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1) Which one of the following is NOT a valid data type? a. Date/Time b. Real c. Currency d. OLE 2) When you set filter to Exclude specified criteria, --a. only the records matching the specified criteria will be displayed. b. all records other than those matching the specified criteria will be displayed. c. all records will be displayed. d. all records matching the specified criteria will be deleted. 3) The default storage size for Text type data is a. 8 Characters b. 50 Characters c. 255 Characters d. No default size 4) Which of the following number format you will use to store the age of a person? a. Byte b. Integer c. Single d. Double 5) Which is the format that displays a time as 16:00 ? a. Short Time b. Medium Time c. Long Time d. General Time 6) A field name cannot consist of a. Letter A to Z b. Numbers 0 to 9 c. ! d. @ 7) The operator And is a a. Relational operator b. Logical Operator c. Arithmetic operator d. None of these 8) To select a value in the datasheet view, you a. Click to the left of the value b. Double click on the value c. Click anywhere on the value d. Click on the column heading 9) Which one of the following is NOT a valid filter tool in the toolbar? a. Filter by Selection b. Filter by Query

c. Filter by Form d. Apply Filter 10) The process of displaying a subset of specific records that meet a certain criteria is a. Sorting b. Updating c. Filtering d. Browsing 11) The size of Memo field is ..... a. 8K b. 16K c. 32K d. 64K 12) Which of the following operator returns the remainder of division by an integer number? a. < b. * c. Mod d. ^ 13) What is the default width of the columns in the Datasheet view? a. 15.67 b. 8.33 c. 12.00 d. 10.00 14) Which of the following displays the system date? a. Date b. Date() c. Day d. Day() 15) When you reduce the field size of a text field from 25 characters to 10 characters, Access will a. delete all data in the field b. truncates the data in the field to first 10 characters c. truncates the data in the field to last 10 characters d. retains all data but displays only first 10 characters 16) A Dynaset is a a. dynamic view of the datasheet b. a data-entry form created by form wizard c. a subset of records obtained as a result of a query d. a datasheet view created by joining two tables 17) Which is the format that displays a date as 31-Aug-2002 ? a. General Date b. Long Date c. Medium Date d. Short Date 18) A memo field in Access table can store upto ............ characters a. 255 b. 1024

c. 32768 d. 65535 19) An Integer number field can store a. any number from 0 to 255 b. any number from 32768 to +32767 c. any number from 2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647 d. any number 20) When you apply a filter to a record set, Access displays --a. the records in Ascending order. b. the records in Descending order. c. the records meeting the specified criteria. d. the records not meeting the specified criteria. 21) To extract PUT from the word COMPUTER you would use the function a. MID$(COMPUTER,3,3) b. MID$(COMPUTER,4,3) c. LEFT$(COMPUTER,3) d. RIGHT$(COMPUTER,4) 22) A relational database in which each record in one table has only one matching record in the other table is known as a. One-to-many relationship b. One- to-one relationship c. Many-to-One relationship d. Many-to-Many relationship 23) To set up a one-to-many RDBMS it is essential that both tables a.must be sorted b.must have a common field c.must have primary key d.must be Filtered 24) What would happen when you run a query with an invalid field name in the Criteria row of the query? a. The query will run, but return no records. b. An error message will appear informing that the field name is not found. c. A dialog box will appear asking you to enter a parameter value for fieldname specified. d. The square brackets [] will be converted to "" and Access will search for the field name. 25) SupplyDate and OrderDate are two date fields in an Access table. Which of the following queries displays records that match the criteria SupplyDate is not later than 30 days after the OrderDate? a. SupplyDate <= OrderDate + 30 b. [SupplyDate] <= [OrderDate] + 30 c. (SupplyDate) < (OrderDate) + 30 d. SupplyDate < OrderDate + 30 26) Which of the following input mask format you would use to display phone number as 0253-2530373 ? a. !\(9999)\-9999999; b. xxxx-xxxxxxx c. 0000\-0000000;;# d. ####-#######;;#

