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All citizens will hereby be mandated to pass both a written safety examination and a psychological evaluation by the state in order to apply for a class 0 license.


In order to be eligible to obtain a class 0 license, one must first be (a) a citizen, (b) 18 years of age or older, and (c) without a felony criminal record. A person in possession of a gun without a class 0 license shall be subject to prosecution.


All psychological evaluations shall be conducted by a licensed psychologist hired by the state.


A class 0 license will be defined as a form of certification required to purchase a firearm. Purchase will be defined as both an online transaction and a private inperson transaction.


Registration and evaluation will take place under the jurisdiction of the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.


Funding will be provided by taxes on firearm and ammunition purchases of 1.5% on all sales, and a charge of $100 for the application for a class 0 license.


Psychological and written evaluations will be administered by each state independently, and the evaluations will be compiled in a national database at the ATF. Evaluations will remain confidential unless requested for purposes of the prosecution of a firearm related offense.


This bill will take effect within one year of passage. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced by Hunter Sonn, Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High

A Resolution to End the Cuban Embargo

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS, the United States implemented an economic embargo on Cuba in order to promote democracy in the island; and WHEREAS, the embargo has been ineffective in promoting democracy; and WHEREAS, the flow of communication within Cuba has been nonexistent; and WHEREAS, the United States must act to reestablish political, economic, and cultural stability within Cuba; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that the United States begins the process of liberalizing Cuba by removing economic sanctions and establishing trade relations.
Introduced by Steven Tyler Belen Jesuit Preparatory School

A Resolution to Promote the Common Good

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WHEREAS, the common good is seen as a utilitarian ideal; and WHEREAS, it is a quality which is convertible, or reducible, to the sum total of all the private interests of the individual members of a society and interchangeable with them; and WHEREAS, it is the right of everyone to the opportunity to freely shape his life by responsible action, in pursuit of virtue and in accordance with the moral law; and WHEREAS, promoting the common good is the goal of democracy; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that the principles which constitute the common good shall be promoted and encouraged.
Introduced by Diego Rosette of Belen Jesuit Prep.

A Bill to Remove Qualification Restrictions for the TVPA

BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. It remove qualifications and unecessary requirements in order to qualify for benefits given to trafficked victims under the TVPA. SECTION 2. Unecessary requirements are defined as those which induce fear, discourage victims from applying, or which results in the detention or deportation of victims of human trafficking. SECTION 3. The Department of Justice will lead a monitoring and sanction program to assure the legitimacy of its course. A. State and local law enforcement officials will identify trafficked victims for immigration purposes. B. These means of enforcement are pre-existing. SECTION 4. Goes into effect upon passing. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced for Congressional Debate by Immaculata La Salle High School.

A Resolution to Urge the President to Create a No-Fly Zone over Syria

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS, the Syrian government, headed by Bashir al-Assad has faced massive, nation-wide, anti-government protests and rebellion; and WHEREAS, Assad and his regime have employed armed forces to violently suppress these manifestations, murdering thousands of innocent Syrian civilians; and WHEREAS, Assad has used superior air power to bomb densely populated civilian centers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Congress here assembled that the President of the United States of America be urged to create a no-fly zone over Syria.
Introduced by Miami Beach Senior High School

A Bill to Revise FDA Standards to Protect Animals

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1. Rules and regulations regarding animal use in any product overseen by the Food and Drug Administration will be revised in order to more fully protect animal rights listed in Section (2). SECTION 2. Animal rights cover the rights held by animals to live a comfortable, free from any danger of being harmed or put under excessive pain, mutilation, or otherwise dangerous health conditions or unnecessary burdens. SECTION 3. The United States Food and Drug Administration will be responsible for enforcing the provisions of this bill. All current rules regarding livestock or otherwise used animals will be reviewed for change. SECTION 4. All changes to rules must be set within one year of the passage this legislation and enforced within three years of passage. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Introduced by Miami Beach Senior High School

BEITENACTEDBYTHESTUDENTCONGRESSHEREASSEMBLEDTHAT: SECTION1.TheUnitedStatesPatientProtectionandAffordableCareActishereby repealedinitsentirety. SECTION2.ThePPACAanditsaccompanyingHHSMandateareherebydeclarednull andvoid. SECTION3.Appropriatedepartmentsformerlymandatedtoimplementthisactwouldsee toitthatitbenullifiedsuccessfully. SECTION4.Thisbillwillgointoeffectimmediatelyafterpassage. SECTION5.Alllawsinconflictwiththislegislationareherebydeclarednullandvoid. RespectivelySubmittedbyRansomEvergladesSchool

1BEITENACTEDBYTHESTUDENTCONGRESSHEREASSEMBLEDTHAT: 2SECTION1.TheYuccaMountainNuclearWasteRepositorywillbeginaccepting 3shipmentsofnuclearwastefromexistingdisposalsites. 4SECTION2.Nuclearwasteshallbedefinedasbyproductsfromtheoperationofa 5nuclearreactororfromthereprocessingofdepletednuclearfuel. 6SECTION3.TheDepartmentofEnergysOfficeofCivilianRadioactiveWaste 7Management. 8SECTION4.Thisbillshalltakeeffectwithinsixmonthsofpassage. 9SECTION5.Alllawsinconflictwiththislegislationareherebydeclarednullandvoid. RespectivelySubmittedbyRansomEvergladesSchool

1BEITENACTEDBYTHESTUDENTCONGRESSHEREASSEMBLEDTHAT: 2SECTION1.TheDevelopment,Relief,andEducationforAlienMinorsActof2010(S.3992)shall 3beadoptedinitsentirety. 4SECTION2.Thisbillshalltakeeffectimmediatelyuponpassage. 5SECTION3.Alllawsinconflictwiththislegislationareherebydeclarednullandvoid. RespectivelySubmittedbyRansomEvergladesSchool

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