January Meeting Minutes 2012

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com/ January Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC) 1/11/12, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm Location: MRB 310 Called to order: Attendants: Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes) Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute): There was a first, second, and full approval of past meeting minutes. Funding Request (10 minutes): A funding request was received by the SC for Interdisciplinary symposium. This symposium includes OHSU students as well as PSU students. Bruce Goldberg is one of a few speakers that have been invited to the symposium. He will be discussing CCOs. They are requesting $1,000 from SC to support the event. There will be a formal proposal at the next SC meeting. Sunriver Recap: Around 375 people who participated in this years Sunriver ski trip. There was a great turnout at the Saturday night party and altogether it was a successful event. Student Center Proposal: Joe Kent (SC President) wrote up a proposal to present to the provost to place an aerobic training area in the student center. This would replace the bookstore that closed a few months ago. At this point the proposal has been submitted to Bob Viera (assistant vice-provost). The proposal stated that if needed funding may be allocated from SCs rainy day account to help support this project. Blazers Night: Blazers night is the 26th of January. Grad students: There has been a problem with OHSU grad students not receiving mass emails. To email grad students you need to go through SOM grad studies office. Regular Updates (20 minutes) Student Health Center (Sarah Lemley): Yoga is every week now and student health has been given a grant to see how yoga effects stress. Students can sign up to participate in this study. Student Health Services Advisory (Lily Winfree): A website is being constructed for students with listings of every school and organizations wellness activities that are open to everyone. Post docs will be added to student health starting in July. There will be a survey going out regarding

student health insurance. This will regard what students are willing to compromise in order to reduce premiums. Student Newsletter Committee (William Giardino): The latest issue of the student newsletter (The Pulse) came out last month. It will be sent out over email as a PDF. There will also be an announcement sent out in March regarding the next issue and asking for submissions. Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun): Closed Monday January 21 for MLK day. Animal assisted therapy will be available for students at the student center January 18 th and February 1st from 11:30am-1:30pm. Intramurals (Heather Ennis): Intramurals are mostly full except for Thursday basketball. Monday Soccer will not occur on holidays. There is a 3-on-3 basketball tournament on Saturday the 19th from 11am to 4pm. Sign-ups are now being recieved. Website Coordinator (Quinn Martin): There are now 114 followers on the facebook page now. Matthew is still working on a new student portal website. The proposed opening for the student website is fall 2013. SC will get a preview of the website before its up and running. Library (Laura): The Library will be closed on Monday, the 21st, for MLK day. Students can now use their net ID and password to access databases and journals online now. If taking books from the library students still need their library barcode.

Next Meeting: Friday, February 8th, 2013, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310***

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