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OpenShift is Red Hat's Cloud Computing Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering. A version of the private cloud is named Open Shift Enterprise. OpenShift is an application platform in the cloud where application developers and teams can build, test, deploy, and run their applications.

OpenShift takes care of all the infrastructure, middleware, and management and allows the developer to focus on what they do best: designing and coding applications. The software that runs the service is open-sourced under the name OpenShift Origin, and is available on GitHub. Developers can use Git to deploy web applications in different languages on the platform. Uniquely, OpenShift also supports binary programs that are web applications, so long as they can run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This allows the use of arbitrary languages and frameworks.

Supported Language Environment 1. Node.js 2. Ruby 3. Pyhton 4. PHP 5. Perl 6. Java Supported databases 1. MySQL 2. PostgressSQL 3. MongoDB Supported Frameworks OpenShift supports web-application frameworks by supporting each language's preferred web-integration API, with no required changes to the actual framework code. Rack for Ruby WSGI for Python PSGI for Perl Some frameworks that work unmodified on OpenShift include: CodeIgniter CakePHP Ruby on Rails Django Perl Dancer

Flask Sinatra Tornado OpenShift Platform Available in two different consumption models: the OpenShift Online hosted service and the OpenShift Enterprise on-premise PaaS software product.

Public PaaS OpenShift Online Enterprises that are able to work in public cloud environments can leverage OpenShift Online to begin taking advantage of the massive scale and elasticity of a Public PaaS. It can be used for the following application development needs:

Rapid prototyping Dev/Test in the Cloud Cloud-bursting during peak demand Production application hosting And even "Shadow IT" operations by lines of business

Private PaaS OpenShift Enterprise This brings the technology and the benefits of the OpenShift PaaS platform inside the walls of the customer datacenter or private cloud. OpenShift Enterprise allows enterprise IT organizations that have requirements around security, data privacy, compliance, and/or governance to implement a Private PaaS that they can control and manage within the constraints of their enterprise standards and requirements. And still get the benefits of enhanced developer productivity, a streamlined application service delivery capability, and an elastic, on-demand cloud platform.

Getting Started with OpenShift For a Developer to use OpenShift to take advantage of the power and elasticity of the Cloud, they need only do the following: 1.Create an "Application" in OpenShift (With the command-line or via their IDE) 2.Code the application (in Vi, TextMate, Eclipse, Visual Studio, or whatever) 3.Push the application code to OpenShift (again, with the

command-line or from their IDE)

Here's an example of the command-line approach :

//Create App rhc app create a twt -t python-2.6 //Add MongoDB NoSQL Database rhc app cartridge add -a twt -c mongodb-2.0 //Add Upstream Repo cd twt git remote add upstream -m master git:// git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master //Push Repo git push //Enjoy! http://twt-$

How to Deploy an App to OpenShift 1. Make sure you have created an account at 2. In the OpenShift menu, choose Create Domain. You can only create one domain and this will be considered as your application name space.

3. On the first usage, the application will prompt you for your OpenShift credentials. 4. Enter your credentials and validate to create your domain. At this point, the IDE will create a SSH public and private key and deploy the public key to your OpenShift account. You can view you SSH keys in the SSH Key Manager.

5. You can now create an application. Create a new folder and

select it. In the OpenShift menu, choose Create Application. You will be asked to choose an application name and an application type. After validation, OpenShift will generate the default structure of your application in its remote repository. The repository will automatically be added to the list of remotes and named as "express". 6. To pull the application to your folder, make a Git Pull. 7. You can now modify your application. To update it on the OpenShift server, simply make a Git Add, Git Commit, and Git Push. 8. At all times, you can look at User info to see the list of applications and their related information.

Benefits of OpenShift 1. Accelerated Application Service Delivery. It enhances productivity by removing delay involved with the

server, OS,middleware provisioning through on-demand and selfservice application stack access. 2. Minimized Vendor Lock-in. No proprietary APIs, technologies, or resources are used and this ensures portability. 3. Standardized Developer Workflows. 4. Polyglot - Choice of Programming Languages and Frameworks. 5. Enterprise Apps with Java EE6. 6. Built-in Database Services. 7. SELinux-based Secure Containers for multi-tenancy 8. Remote SSH login to Application Container. 9. Mobile Application Development. 10.System Component Redundancy for High Avalability

References 1. 2. 3.

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