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Remington: The Science and Practice

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Reminc-'m: The

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Chairman of the Editorial Board and Editor

351 Wwt C d e n Sbget

Baleore, MwrylaUd 21401-2436USA

The piU3ia not wonsible (ua rnatter dprodnet UbEty,ne$gsae or ukmim3 any iB3ucy reauidng frum any material amtained h& Thh pubiication amtaiPs hfo-m mlating to w e r d principh of medieal qre wkich dxdd not ba c m s h d ipstrmthm for individud patdents. ~ p f a ~ p r o d u c t ~ t i o n d p a ~ ~ s & o u l d k ~ f m current information, iBcluding c m & dw m d precautiws. p s

Copyright 1926,1936,by the Joreph P RermingCoa Estate

Copyright 1948,1951,by the Phihdelphia College of

aiid Sdmca

he tw o f s t ~ m d &da USAN t V i 2 D k t h w y of Dmg h Namw;Asby.YwnofThe W & n w n t k m F?te&nventbn isiaotmpm*le fir rrny h l c r a c y wntaineii?ha&. N+Th& text h mt hndd b mpmmd, nar i b b h h p d to be, the equiu&nt of or a e u W e fhr t m l UniM Stutea Phmmwwpbh iTW1 h i a d m tfbe N a t i o d Fopmuhy (NFJ. In the euent of m y d e r e n c e or d h q htwem m c u r w opgEeial VSP or NF standmis of #tren& q sentotiona nf t h m pudy, p d q h g m d Iabeliiag fw d m g s ard U d e t of* m 0fiSCid C O ~ ~ H U & -2, 8 h


Remington: nie Scienae and Pmctioe of Phamwcy . : . A treofise on ihe fheoiy and proaice of the pharmaceutical sciences, with eaentiol informorion a b u r pharmacevtlcal and medicinal agenfs; also, o guide r the profesionoj responsibilities of rhe pharmacist.a he o s dnig informafion speciolist of rhe healrh team , . . A texrbol<and rekrence work for pharmacisrs, p kyslcians, and orher pracfirioners of the pharmaceuticol ond medical sciences.

Alfonso R Gennaro, Chair Ara


Nicholas G Popovich Roger L Schnaare

Joseph B Schwartz

H Der Marderosian

Glen R H a n s ~ n

Thomas Medwick

H Steve White

The 119 chapters of this edition of RemirigKrn were wrltren by h e

editors, by members ofthe Editorial Board, and by the aurhors

listed Qn pages vili M x.

Mmaging gditoi

John E Hoover, DSc (Pharm)

Donnie Brigham Packer, RNC, BA

Editadal Assistant

Phillp P Gerblno 1995-2000

Twentieth Editlor+2000

Published in he MOth yecir o #he f


Remlngton HlstoaallBiogmphlcciI Data

Qditirins of thls book, prlor b the 29th The follawlng Is o m d of ttw editas m d he &ies DT publicdian of Edltion known m Rem-3 W c e af P h m c i c y m d s u b q w d y as Aemlnpfon's Pfic#moceutfml fhrdugh the 19th Edion.

Choimm, Edhrlal aoard

Anhur Oxil Edm John T Andenon Cecll L Dendush

Munaglng Edbr

lohn E H # w

c Haivey

Grafron D &ase Aifonso R Gennaro MeMn R Qbsuri

Q l o l m , EdIWol Doard Arthur O o s1 Edirom G r W n D Chase Alfonso R Gennoro Melvln R Gibson

Robert E Wng AlfdNW n Ewom A Swlnyard

C Boyd G ~ i n b e r ~ S m C Hanrey m t E King A l W N i\lrortrn Ewatt A S w l n y d Grlkrr L Unk

kucme Edim hor Grffftrti

Adley B.N W l s Arrhur Osol

Nlnth Edition, i948 Tsnth EdMm, 19H

Associare EdiE Emerdon ieuallen Anhur Osdl Unwood F Tlce T Van k w

Edlm Eric W MaHn E Fullerwn 6 0 k E Emarson huollen Aurhur Oso1 U m d ' F Tce QamueT Van Mrw
Edlm-Indhie f Erlc W Mwtn

