Finding Out

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Finding Out (Incest F, b / Erotica)

Mom and Dad fought all the time. It was the mid nineteen seventies and Id had years of them rowing, fisticuffs, being woken up in the middle of the night by doors slamming and the shouting. By the age of fourteen I was used to the break ups and make ups. More often than not they would end up sleeping apart for days, sometimes weeks. Dad worked long hours long distance lorry driving, Mum held down a part time job office cleaning in the evenings. I firstly noticed the whispering phone conversations, my mom in the hall, keeping her voice low, giggling, and being flirtatious but never loud enough for me to actually tune in on her secret conversations. Mom flirted a lot, often with neighbouring husbands, shop keepers, most males. Whoever was on the other end of the phone seemed to be after more than just a flirt as the chats ran on for hours and never when dad was about. I have to say it; mom was attractive with a bubbly personality so it did not surprise me that she had this admirer. I just couldnt figure out whom! Friday school closed early, it was just before lunch so went straight home. I entered the house at the back door which was unlocked so I knew mom was home. As I removed my blazer I heard giggles from upstairs, muffled voices, I could hear mom and a male voice, and I knew dad was away so I became curious as to who was with her. I climbed the stairs a quietly as I could, I was so quiet I could hear my own heartbeat. The voices grew louder, not speaking, whispering or giggling now, they were breathless moans and whimpers. Now, I knew about sex, Id enjoyed magazines, I beat off to them, but my knowledge was mostly based on school yard chit-chat, I still had a lot to learn. I snuck up to mothers bedroom door, my hand placed on the handle, I stopped and listened, I knew I was listening to the sounds of sex. My heart pounded harder and faster, my mind racing, who was there with my mom? Holding my breath I slowly twisted the handle down, slowly I inched the door open, I opened it just wide enough to peek in, I saw them there she on the bed on her hands and knees naked, and he right there behind her, naked also, his hands on her shoulders, his face flushed and sweating, their clothes scattered across the floor. They hadnt seen me as I watched side on, his hips thrusting and pounding my mom, her large hanging breast swaying and her moans of encouragement driving him on. The scene was one of eroticism and I felt my penis twitch. I still could not clearly identify the man, he was obviously a well built man and quite hairy from what I could see, his size dominating her. Her moans grew quicker as his thrusts speeded up, he groaned, she moaned, I could sense that a finish was approaching, mom threw back her head and urged him on, he groaned, they were totally lost in each other and their lust. I pushed the door open and let it swing wide, I just stood watching them as they gasped and cried out both flushed, I had to hand it to him, he was clearly giving mom the time of her life but how long before they noticed their audience?

It was as his action slowed and became more deliberate and controlled that he must have caught sight of me, her head was bowed as she wallowed in pleasure, he looked straight at me and at exactly that same moment his movements ceased, he was half in and half out of her and I saw enough to know that this man was very well endowed. When I looked at his face I knew him, my mother turned to look at Richard to see why hed become so statuesque, as she turned her head she saw me, her eyes open in disbelief, I made a grab for the door handle and slammed the door closed behind me and ran from the house. I ran until my lungs burned and my throat hurt. I sat alone in a field against a tree, my head full of the vision of them, had Richard been the telephone flirt? Richard was not far off being a neighbour, I knew him fairly well, I went to school with his fourteen year old daughter Clare and we were friends. Clares mom was nice too, so why was her dad screwing my mom? All of these questions ran through my mind, I kept picturing them, I should have felt disgust but I didnt. I actually found myself aroused, and I pressed my hand to the bulge in my crotch to comfort the swelling. As I replayed the scene my mind blanked Richards face out and all I could see was my mom, naked, on all fours, her ample breasts swaying, her round bottom offering itself, her arched back and her grimacing smile as she gave herself to orgasm after orgasm. My cock ached for attention; I squeezed it again through my grey school flannels it pulsed in my fist. Then a thought entered my mind, how can I go home, when should I go home, what will I say, what will mom saywhat about dad? OK I knew mom and dad werent getting along, did I need to tell him causing even more trouble in the processI thought not. My sensible thoughts were again driven out of my head and were immediately replaced by visions of my naked mom; my head was spinning with lust. My mom was sexy, her body looked so good, especially her large hanging breasts, I wanted to see her naked again, oh how my erect cock yearned for some attention. Id witnessed sex for the first time close up, seen it, heard it; I wanted to know more, no, needed to know more. After a few hours I decided to go home and face the music. Mom was still there; fully clothed now and busying herself in the kitchen, usually by now shed have been on her way to work. As soon as she saw me she ran to me and hugged me tightly to her, not what I had been expecting at all, she held me like this for a while, she smelt good, and I let my slim frame mould itself to hers, it was comforting and warm, my body realising every inch of curve of her full figure. I was really worried about you she said, Im OK I told her. Then she said that wed have to have a good heart to heart talk, I just nodded. She told me that shed phoned in sick and wasnt going into work that evening. She loosed me and went back to preparing food, Ill cook us something, then well sit and chat, you go and change out of your school uniform she said. We ate in silence, the TV was on but I dont think either of us was really paying much attention to it, my mind was still in turmoil, relentlessly returning to visions of my naked mother, again a stirring in my crotch.

