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VOL.5 NO.1

January 2013









Contact: Phone: +91 40 2351 0830 Email: Web:


At HGA, we take our environmental and social obligations seriously. Our readers are aware of the efforts put in by us to preserve the ecology in our environs. On previous occasions we have highlighted the multiple increase in the flora and fauna in our course due to sustained efforts to create an eco balance for its growth. Not many are aware of our involvement and commitment to the society surrounding us. We have been particularly active in the following areas: 1. Training and providing employment to scores of youngsters from the neighborhood as caddies. This has helped these deprived young men to keep off the streets as also supplement their family earnings. Involvement in primary education in Golconda area through support of free schools. Special facilities and tournaments for caddies to improve their golfing skills so as to prepare them to take up a career in golf. Free distribution of books & furniture to Schools. In co-ordination with the local NGO's we will be conducting programs to clean upand maintain the Golconda residential area

2. 3. 4. 5.

We have recently added Health Care for the under privileged to our list. We ran a free Health Camp at HGA for the residents of our neighborhood in November. More on this in this issue. In addition HGA donated Rs.50000 to the Jaguar Westin Charity Tournament towards Heal the Child Foundation and another Rs.50000 to the Rotary Charity Tournament. Members and their families' who are interested in supporting our Free Education and Health Care Projects either as volunteers or in kind are requested to contact our Committee Member Avinash Gupta who is coordinating this activity. He will welcome all the help that he can get.
Gorur V.S. Murthy




A panoramic view of the camp

In co-ordination with the Obstetrics & Gynaecological Society of Hyderabad, HGA organized a Free Multi Specialty Health Camp on Sunday the 11th of November 2012.The Camp was attended by 450 people. The multi-disciplinary camp included specialists in General Medicine, Pediatrics, ENT, Skin, Oncology, Ophthalmology and General Surgery. Free Health tests and medicines worth Rs.27000 were provided for the needy. HGA proposes to conduct this Free Camp in its premises on a regular basis.

A specialist taking care of the patient


From Scotland a helping hand for our budding champions: PGA pro George Bruce (Westhill Golf Club) and his team were recently at HGA on a coaching trip to India and spreading the word of the Paul Lawrie Foundation. George ran a flag event for juniors which went down really well.

George and his team with the HGA Pro Sanjay Singh and our juniors

Our international referees in the making: As part of agreement with the R&A, the IGU has established a permanent Rules Education and Certification Program, in India. The 4th Introductory Rules School for the C Certificate was held at the Madras Gymkhana Club, Chennai on 01 Dec 2012. Our members Ajay Kumar and Sreenath Rao attended the same and, after a test, qualified for the certificate. Those desirous of obtaining the IGU-R&A B and A certificates must perforce pass the Introductory school with 70 % marks or better or would have passed any of the R&A travelling Rules Schools, in India or elsewhere with a minimum of 60 % marks. This has now become mandatory for all those wishing to referee any event in India. In addition, annually, 2 best performers with the A certificate will be nominated to attend the R&A Rules School at St.Andrews, Scotland, for the International accreditation. We hope to soon see both Ajay and Sreenath Rao as referees in International Meets. Monthly Subscription to go up: Members are aware that we have expanded our golf facility and we now have 16 holes (instead of the 9 holes) in operation As a consequence we have an additional financial burden to maintain the same, The Club Management has therefore decided to levy a monthly course maintainence fees of Rs.200 on all members from 1st January 2013. The levy will appear as a part of your monthly bill.


The signature event in our calendar took place on 9th November 2012. The coveted and prestigious green jacket was fought over two days with our President Vikramdev Rao being the worthy recipient. The gala dinner and prize distribution was attended by a record number.

The winner 2012 Vikramdev Rao with his trophy

The Full Monty- the entire Management Committee

The Sponsors for the Evening - Legend Builders (Mr. Nageswar Rao & Mr. Rajashekar Reddy)


The German auto major conducted its National Level Play Off for the first time at HGA. In the Hyderabad leg 92 players played and HGA members dominated it. The national finals had 80 entries from 12 golf clubs all over India.

