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Research Team KFC Final Research Plan Book

Spring 2009
Stacey Ackerman, Tom Bass, Juliette Burguieres, Brian Cash

Table of Contents

1. 2. 3.

Overview of Research(3) Situational Analysis Summary..(4) Research I (Survey)

a. b. c.

Survey Plan....(9) Survey Sample..(11) Summary of Results......(15)


Research II
a. b. c. d.

Research Work Order..(19) Research Plan(21) Moderators Guide(23) Concept Test Results.(25)


Research III
a. b. c. d.

Research Work Order...(30) Overview of Plan....(32) Moderators Guide.....(34) Copy Test Results...(36)

6. 7.

Summary of Contribution To The Agency Team .....(46) References..(44)

Overview of Research
Beginning with the situation analysis, we analyzed the market situation that KFC is facing in terms of Company/Product, Competition, and Consumers. We provided our own insights as to why we saw certain trends or patterns. Then, we conducted a survey targeting college students to understand the market. We focused on the health perceptions for consumers of KFC, their products, their competition and competitions products. We then conducted our first set of focus groups that were aimed at concept testing. After receiving the work order from the agency team, we prepared and conducted the interviews. This turned out very successful for obtaining information for the agency team. After receiving focus group feedback, the agency team then developed ads for us to test in the nest set of focus groups. These copy testing focus groups were also very successful, as the agency team received great feedback for improvement.

KFC Situational Analysis Summary

About KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken went public in 1969 and was eventually bought by PepsiCo. In 1986. KFC has been a division of what is now YUM! Brands since 1997 and is presently one of the worlds largest fast food chains. Today the company owns and franchises more than 14,800 outlets in more than 100 countries, 5,300 plus of which are in the U.S. These restaurants offer items such as their trademark fried chicken in original recipe and extra crispy, chicken sandwiches, chicken pot pies, crispy chicken strips, mashed potatoes and potato wedges.

Expansion and Growth KFC has put a great deal of focus into international expansion, particularly in China where the market is currently home to more than 2,100 locations. In order to keep pressure on their competition and cater to their customers changing needs, the chain is making some additions to their menu. For the more health conscious customers they have introduced a line of grilled chicken sandwiches and KFC may be offering a breakfast menu in the future at all their locations. A breakfast menu was recently introduced at their location in central London.

Sales History KFC is the leader in the fast food chicken market with a 45% share. They have had positive sales growth for the last 7 years, but most of that success has been international. In the U.S. KFC has been the weak link in sales for YUM! Brands. The company actually suffered a 4 percent sales loss in the U.S. offsetting what would have been a 4 percent increase for YUM! Brands.

Pricing KFC is also looking to become more economical by offering nine items for between 99 cents and $1.99 such as 99-cent KFC snackers, toasted wrap for $1.49 and snack boxes of popcorn chicken or 3 piece hot wigs for $1.99 while continuing to offer their 8, 12, 16 and 20 piece chicken meals for $13.69, $19.99, $26.39 and $29.79 respectively. These prices may vary by region. o Lower priced value menus are a great opportunity for KFC to gain back profits since some people have recently said that they have been pricing themselves out of the market. Advertising History In the past, KFC has been all about their fried chicken roots with campaign slogans like finger-lickin good and always having Colonel Sanders as their trademark. Lately, the

company has tried to create a new culture by pushing their new Kentucky Grilled Chicken products and the fact that their chicken now has 0 grams of trans. fat. In addition, they have tried to revamp their brand image to target younger consumers by replacing the traditional Colonel Sanders with an animated character and the chains locations now have bolder colors and updated graphics. Plus, the company has taken the constantly in your face approach with a market leading 52 week a year TV advertising schedule.

Product Benefits The biggest thing that KFC has going for them and what they need to push the most is the convenience that comes with their offerings. They have made great strides in trying to diversify and differentiate their brand by hanging onto the trademark recipes that have made them famous, while also catering to a new customer base with their healthier grilled options. It offers an additional alternative to your standard burger joints which are overly abundant.

Target Audience Typical customers are adults ages 25-54 who are in occupations ranging from white collar office jobs to blue collar construction jobs. The biggest part of their customer base makes between $50,000 and $60,000 dollars a year and are married with children. These customers are living fast-paced lives in which they have to balance the heavy demands of work and life. As a result of this, lunch and dinner occasions are becoming shorter and the thing that has the greatest impact on their choice of food and drink purposes is convenience.

Competition KFC faces competition from a number of fast food companies which include Arbys, Boston Market, Burger King, Cajun Operating Company, Chick-fil-A, CKE Restaurants, Subway, Dairy Queen, Jack in the Box, McDonalds, Popeyes, Quiznos, Sonic Corp. and Wendys. Chicken Competitors: Popeyes, Chik-fil-A, and Churchs Chicken. Major Competitors: McDonalds, Wendys, Subway, and Burger King.

Competitive Competition Popeyes, Chick-fil-A and Cajun Operating Companys Churchs Chicken are the only other fast food restaurants in this intensely competitive field that offer chicken as their primary food at comparable prices making them the immediate competition to KFC.

While other restaurants like McDonalds and Arbys may offer chicken sandwiches and strips and other things of that nature, they push a variety of other items more heavily, which generally causes consumers to view them in an entirely different category from restaurants like KFC. o KFC needs to focus on their top three competitors if they hope to maintain their dominant share of the fast food chicken market.