Later, mom switched off the TV and sat in the room with me, time for that chat she said. I turned my attention and she began, she explained how her marriage was failing and how she was only flesh and blood, she had needs like anyone else, how she had not yet given up on her marriage and dad. She knew that how Id discovered her and Richard mustve come as a big shock, and then she asked me how long were you stood there watching? I replied a minute or two, aah!, so how come you didnt run away sooner?, just curious I said, So you saw a lot in that time? I just nodded and lowered my eyes, and then she asked me if I was ashamed of her, did I think her a slut, I excitedly cried out no, I thought you looked amazing! I couldnt believe my outburst of admission, I felt myself blush. I quickly added that I was learning from her tryst with Richard as Id never experienced sex or lovemaking myself. Then she asked the question that I knew she was battling with, will you be telling your father? I shrugged, I wasnt sure, I didnt want to make trouble Id seen and heard enough for years. Well will you? her voice was more nervous now almost desperate. I said nothing, I was confused, I looked at her and was just about to tell her no when she blurted out, look, if you really thought I looked amazing and that youre curious about sex, what if I were to teach you? It took a moment for her words to hit home, I just stared open mouthed, and she looked me straight in the eyes and added encouragingly itd be our little secret coupled with a slight nodding gesture. I couldnt believe my ears or my luck, I trembled inwardly and I experienced a weird crawling sensation in my groin. I gulped and nodded a yes without speaking. She smiled and said good, Ill teach you everything, but not a word to anyone! Then a thought crossed my mind and I asked what about Richard? She answered me immediately and honestly, as bad as this might sound, I have used Richard for sex for some time on and off, Im not in love with him nor is he with me, his wife apparently doesnt have much of an appetite for sex so it worked well for both of us. I nodded like I understood. Richard wont be a problem she explained. A few silent minutes passed as I flicked through the TV channels, again not really concentrating on what was showing, then mom spoke again, so, when do you want to begin your tuition, there doesnt seem to be much on the TV? I looked over to her as she stood up and walked toward the lounge door, she gave me a warm smile, as she opened the door to exit she said just give me a five minutes to get ready then come up I felt like I was in a dream, I just nodded dumbfounded and I heard her footfalls as she went upstairs. I looked at the TV, I looked at my watch, I though about how this had all come about, the rights and the wrongs, this was my mother offering herself to me, buying my silence with the promise of sex education, was I ready, aged fourteen, not fifteen for another two months, still a boy. I rose out of my seat, my legs a little weak, more than five minutes had passed, I slowly took the stairs, my head a little light, I gripped the handrail tightly. I was soon at the closed bedroom door again as I had been a few hours earlier but this time was different, I took a deep breath and tapped lightly, come on in she called. I turned the handle and pushed, steadily the opening revealed mom lying totally naked on her side, her head resting on her elbow supported hand. I stood stock still as my eyes absorbed the scene, she was smiling and she looked so lovely. Come in silly, close the door she beckoned. I did as asked. The curtains were closed, just two bedside lamps, one each side of the double bed lit the room, this time there were no clothes strewn over

the floor, this time I could see more of my mom, and this time there was no Richard, just me and her. Do you like what you see, are you still amazed? I could hardly get the word yes out but nodded confirmation. The view was fantastic; moms full figure accentuated by her position, at thirty eight she still had great curves, I edged closer, my eyes explored her trailing from her feet along her legs and thighs which were tightly closed, a small trimmed dark triangle of hair, her hips widened and then tapered at her waist, her soft tummy, then to her ribcage, my eyes halted at her beautiful large slightly sloping breasts, large areoles spread across them with good sized nipples at the ends, I eventually tore my eyes away and looked at her face, she was still smiling and I had to smile back. Time for you to undress she told me. Now it was her turn to study me, I awkwardly pulled at my socks and threw them away, next my T-shirt was pulled over my head which I dropped where I stood, moms eyes were staring intently, now I fumbled with the button to my jeans, once undone I hooked in my thumbs and pulled my jeans and my underpants down to my knees, my already hard cock sprang free and bobbed about as I worked my clothes passed my ankles and off. I stood naked before her, slim, hard bodied, and smooth skinned with a sparse amount of pubic hair from which a thickish four and a quarter inches of uncircumcised erection stood proudly with my balls clinging small and tightly underneath. I couldnt remember how long it had been since my mother had seen me without clothes and I began to feel embarrassed, I shyly cupped my hands over my genitals. She signalled with her hand for me to turn around, I twisted quickly around on the spot, no she said slowly, I turned around still hiding my privates, as my tight bottom crossed her vision I heard her murmur her approval in the form of an mM mM. She used her forefinger to call me to her, I went, as I got nearer I could smell her perfume, I stood right in front of her and she reached out to my hands, holding them she pulled them free of my genitals, I stood frozen to the spot, her eyes were fixed on my cock, my son you have a lovely cock, the girls are going to love it, in fact Im going to love itit seems quite large for your age and it will grow much bigger yet! Suddenly my confidence grew, all of those boyhood doubts has been dispelled. Do you play with it much, I bet you do? as she asked this her hand cupped my small sac, her hands were soft and warm, she gently massaged them, I swooned at her delicate touch, I answered her question, I told her that I jerked myself often, and of late I had done so even more, she asked where I did this, still her palm rotated gently around my balls which had now relaxed at her attention, my cock had seemingly grown even harder causing the nipple of my foreskin to spread allowing my pink knob to show. I told her that I played with myself pretty much everywhere around the house when in by myself. She wanted to know more, I told her, in bed, in the toilet, in the bath in the shower, while watching TV downstairs. Hmmm she said, where is your favourite place? the shower I relied, and do you ejaculate semen? yes I announced with pride, and then added a littleshe gave a sweet giggle, so when youre watching TV alone where does your semen go? I catch it in my palm, and when youre in bed? she prompted, It goes over my belly, sometimes up to my chest really she said sounding impressed. Her hand slid slowly from my sac, which now hung loosely between my thighs and made its way deftly along the underside of my shaft, making it throb and pulse, mmmI felt that she said, I gulped as her finger tips began to caress its stiffness. Her finger tips lightly traced the outline of its length, then one finger felt for the swollen shape of my cocks head, as she did this I could smell my

