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1 Instructor: Mrs. Dallatore ( Mars Centennial Teacher) Ms.

Twidwell ( SRU Student) School: Mars Centennial Elementary School Grade: Fifth and Sixth Number of Students: 25 Lesson Focus: Castle Ball Lesson Number: 2-4 PDE H/PE Standard(s): 10.3.6D, 10.5.6F Location of Learning Environment: Gymnasium Lesson Time: 1:40-2:30 Equipment: 24 large hula hoops, 24 small hula hoops, 8 soft foam balls/gator skins. Teaching Style(s): Command/Practice Assessment: Checking for Understanding questions Date: 10.4.11, 10.6.11, 10.11.11, 10.12.11, 10.18.11, 10.20.11 I. STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE:

A1. Given a class session, students will analyze the role of individual responsibility for safety during physical activity. By following all class rules according to established protocols through the entire lesson. (10.3.6D) C2. Given an explanation and demonstration, identify and apply game strategies to basic games and physical activities, by correctly responding to questions posed by the teacher with 100% accuracy. (10.5.6F) P3. Given a verbal command, students will identify and apply game strategies to basic games and physical activities, by performing the throwing and building skills to students best abilities. (10.5.6F) C4. Given a review, students will identify and apply game strategies to basic games and physical activities, by completing an oral assessment according to all criteria of Castle Ball with 100% accuracy. (10.5.6F) NASPE National Standards for Physical Education (mark and X beside all that apply to this lesson): _X_Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed To perform a variety of physical activities. _X_ Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, Strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance Of physical activities. ___ Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity. ___Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

2 ___Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and Others in physical activity settings. ___Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, And/or social interaction. II. PROCEDURES:

All equipment will be set out near squads. Students will set up all equipment after demonstration from teacher. Transition: The teacher will greet the students at the door, and the students will enter the gymnasium quietly and walk to their squad and sit down facing the teacher. The teacher will record the students attendance. When attendance has been taken, the teacher will begin by stating the anticipatory set for the days class. Time 1 minute: Anticipatory Set: Conducted by Mrs. Dallatore Transition: Students will remain seated and listen as Mrs. Dallatore explains the warmup game. A1. Given a class session, students will analyze the role of individual responsibility for safety during physical activity. By following all class rules according to established protocols through the entire lesson. (10.3.6D) Safety Concerns: shoes are tied/fastened be aware of your surroundings look around keep all throws lower than face/neck area Stop all movement when the whistle is blown Check for understanding question: What are you to do any time the whistle sounds? (stop all movement). WARM-UP PHASE Time: 3 minutes Transition: Once the whistle is blown, students will move back to their squads, and sit quietly while roll is taken. After roll, Mrs. Dallatore will make sure all students have completed Fitness Testing. Once students have completed all testing, they may join Castle Ball play. Students will listen and learn how to set up the castles before going into teams to play the game.

C2. Given an explanation and demonstration, identify and apply game strategies to basic games and physical activities, by correctly responding to questions posed by the teacher with 100% accuracy. (10.5.6F) INSTRUCTIONS: The object of the activity is to try to knock down the castle (6 hoops stacked with 1 on the floor, four standing up, and one on the top) of the other team, while also protecting the castles on your own side. Students will receive one point for their team each time a castle is knocked down, even if a player bumps into his\her own castle. Castles that are knocked down should be set up as quickly as possible so players can continue playing. The game area is separated by a center line. Players cannot cross center line to retrieve a ball. Both teams may throw from the 10 foot line on the other side of the center line when teacher gives the command that they may. Players on the same team should focus on the element of surprise by passing the ball to their teammates, and working together to knock a castle down. When defending the castle, students must stand 2 feet in front of the castle. Depending on the number of castles, there may be one less defender per team as castles (3 castles = 2 defenders). Anyone can help rebuild a castle, but it must be done quickly, if a team fails to do so, points will be deducted. Check for Understanding Questions: How many hoops are need for 1 castle? 6 At the beginning of the game where can you throw the ball from? Behind the center line. Who can help rebuild a knocked down castle? Anyone How many defenders can you have if you have 4 castles? 3 Transition: Students will wait for the signal then go to designated teams. They will have time to practice building the castles before game play starts. To make sure students can build castles quickly, there will be a build off to see which team can successfully build al their castles the fastest. Once completed students will prepare for game play. Time: 3 minutes P3. Given a practice session, students will identify and apply game strategies to basic games and physical activities, by performing the throwing and building skills to students best abilities. (10.5.6F) Transition: After Castle Ball game play has been completed, students will return to squads to wait for further instruction from Mrs. Dallatore.


CLOSURE conducted by Mrs. Dallatore



Use larger foam balls for students with certain disabilities, brightly colored foam balls, and different size hoops can also be used. EXTENSIONS: Addition of foam balls, teams, and hoops are all ways the game can be extended to make it more challenging.


POST LESSON REFLECTION WHAT WORKED/DID NOT WORK AND WHY: After you teach the lesson, answer these reflection questions right on the lesson plan and then submit to Dr. Miller by e-mail attachment within 24 hours. *Lesson aspects I would keep and why: I taught this lesson 4 times this week, and one thing I really liked that I did was have a mini game of building the castles and knocking them down as many times as they could in a minute. This gave the students a chance to learn how to rebuild their castles, and how to do it quickly once the game begins. Giving them this time also allowed every student to have a chance of building, instead of just a couple of students building during the game. *Lesson Aspects I would change and why: I would change only Thursday when I taught. Thursday we have 2 6th grade classes and on Tuesday we have 2 5th grade classes. The 5th graders loved the mini game, and loved the actual game of castle ball. The 6th graders however did not seem very interested in the game. During the mini game they were all over the place with the hula hoops. Half of the time in the mini game and in the actual game they were either throwing the hoops, or hula hooping with them. I would try to make it more challenging for the 6th graders by having them in smaller teams of 2 or 3, and making it a competition that way. I think they were just bored and many didnt care enough to find out how to build the castle so when it got knocked down in the game the same 2 students were building all the castles. I wouldnt want to just scrap this lesson for that group, just make it more challenging by having smaller groups, and maybe change the amount of balls there are. VI. References:

Pennsylvania Department of Education (2002). Academic standards for health, safety And physical education, Harrisburg, PA: Author Coach Ruiz. Castle Ball Day, 2008 (personal notes)

6 Castles=



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