act of
goodness, were to decide to average the individual
results with those of the whole group on a curve. Do
you know what would happen? Sure. The levels of ef-
fort and learning would greatly decrease and there
would be no incentive for those who studied.
Something similar happens in our society, since at
present the one insured assumes that he/she does not
pay the cost of caring for him/her in that public or
private institution, when it is not that way. What hap-
pens is that somehow it is averaged among everyone,
like the classroom example.
But, if there were a variable premium, that would de-
pend on the personal care, or said another way, on the
adequate maintenance of certain risk factors, such as:
obesity, smoking and other key elements, we believe
that things would change completely.
From that moment on, the one insured by the public
or private health care system, would not only try to be
careful seeking to pay a lower personal premium
but, also, he/she would no longer be considered as a
passive element, but as one that really is: an important
part of the solution, a certain type of social change
But here we go back to the same thing. What is good
for the community, is not good for you, because that
At present there are ways to clinically evaluate the risk factors for each
person insured.
We emphasize this because one of the solutions for the public or private
health institutions is to individualize or personalize the cost of the premium
for each person insured, depending on the adequate maintenance of their
own risk factors, since each person, by seeking a lower price for his/her
personal insurance, will not only take care of him/herself, but will also con-
tribute to a better state of health for the general population.
It would incentivate much better personal care, which would result in a
much greater collective benefit that would be real and perfectly quantifi-
would make every one insured imagine more con-
scious of the risk factors, seeking to pay a lower premi-
um, by decreasing the quantity of carbonated bever-
ages, doughnuts, buuelos, chocolates,
and many other
of your sweet wonders. Do you think that that would
impact the economic prosperity of your sweet business?
Of course.
It is true that that would greatly improve ones person-
al health and that of the whole community, but since
your bank account is what should interest you, you need
to get wise starting now.
This being so, in order to avoid a similar misfortune
against your business, you need to lobby well among
the decision makers, to somehow convince them that
that would be highly damaging for the Country, or see
what else you can make up.
Or we even present the worst case scenario, imagine,
just the thought gives us the chills that given the hu-
man and economic damage to the country, if some legis-
lators push the harmful idea of highly taxing all the
products containing added sugars, so that the income from
that area would contribute to at least part of the cover-
age for that cascade of public resources that necessarily
should be canalized toward public health. That measure
would substantially raise the sale price of your wonders,
which would decrease their consumption.
And continuing with the disastrous hypothesis for you:
what would happen if both measures were implement-
ed, and on one side a variable insurance premium were
to be applied, depending on the personal care of the
Like tobacco and other substances that damage your health.
risk factors, and at the same time the products were to
be taxed for being unhealthy.
Here between you and us, do not mention it not even
joking what would be surprising would not be that both
measures would be applied, but what is strange is that
no one took them decades ago, due to the phenomenal
economic and human damage to the community.
And likewise we could mention many more cases that
can affect you, and precisely for this reason, we showed
you the extraordinary importance of forming a special
team to lobby with key people to help you be a step
ahead and prevent the approval of measures against
your sweet business.
If you are not able to conveniently convince the au-
thorities, strength of reason and common sense, will
act strongly against you and your sweet business. On
the contrary, if you are well related, you will be able to
do wonders, and you will be able to prolong your present
favorable situation for a much longer time, although
we also warn you: a moment is going to come in which
the country will face an unsustainable situation and it
will have to act one way or another, but meanwhile,
prolong the present situation, as long as you can, in
order to earn more money.
So, recapping what we presented in this lesson, where
we permitted ourselves to plan the strategy for you to
follow, we assure you that, if you follow the suggested
steps to the letter, you will obtain an impressive effect
in you sales and profits. And by combining the effects
of each one of our suggestions, you will not only reach
your economic goals, but the people will see you as an
entrepreneur, even though the reality is something very
When we were preparing the current lesson, some-
thing unexpected happened: we realized that we were
making a big mistake by pretending to become a sweet
entrepreneurs so-called advisors.
Fortunately, we realized on time that by aspiring for
that position we were making the biggest mistake
sociologically speaking that human beings have been
making for centuries throughout history, which is to :
Disassociate that indestructible, although invisible, link
that exists between the acts of the individual and their
inevitable repercussions; first toward others and in the
end toward ones self. And surely many readers would
be surprised if we were to tell them that the majority
of the problems we have today are derived from this,
apparently in transcendental vision, that the ma-
jority even considers to be normal.
Wow! How could that be possible? What is the real
origin of this? This apparently inoffensive sociological
phenomena, derives from extraordinary superficiality
and nearsightedness, the same ones that have prevent-
ed us from perceiving, that if every good action influ-
ences its surroundings, up to there we more or less
understand, it will also revert to everyone in differ-
ent ways, in a type of infallible backlash.
And maybe you do not imagine now all the consequenc-
es that this limited social vision carries with it, but
look, this mistaken way of acting, (the same one that
many consider to be almost normal) in reality consti-
tutes one of the basic causes of a pathetic situation
that surrounds us all.
What are we referring to? We will show you precisely
by using the food example itself: if we, pretending to
become the advisors, and seeking easy money, would
be a part of the network of sweetened food, as part of
a successful business, we would also contribute to
causing that phenomenal damage to the community.
And even though, at the moment and superficially, we
would have thought that we were more astute, in
the end we would be complete fools, because by hav-
ing contributed to generate a multitude of harmful ef-
fects on others, said ills would also catch up with us.
What type of problems would we cause, and why would
they catch up with us?
We will mention only some of them: the most serious
ones would be those that are related to the health of our
fellow citizens, put also to some extent harming so
many would cause a decrease, among many other
things in the national productivity, since the countrys
results are no more than a simple sum of all its individuals.
And guess what? By damaging the whole, of course we
also damage ourselves, because we are part of it.
But the situation does not stop there; now look at it
from another angle: that cascade of resources, which
up to today was deceptively introduced to the people
to make them spend money on that area, and not chan-
If you want to know more about this important sociological problem, we
invite you to analyze appendix B.
nel it toward other truly important things, such as: re-
forestation, better education, housing and a multitude
of useful other things for everyone.
And now, how does this sociological action manifest
itself and backlash on everyone? We will live it in the
form of a diminished society regarding its true poten-
tial, which will manifest itself in several ways:
When any society has fragile health, it is manifested
by a diminished learning capacity, greater medical ex-
penses, deteriorated finances and less human and so-
cial progress; but the fact is that all of us would be
immersed in that more limited society.
That is what we are referring to when we say that in
every society, every individual action is interconnect-
ed, the same way that the tiniest cell is inevitably asso-
ciated with the rest of the body.
Hypothetically look at the opposite case, if as a society
we would prompt a better state of health, that would
feedback on the whole community in multiple ways,
which do not doubt either, would benefit: business-
men, children, the elderly, housewives, politicians, and
everyone, because the totality would directly or indi-
rectly receive the benefits of a good performance.
Doesnt it seem incredible to you that it works that
way? Well note that this invisible although infallible
sociological interrelation has existed since the social
mans appeared, and even before, and the human dra-
ma precisely consisted in the nearsightedness and su-
perficiality of our judgments which kept us from see-
ing it clearly. Said another way, it is not that it does not
work that way, but rather what was tragic was that we
had not perceived well its role and transcendence.