Competitive Advertising Popeyes has positioned themselves as the Louisiana style chicken which promotes their pride in their Cajun roots. In addition to Chick-fil-As humorous Eat Mor Chikin campaign which you frequently see on highway billboards and TV commercials, they have tried to segment themselves from the rest of the fast food chicken restaurants by stressing how important customer service is to them. Churchs Chicken radio, TV and print ads have made them known as the fast food chicken that ultimately makes your life better with their slogan Full Flavor. Full Pockets. Full Life.

Social/Legal Influence KFC suppliers cram birds into huge waste-filled factories, breed and drug them to grow so large that they cant even walk, and often break their wings and legs. At slaughter, the birds throats are slit and they are dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water often while they are still conscious o Problems Known as the artery clogger o Perception is fried food Fried fast food has gotten a bad name over the last few years steering people away from KFC. To compromise for this they have put too much emphasis on health in their advertising making consumers even more skeptical. Their prices have been relatively high making some consumers feel like KFC has priced themselves out of their market range.

Opportunities Pressure cooked chicken, not fried, so there are zero grams of trans fat o Advertising opportunity to raise awareness

Can bring in a new customer base with their line of Kentucky Grilled Chicken sandwiches. By incorporating an everyday value menu with items between 99 cents and $1.99 they will be viewed as economical again by consumers. With the fast-paced lifestyles people live today it is very important to continue to promote convenience since that is what many fast food consumers base their decision on.

KFC Commotion With the progress of social media, we can easily find out opinion and perception of the brand, and make improvements o Twitter: KFC, Twister meal with small popcorn chicken, yum, yum but bad for my tum. The KFC I just consumed definitely hit the spot, but Ill no doubt regret it later. so fat, that hes going to KFC for lunch. 449,100 estimated monthly US visitors o 42% male, 58% female o 52% make under $60,000 The people who visit are also likely to visit these categories and sites: (quantcast) o Commerce Food Taco Ball Quiznos Giant Eagle o Discount Dollar Tree Stores Family Dollar Dollar General Big Lots o Pharmacy CVS Rite Aid Walgreen

Research I:

Survey Analysis
a)Survey Plan b) Survey Sample c) Summary of Survey Results

Survey Research Plan

Client Interview Told the research team that their main focus was proving to the public that KFC isnt as unhealthy as many people perceive it to be compared to other fast food restaurants.

Research Objectives We are conducting this survey to find out what peoples perceptions of the KFC brand is currently. To compare KFCs menu options to the menu options of their major competitors.

Research Methodology

Mall-intercept method, it is the most convenient due to the overwhelming student population on campus. Convenience sampling, because we dont want biased results and we will get more of a variety students. Our survey will consist of open ended, multiple choice, and Likert scale questions. We will try to achieve our goal of 50 completed surveys throughout different campus buildings, and through friends and co-workers. These surveys will take place through the next 2 weeks.

Tabulations and Data Analysis The scale and multiple choice questions will be tallied. The open ended questions will be categorized into positive and negative responses with noted suggestions.

Research Reporting We are hoping to gather information from the surveys to better understand why people think KFC is an unhealthy fast food option. While at the same time maintaining the convenience of the fast food industry.

Time Frame The survey will be conducted within one weeks time period.



We will have a very narrow age range (18-24). Since we are only using convenience sampling we will only be able to survey people located in Morgantown. People sometimes rush through open-ended questions, or dont answer questions truthfully. People may not be familiar with all of the restaurant options on the survey.


Sample Survey

This is a survey about the fast food industry. Through this survey we are trying to understand what consumers like and dislike about the fast food industry and what can be improved. Please answer as honestly as possible. Your participation is appreciated. Thank you.

1. Please name three fast food restaurants you can think of: ( ) ( ) ( )

2. What type of item do you look for on the menu when youre eating at a fast food restaurant? ( ) Combo Meal ( ) Value Menu ( ) Other:_______________

3. How often do you eat fast food in a month? ( ) never ( ) once a month ( ) 2-3 times a month ( )4-5 times a month

( ) 5+ times a month If you do not eat fast food , skip to question 21

4. Which fast food restaurant do you feel gives you the best value? ( ) Burger King ( )Popeyes ( ) Chik-fil-A ( ) Wendys ( ) McDonalds ( ) Subway ( ) KFC ( ) Other:_________

5. How many times do you eat chicken per week? ( ) 1-2 times a week ( ) 3-4 times a week ( ) 4-5 times a week ( ) 6+ times a week

6. Have you ever eaten at KFC?


( ) Yes

( ) No

If no, skip to question 21

7. If yes, when was the last time you ate at KFC? ( ) Last week ( ) Last month ( ) Last 6 months ( ) Last year

8. How familiar are you with KFCs menu selection? ( ) Not familiar ( ) Somewhat familiar ( ) Very Familiar

9. What would be the main reason you choose KFC? ( ) To eat chicken ( ) Convenience ( ) Good menu selection ( ) Quality of service

10. What do you think is KFCs strongest menu attribute? ( ) Family value menu ( ) Healthy menu items ( ) Value menu ( ) Choice of original or extra crispy