27) How many types of data types are supported by Access? a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 12 28) Each record in an Microsoft Access database has an unique a. Text field b. AutoNumber field c. Number field d. Date/Time field 29) In a database view you can select the whole table using mouse by a. Triple clicking in the selector column of the table b. Shift Clicking in the selector column of the table c. Clicking in the upper left corner box at the junction of fieldname row and selector column d. Double clicking anywhere in the table 30) Chronological sorting of records means a. sorting records on Numeric field b. sorting records on Text field c. sorting records on a combination of Text and Numeric fields d. sorting records on date field 31) In the toolbox shown, which one is the Command Tool ? a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8 32) To select two or more consecutive columns in a dynaset, you use a. Shift + click b. Ctrl + click c. Alt + click d. Not possible 33) The Query that is normally used to transform record-oriented data into a summary view that resembles an Excel worksheet is a. Cross tab query b. Action query c. Select query d. Parameter query 34) In Datasheet view, a solid triangle in the selector column indicates a. Current record has been selected b. New record is being entered c. Current record is being modified d. Current record is locked 35) Which one is the correct field size for single numeric data type? a.1 byte b.2 bytes c.4 bytes d.8 bytes

36) The operator which is used to test whether a numeric value or Date lies within a specified range of values is a. LIKE b. BETWEEN c. IN d. AND 37) What is the field size of Long Integer data numeric type? a. 1 byte b. 2 bytes c. 4 bytes d. 8 bytes 38) The indicator that appears in the selector field when a record is locked is a. A slash in a circle mark b. A pencil mark c. An Asterisk d. A solid triangle 39) When a numeric value 12300 is entered in a Integer number field formatted as 000000.00, the value will be displayed as a. 12300.00 b. 12300 c. 012300.00 d. 12,300.00 40) To edit a Memo field you press one of the following key combinations a.Shift + F2 b.Ctrl + F2 c.Shift + Enter d.Ctrl + Enter 41) What does the character & represents when used as an Input Mask symbol in a text field? a. Text character is not required b. A numeric digit is required c. A blank space is required d. Any character or space required 42) Which one of the following statement is NOT correct? a. A primary key field acts as an Index. b. A primary key allows entering of duplicate records. c. By default, Access displays records as per the default sort order of the data in the primary key. d. A primary key ensures that each record can be identified with unique data. 43) To show less space between records in a report, you need to adjust the height of the: a. Report Header b. Page Header c. Detail Section d. Page Footer 44) If the Required Field property for a field is set to Yes: a. The type of data you may enter is restricted

b. You must enter data in the field for each record c. You can only enter Yes or No d. All fields must be filled for each record 45) To find records in one table that don't have related records in another table, you would use --a.Find unmatched records query. b.Action query. c.Parameter query. d.Update query. 46) By default, when you enter a value of .12 in a numeric field formatted as Percent, the data is displayed as a..12 b.12.00% c.12% d.12.00 47) A Calculated field is a. a field in a query that computes a value based on data in other fields of the table b. a field in a table which stores totals and sums c. a field in a table that allows numeric data to be entered in it d. a number which tells the total number of fields in a table 48) To ensure that the date entered in a date field is not later than today, the validation rule is, a.Date b.< Date c.>= Date d.<= Date 49) Switchboards are special types of what? a. Forms b. Reports c. Macros d. Queries 50) Which one of the following is not a pre-defined form formats that are available for designing forms a. Columnar b. Tabular c. Justified d. Stepped 51) A negative currency data value of 10000.00 in Currency data type field is displayed as: a. -10,500.00 b. -$10,500.00 c. ($10,500.00) d. (10,500.00) 52) What happens when you click on the Exclamation mark (!) tool? a. the table gets sorted on the primary key b. data entry form is invoked c. a query is executed d. the view toggles between design and datasheet views 53) Which one of the following properties is NOT associated with a field? a. Data type

