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CITY OF ALAMEDA Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council John A.

Russo City Manager January 14, 2013



Date: Re:

Summary of Regional Bodies that Alameda has Representation on, and New Appointments to the Alameda County Transportation Commission and the AC Transit Inter-Agency Liaison Committee

BACKGROUND The City of Alameda has representatives serving on numerous <regional and state bodies where policy direction and/or funding decisions are made that impact Alameda directly or indirectly. The Mayor asked for a summary. of these bodies, with specific attention to identifying which city policies, if any, relate to the mission of the respective regional or state body. DISCUSSION Currently there are 37 bodies that Alameda has representative seats on. Representatives to 11 of the bodies are appointed by the Mayor. Of those, seven must have City Council members .. s representatives; and . those seven, only one, the a of League of California. Cities, requires that the City Council ratify the Mayor's appointment. The Mayor is the representative to the Alameda County Mayors' Conference. Representation to the remaining three appointments can be served by Alameda residents. Finally, there are 26 non-appointed bodies that City staff serve on. Each of the bodies listed below has the following information: The current representatives and alternates or vacancies The terms of the appointments The body's contact information The meeting schedule and location Stipend if any The mission of the body The correlating City of Alameda policies, if any exists

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council 1

January 14, 2013 ... Page 2 of 18

League ofCalif()rnia iCities-appointmentrequires\CoundIRatificati()l'ltEl~cte(l(jffiial)

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:

Councilmember Tam (2010-2014) 510-747-4722, Councilmember East Bay Division Representative: Eric Figueroa; 510-325-0072 Monthly, locations, dates, and times sent directly to representatives. N/ A To expand and protect local control for cities through education and advocacy to enhance the quality of life for all Californians. None, according to the Clerk's office, City Council discussed creating and implementing policies for the committees, but no action has occurred since.

City Policies:

None, according to the Clerk's office, City Council discussed creating and implementing policies for the committees, but no action has occurred since.

Alameda County Mayors' Conference (Elected Official)

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:

Mayor Gilmore (2010-2014L 510-747-4701, Nancy Ortenblad, Director, 510-569-8389 Monthly; location varies

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

A.lamr.IflC;()unty,.ranspo.rtfltiorl Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Councilmember Councilmember Vanessa Lee, Commission Clerk, (510) 208-7436

January 14, 2013 Page 3 of 18

. C()l1ll1li~~i()n(Elected/Qfficial)

Monthly, fourth Thursday, 1333 Broadway, Suite 300, at 2:30 p.m. Oakland, CA 94612 $225.00 Plan, fund and deliver transportation programs and projects that expand access and improve mobility to foster a vibrant and livable Alameda County. We coordinate countywide.transportation planning and deliver the expenditure plan for the half-cent sales tax approved by county voters in 2000. None, according to the Clerk's office, City Council discussed creating and implementing policies for the committees, but no action has occurred since. AC Transifl nter-Agen cy lia isonComm ittee( IlC)(EI ecter.lOffjc:ial)


City Policies:

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend:

Mayor Gilmore (2010-2014),510-747-4701, Councilmember Tam (2010-2014),510-747-4722, Tammy Kyllo, Committee Secretary, As needed at AC Transit General Offices in Oakland or Alameda City Hall N/A Review major plans, projects and proposals that affect AC Transit service within the City of Alameda. The purpose of the committee is to improve communication and coordination between the two bodies and attempt to resolve any outstanding issues before major decisions are made by either body. None, according to the Clerk's office, City Council discussed creating and implementing policies for the committees, but no action has occurred since.


City Policies:

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

January<14, 2013 Page4 of 18



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Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend:

Councilmember Tam (2010-2014) 510-747-4722, (510) 891-6500 Monthly, fourth Wednesday, 3:00 p.m. 1537 Webster Street, Oakland, CA 94612 $100 per meeting, up to a maximum of $500 per month To achieve the most environmentally sound solid waste management and resource conservation program. The Agency is committed to achieving a 75% and heyond diversion goal and promoting sustainable consumption and disposal patterns.


Provide strategic planning, research, education and technical assistance to the public, businesses and local governments. Initiate innovative programs and facilities to maximize waste prevention, recycling and economic development opportunities. Serve as a pro-active public pojicyadvocatefor.longtermsolutions to our challenges. Partner with organizations with compatible goals.

City Policies:

None, according to the Clerk's office,City Council discussed creating and implementing policies for the committees, but no action has occurred since.

