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Licensed for use by the students of the Executive MBA Program, Icfai University, Tripura, Not to be reproduced.


Managerial Economics and Business Environment ANSWER THE QUESTIONS FOR ANY TEN CASE STUDIES.
Note: Although the approach to case analysis may vary from case to case and there is no correct answer, it is preferable that, prior to the answers to the questions, your case study assignments begins with basic information on the company, industry, or issue featured in the case study; Identification of major and minor issues; and recognition of goals or objectives, where applicable. 01. Lev Leviev vs De Beers (ECOA125)
a. Discuss the structure of the global diamond market and, in this context, compare monopoly and monopolistic competition. Critically analyze De Beers product differentiation in the face of increasing competition in the diamond market. b. Do you think the changing structure of the global diamond market has an effect on the prices of diamonds? Explain.

02. SHARE Microfin (FIN/MM/01)






a. Critically examine the strategies and principles adopted by SHARE Microfinance Ltd. since its inception to grow its outreach and loan portfolio. b. What are the challenges, regulatory and otherwise, to SMLs growth plans? Suggest solutions to overcome these challenges.

03. Microsoft Anti-trust Case (BECG006)

a. Do you think the US government was right in proceeding with the anti-trust case against Microsoft? Explain. What are the disadvantages to customers when one company dominates an industry? Why should competition be encourages? b. Discuss the importance of regulations against monopoly and restrictive trade practices, with special reference to Microsoft?

04. The Indian Economy: Dealing With Inflation (ECON020)

a. What, in your opinion, were the factors, both domestic and global, that led to the inflationary trend in India in early 2007? b. Critically analyze the measures taken by the Indian Government and the RBI to control inflation. What impact does the tackling of inflation through monetary means have an economic growth?


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Managerial Economics and Business Environment

The Executive MBA Program

05. The US Current Account Deficit (9-760-002)

a. According to Wei Benhua, Chinas Deputy Chief of State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the US should put its house in order before blaming others for its trade deficit. Do you agree with Benhuas view? Discuss. b. Several analysts hold the view that the huge trade deficit of the US is a direct result of excessive consumption in the country and a strong dollar. Discuss the implications for the global economy if consumption slows down in the US economy and the dollar depreciates against other major currencies.

06. Should Energy be Subsidized? (ECON021)

a. Critically analyze the issue of energy subsidizes and their impact on an economy. Who are the ultimate beneficiaries of such subsidies? b. Do you think giving subsidies to the energy sector is essential? Give reasons. Would you distinguish between different energy sources when providing subsidies?

07. The US Steel Industry in 2004: Still in Need of Protection? (ECON006)

a. Both protectionism and free trade have their merits and demerits. What do you think the US steel industry needs, protectionism or free trade, and why? b. Analyze the impact of government intervention on the US Steel industry.

08. Bolivia Nationalizes the Oil and Gas Sector (BENV006)

a. What are the benefits and drawbacks of nationalization? b. Given the background information, what in your opinion is the outlook for the Bolivian oil and gas sector?

09. Mercosur Changing Course? (BENV002)

a. Assess the political and economic environment in Latin America in general and Argentina and Brazil in particular. Analyze the regions dependence on the US for trade and investment. How has this led to the growth of various regional integration organizations in Latin America? b. Mercosur started as a Free Trade Area and became a Customs Union. In spite of a series of problems, the members have not dismantled the organization. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a partial Customs Union such as Mercosur.

10. The Fall of DLong (BENV009)

a. Examine the role played by the government and government-led institutions in the rise and collapse of DLong. b. Analyze the macro-economic conditions in China that could have contributed to the rise and subsequent fall of DLong.


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Managerial Economics and Business Environment

The Executive MBA Program

11. China: Building Capitalism with Socialist Characteristics (9-706-041)

a. In the last few decades, China has shown remarkable economic progress by employing a controlled reform strategy. Analyze the countrys political and economic environment and explain why you think the country will (or will not) be able to continue recording high growth rates in the future. b. The case seems to suggest that China will be unable to proceed to the next phase of reform financial liberalization unless it overhauls its banking system. Do you agree with this assessment? Discuss the importance of the banking system in an economy.

12. Labor Market Reforms in France and the Job Law CPE: A Lost Opportunity (BENV004)
a. Study the welfare state model in Europe, How has this model led to the increase in productivity and continuous growth of European economies in the post World War II period? What are the present conditions that now warrant a change in the social model of Europe? b. The world over, governments are decreasing their role in the functioning of their economies and in contracts between the labor and the management, letting the free market decide the equation between them. In France, however, students and labor unions want the state to increase its role in providing a better standard of living and to provide more job opportunities. Discuss the long-term advantages and disadvantages of such interventions.

13. Singapore: Past Perfect, Future Tense? (BENV008)

a. Analyze the political, economic, cultural and regulatory environment of Singapore. What are the factors that contributed to its success and what are the factors that could hinder its future growth? b. The case discusses several challenges faced by Singapore. Analyze each challenge and suggest solutions to overcome them.

14. Hungarys Reform Process (2006-08-15)

a. Evaluate the failures of central planning, drawing on the Hungarian experience. b. Analyze Hungarys regulatory environment through the years. What are the advantages of Hungarys EU membership, in terms of regulatory environment, for companies wanting to enter Hungary?

15. Wind Energy Industry in the US and Canada: A Note on the Regulatory Environment (BENV007)
a. Discuss the importance of wind energy in gaining energy self-sufficiency. Explain the role of government regulations in achieving this purpose. b. In most countries, governments provide subsidies to companies developing alternative energy sources. But several analysts are of the opinion that subsidies may cause production inefficiencies. How can governments tackle the situation and promote nonconventional sources of energy?


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Managerial Economics and Business Environment

The Executive MBA Program

16. Googles Problems in China (BENV001)

a. Comment on the legal and regulatory environment in China and its implications for the Chinese media. In light of the restrictions imposed by the Chinese government on Internet access, how do you think the media industry is affected? b. On Google agreeing to censor its search content, Reporters without Borders commented, Googles statements about respecting online privacy are the height of hypocrisy in view of its strategy in China. However, Googles Director of Research was of the view, Whats important to users is access to information, were giving them that, and we think thats the most important. Do you think Google was right in taking this step? Justify your answer.

17. Wal-Marts German Misadventure (BSTR082)

a. When Wal-Mart announced that it would be entering the German markets, analysts were surprised. Usually, the cultural affinity between the US and the UK prompted American companies to target the UK first before entering the rest of Europe. Do you think WalMarts decision to enter the German market was correct? Justify your stand. b. Even after five years of doing business in Germany, Wal-Mart had failed to make an impact on the German market and had been incurring losses year after year. Analyze the reasons for Wal-Marts problems in the German market. To what extent did the lack of understanding of German culture affect the companys performance?

18. Carrefours Exit from South Korea (BSTR241)

a. Analyze the business environment of South Korea. b. According to a report, It defies belief that an organization [Carrefour] which operates in locales as diverse in consumer sensitivities as Argentina, Colombia, and the United Arab Emirates could have failed. Explain the reasons for Carrefours failure in South Korea.


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