b. Field Size c. Index d. Fieldname 54) The range of values that can be stored in a Byte is a. 0 to 255 b. 0 to 16 c. 0 to 32768 d. 0 to 127 55) The size of Date/Time field is --a. 2 Bytes b. 4 Bytes c. 8 Bytes d. 16 Bytes 56) You can quickly size a label to fit its text by: a. Double-clicking a sizing handle b. Double-clicking the move handle c. Double-clicking the top or bottom edge d. Double-clicking the text 57) Enforcing Referential Integrity ensures that ... a. You can have orphan records b. You can delete records at random c. You cannot delete a record from the main table if there is a related record in another table d. You can add new records even though there is no related record in the other table 58) The symbol for the Primary key is a. Broken Pencil b. Key c. Lock d. Solid Triangle 59) In a Datasheet view, you can select all the records by clicking mouse a. In the upper left corner box of the table b. In the column field header c. Anywhere in the Table d. Anywhere in the selector box 60) How many types of data types are supported by Access? a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 12 61) The function which returns the current system date is a. DateAdd b. Day c. Date d. DateValue 62) Which is the appropriate data type for storing Rate of an item? a. Text

b. Number c. Long Integer d. Currency 63) Which of the following sections are displayed when you create a Report from scratch in design view? a. Detail Only b. Detail & Report Header/Footer c. Detail & Page Header/Footer d. Detail, Page Header/Footer & Report Header/Footer 64) A Crosstab is a. a query which computes summary totals based on values for each row and column b. a method for moving the cursor using TAB key in the datasheet view c. a query which summerises all numerical fields d. a query which updates the records when new transactions are entered 65) To ensure that phone numbers are entered in the format; (xx) xxxx xxxx you should: a. Set a validation rule b. Create a macro which checks that the data is in the correct format c. Create an input mask d. Use the Conditional Formatting feature 66) Which one of the following is a valid join type? a. Left Inner Join b. Inner Join c. Right Inner Join d. Outer Join 67) SupplyDate and OrderDate are two date fields in an Access table. Which of the following queries displays records that match the criteria SupplyDate is not later than 30 days after the OrderDate? a. SupplyDate <= OrderDate + 30 b. [SupplyDate] <= [OrderDate] + 30 c. (SupplyDate) < (OrderDate) + 30 d. SupplyDate < OrderDate + 30 68) What does & symbol represent when used as a user-defined custom format in a text field? a. a text character (or a space) is required b. a numeric digit is required c. a blank space is required d. a text character is not required 69) An asterisk (*) mark in the selector column of database view indicates a. A new record is being entered b. A record is being deleted c. A record is being modified d. The relevant record has been locked 70) The long form of SQL is a. Summery Query Language b. Structural Query Language c. Simple Query Language d. Sequential Query Language 71) When you sort a set of records using sorting tool in a database sheet view

a. b. c. d.

all associated fields of the records also gets re-arranged the record numbers gets changed along-with the sorting all associated fields of the records do not get re-arranged all other information gets hidden

72) What happens when you press Ctrl+Home key combination in database view? a. Cursor moves to the first field in that row b. Cursor moves to the first field of the first record c. Cursor moves to the last field in the last record d. Cursor moves to the first field in last record 73) To which one of the following data types you can apply Field size property? a. AutoNumber b. Long Integer c. Text d. Currency 74) By defualt, the records in the Database sheet is displayed --a. sorted on Primary key in Ascending order. b. sorted on Primary key in Descending order. c. in the same order as entered. d. in the reverse order of the records enetred. 75) A numeric field with field size as Byte can store numbers from 0 to ........ a. 120 b. 255 c. 1024 d. 64000 76) In a datasheet view, what happens when you press the END key? a. the cursor moves to the last record in the table b. the cursor moves to the last field of the current record c. the cursor moves to the first field of the last record d. Nothing happens 77) Numeric data value of 4567.976 will be displayed in General number format as a. 4567.976 b. 4,567.98 c. 4,567.976 d. (4567.98) 78) When you apply a filter to a database in datasheet view, the records meeting the filter criteria a. gets hidden b. gets deleted c. gets copied d. gets displayed 79) To convert a string type data to numeric type, you would use the function aVAL bSTR cNUM dCHR