11. KFC is an accurate representation of Southern Cooking:

Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree

12. Do you view KFC as a family restaurant?

Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree

13. When you think of KFC what comes to mind?


( ) Colonel Sanders ( ) Fried Chicken

( ) Home style sides ( ) Family meals

14. Roughly how many KFC TV or Billboard advertisements have you seen within the last 6 months? ( )0 ( ) 1-3 ( ) 4-6 ( ) 7-10

15. Are you aware of the new, healthier options available at KFC? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

16. On what area do you believe KFC should focus its image? ( ) Convenience ( ) Family ( ) Health ( ) Other:_____________________

17. Who do you view as KFCs biggest competitor? ( ) McDonalds ( ) Burger King ( ) Chik-fil-A ( ) Popeyes ( ) Subway

( ) Other:_________________

18. Which fast food restaurant has the best chicken? ( ) KFC ( ) Burger King ( ) Chik-fil-A ( )Popeyes ( ) Churchs Chicken

19. Recently KFC introduced a breakfast menu overseas, would that be something that would appeal to you? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Maybe

20. To the best of your knowledge, please write positive aspects about KFC:


_______________________________________________________________________ _

21. To the best of your knowledge, please write negative aspects about KFC:

_______________________________________________________________________ _

22. Age:____________ 23. Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )

24. Please state your ethnicity: (i.e. White, African American, Hispanic) ____________________________

25. Class Rank: ( ) Freshman ( ) Sophomore ( ) Junior ( ) Senior ( ) Graduate


Summary of Results


8 6

8 4

In order to figure out where KFC stood in terms of their competition, we went out to find out how they compared to other fast food restaurants in pricing. Most people when asked in the surveys said they thought McDonalds had the best value because of options like the dollar menu. Our respondents put great emphasis on this saying that value and convenience were the two main things they typically look for when going out for fast food. When asked about KFCs pricing, many said that compared to their competitors KFC was a little overpriced. For the most part, they said since KFC also gives a lot of food in their meals that they would probably get


KFC only if they were going to be eating with a group of people as opposed to just for themselves.

We then narrowed the field down to KFCs main competition, that being any place that sells chicken. Surprisingly, while KFC has a majority share of the fast food chicken market, most respondents felt that Chik-Fil-A had the best chicken. When we asked respondents why this was, many of them said that they liked the ingredients in Chik-Fil-As chicken better and that it was healthier for you. In fact, KFC barely came in second with Popeyes coming in close on their heels at third. The main reason for these results was because KFC was viewed by most to be unhealthy, unsanitary greasy chicken. While some said the fried, greasy image of the food didnt bother them so much, they also said it was not something they would eat on a regular


basis. Some restaurants that dont even primarily sell chicken like Burger King and Wendys got votes over KFC.


The thing that many respondents did not know was that KFC does in fact offer healthier grilled chicken. The few people who were aware of this fact were the ones who visited the restaurant more regularly. Respondents said they would be more likely to go to KFC if they knew about the grilled chicken sandwiches. Another unanimous thing that many respondents had in common were that if KFC listed health content of their food at least at the restaurant that would deter them less from the place because they would know what they are getting into. What we gathered from these statements is that KFC in their advertising needs to make more of an effort to promote their healthier options, and just put more emphasis on health in general. This would help them to widen their customer base.



Research II:

Concept Testing
a) Research Work Order b) Research Plan c) Moderators Guide d) Concept Test Results


Research II Work Order

To: JRL 421 Research Team Project: Exploratory Focus Group Interviews (Research II) for KFC Objectives of this study Target

Learn our targets current perceptions delicious/disgusting; expensive/cheap, etc.)





Discover the targets awareness of KFCs healthy options. Evaluate customers perceptions of attempts at healthy fast food by all fast food companies, most notably our top three competitors.

We would like to target college students in this campaign, specifically for events like sports games and social events. Although KFC states on their website that they have no specific target, we have found through MRI research that African Americans are 30% more likely to visit KFC than other fast food restaurants. We would also like to explore advertising options that may appeal to this demographic.

Details We have identified the following three problems and three opportunities for our brand through the situation analysis. Please investigate the potential impacts of the following items on the brand and advertising: Problems

o Customers perceive KFC to be unhealthy. o Undefined target market o Negative stereotypes


o KFC can be a healthy alternative to the competition o KFC has strong Top-of-Mind-Awareness in the product category o KFC already uses unique ad methods (logo that can be seen from space) and is
open to creative advertising.


The following are our potential headline/slogan alternatives for our campaign. Please investigate the strengths and weaknesses of each of these alternatives:

KFC: A Real Meal for a Good Deal. Trust the Colonel.


The final report should be delivered to the KFC Team by February 20, 2009. Please inform us the dates and places of two focus groups. participate in the focus groups. KFC team members will

Once the full Discussion Guide is developed, email/deliver it to our group leader, Stephanie Hasenei, so that we can review and modify, if necessary. Do NOT conduct the focus groups without our approval on the Discussion Guide.


Research Plan
Overview of the plan Current perceptions of KFC. The health options offered by KFC. Perceptions of the attempts at healthy fast food by all fast food companies, most notably KFCs top three competitors. What is the most important factor involved with consumer decision making.

Objectives of the Study Assess the target audiences reaction to the strategic directions of our two campaign themes. Examine what the best online viral strategies for the Trust the Colonel campaign will be.