And lets see what happened: not clearly realizing this
sociological process, made us act very differently, want-
ing except for your very honorable exceptions to
think we were too smart (like us when we wanted to
become your so called advisors) without realizing that
by harming others, sooner or later, we were acting
against ourselves, because the infallible backlash ac-
tion would have reached us.
That is why; any sociologists great doubt will not be
so much to question the exact performance of this law,
but rather, his doubt would be: how is it possible that
we did not realize it from the beginning, in order to
act appropriately, in order to receive all the benefits of
our own acts?
And we wish to add: every time we humans act in a
distorted way, we truly harm the rest; by feeling
too smart without even realizing that we are receiv-
ing its invisible backlash as the consequences of our
own actions.
Well now, in what areas does this most interesting so-
cial interrelation work?
This rule operates in all the spheres of human action.
However, what has enabled us to perceive it well, is
that the backlash, most of the time, does not come
immediately; but do not doubt it, this law works per-
fectly well in: politics, education, the family, food, the
exercise of professions, and trades, and anything else
that comes to your mind.
We can even go much farther, and we warn you that
the true out come in every way, will not be so much
the consequence of: technological, economical or polit-
ical advances, but on the contrary, it should first sug-
gest the exact understanding of this sociological and
humanistic law, and the rest will automatically come
We have told you, our sweet entrepreneur, all this be-
cause maybe it happens to you as it does to many in
our community: you have not assimilated well enough
the medical, economic and social consequences of your
dissimulated way of acting, and we also tell you so that
you will understand why we quit even before being
hired by your company.
We also want to clarify something else: do not think
that we are against the marketing system, in which a
person, pursuing a primary objective, earnings ob-
tains without realizing it, another secondary invisible
objective which is the creation of goods and services?
The free enterprise system is not a type of contrived fabrication like some
people erroneously thought, but is completely natural and intrinsical to man,
and has always been with us.
When a shepherd watched over his sheep 5,000 years ago in some lost region
of Mesopotamia, he did not do it because he was seeking to supply the
market with meat, but by seeking his own interest (primary interest), he
generated in an invisible and automatic way an increment in the offer of
goods and services (secondary interest). Our clothes, food, telephones, food,
autos, computers, houses and practically everything that surrounds us come
from that interesting mechanism.
However, human behavior necessarily ought to be circumscribed to the com-
mon good on the part of the State (like a referee, not as part of the game,
regulating the individual actions using family, sanitary, mercantile, civil,
labor, fiscal, etc., etc., laws so that the individual action might be effectively
channeled toward licit and beneficial activities for the community.
The lack of understanding of these simple but transcendental mechanisms,
made it possible for some very unfortunate economic and political projects to
be developed in the XX Century that had disastrous results, but this situation
is considered more and more like it was: another accident in the history of
human development.
And in the case of junk food, their production and commercialization should
be circumscribed to the common good, through appropriate laws.
What we are radically against is in the sense that there
are legislative and sanitary voids that permit the sale
of products that are health hazards.
Our exhortation is oriented to the production of prod-
ucts that do not damage society, and for that, we con-
sider that the closest thing to be found to how God
delivers them, or the most natural way possible
will be better for our people. Sure you will earn less,
but you will be acting in a more congruent way with
the values and the principles that we are sure you have.
Because we also tell you this: our mind, wishing to
create a series of justifications for improper actions,
makes up false escapes or excuses, to so called ratio-
nalize something that is incorrect. In your case, you
surely already use this type of arguments; one of which
could be it is only just a little, or maybe that they
are the ones who chose those products, or it could be
that you use part of your juicy earnings for donations.
But do not even bother to invent this type of excuses; it
is not going to do any good anyway. Do not fool your-
self, and do not believe that you fool the rest: all the
junk food and beverages are contributing to change
our people into a junk society in several ways.
If you do not modify the composition itself of what you
consider to be your sweet marvels, we are convinced
that the authorities will obligate you to do it. So even
without trying to be your advisors,remember that
In a society where the consumption of junk food is greater, the damage
increases proportionally, as is the case of the United States, where this type
of food and beverages has been a very important factor for limiting its great
potential and progress in several ways, including the unfortunate increase of
the chronic-degenerative diseases.
we just quit we give you this advice: get a step ahead
and produce products that are truly healthy, and we
assure you that we will even congratulate you.
It is highly probable, as we just mentioned, that faced
with the extraordinary health damages due to this type
of food, the authorities will assume their true role,
and once and for all, somehow prevent the
indiscriminant sale of these articles.
Design your own Diet
One of the first things that could come to the minds of
many would be: I do not want to know anything about
diets, because none of them work for me.
But today we want to invite you to see it from another
perspective; not without first telling you a little about
the true meaning of the word diet.
If we go back to the original meaning of this word,
we will see that it refers to a food regime prepared by
an expert. In olden times, this five letter word meant
something very simple: a certain way of living. But
still considering the two meanings, the original, as well
as the present one, we can come to other conclusions.
In regard to a food regime designed by an experta, lets
say, do you know anyone more qualified than the Cre-
The word diet, comes from the Latin word diaeta, and also from the
Greek word diaita that originally referred to a certain way of living or
way of life, but as happens with many words, as the centuries pass, their
meaning changes a little, as happened in this case, since today it means: a
regimen of eating prepared by an expert. DICCIONARIO ETIMOLGICO
DE LA LENGUA CASTELLANA by Joan Corominas, Editorial Gredos.
ator Himself, who deliberately surrounded us with an
ample array of natural foods? Has anyone seen rivers
of carbonated beverages, or trees full of doughnuts,
buuelos, and all that ample variety of sweet junk food?
Could it be that the expert of the Universe deliberate-
ly delivered food this way, in its natural form, because
that is how it conserves all its properties? And are not
processed foods rather a trick, designed to twist their
consumption, seeking a mercantile type objective?
As to the establishment of a certain form of life (the
original meaning of diet) believe us that the dilem-
ma does not consist in whether some decide to follow
the diet and others do not, because from the moment
we all choose our food, we are choosing one of them.
Rather in reality, what happens is something very different:
some will choose almost without realizing it their food
according to the interests and subliminal dictates of third
parties and others, who are more aware, based on an appro-
priate analysis, seeking their own benefit.
The consumers who, without realizing it, are guided
by marketing, innocently believing that they are ex-
ercising their freedom in reality they walk in a more
or less orderly fashion toward the financial goals of
other people they do not even know. The same ones
who are far from being experts
in nutritional mat-
ters, even though they will declare that they are.
Anyone who shows him/herself to be an authentic expert, will not try to
invent food far from its original state, (natural foods) because any connois-
seur knows with certainty that is where all the enzymes, fiber, vitamins,
amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, lipids and other key compo-
nents are, many of which are still unknown.
We have two things to say to all the people who, in
order to establish their lifestyle, docilely follow the in-
dications of others: a. - you ingeniously got wound up
in the game and the interests of third parties, and b. -
everyday you spend consuming processed and sweet-
ened food, increases the probabilities of your acquir-
ing one of the ailments we described; and all for one
simple reason: that that is not the food that was origi-
nally designed by the only and true expert.
Our sincere exhortation is for them and the others,
that we be the ones who are interested, who choose
our own way to nourish ourselves, because what is at
stake is much more than can seen.
