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Dream On 3

DO3 January Newsletter

DO3 will unite our

It's happening! Dream On 3 is no longer just a's a reality. In November, the decision was made to launch this social impact entity in 2013. The company (DO3) has been a "dream" of ours for several years now and has finally taken on a life of it's own. passion for kids with special needs and the kids' passion for sports in an unforgettable experience and hopefully...a dream come true. Meet the two families that are committed to seeing this through to the end:

The Lindsey Family

The Borrell Family

Making dreams come true for children with chronic i!nesses, developmental disabilities, or lifealtering conditions by creating experiences of joy and magic through the wide world of sports."

DO3 will work directly with the major healthcare organizations by offering a magical experience to chronically ill children, developmentally disabled children, or children with life-altering conditions. We will work directly with the social workers and treating physicians to identify children that are in need of assistance in living out their dreams. All dreams and experiences granted by DO3 will be centered around sports. Our vision includes everything from throwing the rst pitch at a major league baseball game to having their favorite athlete come for a special visit. We will use Insert an 1... donations and resources to create Quote...absolutely 2... unforgettable experience for the kids! 3... DREAM!!

Meet Jason The Dream T eam Dream Updates 2 3 3

How You Can Help 4

January 2013

Meet Jason...a true All-Star!

The Stats:

1. Each year in the united states, approximately 50,000 children die and 500,000 children cope with life-threatening conditions. 2. An estimated 43% of US children (32 million) currently have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions . Common Chronic Illnesses: Asthma (the most common) Diabetes Cerebral palsy Sickle cell anemia Cystic fibrosis Cancer AIDS Epilepsy Spina bifida Congenital heart problems

The Richards Family

On November 28th around 12:40 am, the phone rings at the Richards' home at the same time as the hospital issued pager goes off on the nightstand. From the other end..."We may have a heart for Jason. Get to the hospital!" At 7:30 am, after running a series of tests, they determine that the heart is a match for Jason and they prep him for immediate surgery. The next day, after more than 15 hours of surgery, Jason had a new heart beating inside his chest. Approximately 10 days later, Jason took his rst steps with his new heart! Jason is not out of the woods yet and is still in need of our support and prayers. We are talking with Jason's parents and treating physicians in hopes that he may be the recipient of our rst dream experience later this year!

3. About 1 in 6 children in the U.S. have a developmental disability or developmental delay. 4. Over the last 12 years, the prevalence of DDs has increased 17.1% that's about 1.8 million more children with DDs in a decade. The prevalence of autism has increased 289.5%.

Keep up the great work Jason!

January 2013

Meet "The Dream Team"

John Rocco Executive Director Charlotte Touchdown Club.

We have a logo! Thanks to Whirlwind Creative for designing a logo that captures the vision and mission of DO3. In January, we will be meeting with representatives from The Charlotte School of Law about taking on our project and assisting with the company structure and corporate filings ...thanks Robin Emmons! We have purchased the domain and are currently working on designing our new website! We are currently evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of going with the L3C corporate structure versus the traditional 501c3....thanks Karen Rogers! The business plan is on the way! We have just about finalized the DO3 business plan. We are meeting with representatives from UNCCharlotte's Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBTDC) to help finalize plans and strategies. We will be having our first Board Meeting in February! We are so excited about the "Dream Team" and the overwhelming support they have shown already! We are working with local healthcare organizations and social workers on establishing eligibility requirements for Dream recipients ...thanks Vickie! Stay tuned!!!...
January 2013

DO3 Updates

Mark Newman Senior VP Baseball Operations New York Yankees

Karen Rogers Treasurer for The Duke Endowment.

Vickie Hamann Assistant VP for Outpatient Services at Levine Children's Hospital.

Robin Emmons Founder and Executive Director of Sow Much Good.

Rex Gary Co-Owner, Turner-Gary Sports

James Metsger Lead Pastor, Renaissance Bible Church in Concord, NC


By: Brandon Lindsey

We all have moments in our life that we can recall exactly where we were and what we were doing when a specific event occurred. For some of you it may have been the invention of the wheel...and for others it may be the release of the 5th generation iPhone. Now I will admit that my memory is not as good as it used to be, however there are still a handful of moments that I can replay in my mind as if they had happened this morning. I can remember exactly where I was when the Challenger exploded just after takeoff. I can remember the intersection we were driving through when the radio station broke in with the news of Conway Twittys death (dont know why this one stuck other than it made Mom cry). All of us will remember the horrific events of 9/11 and exactly where we were when that second plane hit the tower. For me, November 20, 2012, will forever be etched into my mind (and backed up on my iPad just in case) as the day that Dream On 3 became more than just a good idea.

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve" (Mark 10:45). What is DO3 about? It's about an opportunity to serve. To serve the growing number of children that are sick and suffering. To serve the families that pick up their crosses everyday and go to battle against these diseases and these hardships. To serve the communities in which we live and work. To serve our Father by getting out of the way, and allowing Him to do amazing things through us.

Several of you have asked "How can we serve?" We are truly humbled by the overwhelming support and your sincere interest in our mission. Here are some ways that you can continue to support DO3 as we build the foundation.

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few...Go!" (Luke 10:2-3). Everything stopped in that moment, and for the first time in a very long time...God got my attention. I remember calling my best friend and love of my life as soon as I got in my car and saying "Lizzie, we need to remember this day" and we began fumbling through pieces of what has now become the vision and mission of this organization. Then the fun began! See, I'm a sales guy. I'm used to coming up with an idea and selling it to everyone else. This time things were different! In every conversation I had and every meeting that took place, He showed me that this had nothing to do with me and everything to do with Him. Support has been pouring in already! People have been eager to sacrifice time, money, and their skills to make DO3 happen. The crazy part is...all of this is happening and I haven't even had a chance to give my sales pitch yet! I learned quickly that my role was not to sell was simply to "Go!"

1) We need your prayers! Please pray that the pieces will continue to come together and He will continue to provide. 2) We need your expertise! Legal, marketing, medical, etc... Quite simply, if you're good at it....we need it! 3) We need some donors! We need some supporters that are willing to assist in the costs associated with starting a new business. Please think about people or businesses that you know that may be willing to donate money to help with the cost of our website, our legal fees, and market materials. We're hoping to raise $15k by the end of the first quarter. If you are interested in supporting DO3 financially or know someone else who can, please email us at

January 2013

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