Evaluate the various taglines for the sexy/health print advertisements and determine the ideal amount of sex appeal (how much is too much?). Participants We plan on recruiting between six and eight participants for each focus group session. We are going to recruit students aged 18-24 who eat fast food and are somewhat outgoing. Screener Questions: How old are you? Do you eat fast food? Do you consider yourself active? Do you consider yourself outgoing? Selected Participants: Participants were selected on the basis of being outgoing male individuals who are active and have an opinion about fast-food consumption.

Moderators Guide Greeting Remarks Icebreaking Introductory Questions Understanding Barriers and Benefits Professional Development Past fast-food experience Health perceptions


Delicious/ Disgusting Pricing Awareness Concluding Questions Concluding Remarks Project Schedule 2/22-2/28 o Conduct Surveys o Recruit for Focus Groups Screen potential participants 3/1-3/7 o Conduct Focus Groups (hold at Library in the evening) o Submit results to Agency Team o Submit survey results


Moderators Guide
Greeting Remarks Hello my name is __________________. Thank you for participating in this focus group with us. Icebreaking Where are you from? Whats your major? How many years have you been in school? Tell us a fun fact about yourselves!

Introductory Questions How often do you eat fast food? How important is the health aspect of fast food when choosing where to eat? Understanding Barriers and Benefits How do you feel about KFC chicken? o Its actually pressure cooked, killing germs and bacteria, speeds up the cooking process, and contains 0 grams Trans Fat Past fast-food experience: Describe your worst fast food experience. o Any bad KFC experiences? Would you still go back? Why have you chosen to go to KFC over another fast-food restaurant?

Health perceptions: How do you feel after youve eaten KFC? What restaurants do you think offer the best of healthier options? Have you ever gone to a KFC expecting to eat healthy?

Delicious/ Disgusting: How do you compare KFCs food quality to other fast-food restaurants? o Who would you say has the best quality fast-food? Best quality chicken? Pricing:


How would you compare KFCs pricing compared to other fast-food restaurants? o Value Menu? Meal Deals?

Awareness: What do you think of when you hear fried chicken? Where would you go first when craving chicken? o Fast-food, grocery store, etc.

Concluding Questions: What other thoughts do you have about KFC and fast-food in general? o Elaborate Will you visit KFC in the future?

Concluding Remarks: Thank you for your participation.


Focus Group 1 & 2 Results Summary

People we were looking for:

Many of the participants are looking for healthier, cheaper, and convenient fast food with good tasting options like combo meals and value menus. Many of the group members felt that KFC is too expensive compared to other fast food choices. Easy ordering and quick service and drive thru windows were very important in the eyes of the participants. Participants want something they can eat when they are drunk and are looking for fast food choices that serve late night food for cheap prices. Discounts are always good. One girl stated that at Wendys you can get a discount on your food with a student ID. Another guy thought that discount cards that build up points (like Subway) were a great idea. No one wants to tip; many students like the great deals offered but hate to see their savings go towards the tip. Getting a good value for their money was important and even changed their decision on where to eat. Thought that places like Subway who serve cold cuts, had a healthier image because they were cleaner and they have no fried foods. Consumers want to go to places that use healthier frying oils (i.e. sunflower oil). All participants liked the idea of preparing the food in front of you (like Subway) because its shows cleanliness and accuracy.

What they see in KFC:

Many people said that KFC was gross, the food didnt seem like real chicken, and that it makes you feel fat, weighted down, sick and tired after eating it. Many participants think that there is nothing healthy about KFC, although a few participants commented that the food was good but greasy. Many did not like the idea of eating out of a bucket, they believed it to be demeaning and gross.


Most did not know KFCs chicken is prepared by pressure cooking and still didnt believe it after we told them. A few people said that the Morgantown location is too far away and priced too high, that it is in a bad area and people think that it is scary to drive there at night. Everyone agreed that advertising the grilled chicken items is a better idea to promote KFC as a healthier choice. KFC is viewed as specializing in just chicken. However, even if KFC was advertised as healthier participants said they would choose to go to Kroger over fast food chicken when they crave it. Although many participants said they really like the side dishes available at KFC many thought of them as being covered in mayo and butter. One girl thought that KFCs chicken is pumped with chemicals and hormones and mass produced. Some participants said that KFCs food is greasy but not as bad compared to some other fast food places. The majority of group members said that it was obvious that KFC has been trying to have a healthier image. A few people complained of extremely slow service and said that they are not willing to wait because of their busy schedules. Many people said that KFC has good southern chicken and sides, especially the macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes. Everyone thought that Burger King and McDonalds are just as unhealthy and but said it is difficult to compare KFC to them because of the different types of food offered. Everyone said that if KFC was offered in the Mountain Lair students would be more likely to go more often especially if it was offered on the meal plan. A drink should be included with a purchase of the combo and family meals. KFC would have to be renamed if they wanted to be considered healthier, because when you think KFC many automatically think Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Bad Experiences with all fast food restaurants:

One person mention that he had mono and when he went to Wendys to eat he ended up getting sick afterwards and hasent gone back since.