So if everyone without exception except those who
are in jails or similar cases one way or another chooses
a diet which would be the most appropriate one? We
believe that it is not at all necessary to go hungry.
We only ask you that as a first step you completely
eliminate all the foods that contain sugar and refined
which will be the beginning of a transforma-
tion that at the moment you cannot even imagine.
One of the most relevant indicatives that any person is perfectly trapped in
a diet induced by the sweet entrepreneurs is when the consumer, due to the
simple fact of contemplating the possibility of eliminating everything that
contains sugar and refined flour, naively asks: so what should I eat?
The truth is that there are thousands of receipts and all kinds of completely
nutritional combinations, which are also more economical.
So that every reader can evaluate the scope of this type of diet, we invite
him/her to carry out a simple test: for a period of 3 weeks, eliminate all kinds
of sweetened food (and avoid adding sugar to your food and beverages) and
carefully observe how your own body reacts regarding your personal perfor-
mance, the disappearance of fatigue, and increase of vigor, including sexual
vitality a substantial improvement in your effectiveness at work, the elimi-
nation of the eventual ups and downs of your blood sugar levels, a...
A second one, even though it is also important, is to
seek to provide your body with all the necessary ele-
ments. One of the best ways to do it is by trying to
have a varied diet, and for that you must include food
from all the food groups: cereals, fruits, vegetables, le-
gumes, oleaginous, milk products, meat and eggs.
Why is the variety so important? Imagine that the food
that is out there is like a supermarket, and each time
you go to that big store, you limit yourself to what is
offered on one or two of the product islands in that
place. Will your home be well stocked? Of course not.
We do not doubt that you will survive, but your family
will lack countless things.
...drastic decrease in the triglycerides (you can measure them with a labora-
tory analysis before and after this test period), the elimination of occa-
sional headaches for some people and many other things, which will permit
you to realize the scope of everyone establishing their own rule of life. We
are convinced that whoever is able to break away from sugar for a lapse of 3
weeks will probably be free of it for the rest of his/her life, which no doubt,
will change a junk future for something very different.
And we reiterate that the negative symptoms of sugar, do not disappear after
only two or three days of totally going without this sweet little powder, but
rather after several days or weeks, depending on the person.
Among the cereal groups, (with a greater content of carbohydrates) we
could mention: corn, wheat and rice, (and the products that contain them,
although it is better to consume them in their whole grain form, such as the
Mexican tortillas); for the legumes we have: beans, chick peas, lentil beans
and soy as examples; for the oleaginous, (with a greater fat content) we will
mention: oats, almonds, sunflower seeds, nuts; for the vegetables we will
have an ample group among which are: chard, avocado, celery, zuchini squash,
chayote, green beans, brocoli, tomatoes, carrots, etc.; we will also have starchy
roots or tubercules, such as: sweet potatoes, potatoes, chayote roots and oth-
ers. There is an incredible variety of natural products with different nutri-
ents that are waiting for you, to provide you with an endless amount of key
elements that you could be acquiring right now...
Something similar will happen in your body, it needs a
whole array of: carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vita-
mins, amino acids, enzymes, fat, fiber and others, which
you should eat the whole variety of, at the same time
avoiding, as we mentioned, all the processed foods that
have added sugars and refined flour.
Another reason to consume an ample variety of food
every day is that it will increase the possibilities of
eating food in adequate proportions,
and by doing so;
the person in question will observe a noticeable in-
crease in his/her own performance.
Now, are there any limitations for some people? If we
humans had not committed one of the most important
nutritional errors, since the middle of the XX Century,
adding massive amounts of refined sugars to many
...And an additional recommendation: with the vegetables and fruits, try to
eat several different colors for your different rations or days, since each
color is often associated with a certain nutrient, and that way, contributes to
providing all the necessary elements.
When your specialist recommends it take an appropriate vitamin supple-
ment. Likewise, if a doctor recommends that you avoid a certain food group
among those we mentioned do what he/she says and do not eat them.
There are many highly qualified specialized organisms in the world that
for a long time have recommended eating food more or less in these propor-
tions: 55 percent carbohydrates, 25 percent fat, 15 percent proteins, and 5
percent fiber. But the majority of the foods contain these elements in diverse
proportions, (except some, as is the case of meat, which does not contain
carbohydrates nor fiber) but by combining them with other foods, for ex-
ample with vegetables or whole grain bread, that contains cereals, (which
contain carbohydrates, fiber, fat and proteins) a person can provide him/
herself with all the necessary nutrients.
It is recommended that ever person who even though he/she does not have
diabetes but has an unbalanced metabolism seek the help of a specialist to
help him/her calculate his/her individual carbohydrate requirement, which
will depend on certain personal factors.
believe us, our recommendations about limit-
ing the consumption of some foods, would hardly exist.
But, since there have been so many decades during
which we have gone way over the yearly average con-
sumption of sugar per inhabitant, that faced with the
panorama of an important percentage of the popula-
tion, whose metabolism is completely unbalanced,
whether they be diabetics or they are on the way to
becoming one the immense majority of doctors in
the world will be obligated to recommend some type
of limitations for them.
Refined sugar, as we stated at the beginning of this book, comes from
several centuries before Christ, but during the prior centuries, its price was
prohibitive (its production was by hand and very limited) so its consumption
was limited to nobles and kings who were the ones who suffered from many
of the chronic-degenerative diseases described on the prior pages. We men-
tion the case among so many others of King Henry VIII of England, who
went from being a strong young athlete to an obese, tired and bad humored
person with sores on his feet (he probably suffered from diabetes) and died
prematurely at the age of 55.
How could we know his exact size in detail? Not only from his biographers
but also from the armor that he used, which left a type of exact mold of his
physical measurements. (So if you, Dear Reader, do not want your great-
grandchildren to know your exact physical measurements, we recommend
that you not use an armor, since it would also be a practice somewhat com-
plicated for some even elemental things, like, getting in and out of your car.
If you should decide to use one in spite of all this, we hope we do not run into
you on the street, since it might be a shocking experience that we would
rather avoid).
The massive consumption of sugar, XX Century was modified by the
combination of various factors: the advanced industrial processing of sugar
and other derivatives, the improper use of marketing, the greed and lack of
scruples of some industries and the sanitary and legislative permissiveness,
caused the present levels of this type of products to manifest the harmful
results of their use in health, economic and human areas.
Except for the case of a very small portion of people who suffer some type
of genetic problems, as happens, among others, with those who suffer Diabe-
tes Mellitus Type I, which implies a congenital abnormality. But this case
and other similar ones represent an infinitesimal percentage compared to the
magnitude of the present problem.
We recommend that all those who have high blood sug-
ar levels in their blood,
and also those who a few
hours after eating have hunger fits,
that aside from
completely avoiding the consumption of sugars and
refined flour, they also limit the amount of carbohy-
drates (but not totally) and cereals and avoid fruits that
contain a high percentage of carbohydrates (natural
sugars) beyond a set percentage.
One more suggestion for those people who wish to lose
weight: if you reduce but do not totally eliminate
the ingestion of carbohydrates, even the natural ones,
you will be able to attain your ideal weight in very
little time. Although we always recommend the super-
vision of a good doctor, who knows your lifestyle, the
state of your endocrine system, your family history,
physical condition and other factors, and who will be
able to help you in a more individualized and com-
pletely professional way.
