FOC Record 2012: by FHM - Afzal Bijli.,M.Tech Asst Professor, IT Msajce

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FOC Record 2012

Microsoft EXCEL

By FHM.AFZAL BIJLI.,M.Tech Asst Professor, IT MSAJCE


Ex.No: 2.1 Date: AIM:


To create a chart for the given data.

To enter Microsoft excel, click start Microsoft excel all programs microsoft office

For opening a word document do the following .click on office button select new option.

Enter the data by placing the mouse pointer in a cell and a double click on it. use the tab key to switch from one cell to another.

To insert charts select the data to which the chart should be created. Now click insert chart icon . A window will appear and select the appropriate chart from it. click next and enter the title, category(X)axis, category(y)axis etc . click finish button.

Then the appropriate chart is placed in the worksheet.

Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Product1 1000 800 1200 400 1800 Product2 800 80 190 200 400 Product3 900 500 400 300 400 product4 1000 900 800 100 1200


Sales Report

Sales Report
1993 1992

product4 Product3 Product2 Product1

1500 Quantity 1000 500 0

Product1 Product2 Product3 product4

1991 1990 1989 0 500 1000 Quantity 1500 2000

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

Sales Report
2000 1500 Quantity 1000 500 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

Sales Report

Product1 Product2 Product3 product4

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993


Ex.No: 2.2 Date: AIM:


To calculate HRA,DA,GPF,GROSS SALARY,NET SALARY from the given data in a worksheet. 100 200 300 WHERE HRA is 18% of basic DA is 15% of basic GPF is 5% of basic GS(gross salary)=basic+HRA+DA NET (net salary)=GS-DED name MANI ARUN KUTTI basic 4400 5000 8900 HRA DA GPF GS NET

TO enter Microsoft excel,click start all programs excel. Microsoft office microsoft

For opening a word document do the following. click on office button select new option.

Enter the data by placing the mouse pointer in a cell and a double click on it. use the tab key to switch from one cell to another.

For putting formulas, for eg, place the cursor on a cell which you have to calculate the value of HRA,then type =(cell position of basic*(18/100)) and press enter.

Now the value of HRA is calculated.similarly do for all others.

Calculate the same for other columns and drag them to all the cells.

Now the entire table is ready in spreadsheet.


Ex.No: 2.3 SPREADSHEET-INCLUSION OF OBJECT, PICTURE & GRAPHICS, PROTECTING THE DOCUMENT Date: AIM: i. ii. iii. Insert object in the worksheet Insert picture in the worksheet Protect a sheet

PROCEDURE: TO ENTER Microsoft Excel, Click start button then click program from programs menu then click Microsoft Excel For opening a word document do the following. Click file menu from the menu bar. From this file menu click new option. This will display the new work sheet. For inserting object in the worksheet, choose objects option in the insert menu. For inserting picture in the work sheet, choose Picture option in the insert menu. For protecting your worksheet, choose Protection options from Tools menu, then choose Protect Sheet option, Protect sheet dialog box appears. Type a password and press enter. Now your worksheet is protected and can be entered only with the password.


Ex.No.2.4 Date:


AIM: To Sort the given data in the worksheet

PROCEDURE: TO ENTER Microsoft Excel, Click start button then click program from programs menu then click Microsoft Excel. For opening a word document do the following. Click file menu from the menu bar. From this file menu click new option. This will display the new worksheet. Select the data to be sorted and select data from the menu and click sort Specify the order in which the data are to be sorted (ascending or descending) and click OK. Then the sorted data appears in the sheet.


SORTING AFTER SORTING ENO 3 2 8 5 7 4 1 6 NAME MUNI LAK ANI VRB PRIYA SURI DAMU SUDHA BASIC 5000 6000 10000 15000 15000 16000 20000 25000

BEFORE SORTING ENO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NAME DAMU LAK MUNI SURI VRB SUDHA PRIYA ANI BASIC 20000 6000 5000 16000 15000 25000 15000 10000

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