A couple people mention that they got food poisoning after eating Subway and Pizza hut which caused them to be scared to go back. Three people mentioned that after eating at a Hardees on a road trip that they all got sick simultaneously and had to make frequent stops to use the bathroom. One person mentioned that they thought Taco Bell and McDonalds put laxatives in their meat because the meat is so bad for you. One person said that he took a bite out of a chicken nugget at McDonalds and found a bone in it. One person mentioned receiving a soup that had a film on it. The make it your way slogan at Burger King is false advertising because nothing is ever made correctly.


Many people would prepare their food at home if they were looking to eat healthy instead of going to a fast food restaurant. One person said that he looks for no trans fats when he is choosing what fast food restaurant he is going to eat at. Overall Subway is viewed as the healthiest fast food option. A few people mentioned that they thought that it is okay to eat fast food as long as you exercise after. Many participants have seen the commercials advertising the new way McDonalds made their chicken strips and convinced many to choose McDonalds over other options. PopEyes is viewed as making better chicken compared to many other fast food options. Two people preferred to make their own food and said that even if fast food were healthier they still wouldnt be a more popular option for them. Taco Bell, Wendys, and Chick-Fil-A were all viewed as have better quality meat compared to KFC. About half of the participants said they would choose Chik-fil-A over KFC.

When they found out about the calories:


Most people agreed that KFC should advertise their lower calories compared to competitors and that if they knew this beforehand it might have changed where they would have chosen to eat. Others believed that calories arent the only information people should be concerned about when they eat fast food. Everyone agreed that all fast food places should have labels on their food so that people can know what they are eating.


Research III:

Copy Testing
a) Research Work Order b) Overview of Plan c) Moderators Guide d) Copy Test Results


Research III Work Order

Copy Testing To: ADV 421 Research Team Project: Creative Testing Focus Groups for KFC. Objectives of the Study Assess the target audiences reaction to the strategic directions of our two campaign themes. Examine what the best online viral strategies for the Trust the Colonel campaign will be. Evaluate the various taglines for the sexy/health print advertisements and determine the ideal amount of sex appeal (how much is too much?). Target
KFCs targets in this campaign are male, 18-24, and are current college students.

Attached, you will find our rough creative materials. Before we produce the actual

advertising materials, wed like to test both creative strategies to see how our potential customers would react in terms of the following (please evaluate both campaign strategies with these criteria): 1) Headline: - Memorability: Is it memorable? - Liking: Do they like it or not? Why and on what sense? - Associated message: What comes to their mind first? - Message fluency: Do they understand what it means quickly and accurately? - Benefit: Does it deliver the (product or brand) benefit we want to deliver? 2) Body copy: - Memorability: Is it memorable? - Liking: Do they like it or not? Why and on what sense? - Message fluency: Do they understand what it means quickly and accurately? - Benefit: Does it deliver the (product or brand) benefit we want to deliver? - Length: Is it too long or short? 3) Graphics/background/situation: - Liking: Do they like graphics/background/situation? Why and on what sense? - Consistency: Is it consistent (Graphics/background/situation) with KFC? - Target: Does it reflect the target lifestyles? Does it have a possibility to alienate the mainstream customers or core target customers? - Fluency: Do they understand the graphics/background/situation quickly and accurately? 4) Potential Problems: Are they seeing any potential problems in the ads? 5) Potential strengths: What the strengths of the ads?


Mandatory The final report should be delivered to the Agency Team by Friday, April 10. Please inform us the dates and places of the two FGs. Agency Team members WILL participate in the FGs. Once the full Discussion Guide is developed, send it to our team leader so that we can review and modify, if necessary. Do NOT conduct the FGs without our approval on the Discussion Guide and do NOT conduct the FGs without our presence. You will be penalized by the instructor if you do.


Research Plan 2
Copy Testing Overview/ Objectives Assess the target audiences reaction to the strategic directions of our two campaign themes. Examine what the best online viral strategies for the Trust the Colonel campaign will be. Evaluate the various taglines for the sexy/health print advertisements and determine the ideal amount of sex appeal (how much is too much?). Focus Groups: o Focus Group 1: Tues (4/7) 7pm -Downtown Library o Focus Group 2: Wed (4/8) 8:15pm -Downtown Library

Participants We plan on recruiting between six and eight participants for each focus group session. We are going to recruit students aged 18-24 who eat fast food and are somewhat outgoing. Screener Questions How old are you? Do you eat fast food? Which one do you believe best describes you? (Shy, Outgoing)

Moderators Guide Greeting Remarks Icebreaking (10min) Headline (20min) Body Copy (20min) Graphics/ Background/ Situation (20min) Potential Problems (15min) Potential Strengths (15min) Conclusion (10min) Project Schedule 3/30-4/6 o Develop Research Plan o Construct Moderators Guide o Establish Focus Group Times o Recruit for Focus Groups



Screen potential participants

o Conduct Focus Group -1 o Analyze Results 4/8 o Conduct Focus Group -2 o Analyze Results 4/9 o Evaluate Results o Complete Client Report o Submit Report


Moderators Guide 2
Copy Testing Greeting Remarks Hello my name is __________________. Thank you for participating in this focus group with us. Icebreaking (10min) Where are you from? Whats your major? How many years have you been in school? What are your plans for the holiday weekend? Tell us a fun




Introductory Questions (10min) How often do you see advertisements in print or on television for KFC? How do you feel about these ads? Do they seem to represent KFC in a positive light? After seeing one of these ads, have you ever been persuaded to actually go to KFC?

