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1. Use of _______ has become an integral part of the operations research approach to decision making (a) Digital computer (b) Calculator (c) Machinery (d) Both (a) and (b) Operation Research emphasizes on the over all approach of the (a) Management (b) System (c) Organization (d) Departments OR involves scientific and systematic study of complex problems to arrive at the optimum (a) Level (b) Solution (c) Result (d) Conclusion There are _______phases of operation research (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 6 Determination of the operation belongs to the phase (a) Judgement (b) Research (c) Action (d) Verification Formulation of relevant hypothesis and models belongs to the phase of (a) Judgment (b) Research (c) Action (d) verification Recommendation for decision process belongs to the phase of (a) Judgement (b) Research (c) Action (d) Verification It literally means choosing from available alternative (a) Option (b) Decision (c) Result (d) Selection 9. OR actually is a synonym for ________ (a) Scientific (b) Mathematical (c) Management Science (d) Both (a) & (b) This model deals with the problem of determination of how much to order at a point in time and when to place an order (a) Queuing model (b) Inventory model (c) Allocation model (d) Game model The model that is used to characterize the behavior of two or more opponents called players is the (a) Waiting time (b) Inventory model (c) Allocation model (d) Game model The model that is applied to the management of large scale projects (a) Game theory (b) Network models (c) Inventory models (d) Allocation models It may be considered mathematical programming and involves the optimization of multistage decision processes (a) Replacement model (b) Simulation models (c) Dynamic programming model (d) Sequencing model OR approach to problem solving consists of the (a) 5 Steps (b) 6 Steps (c) 7 Steps (d) 8 steps The concept of liner programming was first introduced by Russian mathematician (a) L. V. Kantrowich (b) L. M. Kantrowich (c) L. V. Dantrowich (d) V. L. Kantrowich LP techniques improves the quality of (a) Products (b) Decisions (c) Management (d) Organization

















17. L.P deals with __________objective (a) Single (b) Double (c) Multiple (d) None of the above 18. All relationship in LP model must be (a) Linear (b) Cervical (c) Exponential (d) None of the above 19. Economic or physical quantities whose numerical values indicate the solution of L.P problem (a) Feasible selection (b) Decision variable (c) Constraint (d) None of the above 20. A basic feasible solution is called degenerate of value of at least one basic variable is (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 21. Ax=b, x-0 is a convex polyhedron (a) (b) (c) > (d) = 22. An_______ is a collection of points which designate solution with same value of objective function (a) L.P (b) ISO profit (c) Q.P (d) None of the above 23. The condition when the objective of a L.P problem can be made infinitely large without isolating any of the constraints (a) Redundancy (b) Infeasible (c) Unboundedness (d) Multiple selection 24. Unboundness describes a L.P problem that do not have (a) Infinite solution (b) Finite solution (c) Feasible solution (d) Non feasible solution 25. A line representing all combinations of x1 & x2 for a particular cost level (a) I.P line (b) L.P (c) ISO cost line (d) None of the above 26. The form linearity implies _______among the relevant variable (a) Curve line (b) Straight line (c) Dotted line (d) None of the above 27. The simplex method was developed in (a) 1947 (b) 1945 (c) 1950 (d) 1942 28. In one dimension a simplex is a line segment connecting ____points (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 1 29. The variable that represents the amount by which solution values exceed a resource (a) Stack variable (b) Surplus variable (c) Artificial variable (d) None of the above 30. The identity matrix is also called a (a) Basic matrix (b) Simple matrix (c) Variable matrix (d) none of above 31. The concept of simplex method is similar to the ________ method (a) Systematic (b) Graphical (c) Linear (d) Optimal 32. A surplus of variable is subtracted and artificial is added in constraint of (a) ( ) type (b) ( ) type (c) (=) type (d) (<) type 33. Since the selection of L.P problem Is completed in two phase this is called a (a) Three phase method (b) Two phase method



