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Update task command-line options

VirusScan Enterprise uses MCUPDATE.EXE to perform update tasks. You can use the same executable command MCUPDATE from the command line, or as part of a batch file, to run update tasks. The MCUPDATE syntax does not require any specific order in its elements, except that you cannot separate a property and its value. The syntax consists of:

File name The name of the executable file: MCUPDATE.EXE. Options The option is preceded by a forward slash (/) character and is not case-sensitive.

The command format is:

MCUPDATE [/<type> [/TASK <guid>]] [/option]. Note: In the previous format, <type> can be ROLLBACKDATS


The /TASK clause is optional. If you use it however, you must also specify an update task ID (guid). The task ID you select must be for an update or a rollback DATs task. Do not select to scan ID. If you do not specify a task ID, the default update task is used. Task IDs are located at: hkey_local_machine\SOFTWARE\McAfee\DesktopProtection\Tasks\ The /option clause is not required. To perform a silent update task, use /QUIET. Note: The /QUIET option is not supported for use with the rollback DATs task. This example performs a silent update task: MCUPDATE /UPDATE /QUIET.

Update task options

Command-line option Definition

ROLLBACKDAT Rolls the current DAT file back to the last backed up version. S UPDATE /TASK Performs an update of the DAT file, scanning engine, product, or extra.dat. Launches the AutoUpdate or rollback DATs task specified in the VirusScan Console. Requires an additional parameter to specify the task ID as recorded in the registry at:

Command-line option


hkey_local_machine\software\McAfee\DesktopProtection\T asks


Performs the task silently.

On-demand scanning command-line options

VirusScan Enterprise uses the on-demand scanner SCAN32.EXE to detect threats. You can use the same executable command, SCAN32, from the command line, or as part of a batch file, to run scans. The SCAN32 syntax does not require any specific order on its elements, except that you cannot separate a property and its value. This syntax consists of:

File name The name of the executable file: SCAN32.EXE. Options The option is preceded by a forward slash (/) character and is not case-sensitive.

The command format is:


Following is a scan32.exe command example:

scan32.exe PRIORITY /normal

In this example:

PRIORITY is a command value. /normal is a value option.

On-demand scanning values and options

Command-line Definition with options value ALL ALLOLE Scans all files in the target folder. Scans default files plus all Microsoft Office documents.

ALWAYSEXIT Forces exit from on-demand scan, even if scan completed with error/failure. APPLYNVP ARCHIVE AUTOEXIT CLEAN CLEANA CONTINUE CONTINUE2 CONTINUEA Scans for the potentially unwanted programs that are defined in the Unwanted Programs Policy. Scans archive files such as .ZIP, .CAP. LZH, and .UUE files. Exits the on-demand scanner upon completion of a non-interactive scan. Cleans the detected target file when a potentially unwanted program is found. Cleans the detected file when an unwanted program is found. Continues scanning after a potentially unwanted program is detected. Continues scanning after a potentially unwanted program is detected and the primary action has failed. Continues scanning after an unwanted program is detected.

CONTINUEA2 Continues scanning after an unwanted program is detected and the primary action has failed. DEFEXT DELETE DELETE2 DELETEA DELETEA2 EDIT EXT Adds file extensions that you specify as parameters to the list of selected file types that are included in scanning. Deletes the detected file when a potentially unwanted program is found. Deletes the detected file when a potentially unwanted program is found and the primary action has failed. Deletes the file when an unwanted program is detected. Deletes the file when a potentially unwanted program is detected and the primary action has failed. Displays the scan properties dialog box. Replaces the extensions on the list of selected file types that are included in scanning with the file extensions that you add, as parameters following this argument. Logs detection reports to a previously specified log file. Uses the specified format for the log file. Valid values are ANSI,


Command-line Definition with options value <value> LOGSETTING S UTF8, or UTF16. Logs the configuration settings of a scan.

LOGSUMMAR Logs a summary of scan results. Y LOGUSER MHEUR MIME Logs identifying information about the user who executes a scan. Enables Artemis detection of macro threats. Detects potentially unwanted programs in mime (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encoded files.

NOESTIMATE Does not calculate scan size before beginning scanning of files. Progress bar does not display. PHEUR PRIORITY Enables Artemis detection of non-macro threats. Sets the priority of the scan relative to other CPU processes. Requires one of the following options:

LOW BELOWNORMAL The ePolicy Orchestrator default. NORMAL The VirusScan Console default.

Note: You can enter a numerical parameter of 1 to 100, where 10 equals LOW, 50 equals BELOWNORMAL, and 100 equals NORMAL. PROMPT PROMPT2 PROMPTA PROMPTA2 RPTSIZE START TASK Prompts the user for action when a potentially unwanted program is detected. Prompts the user for action when a potentially unwanted program is detected and the primary action has failed. Prompts the user for action when an unwanted program is detected. Prompts the user for action when an unwanted program is detected and the primary action has failed. Sets the size of the alert log, in Megabytes. Runs the scan. Does not display the properties dialog box. Launches the on-demand scanner task specified in the VirusScan Console. Requires additional parameter specifying the specified task ID as recorded in the registry at:

Command-line Definition with options value



Launches the scanner without making the user interface dialog visible.

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