Headline: (20min) Present headlines to participants o Do you think that if you saw this headline between 1 and 5 times that you would be able to remember what it said and what advertisement it went with? o Do you like the headline? Why or why not? Was it catchy? Was it boring?

What comes to your mind when you see this headline?

o Does this headline come across clearly and quick to the point? Do you understand what the ad is trying to communicate through this headline? o What do you think this headline is offering? Do you think this headline is an accurate representation of the selling benefit the rest of the ad has to offer? Body Copy: (20min) Explain to participants what body copy is Present body copy to participants


o Would you remember where this body copy came from if you saw this ad between 1 and 5 times? o Do you like this body copy? Why, or why not? o Do you think the body copy correlates well with the headline? Does it make sense? Is it quick and easy to read and understand? o Does the body copy help you to understand the benefit that this ad is offering? o Do you think the body copy should be longer or shorter? Why? Graphics/ Background/ Situation: (20min) Present ads to participants o Do you like the graphics on this ad? Why? Do the graphics fit well together with the headline and body copy? Why? o Do you think that this ad is consistent with other advertisements you have seen for KFC? o Knowing that the target is male college students ages 18-24, do you think this ad would appeal to them and target their lifestyles? Do you think that because our target is so narrowly defined that these ads may possibly alienate KFCs mainstream customers and core target customers? o Do you understand what the graphics are trying to say to you quickly and accurately? Potential Problems: (15min) o Do you see any potential problems with this ad? What do you think could be improved and why? Potential Strengths: (15min) o What do you think are the greatest strengths for this ad and why? Conclusion: (10min) o Is there anything further anyone would like to add about any of the issues weve already discussed, that you feel youve not had a chance to say? We really appreciate your participation in this focus group. Thank you all for coming.


Focus Group Copy Testing 1 Trust the Colonel Campaign

Introduction How often do you see advertisements in print or on television for KFC? Many people agreed that they were regularly exposed to KFC advertisements. Everyone said that they saw mostly television advertisements, and most participants could not recall ever seeing a print advertisement for KFC. The commercial most participants could recall was the KFC Chef in Every Kitchen ad.

How do you feel about these ads?

The groups felt that these commercials did not make KFC look good because they are known for having greasy fried chicken. A few people agreed that KFCs television ads were memorable, but less effective than other fast food restaurant campaigns. Everyone agreed that KFC commercials tend to be more geared towards family meals, rather than college students. Some participants felt that the commercials were a lie, claiming they have never seen a chef in uniform at a KFC, and that the food never looks as appetizing when you buy it as it does on television.

Do these ads seem to represent KFC in a positive light? Many people agreed that the KFC ads do represent KFC in a positive light, because they put in their commercials only what they have to offer. Other disagreed saying that it appears like KFC is trying to represent themselves in a positive light, but their bad brand image is not helping their cause.

After seeing any of KFCs ads, have you ever been persuaded to actually go to KFC? The groups were pretty split between yes and no. The people who said no claimed it was because they still have an unhealthy perception of KFC. The people who said yes claimed the only problem with going to KFC after seeing the ads was that their location was too far away.



Do you think that if you saw these headlines between 1 and 5 times that you would be able to remember what they said and what advertisements they went with? The majority agreed that they would remember the headline, because the colonel is a familiar image representing KFC.

Do you like these headlines? Why or why not? Were they catchy? Were they boring? Many participants felt that all the headlines for this campaign were catchy, a few thought it was funny, and others said it did not make them want to eat their food. The majority did not fully understand what the headline meant until we explained it to them. A few people questioned why they should Trust The Colonel, it made them a bit confused, these people thought they could get the same point across with a better not as intimidating headline.

What comes to mind when you see these headlines? The people who understood the history behind the ad with Stalin on it said that it made them feel like he was in charge, and strong-minded, made them think it might be okay to trust him. The headline for the Swirl ad was interpreted as trippy and hypnotizing.

Do these headlines come across clearly and quick to the point? For the most part the headlines came across clearly to group participants. Some people mentioned that healthy options and the revolution made sense together. Members felt that through these headlines, KFC was trying to position itself as better than other fast food choices.

What do you think these headlines are offering? Many people agreed that these headlines were offering different and new options offered by KFC, but didnt exactly understand what about KFC they are supposed to be trusting. Others understood that by trusting the colonel KFC wanted their customers to understand that they were offering healthier options and that they should feel confident in trusting the company and food being served to them.


Body Copy Do you think that you would be able to remember where the body copy came from if you saw these ads between 1-5 times? Some said they would remember the copy if they saw it enough times, but others said the copy was not that memorable.

Do you like this body copy? Why or why not? Most participants said that the body copy was good because it fits well with the theme and benefits of the ad, although they did mention that the body copy could be better. Others said that the body copy on the ad with Stalin on it did not stand out because they were more focused on the graphics in the ad.

Do you think the body copy correlates well with the headlines? Everyone did say that the body copy did correlate well with the headlines because the headlines had a catchy theme.

Does the body copy help you to understand the benefit that these ads are offering? Many participants agreed that the benefit of the ads were much better understood once they put the headlines and body copy together. A few people pointed out that because the focuses of the ads were based around a revolution they understood that KFC meant new healthier food items.