own male odour, she took my penis between thumb and fingers and she started to push and pull my foreskin gently back and forth, playing hide and seek with my pink tip, I trembled again with sheer pleasure, moms eyes switched from looking into mine and watching my pink tip slide in and out. You smell so sexy and ready and I love your silky hardness, has anyone ever touched you like this before? I told her that no one had and that it felt wonderful. OK she said Ive touched you, I think its time for you to do some touching, where would you like to start? She rolled onto her back thighs still together, hands at her sides. I sat next to her waist facing her, I knew exactly where I wanted to place my hands. Moms breasts were still large even as she lay on her back, they had slightly rested toward her arms but remained buoyant. I spread my slim long fingers and took both mounds into my hands, they were warm, soft but firm, she watched me as I gently squeezed, her breasts too large for my hands to completely hold, her large round dark brown areoles filling most of my palms. I asked if I was doing OK, she told me to play with her nipples and that it felt really good. I ran my thumbs over her thick nipples, they hardened at my touch, I did it again and again, she moaned and took a deep breath, her chest rising, using thumbs and forefingers I gently pulled her nipples, oh yeah! she huskily said, moms hand nearest to me reached into my lap, finding my cock and the tip of my foreskin, using only her thumb and forefinger she squeezed my tip through my foreskin, she did this in time with my nipple squeezes, so I squeezed her nipples in quick time, her hand mimicked this and my cock flexed and leapt in ecstasy. Can I suck them? I asked, Go ahead she replied it wont be your first time and gave me a big smile. I smiled back and lowered my head, my face felt her heat, I cupped a breast and closed my lips widely around her brown areoles, sucking as soon as I connected, my mouth clamping tightly, drawing her breasts into my mouth, both of moms hands went around my head as she urged me to suck, the taste of her tits and their hardness in my mouth was like nothing Id ever known, I kept sucking it even as I pulled away to suckle on its drier neighbour, again I went at it with purpose, sucking and slurping noisily, mom making murmurings of contentment, I used one hand to play with the wet nipple I had just left behind, as my lips chewed on her ever hardening nipple. Without stopping, I twisted my body and stretched myself out to lie next to her, I turned sideways onto her and felt my cock press against her hip, I moved in tighter trapping my hardness between us, lying so close to her felt sensual. I love this that youre doing baby, but I need you to touch me somewhere else when youre ready she said. I lifted my head up and looked down on her shiny wet breasts. I put my arms around her and hugged her, she embraced me in return, I nuzzled her neck as I pressed my eager cock along her smooth side. She whispered in my ear our secret, now I want you to touch me, touch me between my legs, please, I need it We broke apart and I rolled off the bed and stood looking at moms closed thighs, Im going to part my thighs, I want you to kneel between them, then Ill tell you what to do she parted her thighs and her pussy came into view, still closed but I could make out the two halved mound, I climbed onto the bed and knelt as shed asked, I could smell her sex, its mustiness and warmth. Feel your way she instructed me. I leant forward and let my fingers run through her pubic hair, tickling her, thats good she let on, then I turned my hand palm up and ran my whole hand from her pubes down, pressing the flat of my hand between her mons, my hand slid easily into her, parting her and becoming greasy wet immediately with her, her hips rose as my fingers slid silkily through her fleshy folds. A moan escaped her mouth, my fingers were so wet, and her womanly scent filled my nostrils as her pussy flooded my hand. See how wet and excited youve made me?

I didnt know what a vagina would feel like, and was pleasantly surprised at how wet and silky hot it felt. I ran my fingers up and down, caressing her entire pussy; I looked up at moms face and noticed she had her eyes closed as she bit her lip. For only my first time I thought that I must have been doing a good job. Then she placed one of her hands over the top of mine and told me to just use my forefinger. I want to show you something she told me. She took control of my hand and finger, feel me like this then she guided my finger tip to the top of her pussy just below her pubes and rubbed my finger tip around in a tight circular motion, feel that, just there? she asked, I could feel a small hard bump so I looked in closer to see, standing slightly raised from her was a pink, wet button like nipple with a kind of hood embedded above, she pushed my fingers over it again, I felt its resistance and hardness. Thats my Clitoris, its a womans most sensitive area, similar to the tip of your penis, and if you rub there for long enough itll bring me to climax or orgasm. Instinctively I rubbed it around for her and she whimpered, yes thats itmmm. Then her hand took control of mine again, guiding my finger between two wet fleshy curtain like flaps, these are my labia, mine are quite large and I love having them caressed or licked, her hand took my finger lower to just below her labia, she held my finger steady, all I could feel was heat and wet, then she pressed my finger into her, it slipped effortlessly into her tight opening, she drew my finger back and forth, it made a wet plopping sound as it glided in and out, she pushed it deeper until my knuckle wouldnt let it go any further, I wiggled my finger in its tightness, it hot wet silkiness felt exquisite, here is my vagina, my pussy, my slit, I usually like to feel two to three fingers in here, but most of all I love to feel a big cock filling me up, and when it isnt either of those, a tongue will do Wow! I said. OK, let me feel two fingers son, I slid in my first two fingers, feeling around her tight entrance then delving into her deep and smoothI heard an mmmmm and an aaahh, now as you do that see if your thumb will reach my clitoris it did, my thumb bumped against moms clit each time I slid fingers into her, her hips rose to meet my hand, without her asking I slid three fingers into her, that was tight, but she just kept on writhing against my hand, keep doing that baby, soooo good so I did, then she urged faster, hit my clit hard I did watching as her hips lifted her right off the bed, her pussy sucking on my fingers, slurping sounds coming from her soaked pussy, I strummed harder on her clit remembering what shed told me, her moans grew louder and more frequent, her head began to go from side to side, yes! she called out, followed by more mmms, then she was panting, moaning, pushing herself against my hand, I pushed back meeting her thrusts, her thrusts were powerful, almost scary, but I knew it was all good and natural, then she let out a big long moan, a scream, then a whimper as she fell back onto the mattress, my fingers stuck to their task, and she twisted her hips and closed her thighs tightly trapping my hand, now I couldnt move my fingers at all as she rode out her orgasm with them, she bucked and shuddered, her breathing became laboured, her cries almost laughter, gradually she quietened and I only felt her quiver and shake, eventually with my hand still clamped in her thighs she spoke, Oh my god, phew ooohyesthat was fucking wonderfuldarling do you realise what you just did?, I asked something goodoh no baby she said something amazing!, you just gave me one almighty orgasm, no one else has ever done that to me so well before I was gob smacked, in shock at her words, no one? I asked, nope not even your father got me off that well with just his hands, youre learning fast. Thinking back, her words couldve been an exaggeration of the truth, but, it might really have been the case that our illicit taboo and incest driven actions really had fired her to new heights of lust and pleasure.

