B29 Photo Collection

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The first prototype XB-29

Another view of the of the prototype XB-29

On 18 February 1943 the second prototype crashed during testing due to an engine fire that spread to the wing, killing the entire 10 man crew and 20 others in the Frye meat packing plant just north of Boeing Field.

In wartime, the B-29 was capable of flight up to 40,000 feet at speeds of up to 350 mph.

There were several models. This is a B-29A

A B-29A in flight

B-29 collision with P-51 on Iwo Jima

Early refueling trials

KB-29 Tanker

RB-29 F-13A from 3rd Photo Recon Sqn

The YB-29 was an improved XB-29 and 14 were built for service testing. Testing began in the summer of 1943, and dozens of modifications were made to the planes.

WB-29 Weather Monitoring

B-29 'Stratovision' airborne TV transmitter project 1947- 49

KB-29 refueling an F-86

The Navy acquired four B29-BWs, March 14, 1947, for long-range patrol missions and special projects and were given the designation P2B-1S

The D-558-2 is launched from the Navy P2B-1S.

Modifications of the B-29 led to the USAF B-50.

KB-50 Tanker

RB-50 Reconnaisance

RB-50 Reconnaisance

The Soviet Union reverse engineered several interned B-29s to produce the Tupolev Tu-4.

Soviet TU-4 copy of the US B-29

TU-4 Line-Up

A modified TU-4

Modified Soviet TU-4 copy of the US B-29

Air shows, static display, storage and museums showing the US B-29

Enola Gay

Bocks Car


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