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Old Testament Timeline 4004 B.C. Creation of Adam/Eve Based on Archbishop Usher's (died 1656 A.D.

) chronology Adam was created in 4004 B.C. The Hebrew Calendar begins its count of years with what is believed to be the first year of creation. Year 1 on the Hebrew calendar equates to 3761 B.C. The year 2005 A.D. is year 5765/5766 according to the Hebrew Calendar (this calendar system changes years in the Fall, around our months of September/October). See our accurate online Biblical Calendar Program for more information. See also lineage of Adam to the modern day Queen of England!

2348 B.C. Noah's Flood See models of Noah's Ark. Also, read articles on how BIG was Noah's Ark and WHY people lived longer BEFORE Noah's Flood than after it. 1996 to 1690 B.C. Period of the Patriarchs Time span from the birth of Abram (Abraham) to the death of Jacob (Israel). See chart showing Abraham's Lineage to Jesus Christ and map of Abraham's Journey to Promised Land.

1491 B.C. The Exodus God through Moses frees Israelites from Egyptian slavery. See picture of Israel's Wilderness Camp After Leaving Egypt.

1451 B.C. Joshua leads Israelites into the Promised Land. See map of promised land and map showing God's Division of Land to the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

1410 to 1050 B.C. Period of the Judges in Israel. See map of what the land of Israel looked like during the period of the Judges.

c. 1050 to 930 B.C. Israel's First Kings Period of King Saul, King David and King Solomon. See map showing military victories of King David. c. 960 B.C. Solomon's Temple Built in Jerusalem See model of what second temple looked like. 928 B.C. Division of the Kingdom After the death of Solomon the united Hebrew (Israel) kingdom was divided into two separate nations (see map of greatest extent of Israel's Empire) : Israel: Composed of ten of Israel's tribes and often referred to as the Northern Ten Tribes of Israel. The capital city is Samaria. The kings of Israel are descendents of Jeroboam, the first king of the northern ten tribes. Judah: Composed of two of the tribes of Israel, Judah and Benjamin, plus the priestly tribe of Levi. Jerusalem is the capital (see map of ancient Jerusalem). The kings of Judah are descendents of King David and Solomon. 928 to 722 B.C. Period of the Kings of Israel (10 Tribes of Israel) From King Jeroboam I to King Hoshea. (see detailed listing of kings). 928 to 587 B.C. Period of the Kings of Judah From King Rehoboam to King Zedekiah (Mattariah). (see detailed listing of kings). 884 to 612 B.C. Period when Assyria has World ruling Empire. See our detailed list of World ruling empires and the kings who ruled them. See also map showing greatest extent of Assyria's empire. 840 to 400 B.C. Period of the "minor" Prophets (Obadiah, Joel, Jonah, etc.). See our detailed list of minor prophets and the prophecies God gave them to deliver.

721 B.C. Fall of Israel Assyria completes its conquest of the northern 10 tribes of Israel and their capital city of Samaria. See our map of where Israel was taken captive and map of where Israel migrated to after captivity. 612 to 539 B.C. Period when Neo-Babylonian Empire Ruled the World See our detailed list of World ruling empires and the kings who ruled them. See also map showing greatest extent of Babylon's empire. 585 B.C. Destruction of Solomon's Temple Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple (known as the first temple) are destroyed by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. The destruction of the temple was started on the 9th of Ab (Hebrew month) and completed on the 10th. See model of what second temple looked like. 536 to 331 B.C. Period when Persian (Medo-Persian) Empire Ruled World See our detailed list of World ruling empires and the kings who ruled them. 515 B.C. Jerusalem's Temple Rebuilt The rebuilding of Jerusalem's (Solomon's) temple was completed. This is commonly referred to as the second temple. See model of what second temple looked like. 63 B.C. Roman troops, led by Pompeius, occupy Palestine (Judea). See map of Rome's empire when Jesus was a teenager. 37 B.C. Herod the Great is appointed ruler of Judea by Rome.

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