80) By default, Currency Number format displays numbers as a. 1234.5 b. 12345 c. $1,234.50 d. 1,234.50 81) To select two or more non-consecutive columns in a Dynaset, you use a. Shift + click b. Ctrl + click c. Alt + click d. Not possible 82) When drawing or adjusting a line, keep it straight by holding the: a. [Alt] key b. [Ctrl] key c. [Tab ] key d. [Shift] key 83) The expression to show one week from today is: a. Date() + 7 b. Date + 7 c. Today +7 d. 7 + Date() 84) Which of the following validation rule correctly evaluates Age to be between 20 and 55? a. 20 > Age < 55 b. BETWEN 20 TO 55 c. BETWEN age > 20 AND age < 55 d. BETWEN 20 AND 55 85) To select more than one consecutive columns in the database sheet, a. click on the columns one by one b. hold down Ctrl key when you select columns c. hold down Shirt key when you select columns d. hold down Alt key when you select columns 86) To which one of the following fields you can't assign a data type? a. Text b. Date/Time c. AutoNumber d. Number 87) Which one of the following is NOT a valid filter tool in the Datasheet view? a. Filter by Selection b. Filter by Query c. Filter by Form d. Apply Filter 88) To store numeric value 3.14 which number format you will use? a. Integer b. Single c. Long Integer d. Byte

89) Long Date pre-defined format displays the dates as a. 11/23/98, 08:35:00 AM b. 23-Nov-98 c. Monday, November 23, 1998 d. 23/11/98 90) To which one of the following data types, you cant set pre-defined display format? a. Number b. Currency c. Date/Time d. Text 91) Medium Date pre-defined format displays dates as a. 11/23/98,08:35:00 AM b. 23-Nov-98 c. Monday, November 23, 1998 d. 23/11/98 92) Indicate the appropriate data type to store data value Number of students a. Currency b. Integer c. AutoNumber d. Text 93) A query which computes summary totals based on values for each row and column is known as a. Update query b. Action query c. Make Table query d. Cross tab query 94) The process of displaying a subset of records meeting a spcific criteria is known as --a. Sorting b. Filtering c. Updating d. Browsing 95) A query which computes summery totals in the form of rows and columns is known as a. Action query b. Cross-tab query c. Parameter Query d. Summery query 96) Indicate the appropriate data type you would use to store Married or not type of information. a. Text b. Yes/No c. Look Up d. OLE 97) In the Toolbox shown in the figure identify the More Controls tool a. 1 b. 2 c. 6 d. 9

98) What is the input mask to ensure that the data is exactly 4 characters long and starts with letter S a. ????S b. S???? c. S??? d. S!!!! 99) The margin to the left of your text is known as ? a. Selection Bar or strip ------b. Margin Setter c. Control Pannel d. None of the above 100)Which key would you press to undo a latest action? a. Ctrl + n b. Ctrl +z ------c. Shift + z d. Shift + n 101)When you copy a selected text option it gets stored in ? a. RAM b. Hard disk c. BIOS d. Clipboard ----------- 102)If you type any documents in WORD each word would be checked with? a. Previous data b. Dictionary -------c. Operating System d. Internet Explorer 103) a. b. c. d. 104) a. b. c. d. 105) a. b. c. d. 106) a. b. c. d. If you do not want to manually correct the spelling you can do by? Autocorrect option ------Autospell option Spellchecker option Correction option If dont want two initial letters of any word to be capital you have to do a setting in ? AutoCorrect Dialog Box -------Dictionary Task Manager Tool Bar This is the basic working difference between the electronic typewriter and MS WORD? Digitizer Joystick Word Wrapping --------Mouse Delete key deletes a character? To the left of the insertion point -------To the right of the insertion point. To the top of the insertion point. To the bottom of the insertion point.

