KCUMB TechnicalStandards

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Minimum Technical Standards for

Admission and Matriculation

KCUMB is commited to the admission and matricula- Motor
tion of all qualified applicants and wishes to acknowledge Candidates and students should have sufficient motor
awareness of laws which prohibit discrimination against function to execute movements reasonably required to
anyone on the basis of race, age, color, national origin, provide general care and emergency treatment to patients.
religion, sex or disability. Examples of emergency treatment reasonably required of
Regarding disabled (or handicapped) individuals, the physicians are cardiopulmonary resuscitation, administra-
University will not discriminate against such individuals tion of intravenous medication, the application of pressure
who are otherwise qualified, but will expect applicants and to stop bleeding, the opening of obstructed airways, the
students to meet certain minimal technical standards as suturing of simple wounds and the performance of simple
set forth herein. In adopting these standards, the obstetrical maneuvers. Such actions require coordination of
University believes it must keep in mind the ultimate safety both gross and fine muscular movements, equilibrium and
of the patients for whom its graduates will eventually care. functional use of the senses of touch and vision.
The standards reflect what the University believes, in its
professional, academic judgment, are the minimum expec- Sensory
tations of osteopathic medical students (and physicians)
Since osteopathic candidates and students need
necessary for the safe, efficient and effective delivery of
enhanced ability in their sensory skills, it would be neces-
medical care.
sary to thoroughly evaluate for candidacy individuals who
The holder of a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.)
are otherwise qualified, but who have significant tactile
degree must have the knowledge and skills to function in a
sensory or proprioceptive disabilities. This would include
broad variety of clinical situations and to render a wide
individuals with significant previous burns, sensory motor
spectrum of patient care. In order to carry out the activities
deficits, cicatrix formation and many malformations of
described below, candidates for the D.O. degree must be
the upper extremities.
able to consistently, quickly and accurately integrate all
information received and have the ability to learn, inte- Strength and Mobility
grate, analyze and synthesize data.
Osteopathic treatment often requires upright posture
A candidate for the D.O. degree must have multiple
with sufficient lower extremity and body strength; therefore,
abilities and skills, including observation, communication,
individuals with significant limitations in these areas would
motor, conceptual, integrative and quantitative, and behav-
be unlikely to succeed. Mobility to attend to emergency
ioral and social. Technological compensation can be made
codes and to perform such maneuvers as CPR also
for handicaps in some of these areas, but a candidate must
is required.
be able to perform in a reasonably independent manner.

Observation Visual Integration

Consistent with being able to assess asymmetry, range
Candidates and students must have sufficient vision
of motion and tissue texture changes, it is necessary to
to be able to observe demonstrations, experiments, and
have adequate visual capabilities for proper evaluation
laboratory exercises in the basic sciences. They must be
and treatment integration.
able to observe a patient accurately at a distance and close
at hand.
Intellectual, Conceptual, Integrative,
Communication & Quantitative Abilities
Candidates and students should be able to speak, to Candidates and students must be able to concentrate,
hear and to observe patients in order to elicit information, analyze and interpret data, and make decisions within areas
examine patients, describe changes in mood, activity and in which there is a reasonable amount of visual and auditory
posture, and perceive nonverbal communications. They distraction. They must also perform these functions timely
must be able to communicate effectively and sensitively and under a reasonable amount of stress since physicians
with patients. Communication includes not only speech are expected to be able to perform such duties in diverse
but also reading and writing. They also must be able to clinical settings where others may be present and where
communicate effectively and efficiently in oral and written there is a certain degree of noise. Candidates and students
form with all members of the health-care team. must be able to accurately write prescriptions, accurately
and quickly read charts with minimal error in areas where completion of all responsibilities attendant to the diagnosis
there may be distractions. The practice of medicine and care of patients, and the development of mature, sen-
demands the ability to integrate and process information sitive and effective relationships with patients.
promptly and accurately in a time-sensitive environment. Candidates and students must be able to tolerate
Candidates must be able to draw on their store of knowl- physically taxing work loads and to adapt to changing
edge in emergency situations and under time limitations. environments, to display flexibility and to learn to function
in the face of uncertainties inherent in the clinical setting.
Behavioral and Social Attributes Compassion, integrity, concern for others, interpersonal
Candidates and students must possess the emotional skills, interest and motivation are all personal qualities that
health required for full utilization of their intellectual will be assessed during the admissions and educational
abilities, the exercise of good judgment, the prompt processes.

Special Accommodations
KCUMB will attempt to develop creative ways of The Academic Accessibility Committee (AAC) which
opening the medical school curriculum to competitive, is responsible for reviewing the completed forms will
qualified disabled individuals. In doing so, however, the follow these steps:
University must maintain the integrity of its curriculum 1. Preview questionnaires that indicate mental
and preserve those elements deemed essential to the and/or physical limitations.
education and practice of an osteopathic physician. 2. Investigate whether the disability is ADA-protected.
The University provides reasonable and appropriate 3. Determine if the student is otherwise qualified for
accommodations for students with documented disabili- the program.
ties. The intent of the policy is to provide each student 4. Assess the risk of the student harming self and others.
with the opportunity to excel academically, while creat- 5. Reserve the right to request additional documentation.
ing an equitable environment conducive to learning. The
6. May consult with any necessary health-care providers.
policy will be administered consistently, fairly and in a
non-discriminatory manner. The policy complies with 7. May require that the student meet with any
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1992 and University-selected healthcare provider.
any other state and/or federal applicable laws. 8. Make a formal recommendation to the Executive
All applicants receiving supplementary application Vice President for Academic Affairs, Provost and
material for admission will be asked to certify that they Dean on all the information received regarding a
have reviewed the University’s Minimal Technical student’s qualification for meeting the minimum
Standards and the Participation in Osteopathic technical standards and requirements for osteopath-
Principles and Practice Laboratories. If the student is
ic principles and practice labs for the program.
accepted to the program, the student will be required
to complete a Post-Admissions Questionnaire requesting
If an accommodation is granted during the first
information of mental and/or physical limitations
academic year, a renewal application must be submitted
that may require accommodations while attending
to the AAC the following year if the student wants
the University.
a continuation.

22 A P P L I C A T I O N F O R S U B M I S S I O N

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