Our body is designed to move, and if with the help of
cars, planes, metros, urban busses and other means of
Fasting, that is to say before eating any food and normally in the
It could be hypoglycemia, (a sudden decrease of the blood sugar) which
having obtained the prior dictate from a specialist could indicate the pre-
lude of a posterior condition of Diabetes Mellitus Type II. During this stage
(hypoglycemic events) this situation can still be reverted by following an
adequate diet by totally and absolutely avoiding refined sugars and flours,
and by limiting the foods that have a high carbohydrate content, especially
the carbohydrates, that is, the ones with the sweet flavor, (even though
they come from a natural source).
According to the relationship indicated in Appendix A. The specific
limitation for each person (with a metabolic imbalance) as far as percentages
and quantities are concerned, should be evaluated in a personalized way
depending on the conditions of: weight, state of health, medical history, ac-
tivity and other elements.
transportation, contrary to our ancestors, we have less
physical activity which alters the correct functioning
of our body.
Neither can we go to the sweet entrepreneurs extreme,
when trying to excuse themselves regarding the brusque
increase of chronic degenerative illnesses, who point
out that the lack of exercise, is the culprit.
But without a doubt, practicing a sport or doing some
type of moderate physical activity, on a regular basis
and adding the fundamental element: a healthy diet
will produce a surprising change in your life.
Each person can choose a sport depending on his/her
preferences, time and their own state of health. To-
gether with this cordial invitation which we make with
our best desires, we only ask three things of you:
Do not try to carry out great sport feats, above all at
the beginning, because if your body is not in good phys-
ical shape, it is convenient to increment the activity
slowly, while you observe your level of effort.
The benefits from exercising are not for those people
who only exercise occasionally, like on the weekends,
but rather for those who do it on a regular basis, sever-
al times a week.
If some feel that they do not have time to do it, we
recommend that they reserve a space in their agenda
for exercising, because we assure you that far from
diminishing their vitality and productivity, it will no-
ticeably increase them.
Remember that your heart is always working and that
it never rests; its only periods of rest if they can be
called that are the brief lapse between one heart
beat and the next. And it will surprise you to know
that, contrary to what many might believe, when a
person is in good physical condition due to exercise,
his/her heart rests more.
We even know people who in order to exercise daily
combine it with their need for transportation: every
day they walk to their place of work, if it is fairly
near or to the public transportation station, when
possible, or they ride a bike; which aside from provid-
ing important savings, contributes to caring for the en-
If a person runs (that is to say, practices some type of aerobic exercise) 4 or
5 times a week, it is very probable that his/her resting pulse will be 60
pulsations per minute or less so that every 24 hours, that persons heart
could have beat around 86,000 times; on the other hand, a person with no
physical condition resting pulse, could go up to even 80 pulsations per
minute, (depending on his/her diet, age, weight and other factors) which
would make his/her heart beat around 115,000 times, which represents and
additional cardiac effort of around 34 percent. In addition to, as we men-
tioned before, that the hearts rest lessens when the period of time between
one heart beat and another is shorter which added to other factors we have
already mentioned could become a serious problem.
And now that we have mentioned the importance of the diet, we want to
invite the reader to do a simple test: normally after eating your meals, your
heart rate elevates around 8 to 10 percent, and if you ate an especially abun-
dant meal it will elevate a little more, but, attention if you eat food
especially loaded with refined sugars, for example a carbonated beverage
and a package of 4 sugar doughnuts, one half hour after having ingested that
sweet temptation and after having remained seated at least 8 minutes, (which
is what is called your resting pulse), take your pulse and you will be in for
an surprise, because you will see that it is above normal. (It also elevates
when you have an infection). But do not comment that elevation derived
from the betraying temptations with the sweet entrepreneurs, because if
they start to contemplate the idea of selling natural products, the cardiac
pulse will do away with them.
Although the cardiac alteration of those entrepreneurs might be momentary,
in the end they will realize two things: 1. - That what is better for society,
will also be better for them and 2. - That they will also be able to do business
that way, without harming their fellowman.
vironment, at the same time that they carry out that
indispensible activity: exercise.
Productive orientation
If you at some time have thought about who decides
the amount of candy, milk, cakes, doughnuts, meat,
vegetables, and all the immense array of products that
are to be produced, we have news for you: no one in
particular decides it, only the market.
If the majority of consumers decide to consume, lets say,
yellow onions instead of white or purple ones, we assure
you that the producers will think about producing yellow
ones, as happens in some European countries.
Through marketing, of course, it will be relatively easy
to influence the preference of the one who consumes,
and it is there where we point it out as the great
disappointment of our time regarding nutrition how-
ever, to the extent that more and more consumers ac-
quire full awareness of the importance of not falling
for those contrivances, the producer will vary his strat-
egy, focusing on less damaging products.
Believe us that if each day there are more consumers
who prefer healthy products, the balance will tilt to
the correct side, and the producer will have to act as
the result of a mere market reflex.
However, since the immense majority of consumers
will not have access to what has been revealed in the
present text, and other similar ones, there will also be
a need to regulate a long series of sweetened products;
whose only purpose is to promote their sale without
measuring the detrimental consequences that they will
cause in every sense.
Changing habits
Without doubt, one of the most effective ways to mod-
ify the direction of any persons life is by modifying
his/her habits. There are those who say that habit is
half of life, but maybe it is a little more than that.
By the way, pedagogically speaking, we consider that
a lot more could be done in schools to strengthen cer-
tain basic values to develop another way of life. Among
those elements we could quote the strengthening of
will power, the importance of the quality of each one
of our acts, punctuality, fulfilling our commitments and
other vital questions.
Because if we are observant and randomly choose any
human group, we will be able to perceive that some
people will be faithful addicts to the sweet marvels,
and within that same group, others will do without
them. Could it be that some of them do not know the
harm that this type of pseudo food can do? Or are they
only the victims of marketing?
Aside from the negative publicity influence, for the most
part, many lack sufficient will power to choose their
food well, that is, an important percentage of our com-
munity, is incapable, due to their lack of a strong
will to do what really helps in their lives, among
which is the fact of going without certain foods.
But, what is needed for that? Will power. Contrary to
what some people think, no one is born with this
crucial element, rather it is formed or deformed
little by little by our daily actions.
The importance of the good or bad exercise of the will is somewhat known
and exploited to perfection by those in charge of the marketing for the sweet
entrepreneurs. So their messages will be subliminally charged with...
So, when we see that great athlete or scientist obtain
great achievements, lets not think that they were al-
ready predestined or were born that way,
but rath-
er, that they formed their will, so that by taking ad-
vantage of their time and other available elements, they
reached a certain objective.
And in accordance with that objective, will power in-
tervenes decisively in our habits. That is why it is im-
portant to strengthen this crucial element; we as par-
ents have a great responsibility even by acting with
our own example. We or you, could preach, lets say
against cigarettes, but if our children see us smoking
every day, our words would be useless.
