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On a medico-supernatural standpoint, the notion of vampirism and lycanthropy being evolutionary derivative of homo-sapiens is plausible, but not essentially

practical considering that in order for a sub species to exist it has to survive independent of its parent species; however all evidence supports the notion that the two sub-species are parasitic in nature and incapable of being independent species. There is evidence that homo-sapiens themselves diverged into three separate species after evolving from and wiping out Neanderthals, with only the main line (homosapien sapiens) surviving as the other two were wiped out by the first. By that argument, and considering the history of both species, that it is possible that both homo lycanthropus and homo vampiricus themselves could be branches on the same genus homo evolutionary tree as homo-sapiens; and that the two evolutionary cousins now exist in insufficient numbers to threaten the more dominate homo-sapiens, but due to inferior numbers of breeding stock, they have evolved the traits of siring humans as an evolutionary necessity. There is only one circumstance where a species breeds with another for advantages or the development of specific traits, the only presence of this occurring is the breeding of horses with donkeys to create mules; a subspecies that is created for its strength, resilience and endurance. However, mules are a manufactured species; and any existence of them in nature would negatively affect either species as a whole; as it is well documented that mules, like all hybrid species, are infertile meaning that for all these ideal physical characteristics, they are incapable of either integrating them back into their parent species, or by passing them onto others. Vampires and Werewolves too fit in this category; however their existence makes any argument difficult to follow. It is documented that vampires require siring human specimens in order to continue their existence; that as they are also classified as undead and unable of same species procreation means that without a viable human population, they are incapable of propagating; though this itself could potentially be a more recent trait, as this situation if an original feature would have resulted in a small original population in a small area, and an assured destruction by the more numerous homosapien (or earlier) population. While by technicality, modern Vampires are infertile as they themselves are a hybrid of human and vampire; and yet they are able to procreate by means of biting human subjects and turning them by various differing recorded instances. An issue resolving around the fact that this dependence on interbreeding with humans means that vampires by necessity be watering down their own species with each successive generation in order to continue its existence, essentially to the point where the percentage of independent vampiric DNA being passed on would become negligible. To this point, it is possible that at some point in antiquity, where there were pureblood, or at least solely half-blood vampires in existence, but generations of having to sire from human breeding stock have resulted in a serious weakening of vampiric genetic code. There is another issue with this, the previously mentioned situation where homosapien sapiens wiped out all genetic rivals, meaning that when faced with these new species would have resulted in the same action; especially considering the obvious predatory

nature of both vampires and lycans. This is what probably resulted in both species developing a penchant of sticking to the night hours; an evolutionary advantage considering the early homosapiens natural fear of the dark; an advantage now negated by the development of essentially 24 hour lifestyle and the creation of light even at night is probably the reason for recent evolutionary changes in relation to the creation of day walkers (see: Blade, Selene). In fact the possible reason for vampires aversion to sunlight probably results from dependency of sleeping during the day to avoid interaction with humans and existing at night/living in caves while humans built houses in fields. And over a thousand years of this occurring, potentially resulted in an evolutionary weakness to sunlight. While Vampires essentially possess the one genetic structure, their traits developed as an evolutionary requirement, though early categorisation of it being a hybrid of human and bat DNA, this is considered to be a genetic impossibility as there is insufficient evidence to both support this and their activities can be explained by other means. Lycans are categorically considered to be a hybrid of a human and a wolves genetic structure; while in recent incarnations, this is exaggerated to the extreme; there is little evidence to support this notion. There are human medical conditions like Hypertrichosis where humans take the appearance of wolves; however the possibility of lycanthropy being a separate species has more credibilty than vampires. Using the same template as for vampires, to state that lycans are a genetic cousin of homosapiens that have evolved the requirement to breed with humans. The difference between lycans and vampires is that while vampires have a genetic weakness to sunlight, that lycans are not only capable of existing alongside humans undetected, but able to do so while maintaining their human appearances; including consuming human food, and even continuing to have human relationships. While they are considered to be alive as opposed to undead, there is no evidence to suggest that when lycans procreate with humans if they pass on the Lycan genes. to that same end, consideirng that Lycans are still living creatures, it is not documented if Lycans can breed with other Lycans, or if the previously mentioned hybrid infertility issue exists. To that end, there would be no issue with pureblood lycans breeding together, other than the issue with inbreeding after successive generations, which is probably why they evolving the necessity to sire humans; especially considering that there hasnt been any documented existence of a lycan that did not originally come from a human sire.

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