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Kenton Place II Gazette

Volume 16 Issue 1 JANUARY 2013

2012 The Year in Review

2012 was an eventful year of for Kenton Place II. It started on February 1, 2012 when the 2011 annual meeting took place. During the meeting two new members were elected to the HOA board; Chris Garcia and Shawn Davis. Also, during the meeting, the operating budget for 2012 and street repairs for the entire subdivision were approved. The new board immediately went to work overseeing the street repair project. Cummins Paving was approved by the homeowners to repair the streets. To seal the roadway Cummins Paving first had to heat a hot mix to 180 Fahrenheit and then apply it to the road surface; stones were then spread across the roadway. Lastly a steam roller passed over the stone forcing the stone into the hot mix. When the weather conditions are perfect, the normal cure time for this type of resurfacing is 2-to3 days. Due to the rain showers that took place in February and March the start of the project was pushed back until mid-April. The delay meant the hot mix to could not cure properly due to the summer heat. Now that the weather has cooled you should notice that the garbage trucks are not leaving tire marks as they go around the corners. This is because the mix has hardened and cured. The board also dealt with the bad, as vandals spray painted the exterior wall along Gus Eckhert/Cinnamon Hill on at least 10 separate occasions. There were two occasions when the board was able to get the City of San Antonio to remove the graffiti at no cost to the Association. This helped keep the graffiti removal cost manageable. Although the board had projected graffiti removal into the 2012 budget, the amount of graffiti far exceeded what was expected. The 2013 budget was adjusted to ensure the removal of excessive graffiti is accounted for. If you see someone spray painting the wall please call the San Antonio Police Department.

The Architectural Control Committee approved 12 requests for improvements to homes in our community. National Night Out took place on October 2, 2012, and was a huge success. The Kenton Place II HOA board of directors received many compliments. Mr. Marty Galindo from State Representative Trey Martinez Fischers Office attended and presented Kenton Place II with a $100.00 check. Ms. Maria Bulido from County Commissioner Paul Elizondos office also stopped by, as well as the San Antonio Fire Department fire engine from station 32 and Texas DPS recruiter and former resident Deon Cockrell. The board would like to thank those residents who took time to volunteer during this event; Ofilia Romero Sue Bednarzyk John Romero Zeke Quijano Nicholas Medrano Ben Henry Hernan Jarmillo Jewel Bowers Roger Killmer The 2012 annual meeting of the 165 Association, Inc. took place on November 29, 2012. The operating budget for fiscal year 2013 was approved by the homeowner. A major change took place as Ms. Elizabeth Vaquera was elected as a board member. The Board of Directors would also like to thank Mr. Gene Marck for his service as board member and President the past 10 years. Gene has done an outstanding job and always made decisions that were beneficial to our neighborhood. To keep up with what is happening in and around Kenton Place II check out our Facebook page, just type KentonPlaceII in the search box or you can go to our website; To receive updates about Kenton Place II send an email to Your email address will not be shared with anyone else in the neighborhood. 2013 looks to be just as busy as 2012. The board thanks all our residents for helping to maintain a beautiful and safe community.

Trash & Recycle Bins

In the past few months the Board of Directors has seen an increase in Trash/Recycle bins in public view on dates that are not scheduled for trash/recycle collection. Article 9 of the Declaration of Protective Covenants states ... Except on days scheduled for trash collection, trash receptacles and trash bags shall be placed out of view from the fronting street(s). The Architectural Control Committee has determined that all trash/recycle bins must be out of view on days when there is no scheduled trash/recycle pickup. Out of view is defined as each receptacle must be placed either in the garage of the residence or in the back yard. Placing the bins in front of or next to the garage is a violation of the out of view rule. Violators will receive a letter from Management Properties of Texas notifying the owner of the infraction. After the third notice the violating residence will receive a $50.00 fine which will be added to and collected at the annual assessment.

Neighborhood Watch
During the annual meeting several residents voiced their concerns about security in our neighborhood. One proposed remedy was to create a Neighborhood Watch program. If you are interested in joining the Kenton Place II Neighborhood Watch send an email to or contact a member of the Board of Directors.

Incident Notification
The Board of Directors requests all residents to sign-up for e-mail notifications. You will receive the latest information on incidents and upcoming events in Kenton Place II. To sign up, just send an e-mail to All e-mails will be kept confidential and will not be used by anyone other than Kenton Place II board members. We have had 24 residents signed up so far. You can also join the Kenton Place II Facebook group. or by typing KentonPlaceII in the search block.

A Neighbor in Need
A respected member of our neighborhood, Lance Nichols, has recently been diagnosed with Stage IV Glioblastoma Brain Cancer. This is the most severe form of brain cancer and prognosis from the doctors is not good. He is undergoing a clinical trial at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Family members have launched a fundraising campaign to help cover expenses of his treatment of chemotherapy and radiation. Please view his You Tube video by searching for "Lance's Cancer Crusade". Donations are being accepted at "" search for Lance's Cancer Crusade, any amount of donation is appreciated.

Board of Directors
During executive session of the Board of Directors officers were elected. Your new board consists of: President Christopher Garcia (210) 573-2713 Vice President Elizabeth Vaquera Secretary/Treasurer - Shawn Davis (210) 379-4309

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