In the case of junk food, it will be something similar. If
we want a better future and health for our children,
the example we give them of our own will power and
a healthy diet will be absolutely definitive for their
And that will power begins the moment we go to the
If we stuff ourselves with sweetened
junk, very often in determent of other really nutri-
...something opposed to a good exercise of the will. Observe how they put
emphasis on: enjoy (now), relish, take pleasure in, life is now, etc.,
etc. Maybe they do not even fully realize it but this tergiversation of this
type of values, even if it is beneficial for their sweet mercantile objectives it
ends up being very harmful for the personal, family and professional devel-
opment of many of our fellow men and women, since it weakens their will
and also makes them vulnerable to other types of social threats that are even
worse such as drugs.
Like Thomas Edison said: A genius is one percent inspiration, and ninety-nine
percent perspiration.
Whoever wants a full and promising future for his family should begin by
creating good habits. On one occasion among other cases we saw a young
man with a chronic-degenerative illness, that on that occasion ended up...
tive things we assure you that someone in your house
will end up eating them and without realizing it we
will be contributing to creating bad habits, and pro-
jecting bad examples that will also influence others.
The future
Do not worry about the future of the sweet entrepre-
neur; his/her transformation will be a mere reflection
of the slow modification of the consumption. Some-
thing similar to what we pointed out regarding drug
consumption: if the consumption decreases since the
productive decision of any product gravitates on the
demand for it, not on the conveniences of a certain
entrepreneur. So as long as a big percentage of society
falls in the trap of eating junk food, that will deter-
mine its production.
But, unlike drugs, here we are facing something that is
still permitted, and its publicity and free sale are per-
mitted. It is true that it will help a lot when the author-
ities decide to intervene categorically, but the consum-
er him/herself will have the definite solution. However,
each potential client would not be able to decide well
if he/she does not have the adequate information and
does not clearly understand what happens.
If John or Jane Doe were able to obtain sufficient in-
formation, they would perfectly realize the deception
they have been the prey of and the risk they run.
...being lethal and seeing how distressed his parents were facing that deso-
lated panorama, we remembered (obviously we did not say anything to his
parents, it was too late) the development of these illnesses, start from the
formation, -or deformation- of the habits, from inside ones own home. One
who truly loves his/her family, will be careful to teach them good habits,
the good as well as the bad will be harvested when its time comes.
But in the present conditions, that informative goal is
not at all easy, since the sweet entrepreneurs have an
overwhelming amount of resources that they took
out of the consumers own pockets to channel toward
publicity, so maybe it is not enough to have the force
of reason on your side. Why? Look:
If we are unable to convince the great majority that
the reason the true expert of the Universe gave us food
in a natural form, is because it is the best and the health-
iest way to consume it.
The ideal situation for the
proliferation of the sweet business is that the great
masses do not perceive the truth: that that other way
of consumption is but a tricky way to deviate the natu-
ral way of eating, and refined sugars in all their
forms are not but mere and vulgar gimmicks for that
So, we assure you, as a consumer, that you also carry
out a transcendental role in this, in a type of interest
game, where on one side societys legitimate interest
converges and on the other that of a group of greedy
And we will all be witnesses of a deaf struggle that
will define many things: on one side there is medical
science, the health authorities and the people who are
worried about the social wellbeing, who in our opin-
ion, are the ones who have reason on their side; but on
the other, is:
Obviously except that which is recommended by the health authorities
regarding cooking, conservation and hygiene.
The strong interest of the junk food producers, who
offer products the majority of which are not healthy,
but they have many millions in revenue that they ob-
tained from the consumers themselves, ready to em-
ploy them for publicity that is beneficial to them. Who
do you think will win the game?
We think that we could not finish this book, without
first giving the sweet entrepreneurs a little gift: a rid-
dle like the ones the ancient Greeks issued, by which
they tried to know the future.
But we ran into a small obstacle, those predictions have
not been made for many centuries.
So we decided on an alternative solution: we went to a
place in Oaxaca, Mexico, to a little town called Ranchu
gubia, where a person who knows a lot about health,
gave us a verse similar to a riddle, in his Zapoteco dia-
lect, which translated in to English goes like this:
If you like to make money,
And you dont mind to cause pain,
I ask you to think first,
All the damage you are going to cause
I agree that you can sell,
That whole bunch of sweet food,
But first you should take care,
To hide well your real objetive
And record well in your mind,
That in the world the slightest act,
Sooner or later will come back,
And hit you in the face...
If you open your eyes more,
You will discover with fear,
That it is not possible to fool,
Everyone all the time...
Do not forget that in both worlds,
When life asks you to account for your acts,
Your money wont be enough,
To make up for the damage you have done...
You run blind after money,
Confused by your great business,
But never forget that many lives,
Were worth more than your money...
Since the price was the same for one or two riddles,
well, in fact they were free we decided to take ad-
vantage of the opportunity and we requested another,
but in this case THE CONSUMER and us were given
the following text:
If the fish dies by his mouth,
Get smart and open your eyes,
Dont let them take advantage of you,
Selling you sweet things.
The only true sweetness matter,
Is to care for your life well,
The other sweetness is false,
And lasts only minutes...
That deceiving sweetness,
That seduces worse than a goddess,
Ruins your life,
And changes it to bitterness...
Dont wait for the judges,
To take them to trial,
Instead choose well what you eat,
And you will have little need for doctors...
If you choose your food well,
That health that you seek,
And the lives of the ones you love,
Will stay with you...
If you and yours are informed,
And the fish by his mouth dies,
The precious health that you so desire,
Will come through your own mouth!
Any similarity between the present book and the in-
correct actions of any sweet entrepreneur, of our pun-
ished planet, would be merely coincidental since those
cases are the product of the authors fertile imagina-
tion, on an imaginary journey through another distant
Besides, given the extraordinary negative impact that
the acts of a sweet entrepreneur would have on his
whole community, we do not believe that this type of
people exist in our world, who seeking their own petty
interests, harm their fellowmen the way we described.
Surely we will only find responsible entrepreneurs who
will produce healthy food, convinced that the good
or the bad generated for the community, will inevi-
tably revert on all and their actions will be impecca-
On this third planet of this solar system it has been a
long time since we have not gone into a supermarket,
but we think that if we were to do so, we would not
find even one product like the ones we have described
in this book.
The hydrates of carbon which are also called carbo-
hydrates, as they are commonly known, are organic
substances that by the action of the suns light are trans-
formed into carbon dioxide and the water into a type
of combustible. These elements, obviously, if they
are consumed in their natural form are crucial for
human beings, since they constitute none other than
the necessary combustible or energy.
However, it is not convenient to consume any more or
any less than the necessary amount. If one eats more
than the desired amount, above all of rapid assimila-
tion carbohydrates from refined sugars, aside from the
problems described, it will reflect through weight gain,
so, without pretending to substitute medical advise-
ment the reader is given this type of quick reference
guide of the carbohydrate content of many foods.
Anyone who seeks to lose weight, should limit but
not completely eliminate all food with a high carbo-
hydrate content. You should only totally eliminate re-
fined carbohydrates, since they are processed in a way
that harms your body; another advantage of eating car-
bohydrates the correct way (in natural foods) it that
they are accompanied by an endless number of incred-
ible nutrients that are valuable for you.