C h o i m , Editorial D o d Atfonxr R Gennqro EdM Gmfron D C h e Ara H Der Mrdwosion Stewort C Horvey Dmlel A H u w r Thomos Medwlclr

MmioQing E t dm John E H M
Edward G Rlppie Joseph O Sdiwam Ewart A Swinycrd Gllbert L Zlnk

MdMging E m d

A W m r t he Edo
John H w w r

John E Hoover dimial AsWmt Bonnle Padrer

Edword G Rlpple loseph D Schwartz
E w a t A Swnyard

Gllbsm L Znk
k m g f n g Ediw John E Hoover

EdIm Grafrsn D Ch& Herald R Cox Richmd A Deno Alfonso R Gennara Stevwr C H u v e y

Robw E

K m

Chairman, Edbial ihd AlfonxiRGmwm

E Emerson Le,mllen

M w owl E m m A Wnyard a m e T Van k t e r

Mcnagfng E l o dtr John E Howw

Monoghg Edltor John E Hoover Editorial Psslstunt OmnkP a r

Chalrmm, E c l - O / Bwrd Arthur Oml

G r h D Chose

Richd A Deno. Afonxr R GennQro MeMn R G l h S u C Hmey mt

R o M E Klng Alfred N Mmin Ewom A Mnyord U m m e T Van M e er

Editeriol Board Membem and Editurs

Altoaie I
PhD / University of ttie Sciences in Philodelphiu-Profesor of Chemlstry. Chalr, Edltorlal Doord and~dimr. i m of Port 6, Phorrnocodynamics, ond Pcrr 7,, Pharmoceurical ond W ~ e d i c l dAgents. Coaurtior of h p t e r 25. l

Am i Dn ...d. PhD / U n i v e d ~f h e kiencer ni hir&7phia-~rofersot o Phormocognosy and i ./ia o f Med lnal Chemrsny, Sclentific Director. Complementary ond Alternatlve Medicine lnstlruts. Edimr o Po 1, Orlemtlon. Coourhor of Chopters 7,49, 103. f and

Y i R Ilaiiiaa. WL PhD / College of Phormq ond Schaoi of Medcne, Unlversltyof UrakProfesxir of 1I Pharmacology ond Toxlcology. Coeditor of Par 6, hrmacodynamlcs, and Part 7 Pharmaceuriml ond Medlctnol Agents. Author of Chopters 75, 76, and 83.
Thomor M PhD / Rutgers UnIvedty Colege of Pharmocy-Prokss~r Emerltvs, Depattment of & , Pharmaceurlcal Chemlstry. Editor of Part 3, Pharmaceutlcal Chemistry, and Part 4, Pharmoceutlcol Testing, Analysls, ond Control. Author of Chaprer 24,Coauthor o Chaprer 30. f Nidiido1Q Popovid, PhD / Purdue Universiw, School ofPh4miocy und PA4mucal k i m c e A o h r of Pharmacy Proctlce, Edltor of Part 8 A, Phormacy Adminisrrarion. Porr BB, Fundamentab of Pharmcicy Practlce, and Part 8C,Porlenr Care. Coauthor of Chopter 101.
Rqer L Sehnaaw, PhD / Unlverslty of he Sclences in Philodelphio, PhiIadelphio CoIIege o Phamiacp f Profesor of Pharmacy, Depattment of Pharmaeutta. Ediror of Part 2, Pharmaceurla. Coauthor af Chaptcr 1 1. Joseph B Schwatie PhD / Universltyof he Sciences h PhIIaelphio, Philodelphia College of Phormocy. Dvrroughs-WellcomeFund Profesor of Pharmaceucs, Dlreaor of Pharmacy W o r c h , Editor of Part 5, Pharmaceuflcal Manufacrurlng. Coauthor of Qiaprers 37 and 45.

U S b e WbiW, PhD / College of Phamacy, Unkfihy o Umh-kotiore Profesor of Pharmacology ond f Toximlogy. Coedimr o Part 6, Phcirmacodynamla, and Pan 7, Pharmaceutical ahd Medicina[ f Agents. AurtiOr o Qloprers 74,79,80, 81,84, ond 88. f


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