107) Your work in word is automatically stored saved after particular intwerval of time Because of ? a. AuomaticFormatter b. AutoDoc c. AutoRecover --------d. AutoGenerator 108) a. b. c. d. 109) a. b. c. d. 110) a. b. c. d. 111) a. b. c. d. 112) a. b. c. d. 113) a. b. c. d. 114) a. b. c. d. You can go to the end of the document by pressing? End key -------Scroll key Backspace Page Down key How many scroll bar does Word has? 5 2 ------6 1 How much text can you SELECT in word? 1 MB 2 MB 3 MB ANY AMOUNT -------Shift + Ctrl + End what does it do? It deselects the text from insertion point to the end of the document. It selects the text from insertion point to the end of the document It deletes the text from insertion point to the end of the document It inserts the inserts text from insertion point to the end of the document Which of the characters are there in the formatting tool bar? B I U All of the above.--------How can you change the colour of the font? Setting Font Color ---------Background color Form color Cant change the colour. How can you make the sentence in small caps? Cntr + Shift + C Cntr + Shift + V Cntr + Shift + K --------Cntr + Shift + D



UPPERCASE same as Small caps? a. True b. False a. b. c. d. Ctrl + Shift + D Double underlines the text --------Divides the text into two Gives the Direction of the cursor from the insertpoint. NO such function By default what is the page margin of your document 1.5 2 1 0.5 There are the section break that can be applied? Next page and Continuous Section --Odd page or Even Page Section --Previous Page or First Page Section None of the above.


117) a. b. c. d. 118) a. b. c. d. 119)

Ctrl + Shift + > a. Decreases the size of the page> Decreases the size of the font to 10. b. Decreases the size of the font to the next listed size. c. None of the above. a. b. c. d. Word is called versatile because It can show a document in different formats It can be used to type a document which can be used by any software. It can save large amount of data without complaining All above To select the whole page we have the following option? Shift + A Shift + Insert Shift + V Ctrl + A


121) a. b. c. d. e.

122) To substitute a word appearing repeatedly in your document with different words of same meaning you can use? a. Dictionary b. Thesaurus c. Compiler d. Interpreter 123) a. b. c. d. When you do any spelling mistake you come to know because A red line appears under the wrong word --A message appears on the screen Word stops accepting other words from the keyword It immediately closes the document.

124) a. b. c. d. 125) a. b. c. d. 126) a. b. c. d. 127) a. b. c. d. 128)

Ctrl + Shift + H Highlights the selected text Hides the selected text ---Hides the current document No such option By default which is the character format in Word Times New Roman -------Adobe Caslon Pro Akruti office Priya off land Arial Where is Bullet Tool? Format Tool ----------Task manager Start Menu Control Panel When Right Alignment for the page is set It aligns the text to the right side of the page ----------It checks whether the alignment is right or wrong It does the right type of alignment to the document None of the above

Word has its own search engine? a. True ------b. False Which one of the following is not a valid Query in Access database? Action query a. Suspend query b. Delete query c. Cross tab query a. b. c. d. A Database is a a collection of records program for drawing pictures program for playing games program for playing music To store data in Microsoft Access database, you must first create a Query file a Table an Entry form a blank page



131) a. b. c. d.

132)Which one of the following is the format property symbol that forces all characters to be displayed in lower case? a. @ b. > c. & d. <

133) When a numeric value 12300 is entered in a Integer number field formatted as #####.##, the value will be displayed as a. 12300.00 b. 12300 c. 012300.00 d. 12,300.00 134) Which of the following ensures that the date is not earlier than 1.1.2001 and not later than today? i. >1/1/2001 AND <=DATE() ii. >=#1/1/2001# AND <= #DATE()# iii. #1/1/2001# AND <DATE() iv. >=#1/1/2001# AND <=DATE() 135)Which one of the following ensures that the value entered in a numeric field is positive and more than zero? i. # 0 ii. 0 1. 0 iii. <0 136) The place holder for creating an Input mask to allow only letters (A-z) and Numbers (0-9) is i. L ii. A iii. @ iv. 9 In the toolbox shown, which one of these tools is Control Wizards? i. 4 ii. 5 iii. 6 iv. 9 Which one of the following is NOT a valid action query? i. Append ii. Make New iii. Delete iv. Update