Mom relaxed her thighs and I withdrew my hand, her vagina seemed a deeper pink, it was still glistening in the lamplight, her fleshiness pouting, let me see your fingers I held them out to her, see she prompted, I looked, my hand glistened too, it was coated in stickiness, as I wiggled and parted my fingers the stickiness linked all of my fingers together in a spider web of wet strandsI studied the phenomenon closely, it was sweet scented, that is mommys cum baby she told me, women have cum too? I queried, amazed by this fact, she nodded grinning. Bring your hand here she instructed, She sat forward her beautiful breasts spilling forwards too, her hand took my wrist, my glistening cum soaked fingers were pulled to my mothers mouth, she angled my hand and guided my little pinkie finger into her mouth, her tongue swirled around, her lips pulled up along the finger as she tasted and sucked her own cum from it, it tickled and felt wonderfully weird. She released my finger and her grip on my wrist, I always taste my own cum, it tastes so sweet, do you want to try some, Im not forcing you, its up to you? I looked at my cummy fingers and decided if I were to be a man then I should not do things by halves. I brought my shiny thumb to my lips and tentatively I drew it into my mouth, I sucked, I found that there wasnt a nasty taste but a subtle low sweetness, I licked and sucked, pulling my thumb out with a plop! Nice I told her, rub your fingers over my pussy again, but gently please, well play with my cum some more I closed my fingers and slid them lightly over her still slippery hot flesh, as I touched her she inhaled shakily and I sent a quiver through her body, my fingers were soon soaked once more. I took them back looking at mom for her next instruction. Now kneel back like before I did and sat back on my heels, my hard cock standing to attention and pointing directly at her, rub my cum over your penis, with your dry hand make sure you pull back on your foreskin, cover your cock completely. I did as she told me, the slippery wet cum spread over my genitals; it felt so good to cover my pink swollen tip with it, I didnt miss any part of my erection and even spread it over my balls. Good she proclaimed, now stroke your foreskin slowly up and down for me I did and was amazed with the ease at which my usually tight nipple slid smoothly up and over my knob and off again, I began to speed up lost in this new naughty sensation, whoa, steady son, dont get too carried away youll spoil the surprise I stopped stroking myself and asked what surprise. She explained herself, mommy so loves the taste of her own cum that she wants some more I thought no problem, I went to reach with my hand for her still accessible sex, she caught my hand and stayed it. She spoke as she moved, changing her position from sitting to kneeling, no need for fingers, when there is mommies cum ready to eat right here a jolt of realisation and excitement shot through me as all at once she lowered her head and took my boy hard cock into her open moist mouth. I hissed my approval as her lips travelled to my newly planted pubic hair, then as her head lifted her lips pulled tightly and her tongue swirled around my rock hard shaft, the sensations were out of this world, then she sucked on the nipple of my foreskin before letting my cock spring free, my cock was wet from her mouth, she didnt stop there though. Her hand gripped my shaft and slid back my foreskin exposing the engorged head, she licked me like a lollipop, the tip of her tongue skimming the very tip, then licking around the back of the helmet, my cock swelled more, then her lips were on the side of my shaft, lightly brushing up and down, then her head dipped low again and she was sucking my balls then licking them, her attention was driving me wild, Id never imagined anything like this, or that anything could feel so fantastic. Then she stopped, she said a little breathlessly, Mmmmm I my cum tastes so good on your cock, Im sooo turned on baby. Then her mouth was over me again, kissing my

knob, licking its most sensitive place, I moaned, my eyes watching my mother performing perfect oral sex on my virgin penis, I could see her pendulous breasts hanging down, I reached for them and cupped their heavy form, squeezing at her nipples as before. She moaned her gratitude into my cock, then her mouth swallowed me deep again, her head rising and falling, the pressure of her firm lips varying from tight to soft, sometimes working my foreskin up and down, sometimes not, her tongue lashing and flicking, then her hands were on my thighs as she upped her tempo, slurping noisily, sucking, my tip deep in her hot wet mouth, her moans as she enjoyed having me at her mercy, my breaths got shorter, my cock throbbed and twitched, each time she felt my reactions she moaned, I was now being brought to that irresistible place, a place Id managed myself before now, but this was different, mom was in control, and I was travelling headlong to orgasm that I could not choose. My cock grew hot as her smooth wet action teased it to the point of no return. I thought Id better warn her as I felt it begin at the very base of my hardness, mom! I said, but her work continued, maybe she hadnt heard, louder mom! my shaft flexed, the knob swelled, still she moved up and down my oh so sensitive rod, MOM!!, IM GOING TO CUM, SOON!, she heard, because she mumbled something whilst tonguing my red hot tip, it rose like a tide, thickening my solid shaft, her lips tight around my helmet, she sucked, my hips twitched, my penis flinched then jumped, my hands went to moms head as I exploded in her mouth, I cried out with joy, her lips worked my shaft in and out, milking another explosion of cum from me, she moaned with each powerful hot release, slurping, sucking, lapping, relentlessly and greedily taking it all from me as my cock continued to throb, with each throb another jet of cum, my ass was raised up from my ankles as I instinctively pushed my cock at her mouth, jolting pleasure, orgasms the like Id never experience before, her head bobbing, as I came and came, throbbing, turned to pulsing, pulsing to twitches as my mother emptied every last drop of semen and brought my cock to the final pleasurepain. I had to hold her head and urge her off my spent manhood, as she released my hard on, I looked for my cum, firstly at the base or on my balls, then I checked the shaft, no cum, but I had shot load after load, my cock glistened wet, mom guessed my puzzlement, that was delicious darling, thank you you swallowed it all? I said, u uhhuh, and there was a lot baby, I wasnt expecting such copious amounts There isnt usually I admitted. I stretched out on my back, my cock still erect but beginning to soften slightly. Mom lay her head on my chest looking down on my recovering penis, her hand went to it and cupped it underneath, its beautiful you know, perfectly formed and it plays so well, I love feeling it go limp, I can feel its weight really? I asked, oh yeah, I cant wait to have it fucking me It was a little after 9 pm and mom had suggested a supper, all the curtains were drawn shut in the house and shed also said that it might be fun for us both to roam around naked. I loved the idea; of course I couldnt keep my eyes off my mother appraising and admiring her every movement, as she turned, bent, leant the views were so erotic, and even though my flaccid penis was spent, it hung uncharacteristically heavy between my thighs. As I helped to dry the dishes suddenly moms stood close behind me pressing her breast into my shoulder blades and slipping her arms around my waist in a cuddle, my cock twitched, her warmth spreading through me. She kissed my neck, then asked me you OK so far, happy still with our little arrangement? Oh yes I said and I twisted around to face her, my arms went around her and we hugged,

