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2012-2013 Scholarship/Fellowship Application Deadline: February 1, 2012

Submit via email attachment to

NOTE: This application MUST be submitted electronically. Unfortunately, we CANNOT ACCEPT PRINTED OR HAND-WRITTEN applications. All information should be TYPED in the space provided, NOT ATTACHED. Only letters of recommendation should be sent separately. TO BE COMPLETED BY LAS DEAN'S OFFICE Date Received

Cumulative GPA Total Earned Credit Hours CONTACT INFORMATION


Major GPA

Current Enrollment

Legal Name Townes LAST Address

FIRST Zip Code Alternate Email


WSU ID M678Y893

7272 E. 37th St Apt. 1403 State Kansas City Wichita WSU Email
Primary Phone Number (316)518-9563
(Including Area Code)




The LAS Dean's Office will contact students via WSU email, regarding award notices, scholarship announcements, scholarship requirement compliance, etc. Students should be diligent in checking their WSU email and keeping their inbox clear, especially if forwarded to an alternate address.

Alternate Phone Number

(Including Area Code)

DEMOGRAPHIC/BACKGROUND INFORMATION Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 03/27/1992 U.S. Citizen or National High School YES NO Female Male Maiden or Other Name YES NO Kansas Resident (

Ethnicity (optional): African American, Asian, American Indian, Caucasian, Hispanic, other (please specify) African

Heights High

American High School Graduation Date May 2010


Have you previously completed a Bachelor's Degree? Are you currently employed? YES

Where did you complete your degree? Employed by:

Hours worked per week: 0-15 hours WSU INFORMATION

Student Support Services

Major(s) Communications

Minor(s) French
* Based on the total number of credit hours you will have completed prior to the Fall 2012 semester.

NOTE: Applicants will be considered based on their declared major(s)/minor(s). Only students with majors or minors in LAS will be considered for LAS awards.

FALL 2012 Classification*

Junior (60-89 earned credit hours)

Anticipated fall 2012 enrollment: Full time Anticipated WSU Graduation Date

Anticipated spring 2013 enrollment: Full time (Semester and Year)

May 2014

Please list below any scholarships and amounts that you currently receive (include WSU and non-WSU awards). Place an asterisk (*) next to those awards that are renewable. (Ex: Dean's Scholar and/or DSI Top 50 renewable scholarships)

Upward Bound Wichita Prep $820 TRIO/GEAR UP $1500 Fed. Direct Sub. Stafford Loan $2508 Federal Pell Grant $5550

In the space below, list appropriate information most relevant to this scholarship application. Please include dates of participation (Ex: May 2011-August 2011). High school activity information should ONLY be included on applications submitted by incoming freshmen.

Extracurricular Student Activities Council Activities, Offices Ambassador for Student Cultural Held


Academic Recognition



Community Service

Other Experience (Research or experience relevant to your academic major)

The following questions help determine applicant eligibility for certain scholarships and fellowships with very specific criteria. Please answer each appropriately.

Chandler Hatfield Scholarship: Are you a science or math major with plans to teach at the secondary school level? Naomi Anderson Fellowship: Are you, or have you been, a member of a Greek social fraternity or sorority? Fraternity/Sorority Name: Brandy M. Long Scholarship: Are you an employee or dependent of an employee of the Wichita police department? Darren L. Francisco Scholarship: Are you an undergraduate student with an interest in microbiology or cell biology? D. Wayne Coulson Scholarship: Do you plan to pursue an education that prepares you to practice law? YES



Anna Walsh Scholarships: Are you an incoming freshman, who participated in the Distinguished Scholarship Invitational (DSI)?



Harbour and O'Brien scholarships: Is your emphasis of study in law enforcement or your career objective to be a future peace officer? Helen M. & A.G. Crockett Scholarship: Have you at some point incurred a substantial interruption in your formal education? YES



In a minimum of 250 words, explain below why you chose your area of study and how you plan to use your degree. Note: This scholarship statement is an important part of the application: it is your chance to introduce yourself to the scholarship committee. For tips on writing the Scholarship Statement visit our FAQs web page.

As a first generation college student, it's my sense of duty to do well in my college career and set an example for my two younger brothers. If given the opportunity I know I can succeed; I can find something I am truly happy doing and be content in this life. However, there is always one catch and mine happens to be: financial support. Receiving scholarships has always been and most likely always will be the only way I can afford to get a better education. With my focus on communications and an emphasis on integrated marketing, I believe I can graduate successfully with a prestigious diploma from Wichita State University and also gain social and academic essentials I will need in the future. I also believe I will have an even greater chance on traveling the world which is my most prized desire. Using my degree, I plan on becoming an international publicist, who will represent clients and/or companies around the world. The best way to do this is be armed with education and connection. Any help and guidance I might receive on the this perilous road will always be appreciated.

All financial information will be kept confidential. This section is optional, but MUST be completed to be considered for need-based scholarships.


Have you completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2012-2013 Academic Year (AY)? If not, do you intend to submit the FAFSA for the 2012-2013 Academic Year? Are you an international student?



Has there been a significant change in your own or your parent(s)/guardian(s) financial status in the past year? If yes, please explain in the "Financial Statement" section below. STUDENT: Estimated yearly gross income (including spouse/partner). Total number of dependents (not including yourself or your spouse/partner). Number of dependents (not including yourself) who will be full time college students for the 2012-2013 AY. PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) OF DEPENDENT STUDENTS: Estimated yearly gross income. Total number of dependents (not including parent(s)/guardian(s)) Number of dependents who will be full time college students for the 2012-2013 AY.


FINANCIAL STATEMENT: In the space below, explain your need for a scholarship or fellowship and how this assistance will help you achieve your goals. You may include information regarding your own or your family's financial status that supports your need for scholarships, especially if you feel the financial information entered above does not fully reflect your economic situation.

As mentioned before, obtaining scholarships is my ONLY way of paying for school. As a single parent, my mother does her best of raising three children without any outside help or assistance aside from the government. Without a solid, steady job she makes less that $3000 a year which is very difficult if not, near impossible to live comfortably with. With any scholarships I may receive, I am one step closer to my goal of graduating college and getting a steady career. My goal is set up a life to where I can live and manage myself well without fears of not having enough monetary means of supporting myself and others in the future.

STUDENT CERTIFICATION AND SUBMISSION: By completing and submitting this application for review, I certify that all the answers I have given are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that failing to disclose or falsifying information could result in my dismissal from Wichita State and that making false writing is a felony under Kansas Law (K.S.A. 21-3711). Social Security number and student status data may be provided to other state agencies for use in detection of fraudulent or illegal claims against state moneys. I grant permission to obtain information about my grade point average, enrollment status and financial status to evaluate my candidacy for scholarship awards. I understand this information will be kept confidential and will be available only to Scholarship Committee members having a need to know for the purpose of scholarship determination. If I am awarded a scholarship, I authorize the University to publish my name as a scholarship recipient.
Notice of Nondiscrimination: Wichita State University does not discriminate in its programs and activities on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, political affiliation, status as a veteran, genetic information or disability. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies: Director, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, Wichita State University, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita KS 67260-0205; telephone (316) 978-6791.


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