Amaranth 65.10 % Rice flour 79.70 % Puffed rice 88.60 %
Whole rice 77.40 % Pre-cooked rice 82.50 % Oats 67.00 %
Barley 75.40 % Rye (bread) 53.40 % Rye (grain) 73.40%
Rye (whole flour)74.80% Rye (whole grain) 58.30% Polished rice 78.80
Corn flour Corn flakes 86.10 % Corn starch 85.60 %
(nixtamalizada) 77.40 %
Yellow corn 69.60 % Meal with lime 62.20 % Corn tortilla 45.30 %
Corn and wheat Flour tortilla 78.80 % Roasted corn flour/Pinole
tortilla 40.60 % without sugar 75.60%
Spaghetti 75.20 % Cookies 66.80 % Whole wheat bread 54.00 %
Crackers 69.70 % Wheat germ 46.70 % Wheat flour 77.80 %
Wheat flakes 80.50 % White bread 62.10 % Sweet bread/ pastry 60.80 %
Pasta 72.80 % Bran 56.70 % Whole wheat 73.40 %
Chickpeas 57.10 % Beans (average) 58.50 % Bean flour 59.10%
Butter beans 63.10 % Lentil beans 58.70 % Soy 33.50 %
Sesame seeds 13.30 % Almonds 13.30 % Chestnuts 11.70 %
Peanuts 21.50 % Cacao 26.10 % Hazelnuts 32.50 %
Sun flower seeds 13.60 % Walnut 13.20 % Pine nut 16.80 %
Peanut butter 28.20 % Pumpkin seeds 12.20 % Pistachio 19.00 %
Chard 4.80 % Avocado 7.60 % Garlic 20 %
Artichoke 16.50 % Celery 4.20 % Egg plant 5.90 %
Watercress 2.90 % Beets 10.90 % Broccoli 5.90 %
VEGETABLES (continued)
Zucchini squash 3.70 % Yellow squash 4.90 % Onions (white) 9 %
Mirliton 6.60 % Peas 25.50 % Chilacayote 2.70 %
Serrano chile 7.20 % Coriander 2.60 % White cabbage 5,40%
Green beans 3.50 % Yellow corn 32.60 % White corn 21.70 %
Endive 3.30 % Asparagus 5.00 % Spinach 1.70 %
Squash blossoms 2.70 % Green lima beans 13.10 % Mushrooms 4.40 %
Huitlacoche 6.24 % Romaine lettuce 4.10 % Tomatoes 4.30 %
Turnip 3.30 % Cactus 5.60 % Cucumber 2.40 %
Parsley 10.90 % Leek 14.10 % Radish 4.30 %
Rosemary 4.90 % Green tomato 4.50 % Purslane 4.90 %
Xoconostle 5.20 % Mint 7.70 % Carrot 9.30 %
Sweet potatoes 28.30 % Potato (average) 17.50 % Yuca 28.20 %
Raz de Chayote 17.80 % Crcuma 9.60 % ame 17.50 %
White Star Apple 9.90 % Sugar cane 17.20 % Capuln Cherry 16.80 %
Sugar cane (juice) 20.50 % Apricot 11.00 % Chirimoya 24.00 %
Yellow Plum 17.90 % Red Plum 11.80 % Coconut (water) 4.70 %
Yellow peach 11.70 % Strawberry 7.00 % Garambullo 10.10 %
Granada 23.40 % Soursop 6.50 % Guava 11.90 %
Fig 19.20 % Jcama 8.70 % Kiwi 14.90 %
Lime 10.50 % Limon 10.70 % Mamey 16.20 %
Mandarin orange 12.00 % Mango (Manila) 11.30 % Mango (criollo) 9.00 %
Apple 16.50 % Melon 6.30 % Membrillo 15.30 %
Bitter orange 13.40 % Orange (juice) 10.40 % Nectarine 11.80 %
Loquat 12.40 % Papaya 9.80 % Pear 15.90 %
Peron 15.90 % Pineapple 12.40 % Pitahaya 10.40 %
Tabasco banana 22.00 % Plantain 23.40 % Rose Apple 16.40 %
Cling Peach 9.70 % Watermelon 7.20 % Tamarind 62.50 %
Tejocote 22.00 % Grapefruit 11.10 % Tuna 8.10 %
Grape 17.80 % White Sapote 16.10 % Black Sapote 14.50 %
Yellow Sapote 20.00 % Xocyol 6.60 % Blackberry 12.80 %
Meat, in general, does not contain carbohydrates; it is recommended that you chose it based
on its percentage of fat, choosing those that have a lesser amount. In general it is preferable
that you eat: fish, lean turkey, lean chicken, lean beef and as your last option pork.
Fresh cows milk 4.80 % Condensed milk 54.40 % Evaporated milk 10.00 %
Skimmed powdered Powdered whole Natural Yoghurt 4.70 %
milk 51.90 % milk 38.40 %
Powdered maternal Fresh goats milk 4.40 % Maternal milk 6.90 %
milk 55.10 %
Cotija aged cheese 0 % Fresh goat milk Fresh cows milk cheese 5.00 %
cheese 8.70%
Chihuahua cheese 1.90 % Roquefort (blue) Oaxaca cheese 3.00 %
cheese 2.00 %
Camenbert cheese 0.50 % Chedar cheese1.30 % Curd Cheese (skimmed) 2.70 %
Manchego cheese 0.50 % Yellow cheese 1.70 % Curd Cheese 10.00 %
In general, eggs and fat, (of animal as well as vegetable origin) contain almost no carbohy-
drates, and should be evaluated in each individual case, according to their fat content.
Brown sugar 90.60 % Refined sugar 99.10 % Maple syrup 65.00 %
Molasses 60 % Honey 78.00 % Sugar cane honey 72.60 %
Corn syrup 75.00 % Maple syrup 72.00 % Mexican brown sugar 90.60 %
Chocolate with Powdered chocolate Milk chocolate 73.90 %
sugar 75.10% 73.20 %
Prunes 89.10 % Prune juice 17.40 % Dried dates 73.50 %
Strawberries in Ice cream 17.20 % Figs in syrup 22.90 %
syrup 23.60 %
Fruit jelly 80.30 % Tomato (juice) 5.40 % Tomato (puree) 10.10 %
Tomato (Catsup) 25.40 % Apple marmalade 57.40% Apple (juice) 13.80 %
Mayonnaise 4.60 % Marmalades (average) 60 % Mustard 6.40 %
Oranges (marmalade) Fruit nectars 24.20 % Instant potatoes 51.80 %
Potato chips 53.30 % French fried potatoes Raisins 77.00 %
36.00 %
Pineapple in syrup Uchepo (tamale) 39.70 % Oat flakes 66.00 %
29.80 %
Take into account that the quantity of carbohydrates is not exact for every case, since for
example, if we are talking about a pear, y can differ a lot depending on the variety and the area.
On occasions there are slight variations even with the fruit from the same tree.
INLATINAMERICA, National Institute of Nutrition Salvador Zubirn, by the group known
for the specialists: MiriamMuoz de Chvez, (National Cancer Institute) Eduardo Mendoza
Martnez (National Institute of Nutrition), Adolfo Chvez Villasana and associate investiga-
tors. Editorial Pax (Mxico 1996)
At first sight, it could seem that the content of this
appendix is not related to the subject of food, but we
invite you to stay with us until the end, and you will
make your own conclusions.
