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Buddhist Stupa Benalmadena For An Enlightened Holiday

With its f antastic beach, marina, bars and caf s, Benalmadena has lots to of f er f or those looking f or a f un packed holiday on the Costa del Sol, but there is more to Benalmadena than meets the eye. Standing at 108 f eet tall, it is easy to see why the Benalmadena Buddhist Stupa has become one of the most prominent of landmarks on the Costa del Sol and can be seen f or miles when travelling along the coast.

T he Stupa was erected in 2003 and was the creation of Buddhist Master, Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche. Lopon Tsechu Rinpoche has been responsible f or the creation of a f urther 16 Buddhist Stupas throughout Europe including Stupas In Germany, Austria, Poland, Denmark, Russia and Switzerland. T he Stupa in Benalmadena though, is said to be the largest in the West. Inside the Stupa you are greeted by a 100 sqm meditation hall which is adorned with artwork that depicts the lif e of the most f amous Buddha, Sakyamuni. On Tuesdays and Fridays at 18.30, you can take part in a guided meditation session in the main hall which is ref erred to as T he T hree Lights Meditation. At the base of the Stupa, there is an exhibition room which houses some wonderf ul Buddhist and Tibetan relicts and artwork, many of which come f rom the Himalayas. Bef ore you complete your visit to the Stupa, be sure to walk around the Stupa in a clockwise direction (in silence) meditating and contemplating your desires and ambitions. T he Buddhists say that if you do this, your wishes are more likely to come true!

Oh, did we mention the views? From the Stupa you will f ind that you have some of the most spectacular views anywhere on the Costa del Sol. So make sure that you take your camera with you. While you are there, why not pop over to the Benalmadena Butterf ly Park which is just a stones throw f rom the Stupa?

When Is It Open And How Much Does It Cost? T he Benalmadena Buddhist Stupa is open all year round and entry is f ree although donations are very welcome. How To Get T here For f ull details and directions to the Stupa, please see this page. Contact Information Stupa Budista E-29639 Benalmdena Pueblo Tel. +34 606 275 375 Email: You can view more inf ormation about the Stupa at their of f icial site at If you are travelling in a larger group to the Buddhist Stupa, consider using our transf er services on the Costa del Sol. Our minibuses are f ully licensed, air conditioned and all of our drivers speak English. We can give you a quote online in seconds. Please join our community on Facebook and Twitter to receive regular updates and of f ers.

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