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Searching the Dunlap-Hanna PA Forms Database

 Location: The Dunlap-Hanna PA Forms database is available on computers #1 through #32

in the Library’s computer classroom. To use the database in the Media Tower, you must
check out the CD-ROM at the Library’s circulation desk with your student I.D. card.

 Technical note: Library computers do not accept floppy discs. Only USB (flash) drives or
writable compact discs may be used for saving documents.

Part I: Starting the Program

1) [If you are using the CD-ROM in the media tower, insert it into the disc drive.
Otherwise, skip to Step # 2.]
2) Double-click on the Dunlap-Hanna PA Forms icon (looks like an open book), OR:
Click the START icon, in the bottom left corner of the screen.
3) Select PROGRAMS.
4) From the Programs menu, choose “Bisel-Link Publications.”
5) From the list of Bisel-Link databases, choose Dunlap-Hanna PA Forms and click on it.
The database will open to the title page.

Part II: Searching the Dunlap-Hanna PA Forms Database Table of Contents

To browse the Table of Contents:

 Click on the CONTENTS icon (gray plus and minus signs) in the toolbar at the bottom
of the screen. The list of volumes in the database will appear.
 To see the contents of a volume, click on the gray plus sign (+) next to the volume
number (example: Vol.7 – “Forms of Wills and Trust Agreements”). Each chapter in the
volume will appear.
 To view the contents of a chapter, click on the gray plus sign (+) next to the chapter
number (example: “Chapter 65 – Wills”). Now the sections of that chapter will appear,
listed by section number.
 To see the list of forms located in a section, click the gray plus sign (+) next to the
section number (example: “Section 65.03 – Model Wills”). The list of forms contained in
that section will appear, with each form’s number and title.
 To open the text of the form, double-click on the title of the form.
 To return to the Table of Contents from the text of a form, click on the CONTENTS icon
in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
 To go back a step while browsing the Table of Contents, click the gray minus sign (-) to
close any expanded list.

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 To search the alphabetical index, scroll to the end of the Table of Contents and click the
gray plus sign (+) next to the General Index. Then click a letter to see all of the terms
that are indexed under that letter (example: “N” for “negligence”).
Part III: Searching the Dunlap-Hanna PA Forms Database by Keyword

To search by keyword:

o Click on the small “binoculars” icon in the gray toolbar at the top of the screen. A window
will open containing an empty box for your search terms.
o In the “Advanced Query” box, type one or more words that are related to the legal form
you need. It is not necessary to type “AND” between words (example: divorce alimony).
o Click OK. When the results appear, you may view them in different formats depending
upon which tab you click in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. Display options are:

1) SEARCH (large binoculars): Shows a brief view of the relevant section of the
Table of Contents; the text of the first relevant form found by the search; and a
brief view of the “hit list” of places where your query words appear in titles and
texts of forms.
2) BROWSE (open book): Shows a brief view of the relevant section of the Table of
Contents; an expanded view of the relevant section of the Table of Contents; and
the text of the first relevant form found by the search.
3) DOCUMENT (sheet of paper): Shows a brief view of the relevant section of the
Table of Contents, and the text of the first relevant form found by the search.
4) CONTENTS (plus and minus signs): Shows only an expanded view of the
relevant section of the Table of Contents.
5) HIT LIST (four blue lines): Shows only an expanded view of the “hit list” of
places where your query words appear in titles and texts of forms.

Searching tips:

 To combine words in a phrase, such as “minor children,” enclose the words in

quotation marks.

 To locate documents containing synonyms of a word, type a dollar sign after the word.
Example: searching for work$ will find documents containing synonyms of the word
“work,” such as employment, job, occupation, etc.

 The wildcard symbol, which allows you to search for all alternate forms of a word at
once, is an asterisk. Example: searching for employ* will find employ, employee,
employment, employer, etc.

Part IV: Navigating Through the List of Forms

 You may move through the list of forms by clicking on the NEXT HIT and
PREVIOUS HIT double arrows at the top of the screen, or by scrolling up and down.
Clicking the double arrows jumps your screen either forward or back to the next place
that your search term appears within the document, or within the next document.