my cock was beginning to swell and as it lifted it brushed moms thigh, well, well, someone is thinking naughty thoughts again, I think we should turn in early tonight, theres plenty of room in mommies big bed my heart thudded hard, she took my hand and led me to the stairs switching off all the lights as we went, my eyes clung to her round bottom as we climbed the stairs to the bedroom. By the time wed slipped under the duvet my cock was impressively hard again, we snuggled up together, one thing I hadnt considered was kissing mom on the mouth, but here we were so close, nose to nose almost, we smiled and then we kissed, just a peck at first, her mouth was soft and welcoming and I pressed my lips to hers again, she met me half way, her mouth tasted sweet and as I kissed her I thought about how her mouth had earlier performed magic on my penis, as we kissed she rolled onto her back, her hands pulling me with her, still kissing I lay on top of her, my hard cock pressed into her lower belly. Her hands slid down my back and grabbed my bottom, she mmmmd, feels nice and firm, two nice hand fulls her fingers massaged my buttocks, pulled them apart and ran a finger down the centre. We kissed some more then she broke away, ready for your next lesson with mommy? I nodded, OK lets get your lovely big cock touching my pussy, I wriggled myself lower until my cock made contact with her course hair. Im not going to instruct you, do what come naturally to you, just make sure Im ready for you she advised. Oh! And push the quilt off so we can both see what youre doing to me. I eased myself a little lower, cock level with moms sex, her thighs were slightly apart and the scent of her drifted up, I pushed my tip at her outer lips but didnt get very far, remembering her advice I ran my hand over her closed vagina, letting my middle finger slip between, she was moist there and I rubbed my fingers up and down repeatedly until her moisture coated my fingers, she mewed her enjoyment, I worked and massaged her tight lips around and around, spreading her wet. Open your thighs I urged let me see, she slid her feet up, her knees raised and let her thighs fall open wide. Her pink fleshy wanton pussy was open, wet and pouting. I pushed two fingers in and caressed her curtain like labia, both fingers becoming wet with her instantly, I slid them upward looking for her clitoris, I found it easy as it stood to attention yearning for my first touch. My finger tips pressed its hardness and rubbed it up and down, mom purred aloud and whispered thats it, rub it, rub it around, I love that I focused on her love button, varying my finger pressure and speed, I was encouraged by gasps, moans and comments of approval, her hips rose and fell slightly, I brought my free hand into play, moms slit was pulsing so I slid a long finger into it and wiggled it about in her hot wet tightness, oooh baby she hissed youre doing mommy so well I kept on masturbating her now bigger clit while I finger fucked her cunt. A few minutes later she said excitedly between breathless panting fuck me lover, give me your thick hard cock, please! In a second I was above her, my hands holding me up over her, my throbbing cock pointing threateningly at her soft slippery pussy, her breathing was erratic and shallow; I positioned myself right at her tight entrance, moving my hips forward my swollen cock was resting at her opening, I took it slow, I wanted to ensure that I got all of that first time feeling, I inched myself forward, watching my cock as it slipped serenely into her, her heat and juices tightly caressed the end of my hardness, I felt my foreskin roll smoothly back as her sweet tightness welcomed me in, I drove my cock all the way into her, she gasped and a cry escaped my lips. I began ramming her for all my worth, thrusting hard and fast, my face buried into her neck, my cock was burning hot as it slid in and out of her silky wet sleeve, I knew I was close to cumming, that desire was upon me and as always irresistible as