An adequate social vision is crucial in all human inter-
relationships. When the whole social network under-
stands this, this result can be no other than develop-
ment in every sense, and on the contrary, when one
lacks an integral social vision, this generates a general-
ized conflict that undoubtedly will revert on everyone.
We venture to tell you that an adequate understanding
of the subject will be a condition or separation point
toward that true universal development in every sense.
The crucial fault of the subject is in not having real-
ized the scope of every human act, as insignificant as
they might be, they will not only affect the whole, but
at some later moment, they will reach all of us. And as
long as we do not perceive this as a concrete and true
reality, the future will continue to be anchored in the wrong
If any society, does not assimilate that in order for it to
fully develop it first requires the understanding of this
apparently irreverent sociological process; believe us,
it will not be able to go far. This is more real than the
ground we stand on, every community is but the sim-
ple sum of the acts of every man and woman that be-
longs to it.
A much generalized error is to think that a sort of dis-
sociation exists between personal acts and the collective
result, when what happens is exactly the contrary. There
is no way to disassociate those two elements, even
though if we do recognize that this phenomenon in our
daily lives goes almost unnoticed.
Maybe we could present it better using several ex-
amples. If, lets say any politician, (with a fictitious
name, lets call him Dionisio) who as a politician does
not do his work well, and to boot has performed some
dishonest acts, thinking that he is very smart
when in reality he ended up being too dumb, be-
cause he did not even realize the damage he was
causing, aside for the civil and legal responsibility
the he incurred, his way of acting back lashed on
him in many ways. How?
By weakening his community a certain percentage in
several ways, and since Dionisio, his family and de-
scendants are a part of it, his own professional devel-
opment will be diminished, not only due to the lack of
confidence of the rest, but also in specific and concrete
aspects: Dionisios own development will be lessened
as his community becomes more limited.
In contrast, if Antonio who is also a very important
public official carries out his duties impeccably, he
will not only obtain the recognition of his bosses and
the rest of the people regarding himself, but also the
good that he was able to cause, will not only project on
the rest, but on Antonio himself, and his present and
future family, as members of that society, they will in-
evitably be touched by that reverted action.
Lets look at some other more tangible cases. Lets say
that Diogenes is an engineer in charge of the traffic in
his city. He should contribute to improving the signs
on the streets and avenues and optimizie the perfor-
mance of the traffic lights.
However Diogenes wrongfully had other personal
priorities and was quite careless about fulfilling his
duties. Could his deficient performance backlash on
Diogenes always thought that his deficient work would
not affect him personally, since, he thought he knew
his way perfectly. But in reality he worked in another
direction: the lack of adequate street signs and traffic
control made those who drove around the city spend a
certain longer percentage of time getting to their des-
tinations. But, would this affect Diogenes?
Even though he never imagined it, that apparently far
off damage to the rest made his community spend a
certain percentage of more time and resources which
made that same percentage spend less on useful ac-
tivities, which not only limited their collective produc-
tivity, but also diminished their capability to generate
goods and services. This fact forcefully later impacted
Diogenes himself, although in an almost invisible way.
Robert was an excellent grade school teacher and al-
ways tried to channel all his energy to teach his stu-
dents the best way possible, since he felt, with a lot of
common sense, that a good or bad act on a personal
level, undoubtedly affected everybody else.
And that which Roberto felt as a teacher and carried
out through his teaching, contributed to create better
citizens. What he always regretted was that all the other
teachers had not had that same insight.
And so we could go on for hours revealing thousands
and thousands of similar examples, by which we could
show you in a palpable way that every human act is
not only interrelated with all the rest, but that it inev-
itably returns to the one who performed it in different
ways. The same way that a good or bad act of a micro-
scopic cell benefits or harms the whole body.
In order to show you that this social law always works,
we will show you an extreme case, the same one we
hope will never occur. Imagine that someone, a little
crazy, decides to commit suicide, and in order to avoid
social damage he/she goes off to a desert place and
carries out his/her proposal. Would this event affect
the rest and also that person?
Obviously this sick action not only terminally and bru-
tally damaged the person him/herself, but that action
in a certain percentage also reached his/her communi-
ty, by depriving it of that human potential that was
absurdly truncated. Besides, that fellow citizen could
have had a family and offspring, among whom there
could have been some very valuable and outstanding
people. That is to say, believe us, there is no possible
way to unlink one personal action from that persons envi-
But returning to the present book, the one on nutri-
tion when a group of sweet entrepreneurs, feeling
like the shrewdest beings on the planet, sell artificially
sweetened food in order to promote its sale, two things
happen: First, they do not measure the scope of the
damage that they are causing the community, and be-
sides, maybe they do not even realize that that social
and human damage that they cause, reverts back on
everyone, including them.
That is why the authors exhort them, the consumers
and the authorities: that if they continue in that direc-
tion, a junk future awaits us in all senses, plagued
with an endless number of problems. Now is the time
to rectify the course, but you have to act, with decision
and immediately in order to rectify this. It is true that
the personal efforts and those of you relatives and en-
trepreneurs would be important, and the political and
legislative costs would also be considerable, but the
price of not doing it would be infinitely superior, and
of unimaginable consequences.
Magalie Lenoir, Fuschia Serre, Lauriane Cantin, Serge H. Ahmed. Intense
Sweetness Surpasses Cocaine Reward. PloS ONE l Au-
gust 2007 l Issue 8 l e698.
Ifland D JR et al. Refined food addiction: a classic substance use disor-
der Med. Hypotheses, 2009 May; 72(5):518-26.
The History of Medicine, Manuel Barqun Caldern, Mndez Editores,
(Mexico). April 1993.
Sugar Blues by William Dufty, Warner Books (USA). Reissued 1993.
Stephanie Nguyen y Robert Lusting. Just a spoonful of sugar helps the
blood presure go up. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2010 Nov; 86 (11): 1497-9.
The History of Medicine, Manuel Marqun Caldern, Mndez Editores,
Mexico. April 1993.
The Book of Happenings, Events, Facts, Cases, Things. by Isaac Asimov,
Editorial Lasser Press, (Mexico).
The United Nations Organization (UN) Statistical Yearbook. 1960, 1970,
|980, 1990, 2000, 2010, Mexico. And World Population Tables from the Popu-
lation Reference Bureau, PRB. USA.
Frati-Munari et al. The glicemic index of some foods common in Mexico
Gac Med Mex 1991 Mar-Apr; 127(2):163-70.
This process was amply cited in another work by the authors of the present
book Temptations that kill edited by the Mexican Society of Geography
and Statistics, A.C. (Mexico, 2006).
Meditations, by Marco Aurelio, written around the year 170-180 of our era.
Sameer Fatani el al. The effects of diet-induced obesity on hepatocyte
insulin signaling pathways and the induction of non-alcoholic liver dam-
age Int J Gen Med 2011;4:211-9.
Alba Fernndez Snchez et al. Inflammation, oxidative stress and obesity.
Int J Mol Sci 2011;12(5):3117-3132.
Romano AD et al. Oxidative stress and aging J Nephrol 2010 Sep-Oct;23
suppl 15:529-36.
Antonio Gonzlez Chvez et al. Physiopathological implications between
chronic inflamation and the development of diabetes and obesity P.Cir. Cir.