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council 7

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Fred Castro, Board Secretary, 510-464-7900 Bimonthly, third Thursday, Metro Center Auditorium, Oakland Association of Bay Area Governments

January 14, 2013 Page 5 of 18

(ABAG) (Elected Official)

Mayor Gilmore (2010-2014), 510-747-4701,

101Eighth Street,

$100 per meeting, not to exceed three meetings per month ABAG is committed to enhancing the quality of life in the San Francisco Bay Area by leading the region in advocacy, collaboration, and excellence in planning, research, and member services. Determines policy matters for the Association,including annual general budgetandsummary work program Reviews major policy actions and recommendations Board adoption of the

of the Executive Association


Establishes the annual membership fee for all membersofthe each year upon adoption of the annual budget

Reviews and adopts amendments to the Bylaws of the Association Any official representative may, at any meeting, propose a subject of consideration by the Association; the GeneralAssemblymaytake proposals, determine action upon such

whether a study will be made, or may refer the matter to the Executive Board. City Policies: None, according to the Clerk's office, City Council discussed creating and implementing policies for the committees, but no action has occurred since.

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council 8

Liaison: Alternate: Citizen Rep. Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Walt Jacobs Mike McClintock};

January 14, 2013 Page 6 of 18

Oakland Airport-Community Noise Management Forum (Elected Official)


Quarterly} on the third Wednesday of the month} at 6:30 p.m. atthe Port of Oakland Board Room} 530 Water Street} 2nd floor} Oakland} CA. N/A The purpose ofthe Forum is to provide a public Forumtodiscuss} analyze and make recommendations to the Port of Oakland Executive Director about noise-related issues at Oakland International Airport.TheForum will provide a mechanism to facilitate cooperation and maintain open lines of communication between the Airport and local communities} and to include a broad representation from the affected communities/Airport users} FAA} and Port.


City Policies:

General Plan} Airport Environs Element} 7.1Regulatory And Safety} 7.2 Airport Impact Areas

Framework: Noise

9 Citizen Rep. Alternate: Contact:

AlamedacountyAirport Max Morris

Land Use Commission

Cindy Horvath} Senior Transportation

Planner 510-670-6511}

Meetings: Stipend:

Monthly} third Wednesday} 3:00 p.rn., in the Auditorium of the PublicWorks Building} at 399 Elmhurst Street} Hayward CA 94544 __meetings cancelled if no agenda items. N/A Protect the public health} safety} and welfare by promoting the orderly expansion of airports and adoption of land use measures by local public agencies to minimize exposure to excessive noise and safety hazards near airports. N/A


City Policies:

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council


January 14, 2013 PageTof 18

Alameda County Mosquito 1----------------=-----.:---Abatement --- __ --------1

Citizen Rep. Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend:

510-783-7744; Monthly, second Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. at the District's administrative offices, 23187 Connecticut Street, Hayward N/A It is the overall goal of the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District to provide for the public's health and comfort by carryingon a program of mosquito control and source reduction which is: Responsive to the public Costeffective Compatible with the environment Consistent with land use planning or zoning N/A R_e_s r__ to a_ti_o_n_A __ dv_is __ o_ry.!.....-B_o_a_rd


City Policies:
11 1-

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:

Derek J. Robinson Quarterly

Non Appointed Alameda


Boards Association

County City Managers

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:

City Manager John Russo 510-747-4700 Elizabeth Warmerdam; Alexander Nguyen John Becker 578-4272 Monthly; location varies NA

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council 13

1) Management 3) Industrial/Illicit Alameda County Clean Water Program (ACCWP) Committee (alternate) --monthly 2) Policy-Level Subcommittee--bi-monthly Discharge Control Sub Committee--bi-monthly Subcommittee--bi-monthly 4) New Development

January 14, 2013 Page 80f 18

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies: 14 Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies: City Policies:

Jim Barse, Program Specialist,Engineering, (staff)

Public Works, 510-747-7950,

Monthly N/A Implementing policies for Open Space for-the Preservation of Natural Resources. Integrated Pest Management Policy (6/15/10)
Alameda County Technical Advisory Committee

Matt Naclerio, Public Works Director, 510-747-7979, (Staff Member)

Monthly, first Tuesday 1:30-3:30 pm N/A Members provide technical expertise, analysis and recommendations related to transportation planning, programming and funding. General Plan, Transportation Amendment 10.6 N/A Element, Chapter 4; N Waterfront

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council 15

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: bi-monthly N/A
Arterial Operations Committee

January 14, 2013 Page90f 18

Matt Naclerio, Public Works Director, 510-747-7979, (Staff Member)