ever, lost in the moment, her voice broke through, telling me to stop, whoa, hold on my climax was on the rise and I didnt want to stop, her hands were on my shoulders as she fought to push me away, just stop will you! I stopped my hips thrusting and lay panting my cock still inside her but throbbing uncontrollably my climax closer, take him out, quickly she said urgently, I pulled back quickly, my meat slid out fast and glistening, I flipped onto my back and lay by her side, whats wrong I panted, what did I do wrong? she answered you were doing wonderfully baby, and when you slid your cock into me I was in heaven, you felt so good in me, then you went at me like a battering ram and it suddenly wasnt as sexy as it should have been, and from the signs I gather you were about to cum? I nodded and explained that I couldnt help myself, that it felt so wonderful and that I thought that, that was how you were supposed to do it. Mom said that sometimes a quickie worked well, but tonight we had all the time in the world and to get the best out of our sex we could take it slower, you have me so turned on, and so worked up, if we can make it last longer well have such a climax together. She held me to her, in all of the uncertainty my cock had softened and lay at half mast on my tummy, a dribble of cum at its head, suck my tits while I get your love muscle back in the game, thats if youre ready to fuck mommy again? My mouth went to her firm breasts, showering them with wet kisses, licking their saucer sized areoles and sucking on her long erect nipples, I felt her soft fingers pulling at my already growing manhood, caressing my balls, stroking its thickening shaft, her fist finally pulling my foreskin down, then she was guiding me, once again I moved over her, she held my cock tight as I carried on making love to her wonderful soft tits. I felt her hand pulling, leading me, my hips settled between her open thighs again, mom drew my hard aching penis to her open vagina, I pushed my hips as she controlled my entry, she slid my rock hard cock into her, her fingers moving along its thick veiny shaft feeding another inch into herself, her pussy tenderly swallowed my thickness, soft warm waves of pleasure enveloping my slowly sinking knob, her fingers delicately cupped my balls as she let all of me slide into her, my balls pressed tight at her buttocks, I very slowly began to fuck my mother, easing myself in and out, controlling each stroke, I heard an mmmmm as I slid my thickness steadily back and forth, my ball sac soaked in her love juice, pulling my hips back until the tip of my rod was at her opening again, then plunging purposely deep again, moms hips began to rise up to meet my thrusts, then her thighs wrapped tightly about my slim waist, her hands on my hard bottom pulling me into her, I lifted my busy mouth from her breasts and her she craned her neck forcing her open mouth onto mine, her tongue driving between my teeth, our mouths melted into one anothers, my tongue pushed its way into her hot panting mouth, gasping, desperate, longing to be kissed so passionately, my hips ground into her crotch not, still smoothly and slowly I fucked her lustful pussy. She had one hand on my bottom its fingers splayed pulling me into her, her other hand stroked my back, her hard pointy nipples pressed into my chest, our bodies moved as one, writhing, the smell of her sex and my skin all around us. Then her hands held me so tight and her she stopped kissing me, her lips went close to my ear as if shed become short of breath, panting fast. It began as the faintest of squeals, her body held me so tight, her body going rigid, then it shuddered, she cried out like she was in pain, she arched herself against me, holding on for dear life, another whimper by my earlobe, then she relaxed from me, breathing hard, I slowed and stopped moving, looking at her face for an explanation, unsure of what had just taken place between us. Her face had a damp sheen, her eyes wide and lips wide open yet she wasnt seeing me, slowly I mustve come into focus, she smile then asked

why have you stopped, never seen your mother have an orgasm before, a big one at that?, I laughed, that was so, so good baby, now go get me another one, I mustve looked confused, fuck me, keep on going, make it last, theres more where that one came from! I kissed her lips and started to push back and forth again, her pussy heat was unbelievable and swimming with juices, I glided so smoothly forcing my cock as deep as I could ensuring that my balls slapped against her ass, as I powered into her I twisted my groin, so as my balls hit I rolled my hips in a grinding movement, this brought a gasped response from mom, so I did it again on the next stroke and the one after that, oh god she croaked, where did you learn that, ooh my clit loves that I felt great, I felt like a man, I was on the pace, I was determined not to cum too soon and I was pleasuring a woman whom I had loved all my life. I thrust and crushed, making sure her clitoris got its attention, and her moans increased with every meaningful stroke, her lips were at my ear again nibbling at my lobe, her hands running up and down my back sometimes caressing my rising bottom. My cock was starting to tingle right at it thick base and as much as I tried to ignore its presence I knew I was heading for climax. As if sensing this mom whispered go faster if you want, fuck me harder, fill me up, Ill be with you all the way, I so want you to have me my cock twitched more from her words than it labours, I straightened my arms raising myself up, I looked down on my mothers big round tits, I looked lower to see myself pumping in and out of her sexy body, my head was spinning with desire, I went a little faster, she released me from her thighs as she let them fall open, as if surrendering herself to me, her hands went to my shoulders, her eyes burning into mine, her mouth open with anticipation, groans coming from deep within her throat, I went faster, cock sinking deep as my groin crushed her swollen clitoris and engorged labia, her throaty sounds became guttural and her breathing laboured, her eyes pleading for more, sweat on my brow and beads of sweat on my lower back, my own climax close at hand, I thrust my hips harder and faster, my balls slapping loudly on her ass, faster still, my eyes still fixed on hers, she looked up at me with a desperation, licking then biting her bottom lip, mmm go on, oh god, oh yes, please her voice shaky almost emotional, her urging added to my own excitement, now she moaned and her hips were rising up to meet my downward thrusts, I was now thumping into her relentlessly and my cock was harder than it had ever been, I was panting, mom craned bringing her mouth to mine, I crushed my lips to hers, I cried into her open mouth as my climax finally hit, her own moans were lost in me, I fell into her arms, still pumping like crazy, kissing her mouth, then her neck, then I was biting her hard nipples, she cried out again and again as I pounded away, my throbbing thick penis pumping its hot creamy load into its velvety tight surroundings, moms hips bucked beneath me, determined to have all of my cock and my cum, her swollen cunt wanting to be filled, needing to be satisfied, my hips shook as I felt surge after surge of cum rise and shoot from my young hard cock. Mom wrapped me up tight in her arms as she rode out orgasm after orgasm, a mixture of whimpers, groans, moans and hisses, in between those, words like fuck me, yes, harder, oh god, please, love it, right there and love you struggled from her lips. We climaxed breathlessly together, writhing, holding each other, at the end of our joyful union, we lay as we were, catching our breaths, panting and smiling at each other, my head on her breasts as her chest rose and fell, my well spent cock softening inside her, our mingled cum juices running from her glowing pussy. Sometime later as midnight approached we headed still naked to the bathroom, no inhibitions, no coyness, mom stepped into the shower as I peed into the toilet, I

