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17th January 2013


Bahrain activist free on bail before Twitter trial
A lawyer in Bahrain says a human rights activist has been freed on bail after more than two months in custody on charges of posting false news on Twitter. The case is seen by opposition groups as part of expanding Internet crackdowns by authorities in the Sunni-ruled Gulf nation, which has faced nearly two years on non-stop unrest over demands by majority Shiites for a greater political voice. Lawyer Mohamed al-Jishi says activist Yousef Al Muhafedha was released Thursday on bail of 100 dinars ($268). His trial was set for Jan. 29. Read More On 15 January 2012, the Court of Appeals upheld the prison sentence of 15 months against former MP Mr Jawad Fairooz for charges of participating in illegal protest at the pearl roundabout and calling for assemblies without notifying the authorities. He was acquitted from the charges of inciting against the regime and broadcasting false news. The court ordered a ne to suspend the prison sentence against Fairooz, who is currently out of the country, and who risks arrest or deportation if he returned to the country as he was one of the 31 citizens stripped of his citizenship last November. Read More

Report Details U.S. Weapon Sales to Bahrain During Crackdown on Protesters

New details have been revealed on the Obama administrations weapons sales to Bahrain during the ruling monarchys ongoing crackdown on opposition protesters. The website ProPublica reports the

United States has sold weaponry, including ammunition, combat vehicle parts, communications equipment, Black Hawk helicopters, and an undisclosed missile system, to Bahrain since the protests began nearly two years ago. It is unclear if all the purchases were delivered, but they provide a key window into the extent of U.S. support for the Bahraini regime as it faced international condemnation for repressing dissent. Read More The EP urges the Bahraini authorities to follow the recommendations of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI), implement democratic reforms and pursue a national dialogue aimed at reconciliation. The House expresses its "strong disapproval" of the EU's lack of response to the ongoing crackdown in Bahrain and calls for sanctions against the individuals directly responsible for the human rights abuses and for restrictions on EU exports of surveillance technology, tear gas and crowd-control material. Read More

Bahrain: Prison sentence upheld for former MP after stripping him of his citizenship
The Bahrain Center for Human Rights expresses its concern over the continued criminalization of freedom of assembly in Bahrain, as courts continue to pass down prison sentences for charges of protesting at the Pearl Roundabout nearly two years after the February 14 protests.

Human rights: violence against women in India; crackdown in Bahrain; insecurity in Central African Republic
In their resolution on Bahrain, MEPs call on the authorities and security forces to stop using violence against peaceful protestors and demand an independent investigation into all human rights abuses, particularly those involving children. The prosecution, detention and torture of protestors must stop and freedom of expression and assembly, both online and ofine, must be guaranteed, they insist.

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