Do you think the body copy should be longer or shorter? Why? There were no focus group members that thought the body copy should be made shorter or longer. They all said that it was just long enough to get the point across, and short enough that people would actually be willing to read it.

Graphics Do you like the graphics on these ads? Why? Do the graphics fit together well with the headline and body copy? Why? For the Stalin ad people said that with everything put together it did make sense. For the Swirl ad, people said it was a little scary, but the graphics definitely caught their attention. They mentioned that hypnotizing does not fit well with trusting the colonel.


Do you think that these ads are consistent with other advertisements you have seen for KFC? Many people said the set of ads shown were different from KFC ads they had seen in the past, but in a good way.

Knowing the target is male college students ages 18-24, do you think that these ads would appeal to them and target their lifestyles? Do you think that because our target is so narrowly defined that these ads may possibly alienate KFCs mainstream customers and core target customers? They said the ads did a good job of reaching the 18-24 year old male college student demographic, but at the same time they dont think KFC will alienate their current older customer base. A few mentioned placement of the ads. Some said that the Stalin ad would make a great billboard, although they thought that it may not change their targets perception of KFC. For the Swirl ad everyone agreed the best place for it would be in a magazine.

Do you understand what the graphics are trying to say to you quickly and accurately? For the Stalin ad a few people misunderstood it, other agreed that not everyone will get the idea, and some people may even find the ad offensive. For the Swirl ad, most liked the graphics but said it was a bit misleading because they feel like KFC is trying to hypnotize them into believing something that may not be real. Other mentioned that it was great eye-catcher.

Potential Problems Do you see any potential problems with these ads? What do you think could be improved and why? The Stalin ad they felt was kind of intimidating, a few people mentioned changing the picture to someone more recognizable for the target like Martin Luther King.

Potential Strengths What do you think are the greatest strengths for these ads and why? With both ads many agreed that they really like the new Trust The Colonel campaign slogan. The Stalin ad they said had good composition and was simple to understand, but only if you knew that the picture was of Stalin.


The Swirl ad was thought to be all around good, participants mentioned the use of colors to grab their attention, and that this ad would definitely stand out from all the clutter.


Focus Group Copy Testing 2 Heavyweights Campaign

Introduction How often do you see advertisements in print or on television for KFC? Many people agreed that they were regularly exposed to KFC advertisements. Everyone said that they saw mostly television advertisements, and most participants could not recall ever seeing a print advertisement for KFC. The commercial most participants could recall was the KFC Chef in Every Kitchen ad.

How do you feel about these ads? The groups felt that these commercials did not make KFC look good because they are known for having greasy fried chicken. A few people agreed that KFCs television ads were memorable, but less effective than other fast food restaurant campaigns.

Everyone agreed that KFC commercials tend to be more geared towards family meals, rather than college students. Some participants felt that the commercials were a lie, claiming they have never seen a chef in uniform at a KFC, and that the food never looks as appetizing when you buy it as it does on television.

Do these ads seem to represent KFC in a positive light? Many people agreed that the KFC ads do represent KFC in a positive light, because they put in their commercials only what they have to offer. Other disagreed saying that it appears like KFC is trying to represent themselves in a positive light, but their bad brand image is not helping their cause.

After seeing any of KFCs ads, have you ever been persuaded to actually go to KFC? The groups were pretty split between yes and no. The people who said no claimed it was because they still have an unhealthy perception of KFC. The people who said yes claimed


the only problem with going to KFC after seeing the ads was that their location was too far away. Headline Do you think that if you saw these headlines between 1 and 5 times that you would be able to remember what they said and what advertisements they went with? Everyone agreed that if they saw these ads between 1 and 5 times that they would definitely remember these headlines.

Do you like these headlines? Why or why not? Were they catchy? Were they boring? The majority of the participants agreed that these headlines were funny and made them laugh, and that the headline was also very intriguing, because it makes you want to know more. A few people mentioned that it could be perceived two different ways. One way is that the actual fast food chain could be considered the heavyweight; the other is that the calorie count would be the heavyweight. The only problem a few people had with the headlines is that they seemed too small, many suggested making the headline bigger and up higher on the ad.

What comes to mind when you see these headlines? Many of the participants thought of heavyweights as being the winner in most fights, but here it is the opposite and they thought that aspect made the ads unique. A few people mentioned that after seeing this headline it made them feel bad about their eating habits.

Do these headlines come across clearly and quick to the point? Everyone agreed that without the graphics in these ads the headline would make no sense, but because the graphics were the first thing they saw they quickly understood what the headline meant.

What do you think these headlines are offering? The participants said that the headlines werent necessarily offering any type of benefit to the consumer until they actually saw the pictures and body copy. Once everything was


put together they understood that KFC was offering healthier options over their competitors. Body Copy Do you think that you would be able to remember where the body copy came from if you saw these ads between 1-5 times? Everyone agreed that they would remember the body copy because it contained facts that most people dont know.

Do you like this body copy? Why or why not? All of the participants really like the body copy because it did a really good job of selling the headline and surprising the reader with honest competition. Many agreed that after seeing these ads their choice of fast food restaurants and meal choices would certainly be affected. The ones who did not agree gave reasons like the KFC here is too far away, or they might just order a different item from the competitor.