quickly swilled my face and soaped my body, mom was out of the shower, as I was looking around for a bath towel, she held one in her hands and wrapped it around herself, then she held it open in and invited me in, she closed the towel around us both and rubbed it over my back, in a few minutes we were drying off nicely, mom unwrapped us and used the fluffy towel all over me, she even gently dried my shrunken flaccid penis, she talked as she pampered me, did I teach you well today, you certainly proved yourself to be quite the lover man? It was different to how I imagined I replied, I didnt know what I was missing, Ive only really kissed a couple of girls at school before today. Mom asked are you still OK about not telling your father when he comes home on Monday, do we still have a deal? I nodded enthusiastically and said yes. She went on, we can still do things if you want, but I dont want to force you, but I have to admit that not even I could have known how exciting and fulfilling our sex would be? I thought before answering, and then I said, Id love that, to learn more I mean, see if I can keep making you happy, its fun and it felt so great today. Mom was dressing herself in a tight vest which really shaped and showed off her large round breasts the nipples poking through. Then she told me how she had always had a high sex drive and how through no fault of his own that dads was not so. As we left the bathroom she continued talking and said finally I just really love and really need sex, with your dad and I estranged I seek to have no strings attached sex with like minded men, like Richard, when a man isnt available I pleasure myself I gasped in shock, its true she said, just the same as you, I have a few sex toys, Im skilful with my fingers and I too, like you, enjoy the shower my head was dizzy although my burnt out cock was immune to her admissions. On the stair landing I headed for my own bedroom, hey dont you want to stay with me the rest of the night? I paused and said OK, can Ill just get some sleep shorts and come in. Mom switched out the lights and we settled down, a gap between us, I lay flat on my back eyes open looking up, I was tired but unable to give myself to sleep while sharing a bed. Mom shifted and closed the space between us, sleepy yet? she asked, I answered yes and no, she lay on her side facing me, I could feel her mint breath on my face, she moved and her hand stroked my hard chest, relax she told me, I closed my eyes, her fingers softly trailed down to my tummy making it flutter, her hand stopped at my shorts and drifted back up, she kept doing this and it felt very nice. Is this helping you to get to sleep baby? Not really I admitted but I do like it, good she whispered. She carried on, although I noticed her fingers lingering at my shorts waistband for longer each time, may I go further? she asked, I said she could. Her flat hand slipped under the elastic and snaked down, she found my little patch of pubic hair and ran her fingers in and out of it, this still felt nice but my cock remained dead and dormant. Her hand slipped a little further into my shorts and found my small soft penis; she touched me so lovingly and tenderly, I love your penis you know, I love it even now, its skin is so silky and I was amazed and very impressed by its raging hardness earlier, you have a good size. Its over four inches! I boasted proudly. It felt much bigger, it is very thick, and you used it like a pro, and as you witnessed you and him gave me a wonderful time I like how she called my penis him. She caressed him over and over; it stirred slightly but remained sleepy. In the end I rolled toward my mother and we cuddled and slept. I awoke dreamily to a stirring beneath the duvet, a grey light filtered through the curtains, it was still very early, I strained my eyes to see where mom was, I couldnt

see her, then I felt my shorts slipping down my hips and they were soon dragged from my feet, her warm body lay next to my legs, I felt hands on each side of my bony hips, then moist heat on my genitals, I felt a tongue licking around, then a warm soft tugging at my soft penis, mom was horny again and she was skilfully arousing my cock. As it filled out her mouth took more of it, I grew in her mouth, her teasing tongue encouraging its swelling, I was soon fully hard and all I could see was a shape under the duvet. Again she was giving me irresistible joy; her mouth rode my stiff shaft using her tongue to tease its big pink mushroom head. I felt her soft hand stroke me as her lips encircled my knob and sucked noisily. I lay back delirious, loving the moment. All of a sudden mom shifted again, the duvet bulged and the bed rocked, the next thing I knew, moms full round bottom was in front of my face, it radiated heat and I found myself inhaling the natural musky perfume of her aroused pussy. I placed both of my hands on her smooth, firm and warm ass cheeks. Mom was licking and sucking my erection again, I threw back the quilt and in the grey light managed to make out her form. She stopped pleasuring me to say, You see and feel what Im doing for you? I said yep, she replied Id like you to do the same for me, if you use your mouth and tongue the way you kissed me before youll do me great, touch me like I taught you except with your tender tongue I have to say that I was not so sure about this, I lay looking up between her thighs and even in the gloomy light I could make out her sex and ass. As I pondered, mom was again at my cock, bending it as she sucked hard. I put my hands on her cheeks again and guided her down onto my face. The scent from her sex was damp and very strong but not unpleasant; I moved my face closer to breath in more of her unique perfume, she radiated heat on my face. I stuck out my tongue tentatively and just lightly brushed moms curtain of fleshy wet labia, the texture surprised me, so soft but with a weight of its own, mom mmmd, I drew back quickly, tasted my tongue and was pleasantly surprised to find a nice mild salty taste. I led with my extended pointy tongue again, this time playing over her labia again; they danced and slid over my probing tongue, my tongue slipped effortlessly around her sex soaked pussy, remembering where the clitoris was, her slit especially, I went from clit to slit, from slit to clit, lashing the labia, flicking her hard button, mom moaned and mumbled into my cock as my tongue explored all of her open pussy, I went for her slit, I gave no warning, my stiff straight tongue slipped into her tight wetness, her pelvis instinctively pushed back into my face, as I tongue fucked her, her wet pussy rubbed against my face and I immersed myself into her hot yielding flesh, tongue buried deep and the tip of my nose in the valley of her ass. I could still feel mom working around my cock, shed stopped the oral and was using both hands to gently wank me, sometimes tickling my balls. Ready to cum yet? she asked, I think if you stroke me harder and faster I could very soon I said, OK but I want to watch your cock shoot and with that she turned around and moved up my body straddling me, she hovered her pussy right over my face, from this position she was able to flick on a bedside lamp, the light was bright, and I was happy that I could enjoy the sight of her voluptuous body again. She said Im going to make and watch you cum for me, she pulled an extra pillow across the bed and added it to the one already under me, I stared intently at her pussy again, once my head was bolstered up she lowered her pussy to me, I placed my hands under her bottom and began licking her again all over her sex, I want you to concentrate just on my clitoris, use your mouth any way you want, work mommies button till I scream I lapped upward, my tongue flatly covering her rubbery hard clit, I kissed it, I closed my lips around it, moms hands were on my head forcing me to add pressure to the spot, my tongue around and over it, her hands pulled my mouth onto her, I circled her clitoris with my