139)Which of the following number format you will use to represent population data of major cities? i. Double ii. Long Integer iii. Integer iv. Single 140) The term database in Access refers to i. a Query file ii. a Table file iii. an Index file iv. a group of associated files

141) Which of the following shortcut you would use to repeat the value in the record above to the current field in a table? i. Ctrl + ii. Ctrl + Y

iii. iv. 142)

Ctrl + ; Ctrl + ~

Text data type field in Access Table can store a maximum of i. 8 characters ii. 255 characters iii. 50 characters iv. Unlimited number of characters Which of the following result you will get for the function INSTR(ABCDE,D)? i. 1 ii. 3 iii. 4 iv. 5


144) Which is the correct expression when applied to a field City returns a set of records having cities starting with letter N i. City = N ii. Like N iii. City=?N iv. City = *N 145) How do you select more than one consecutive column in the database sheet? i. Click on the columns one by one. ii. Hold down Ctrl key and select columns. iii. Hold down Shift key and select columns. iv. Hold down Alt key and select columns. To start a new paragraph in a Memo field, you press i. Tab ii. Ctrl + Enter iii. Shift + Tab iv. Shift + Enter Which one of the following is NOT a valid filter tool in the Datasheet toolbar? i. Filter by Selection ii. Filter by Query iii. Filter by Form iv. Apply Filter a. b. c. d. 149) a. b. c. d. A negative value of 12,500 will be displayed as -12,500 -$12,500 (12,500) ($12,500) Which of the following statement about MDE files is true? Tables cant be deleted VBA code becomes read-only MDE files are used to publish pages to the internet Forms and Reports can't be opened in design view




150) a. b. c. d.

In Access the term 'Database' refers to --the file in which data is stored. a group of associated files or objects. an index file. a query file.


Which of the following functions removes leading spaces from the string? a.RTRIM b.LTRIM a. SPACE b. MID a. b. c. d. The data type of AutoNumber field in an Access table is Double Long Integer Integer Byte Columnar form displays ...... One record at a time. A number of records at a time. Displays records in horizontal format. Displays records in a tabular format. A field defined as Memo data type can allow a maximum of ......... characters 255 bytes 1K 64K 128K A locked record in a database is indicated by --an asterisk mark in the selector column. a pencil mark in the selector column. a slash in a circle mark in the selector column. a solid dot in the selector column. Currency data type is used where you i. want to display the currency symbol ii. want to display only two decimal places iii. want to prevent rounding off during calculations iv. Want to create a summery total Which of the following result you will get for the function INSTR(ABCDE,D)? i. 1 ii. 3 iii. 4 iv. 5 The pre-defined Medium date format displays date as i. 11/23/98, 08:35:00 AM


153) a. b. c. d. 154) a. b. c. d. 155) a. b. c. d. 156)



ii. iii. iv.

23-Nov-98 Monday, November 23, 1998 23/11/98

159) When a numeric value 12300 is entered in a Integer number field formatted as #####.##, the value will be displayed as i. 12300.00 ii. 12300 iii. 012300.00 iv. 12,300.00 160) What is the extension for Access database file ? i. .DBF ii. .MDB iii. .DOC iv. .ACC A set of instructions written using Visual Basic for Applications in Access is known as i. Module ii. Macro iii. Report iv. Memo Caption field property allows you to a) Assign your own field heading b) Rename the existing field name c) Display the fieldname in Uppercase d) Hide the fieldname a. b. c. d. 164) a. b. c. d. The operator used to concatenate two strings is + ; & A fieldname cannot be started with a Blank @ Letter A to Z Digit 0 to 9




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