A Mini Cooper floating in our lake courtesy BMW


Jaguar Invitational Annual Tournament

Spectra and Votary Tech Tournament

Touche Golf . Team Winners our own Bandits All


Winner 1st Net Runner-Up 2nd Net Runner-Up Gross Winner Winner Runner up Winner Runner up Captains Cup 2012 Underline Header :J. Vikramdev Rao :Capt.BLK Reddy :- Ajit Mohandas & Santosh Lohiya Ajit Mohanda :C.V. Ramana Longest Drive :Sanjay Kamtam :Ajay Kumar Closest To Pin :Ramchandra Raju :Pradeep Mittal Cop-11 Tournament October 2012 CATEGORY 1 (0-12) NET WINNER N. Chinna Babu NET RUNNER UP O.P Modi . CATEGORY 2(13-18) NET WINNER Ajay Kumar NET RUNNER UP Srinath Reddy CATEGORY 3 (19 and above) NET WINNER V. Chandrasekhar NET RUNNER UP V. Ravilla

Ladies Winner: Sharmila Reddy Jaguar Tournament November 2012 Winner : Jayanth Tagore Ist Runner Up : V. Srinivas 2nd Runner up : C.V.Ramana Reddy Spectra & Votrytech Golf Tournament November 2012 CATEGORY 1 (0-7) NET WINNER Ch. Mohan Rao CATEGORY 2 (8-13) NET WINNER A.K.Reddy NET RUNNER UP Y. Nagi Reddy Straight Drive Closest to Pin Happy Gilmore : : : NET WINNER Atul Singh NET RUNNER UP R. Alluri A.Sridhar Reddy C.S.RamaRao Bongu Hanumanth Rao

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CATEGORY 3 (14-18)

BMW Golf Tournament December 2012 CATEGORY 1 (0-12) NET WINNER Boda Dinesh Reddy NET RUNNER UP Rama Evani NET 2nd RUNNER UP Ashok Reddy CATEGORY 2 (13-24) NET WINNER Srinivas Surya Devara NET RUNNER UP Krishna Gudur NET 2nd RUNNER UP Vikaram Dev Rao & Santosh Lohia

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The Volvo tournament held at Hyderabad in November & was won by 2 of our members. Low H/C category : Winner Rohan Reddy High H/C Category : Winner BVK Raju Both the winners qualified to play in the National Finals.

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Monthly Medal Round Fourth Quarter
Gross Winner

Ashok Reddy

Anirudh Kumar

C.Dayakar Reddy

Net (H/C) Winner Net (H/C) Runnersup Closest To Pin Straightest Drive

D.S.Sumanth Mst. Rahul Ajay Ghouse Mohiuddin N.Chinna Babu

V.Srinivas B.V.K.Raju Mohan K.Reddy B. Hanumanth Rao

J. Vikramdev Rao Mst. Karan Bharat B. Dinesh Reddy V.Chandrasekhar

1st Ladies Golf Tournament November 2012 Winner Runner up Longest Drive Closest to pin : : : : Mrs.Kathereni Danani Mrs.Sharmila Reddy Ms.Susmitha Reddy Ms.Sneha Singh

HGA Caddies Annual Tournament 2012 Winner Runner up : : Mst. Mujahed Mst.Irfan

Doubles Better Ball Tournament 2 Quarter 2012 Winners Runner-up : : Rakesh Vadlamudi and. Sachin Tummalla P .V.J.Varma and M. Srinivas

Doubles Shot Doubles AlternateBetter Ball Tournament 3rd Quarter 2012 Winners Runner-up : : Shekar Nukala and Kali Prasad Gadiraju Jayant Tagore and N. Chinna Babu

Youre a GOLFaholic if... You think that some day youll shoot your age, when a more realistic goal would be to shoot your weight! You know theres more to life than golf, but youre not interested in finding out what it is! You quit the game forever, twice a month! You buy every new golf gizmo that comes out! You think youre skillful and everybody else is lucky!

The only number on your speed dial is 1-800-TEETIME. You have your priorities in order: food, shelter, greens fees, job. You dream you go to prison but still get conjugal visits with your driver. You tell the lost motorist that the gas station is only a par 4 away on the left. Youd like to take off your glove but hey, why bother? Whenever you see a hole in the ground, you squat, squint and read the line. Youre vaguely aware of living with a woman, allegedly your wife

You miss the ball, but still think it was a great swing! The new clubs you just bought cost more than your mortgage and car payment combined! You cant break a 100 but still think you could give Tiger a few tips!

You ask the shopper ahead in the checkout line if you can play through. Before you pick up the salt shaker, you mark its position with a dime.

Top Ten Signs Youre Golfing Too Much

When you pick up something off the floor, you have to lean on your putter

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