2011 Mar-Apr;79(2):209-16 Dr. Antonio Gonzlez Chvez et al., published an
interesting bibliographical revision where he analyzed the relationship of the
inflamatory process with some chronic degenerative illnesses such as diabe-
tes. Doctor Gonzalez is an internal medicine specialist at the Hospital Gen-
eral de Mxico, and leads a study group on that illness, in the Mexican
Secretariat of Health.
Rocha VZ et al., Inflammatory concepts of obesity. Int J Inflam. 2011;
2011: 529061.
Gregor MF, Hotamisligil GS. Inflammatory mechanism in obesity Annu
Rev Inmunol 2011 APR 23;29:415-45.
Tchoukalova YD et al. Regional differencies in cellular mechanism of
adipose tissue regain with overfeeding. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2010 Oct
Kabir RM Large size cells in the visceral adipose deposit predict insulin resis-
tance in the canine model. Obesity(Silver Spring) 2005;71(2208-10-3):208-14.
Yu MA, Snchez Lozada LG et al. Oxidative stress with an activation of the
renin-angiotensin system in human vascular endothelial cell as a novel
mechanism of uric acid-induced endothelial dysfuncion O J Hypertens.
2010 JUN;28 (6):1234-42.
Segal MS et al. Is the fructose index more relevant with regards to
cardiovascular disease then the glucemic index? Eur J Nutr 2007 oct;
46(7): 406-17.
Maia, Clcia Adriana S. Campos, Carlos Alberto H. de. Diabetes as a
cause for a loss of hearing. Rev. Bras. Otolaryngologist. [online].
Baskurt OK et al. Hemorheology and vascular control mechanisms.
Hemorheol Microcirc. 2004;30(3-4):169-78. The viscocity of the blood depends
on multiple elements, the main ones being the: erythrocytes, leucocytes,
platelets, proteins and glucose, which can be measured using a capilary vis-
cometer. It has been proven that the greater the viscosity of the blood the
greater the resistance to the periferal circulation. There is a direct relation-
ship between the viscosity of the blood and the microvascular tone, mea-
sured by the oxygenation of the tissue, since a compensatory vasodilatation
occurs if the tissue perfusion worsens secondary to hyperviscosity.
Babu N et al. Influence of hyperglycemia on aggregation, deformability
and shape parameters on erythrocytes. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 2004;31
(4):273-80. An abnormal increase of blood glucose, increases the erythrocyte
aggregation, reduces the flexibility of the erythrocites and reduces their fil-
terability. (Their capability to pass through the celulose membrane).
A phenomena widely exposed in the book Sugar Blues by William Dufty,
Editorial Warner books, (USA). Reissued 1993.
Pet M. International variations in the outcome of schyzofrenia and the
prevalence of depression in relation to national dietary practices: an eco-
logical analysis Br J Psychiatry 2004 May; 184:404-8.
Based on the book: Unheard witness de Ernest Hanfstaengl, (Who was a
follower, musician and composer very close to Hitler for several years,
eventhough he did not agree with him later, which made him have to leave
Germany hastily, with his life at risk.) Editorial Philadelphia Lippincott,
(USA 1957) and referenced in the book Inside the third reich, author Albert
Speer, (Who was one of his closest collaborators up until the end of the war)
Editorial SPHERE BOOKS, (USA, 1971). Data regarding this musician is also
found in the book Hitlers piano player by author Peter Conrado, from the
Editorial Perseus Book Group, (USA).
Hitlers relationship with this musician, (Ernest Hanfstaengl) was so close,
that this dictator was his son Egons godfather, and Ernest, who was a man
with economic resources, helped finance the publicity campaign for Hitlers
book named Mein Kampf as well as the official news paper for the Nazi
party, (NSDAP whose publication bore his name Vlkischer Beobachter).
Teff et al. Dietary fructose reduces circulating insulin and leptin, at-
tenuates postprandial suppression of ghrelin, and increases triglycerides in
women J Clin Endocrinol Metab. June 2004; 89 (6): 296372.
Bantle JP et al. Effects of dietary fructose on plasma lipids in healthy
subjects Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2000; 72 (5): 112834.
Richard J. Johnson, Santos E. Prez-Pozo, Yuri Y. Sautin, Jacek Manitius,
Laura Gabriela Snchez-Lozada, Daniel I. Feig, Mohamed Shafiu, Mark Segal,
Richard J. Glassock, Michiko Shimada, Carlos Roncal, and Takahiko
Nakagawa. Hypothesis: Could Excessive Fructose Intake and Uric Acid
Cause Type 2 Diabetes? H Endocr Rev. 2009 February; 30(1): 96116.
Reaven GM. Banting lecture: Role of insulin resistance in human dis-
ease Diabetes. 1988;37:1595-1607.
The edition of this book would not have been
possible, without the valuable help from:
Antonio Muiz Pajn, historian,
Pilar Cruz Palencia, cover design,
Ana Sofa Ochoa Ricoux, elaboration of the cover,
Griselda Samaniego Barrn, economic analyst,
Luis Tovar Carrillo, design and layout.
Y ESTADSTICA, A.C. (Mexican Society for
Geography and Statistics) was founded in
1833, by Valentn Gmez Faras.

This institution features among its members
many of the most promi nent mexi can
intellectuals, scientists and politicians, such as
Andrs Quintana Roo, Mariano Otero, Melchor
Ocampo, JosMaralaFragua, Manuel Orozco
y Berra, Miguel Lerdo deTejada, Leopoldo Ro
de la Loza, Ignacio Ramrez (The Nigromante),
Gabino Barreda, Santos Degollado, Justo
Sierra, Joaqun Garca Icazbalceta, Luis
Bolland Kumackl, Vicente Riva Palacio, Flix
Palavicini, Miguel Schultz, Guillermo Prieto,
Antonio Caso, Emilio Portes Gil, Jess Silva
Herzog, Jess Reyes Heroles, Daniel Coso
Villegas, Jaime Torres Bodet, Julio Zamora
Btiz, Ignacio Chvez, Miguel Alemn Valds,
Jos Clemente Orozco, Alfonso Reyes, Adolfo
Ruiz Cortines, Adolfo Lpez Mateos and a
broad quantity of distinguished personalities,
and as a consequence it is considered as a
precursor of the cultural independence of the

Its founder, the physician Valentn Gmez
Faras, would dedicated part of his leisure time
helping people infected with cholera in Mexico
City when he was acting President of the
Mexican Republic.
"A book that will revolutionize the way to face the
problem of junk food."
Lic. Julio Zamora Btiz
President of Mexican Society of Geography and
Statistics, A.C.
This is a book of virtually indis-
pensable reading for anybody who
wants to gain knowledge about the
scope of personal, family and social
consequences of the junk food.
We can assure that you will be able
to obtain valuable insights into the
problems concerning this issue after
reading and enjoying this book
certainly in an unsuspected manner.
Furthermore, evaluating it from
di fferent perspecti ves, you wi ll
consider as well the point of view of
businessmen that are producing junk foods and the biological
response of your own organism, not to forget the research question
faced by medical sciences and authorities and, what is most
important: you as a consumer.
Undoubtedly, knowing the subject matter is by itself one of the
best ways to put an end to this problem. This book will provide you
with the knowledge in an incredibly clear and entertaining manner
whether you are an expert on nutrition or a common citizen.

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