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Promoting Global Hair Loss (PGHL!

An effort to raise funds for The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation by Promoting Global Hair Loss as a fund raiser.
Im Bill McHugh and in October of 2008 I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (MM). I was lucky in that I was diagnosed during my annual doctors visit - I caught it early, all because I went to the doctor. So my first message is Go To The Doctor but thats a different story. Multiple Myeloma is an incurable cancer of the plasma cells in your bone marrow. Where the disease is incurable, medical advances have been many in this area and actions can be taken to address the disease and get the patient in a better place. The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation has been one group that really has taken this initiative to heart and pushed research in this area. In October of 2009 I started chemotherapy, four rounds of a cocktail referred to as RVD: Revlimid, Velcade and Dexomethazone. After two rounds my numbers dropped from 4400 to 280 (in the normal zone) and I was in near-complete remission. In January of 2010 I harvested my stem cells and they were literally put on ice. During that process I was given a drug called Cytoxan that could potentially cause my hair to fall out. I was given a time frame of 8-12 days for that to occur. If I made that range I wouldnt have to worry, and I wouldnt have to tell my kids (ages 6 and 3 at the time). On day 15 my hair started falling out I was completely caught by surprise. I shaved my head and the kids didnt ask any questions but a lot of people found out about my disease (you cant really hide a bald head in the winter.) Eventually I would have to go through a bone marrow transplant, but because of my good reaction to the chemo I could delay that till another day. I swore, when my hair fell out, that when I finally went through my transplant that I would lose my hair of my own accord. For that reason Im Promoting Global Hair Loss! Im pulling together as many of my friends as possible to host events all over the world to Promote Global Hair Loss. Through Facebook and Twitter we have events in Hong Kong, Zurich and six cities in the US all of which are working to raise money for The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. This was a hair brained scheme of mine to raise funds but also just have a good time with a miserable situation. I didnt realize how much impact and how much support I would get. As of the 17th of January we have raised over $19,500. And where my event is the 19th of January and I go in for my BMT on the 28th of January I dont expect it to end there. We have events scheduled through the end of February but anyone else that wants to join and create an event Im happy to promote and support! The following is a quick outline of the plans as they stand today.

Promoting Global Hair Loss (PGHL) Events Outline

Contact: Bill McHugh +1 646 610 9319 / Blog: Facebook: Twitter: @PromotingGHL #PGHL MMRF Donations: New York City January 19, 2013, 7:30 pm till. Failte Irish Whiskey Bar 531 Second Avenue Hair Donation Candidates: Bill McHugh, William McHugh, Sr, Tim McHugh, Bert Oberlander, Eric Anahory, Dennis Hawkes. Not yet confirmed but believe we will also have Dilyn McHugh (age 9), Jack Oberlaner (age 10) and Jack Bettex (age 9) also going under the clippers! Other Details: We plan to have video connections to other locations and available to whomever wishes to join in via the web. Contacts: Bill McHugh Zurich, Switzerland January 17, 2013, time TBD Hair Donation candidates: Hoss Hauksson Other Details: Hoss is a former foreign exchange student of ours who weve kept in close touch throughout the years. This will be a small event at home with friends. Hong Kong January 18, 2013, time 7:00 pm till Tantra 25 Stauntons St, Central, Hong Kong Hair Donation candidates: Chris Ng, Murray Sargent and Craig Baseby Other Details: Chris and Murray are two former rugby teammates, both of which played (or still play) for Hong Kong Football Club. In October of 2002 we lost 9 teammates in the Bali Bombings and a bond was forged that will never be lost! Contacts: Chris Ng, Richard Scarth Middlebury, VT January 18, 2013, time TBD The McEnerny household Hair Donation candidates: Harry McEnerny IV Other Details: This is more of a potluck dinner party to get a group of friends together to support my cause! Contacts: Harry McEnerny, Monica McEnerny Baltimore (BALDimore), MD January 19, 2013, time 8:00 pm till Maxs on Broadway 735 South Broadway, Fells Point, MD Other Details: where we dont have any specific candidates designated at this time the event will be raising funds for PGHL and The MMRF Dallas, TX February 24th, 3:30 pm The Londoner Pub at GBG 2817 Greenville Ave., Dallas, Texas 75206 Hair Donation candidates: Craig Storey Other Details: Craig played rugby with us in Hong Kong and is now based in Dallas, TX. My cousin lives in Dallas and will be attending this event.

Boston, MA February 25th, time/location TBD Hair Donation candidates: Harry McEnerny V Other Details: Harry is the son of our Middlebury, VT candidate and is my godson. He cant hold his event till the 25th as hes currently in a play in Boston. His brother Jim may join the event. DC Area date/time/location TBD Hair Donation candidates: Rob Traister Other Details: we have a candidate but havent yet been able to solidify a location in the DC area still working on this one! Phoenix, AZ date/time TBD Lucky Break 1807 Baseline Road, Tempe, Arizona 85283 Other Details: details and times TBD but we will be coordinating with the owner, a past colleague of mine, AJ Edelstein Contacts: AJ Edelstein

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