34. (c) M- method (d) None of the above The big M-method is another method of removing ________variables from the basis (a) Stack (b) Surplus (c) Artificial (d) None of the above The alternative optimal solution can be obtained by considering the _______row of simplex table (a) Cj-Zj (b) Cj+Zj (c) Cj>Zj (d) Cj<Zj The original L.P problem is a (a) Dual problem (b) Primal problem (c) Single problem (d) None of the above If primal constraints < type then dual constraints is (a) ( ) type (b) (=) type (c) (<) type (d) None of the above The transportation model is an important example of a network optimization (a) Selection (b) Problem (c) Result (d) Decision LP plays an important role in an economy and managerial _________making (a) Result (b) Merit (c) Demerit (d) Decision Each source has one row and each ____has one column (a) Destination (b) Caution (c) Station (d) None of above The capacities and demands are known as (a) Num conditions (b) Rim conditions 42. (c) Win conditions (d) Both (a) & (b) The simplest of the procedures used to generate an initial feasible selection is (a) L.P model (b) NWCM (c) VAM (d) Lowest cost entry method Each allocation is made an made on the basis of opportunity cost called (a) NWCM (b) VAM (c) L.P method (d) Lowest cost method An ordered four cells in a transportation table is said to form a (a) Transportation cost (b) Transportation route (c) Loop provided (d) None of the above Which of the following is not the method to obtain an initial solution (a) East - West corner rule (b) North -West corner rule (c) Lowest cost entry method (d) VAM An even number of at least four cells must participate in (a) Open loop (b) Side loop (c) Parallel loop (d) Closed loop An assignment problem can be solved by_____ methods (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 6 In this method a list of all possible assignment among the given resource and activities is prepaid (a) Simplex method (b) Enumeration method (c) Transportation method (d) Hungarian method It works on the principle of reducing the given cost matrix to a matrix of opportunity cost (a) Simplex method (b) Transportation method (c) Hungarian method

















(d) Enumeration 50. When the given cost matrix is not a square matrix the assignment is problem is called (a) Balance problem (b) Unbalanced problem (c) Feasible problem (d) Non-feasible problem 51. The cost element in dummy cells are always (a) Zero (b) Infinity (c) Two (d) Three 52. The costs that are associated with a sacrificed opportunity in order to make a particular decision (a) Social cost (b) Explicit cost (c) Implicit cost (d) Opportunity cost 53. Game theory came into existence in the (a) 21st Century (b) 20th Century (c) 19th Century (d) 18th Century 54. It is the expected pay off play when all the players of the game follow their optimum strategies (a) Pay-off matrix (b) Strategy (c) Game plan (d) Value of game 55. The pay off in terms of gains or losses, when players select their particular strategies (a) Pay off (b) Pay off matrix (c) Strategies (d) Value of game 56. The game is called fair if the value of game (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 00 (d) 0 57. The minimum element in each row of pay off matrix is called (a) Minimum (b) Row maxima (c) Row minima (d) Maximum 58. The maximum element in each column of pay off matrix is called (a) Row minimum (b) Column minimum (c) Row maxima (d) Column maxima 59. The pay off amount in the saddle point position is also called (a) Value of game (b) Game plan (c) Game work (d) Name of the above 60. To reduce the size of pay off matrix refers the rule of (a) Saddle port (b) Game value (c) Dominance (d) Pay off 61. Swapping the difference is applied in (a) Arithmetic method (b) Algebraic method (c) Matrix method (d) Graphical method 62. If the matrix is in the form of square matrix the optimal Strategies mix may be obtained by (a) Pay-off matrix (b) Matrix method (c) Arithmetic method (d) Graphical method 63. This method is useful for the game when the pay off matrix is the size 2xn or mx2 (a) Matrix method (b) Graphical method (c) L.P method (d) Algebraic method 64. The -two person zero sum games can also be solved by (a) Algebraic method (b) Linear programming (c) Graphical method (d) Arithmetic method 65. For a minimization problem in big __ M method penalty is designated as (a) +M (b) -M (c) M (d) None of the above 66. The Erie quality sign is reversed in all the constraints except ______ condition



(a) Positivity (b) Negativity (c) Non positivity (d) Non negativity 67. It represent the controlled varieties of system (a) Barometer (b) Thermometer (c) Parameter (d) None of the above 68. Is________ represent a real life system (a) Square (b) Parabola (c) Linear (d) Hyperbola 69. T.P develops a schedule at ____ system (a) Minimum (b) Maximum (c) Equal (d) Optimum 70. A competitive situation is known as (a) Pay off (b) Game (c) Strategy (d) Matrix



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