Provide assistance to Bay Area jurisdictions in their efforts to improve traffic operations on arterial streets by sponsoring various projects that deal with signal coordination and other arterial operations issues; developing and implementing initiatives to promote improved arterial operations; and supporting the Arterial Operations Committee (AOC) as a forum for discussion of shared issues and lessons learned for both public and private agencies. General Plan, Transportation Amendment 10.6 N/A
Bay Area Joint Special Inspection Review Committee

City Policies: City Policies:

Element, Chapter 4; N Waterfront


Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend:

Jesse Bright (no term) (voluntary) Community Development,Plan Engineer, 510-747-6823, N/A

N/A California Building Code requires that the Special Inspector shall demonstrate competence to the satisfaction of the Building Official. The BAJSIRChas developed a qualification guideline to facilitate a review and approval process to allow qualified agencies to perform inspections in the participating jurisdictions. N/A


City Policies:

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council 17 Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:
Bay Area Library Information System

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Jane Chisaki (indefinitely), Library Director, 510-747-7747, (staff member) N/A

N/A Enhance local library and information services through cooperative resource sharing. N/A
Bicycle/Pedestrian Technical Advisory Committee

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies: City Policies:

Matt Naclerio, Public Works Director, 510-747-7979, (Staff Member) Gail Payne, Transportation Quarterly N/A Bike/pedestrian-related planning, programming and funding. Element, Chapter 4; NWaterfront Amendment General Plan, Transportation 10.6; Bicycle Master Plan N/A Coordinator, Public Works, 510-747-7948,

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

19 Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend:

January 14,2013 Page11 of 18

California Association of Code Enforcement Officers Michael Meyer (2 year term; voluntary) Code Enforcement Officer, Community Development Department, 510-747-6846, (staff Member)


Advances the code enforcement profession through voice. CACEOrepresents and supports its members by: a unified, statewide


Offering comprehensive code enforcement education, training, and certification Providing legislative advocacy Facilitating a network for the exchange of information and support Promoting the image and professionalism of code enforcement

City Policies:

California Joint Powers Risk Management Authority (CJPRMA)

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:

Lucretia Akil (indefinitely) Risk Manager, City Attorney's Office, 510-747-4762, (Staff member) Janet Kern (indefinitely) City Attorney, City Attorney's Office, 510-7474752, (Staff Member) Five times per year

Provides insurance coverage in excess of the City's Self-Insured Retention (SIR)of $500,000.


Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

21 California

January 14, 2013 Page 120f 18

Public Employees labor Relations Association (CAlPELRA) Program Committee

(non-voting committee Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:


Holly Brock Cohn, Human Resources Director, 510-747-4922, (voluntary)


CALPELRAprovides California's publicagency members with high quality, professional, California-specific services for 37 years. This specific committee plans the annual conference.

East Bay Collection SystemAdvisoryCommittee

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:

Barbara Hawkins, City Engineer, PublicWorks, 510-747-7937, (staff) Ahmed Aly, Associate Civil Engineer, Public Works, 510-747-7964, (staff) Monthly

Sewer Program

East Bay Economic Development Alliance

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies: Bimonthly,

Eric Fonstein, Economic Development, 510-747-6895, Member) Lori Taylor, Community Development Director, 510~747-6899, (Staff Member) 1221 Oak Street, Suite 555, Oakland, CA 94612

A public/private partnership working to establish the East Bay as a worldrecognized place to grow businesses, attract capital, and create quality jobs.


Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

East Bay Green Corridor

January<14,2013 Page 130f 18

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:

Eric Fonstein, Economic Development} 51O-747-6895} (Staff Member) Lori Taylor} Community Development Director} 510-747-6899, (Staff Member) Quarterly N/A Create a thriving region of green technology, innovation, commercialization} and economic development that generates high quality jobs and meets environmental and social goals. East Bay Green Corridor of Principals

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies: Quarterly N/A

ILC (Interagency

Liaison Committee)

Matt Naclerio, Public Works Director} 510-747-7979, (Staff Member)

Gai] Payne, Transportatton

Coordinator, Public Works, 510-747-7948} (Staff Member)

Collaborate on issues related to AC Transit's service in the City of Alameda. General Plan} Transportation Element} Policy 4.3.6

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

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League of California Cities Employee Relations Department Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Holly Brock Cohn, Human Resources Director,510-747-4922, (voluntary)


Promote the purposes and goals established in the League of California Cities bylaws; Serve as a resource to the membership ofthedepartment and other departments of the League in their dealings with human resource, personnel and employee relations issues; Assistin thesponsoringand support of necessary and desirable legislation to benefit municipalities, and to .assist in opposing unfavorable legislation; and provide a unifying structure for human resource administrators to contribute to the purposes ofthe League of California Cities.