tongue tip, and I could hear her excitement building, then not only was she pulling my mouth on to her hardness she was pumping her hips against my face, her movements became more powerful, her hands pulled my face so tight into her soaked vagina that I worried that I might suffocate, her pumping turned to thrusting and I couldnt move, she had me trapped, her hot pussy was grinding over my mouth, I sucked and licked blindly but at the same time fighting for breath, my lips, my tongue and my teeth fought with her hungry cunt, finally her control was total and I was helpless to resist, her powerful thrusts drove my head back to the pillows, her pelvic thrusts rubbed her wet hot pussy up and down my face, I thrust out my tongue and made it stiff, her pussy rode rampantly back and forth over my hard tongue. Then her movement became erratic, those guttural noises in her throat were back, I knew she was cumming, all I had to do was push my face into her wide open snatch as it rode my face, moans filled the bedroom as I eagerly open and closed my mouth, drinking in her cum and urging her orgasm on, I felt her climax through the mattress as she shook violently, her riding of my young face had ceased and sitting over my open mouth were her swollen labia, I sucked and played with them, this very gentle act causing her to moan again aloud and spasm quite noticeably. Phew baby, now youre an expert in eating pussy, scary said I, so she asked me how do you mean, scary? I tried to explain what I meant, well, I said, at one point I thought Id suffocate, you held me against you so tight, as you got more carried away your immense strength overpowered me, earlier when we fucked I realised your bodys power through my cock, this time it seemed greater, just now as you worked out your climax I found out just how powerful sex can be, but you enjoyed it, and you learnt more?, for sure I did, being that close to you and your orgasm, orgasms she corrected, was out of this world. She backed away from my face crawling down my body, now its your turn baby, my cock still stood erect and as she climbed over it she let her wet labia caress my knob, her smooth slick flesh causing my cock to swell some more. She knelt between my knees and stroked me with her hand, I relaxed, the support of the pillows allowing me to view the action, the cum from moms labia had nicely oiled my tip and mom worked my foreskin smoothly up and down, just seeing her stroke me with her sexy tits on show was making me weak, do you like that? I could only manage an mmmmm, what if I do this? she asked and leant forward allowing her large breast to envelop my hard on, I couldnt answer I was too lost in the feel of her heavy beauties, so smooth, so warm, the thrill making my cock spasm hard, I felt harder and bigger than ever, the dull ache began in my loins, my cock nestled so sweetly between moms tits excited me incredibly, mom began moving herself around, her tits swaying and caressing my now very sensitive manhood, seeing my cock appear and disappear between her large orbs was blowing my mind and climax was not far off, then to my surprise just as I though it couldnt get better than that, her hands held her big tits at the sides and sandwiched my cock, she held them tight around me, I was in heaven, her heat, her silky skin squeezing my shaft my climax building up, do you want to cum all over mommies tits?, I was surprised by her question, its alright baby, I want you to, you want to dont you? the thought struck home and I knew that I really wanted to do that, the though almost causing me to explode right away. The words got stuck in my mouth so mom took this to mean yes. She moved up and down, her boobs trapping my cock tightly, the view magnificent , the feeling electrifying, her warm pliant flesh was rolling my foreskin on and off my now hardened and swollen helmet its bright pink colour standing out against her pale

skin, my knob slipping in and out of her round tits, she moved them faster and spat down between their valley moistening my cock making it course slippery, I felt my cum nearing its climb, her tits stroked up and down, my cock growing ever hotter and harder, I swallowed hard biting down on my bottom lip, I became restless and fidgety my hips twitching, now mom speed up as she sensed my steadily approaching climax, I want you to cum for me, I want to see and feel you shoot your hot load her talk brought me closer still, fuck my tits, give me all your spunk her firm heavy tits were making me throb, my cock thickened as orgasm began to rise, look at his precum, cum for mommy my cock grew heavy, grew rock hard, her tits travelling the length of my young pole, she held her face directly over my cock, the cum rose quickly, surging up my readied cock, I came hard, I watched as the first stringy jet fired into her grateful face, her lips closed but her eyes wide open, she mmmmd a second string of cum shot into her face, I saw it went high into her hair, some cum was dribbling down the sides of my thick pulsing cock, making her tits slippery and adding to the wonderful experience, my cock fired off hot jet after hot jet of scalding hot cum, moms face was covered, my cock throbbed wildly emptying itself, cum now spurted over the top of her breasts as they continued to massage my exploding cock, cum spat effortlessly now not shooting as powerfully but unloading liberally all over her tits, my hips rising as if to pump more and more, dribbles of cum were visible now, yet my cock still enjoyed spasms and throbbed uncontrollably. Moms face and breasts glistened with my cum, Id lost count of how many spurts Id enjoyed, I knew that the number was higher than ever before. Oh baby, that was wonderful, you did mommy proud, look what you did her tongue licked around her mouth, cum was all over her face and hair, she released my trembling cock and cum ran down my shaft, my balls were soaked with cooling runny semen, my pink flushed cock had begun to soften, I felt happy but drained. Mom went and cleaned herself up and we cuddled up to sleep for a few more hours. END OF PART ONE

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