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 If you have performed several searches and would like to look back over the list of
searches, click on the arrow next to the drop-down menu in the toolbar at the top of the
screen, which contains your most recent search. A menu will open showing all of your
past searches.
 If you would like to repeat a past search, click on the SHOW HISTORY button
(footprints) in the top toolbar. A list of your past searches will appear. Click to highlight
the search you wish to repeat, then click Go To.
 If you want to go back one step at any time, click the black GO BACK arrow in the top

Part V: Printing Forms From the Dunlap-Hanna PA Forms Database

To print a form from the Dunlap-Hanna PA Forms database, you may choose a document from
the Table of Contents and print it; you may tag a document for printing; or you may highlight a
selection of text with your mouse and print that.

To choose and print a document from the Table of Contents:

 Locate the form you wish to print by browsing the Table of Contents or by using a
keyword search.
 Click on the BROWSE tab at the bottom of the screen. You will now be able to see both
the text of the form (on the right side) and the Table of Contents (on the left).
 Find the title of the form you want in the Table of Contents list.
 Click inside the empty box next to the title of the form. A checkmark will appear in the
 From the FILE menu in the top toolbar, select PRINT. A window will open.
 Under the tab labeled Print Document, select SECTION. In a small box under
SECTION will be a copy of the Table of Contents. The document you wish to print
should be marked with a check in the box next to its form number and title.
 Click OK.

To tag a record for printing:

 You must be looking at the text of the form you wish to tag. Click once at the beginning
of the title of the document (displayed in blue) to place your cursor there.
 From the EDIT menu in the top toolbar, select Tag Record. A vertical red stripe will
appear to indicate that the title of the document is tagged.
 Click once at the beginning of the text of the document to place your cursor there.
 Click on the EDIT menu, then select Tag Record again. Now the entire text of that
document will be tagged with a red stripe.
 From the FILE menu in the top toolbar, select PRINT.
 When the Print window opens, select Print Document: TAGGED RECORDS.
 Click OK.
 When finished, you can remove the tags by selecting Clear All Tags from the EDIT

To print a portion of text highlighted with the mouse:

 Drag your mouse across the text you wish to print. It will be highlighted in black.

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 To add more text to your selection, hold down the SHIFT key on your keyboard while
dragging the mouse.
 From the FILE menu in the top toolbar, select PRINT.
 When the Print window opens, choose Print Document: SELECTION.
 Click OK.

Part VI: Exporting Forms to USB (Flash) Drive

To customize or edit a form from the Dunlap-Hanna PA Forms database, you will need to export
it to a word processing file. When using computers on campus, it is best to save your work to a
USB (flash) drive so you may take it with you. These instructions explain how to save a
document to a USB (flash) drive, and then open it using Microsoft Word 2003.

 Insert your USB (flash) drive into the flash drive port, located on the computer’s
right side below the CD-ROM opening.
 Choose the form you want to save from the Table of Contents, or tag the form, or
highlight selections of text you wish to save (see instructions on p. 3).
 From the FILE menu in the top toolbar, select EXPORT. A window will open.
 Click the drop-down menu labeled Save In. Select USB/Removable disk E or F
(depending upon the port to which your flash drive is attached).
 Click inside the box labeled FILE NAME.
 Delete whatever text is in this box, then type the name you wish to give to the
 From the drop-down menu labeled Save As Type, select Generic Text.
 Click the drop-down menu labeled Export Range.

If you are exporting a document chosen from the Table of Contents, select Checked Branches.
If you are exporting a tagged document, choose Tagged Records.
If you are exporting a highlighted portion of text, choose Selected Records.

 Click EXPORT.
 A message will appear to show the file is exporting.

When the file is saved to your USB (flash) drive, you may start up Microsoft Word and open
your file as follows:
1) Go to the FILE menu in the top toolbar and select OPEN.
2) Open the drop-down menu labeled Files of Type and select All Files (if it is not already
3) Choose the E:\ or F:\ drive from the Look In drop-down menu.
4) Select your file from the list displayed in the window.
5) Click OPEN.

Now you may make changes to the text and save the document onto your USB (flash) drive by
selecting Save As from the FILE menu in the top toolbar, and choosing Word Document from
the drop-down menu labeled Save As Type. Do not save your document as a text (.TXT) file, or

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you will lose the formatting capabilities of a Word document (for example, the ability to
underline, italicize or bold text, or select from a variety of fonts).

Part VII: To Exit the Program

When finished using the Dunlap-Hanna PA Forms database, click the red “X” in the top right
corner of the screen to close the program. [If you are working from the CD-ROM in the media
tower, remove the disc and return it to the Library’s circulation desk.]

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