City Policies: Local Agency Workers Compensation Excess Pool (LAWCX) Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies: Twice a year Lucretia Akil (indefinitely) Risk Manager, City Attorney's Office, 510-747-4762, (Staff member) Janet Kern (indefinitely) City Attorney, City Attorney's Office, 510-747-4752, (Staff Member)

Provides insurance coverage in excess of the City's Self-Insured Retention (SIR)or $350,000.

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

Local Streetand Road Working Group

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Liaison: Alternate: Contoct: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:

Matt Naclerio, Public Works Director, 510-747-7979, (Staff Member)

Monthly N/A Local streets and funding for such activities. General Plan, Transportation Amendment 10.6 Element, Chapter 4; N Waterfront




Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend:

Matt Naclerio, Public Works Director, 510-747-7979, (Staff Member)

Monthly, first Tuesday 1:30-3:30 pm N/A MTC functions as both the regional transportation planning agency - a state designation - and, for federal purposes, as the region's metropolitan planning organization (MPO). As such,itis responsible for regularly updating the Regional Transportation Plan. The Commission also screens requests from local agencies for state and federal grants for transportation projects to determine their compatibility with the plan. General Plan, Transportation Amendment 10.6 Element, Chapter 4; N Waterfront


City Policies:

NORCAL (informal

organization of all Northern .California HR Directors)

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:

Holly Brock Cohn, Human Resources Director, 510-747-4922, (voluntary) N/A



Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council 31

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: N/A Pacific tibrarv Partnership

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Jane Chisaki (indefinitely), Library Director, 510-747-7747, (staff member) N/A


Improve the services of its-constituent member libraries by maintaining existing ClSA (California Library Services Act) programs, leading research and development efforts to ensure that libraries are best positioned to respond to demographic, economic, and cultural changes through innovative and collaborative approaches to programming and services and the enhancement of collective resource building and sharing. N/A Paratransit Advisory and Planning Committee

City Policies:

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City i Policies:

Matt Naclerio, Public Works Director, 510-747-7979, (Staff Member) Gail Payne, Transportation Monthly N/A Transportation funding for seniors and people with disabilities. General Plan, Transportation Element, Chapter 4, Section 1 Coordinator, Public Works, 510-747-7948,


Paratransit Technical Advisory Committee i~---------------------------------=----"':""""-----------------------1 Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies: Monthly N/A Coordination of the city-based Paratransit programs that are funded by Measure B General Plan, Transportation Element, Chapter 4 Gail Payne, Transportation Coordinator, Public Works, 510-747-7948,

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

Restoration Advisory

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Liaisan: Alternate: Can tact: Meetings: Stipend: Missian: City Policies: Derek J. Robinson Quarterly


Liaison: Alternate: Citizen Rep. 1 Citizen Rep. 2 Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Ed Downing Dave Needle Mike McClintock}; 415-203-9097 Port of Quarterly} on the third Wednesday of the month} at6:30 p.m.atthe Oakland Board Room} 530 Water Street} 2nd floor} Oakland}CA. N/A Address aircraft noise issues associated with the operation of the primary runway and commercial airline activity and the air cargo facilities. The purpose is to both share information on current procedures and explore options that might exist to reduce the impact of aircraft noise from South Field operations on neighboring communities. Evaluates aircraft noise abatement procedures that reduce noise impacts on neighborhoods while not unduly affecting others and monitors implementation of these procedures. General Plan} Airport Environs Element 7.3 Airport Operations and Development


City Policies:

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

January 14, 2013 Paget80f 18

Liaison: Alternate: Citizen Rep. Barbara Tujela Dave Needle Mike McClintock,; 415-203-9097

Citizen Rep.

Contact: Meetings: Stipend:

Quarterly, on the third Wednesday of the month, at 6:30 p.m. at the Port of Oakland Board Room, 530 Water Street, 2nd floor, Oakland, CA. N/A Address aircraft noise issues associated with the operation of the North Field or general aviation facility. Looks at alternative nighttime flight route/patterns for the North Field at the Airport. Evaluate noise abatement alternatives and review noise abatement compliance monitoring data. General Plan, Airport Environs Element 7.3 Airport Operations and Development Technical Assistance Committee


City Policies:

Liaison: Alternate: Contact: Meetings: Stipend: Mission: City Policies:

Maria Di Meglio, ProgramSpecialist, Environmental Services, Public Works, 510-747-7958, (staff)

Monthly N/A Integrated waste and recvcling,

RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council accept this report and that the Mayor makes the appointments to the Alameda County Transportation Commission and the AC Transit Inter-Agency Liaison Committee. Respectfully submitted,

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