Do you think the body copy correlates well with the headlines? Once everyone put boxing and the idea of competition together they all agreed that the headlines correlated well with the body copy.

Does the body copy help you to understand the benefit that these ads are offering? The majority agreed that they liked how you could go online to see even more health comparisons and that the calorie counts didnt just stop at one or two items. Some participants mentioned that the benefit was obvious when you took the time to actually read the ad. One person mentioned that the variety of competition food was good and that the burgers could be more targeted towards males and salads towards women.

Do you think the body copy should be longer or shorter? Why? Everyone agreed that the body copy was just long enough to get you interested enough to go online and view more comparisons, but short enough to get the point across for that comparison. One person mentioned that if they added any more nutrition facts people may not understand what all of that kind of stuff means, having the big three things that ordinary people look for is fine.


Graphics Do you like the graphics on these ads? Why? Do the graphics fit together well with the headline and body copy? Why? The groups were split between the graphics, some liked the idea but thought the picture of the chicken made it look really unappetizing. A few people also mentioned that they did not understand why there was smoke around the food. Everyone agreed that without the graphics the headline and body copy may not make sense. A few people also mentioned that the background was too dark and some people may not understand what boxing has to do with fast food. When looking at the ad and all of the components of it everyone agreed that the ads were very straightforward and didnt have anything that was unnecessary except for the smoke around the food.

Do you think that these ads are consistent with other advertisements you have seen for KFC? Everyone said that these ads were consistent but different from the other advertisements that KFC has promoted, but that it was in a good way.

Knowing the target is male college students ages 18-24, do you think that these ads would appeal to them and target their lifestyles? Do you think that because our target is so narrowly defined that these ads may possibly alienate KFCs mainstream customers and core target customers? The boys in the focus groups said that the salad ad would not appeal to them, but that the burger ones would. On the other hand they did mention that the salad ad would be good for KFCs other target customers.

Do you understand what the graphics are trying to say to you quickly and accurately? Everyone agreed that they quickly understood what the food represented and why it was included in the ads.

Potential Problems Do you see any potential problems with these ads? What do you think could be improved and why?


There were a bunch of suggestions made for these ads including adding logos or company mascots for KFC and the competitors because people thought these items would be more familiar. People thought they should lighten the background and use more colors that are consistent with KFC (red, black, and white). Changing the picture of the chicken, or using other menu items from KFC as well, like comparing a KFC salad with a Wendys salad or a KFC sandwich with a competitors chicken sandwich. A few participants also mentioned adding side dishes since that is another thing KFC has a leg up on compared to the competition.

Potential Strengths What do you think are the greatest strengths for these ads and why? The information the ad is presenting is a good strength for these ads, along with the honest competition. The calorie comparison being show side by side is also a good attention grabber. Being able to go online and find out more information was a good idea. One person suggested doing short television spots multiple times throughout a television show so that the ads are constantly being refreshed in peoples minds.


Contribution to Agency Team

When we surveyed fifty willing particpants within the target demographic we were able to provide helpful information to the agency team about which direction they should angle their campaign for KFC. Through the feeback we received in the surveys we were able to guide the agency team towards an appropriate target, and what would best suit their wants and needs from KFC. From these suggestions and after receiving the work order for our first set of focus groups we were able to conduct two sessions with college students within their target demographic to provide them with an even more accurate insight into what their target is looking for when it comes to fast food. After conducting these two focus groups we submitted a summary of what the particpants had to say, with regards to how they percieve KFC as compared to the rest of the fast food industry. Soon after the agency team received our summary they were then able to begin putting together a concept for their campaign and were able to begin work on their print advertisements for which we would use in the next set of focus group sessions. We conducted two copy testing sessions to see how the particpants representing the agency teams target demographic felt about both the Trust The Colonel and the Heavyweights campaigns. Our team was then able to provide feedback to the agency team to help them improve the effectiveness of their ads. After conducting these focus groups, we submitted another summary to the agency team so they could re-evaluate their advertisements and their campaign. Overall, our research has showed the agency team what aspects the target audience liked and disliked about their campaign and more specifically about their print advertisements. One of the biggest contributions from these results to the agency team was that the particpants reacted


more favorably to the Heavywights campaign rather than the Trust The Colonel campaign. The agency team was then able to focus on just one campaign rather than both, and have it better suited for their target. Another concensus among the copy testing participants was that the graphics needed to be changed to look more appealing, and more recognizable. With the help from our research team we were able to provide the agency team with enough information for their campaign by using a variety of research methods allowing them to be able to edit and finalize their print advertisments for their final campaign.


1. AJS Associates Catering Menu And Pricing. 7 Feb. 2009
2. Lockyer, Sarah. Yum eyes '09 turnaround for U.S. business, cites sales rebound at KFC

as reason. Nations Restaurant News. (2008) New York ABI/Inform. 7 Feb. 2009
3. Charles, Gemma. KFC takes a seat at the breakfast table. Marketing. (2008) London

ABI/Inform. 7 Feb. 2009

4. KFC Corporation Overview. 6 Feb. 2009
5. KFC Corporation Competition. 6 Feb. 2009
6. KFC: focusing on convenience instead of overstating health. Datamonitor. 7 Feb.

7. 8. 9. 10.

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