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Poem: My Mistress eyes are nothing like the sun Questions 1. abab cdcd efef gg 2. mocking/insulting 3.

- He compares her lips to coral which is a brownish colour Coral is far more red than her lips red - He compares her hair to black wires black wires grow on her head. 4. This is an Elizabethan sonnet, consisting of three quartets (4lined stanzas), all conveying the idea of mocking the woman. In the last two lines, called the rhyming couplet, the poet changes the tone of the poem, declaring how endearing and true his love is for the woman that he has thus far mocked. 5. Simile: a. Line 1 Her eyes are negatively compared to the sun. b. In Line 2 her lips are compared to coral. Metaphor: a. Her breasts are described as being yellowishbrown as compared to snow which is a pleasant white colour. b. He refers to her hair as wires but it is just a comparison to wire. 6. red lips (Line 1) rosy cheeks (Line 6) white skin (Line 3) 7. In lines 1 12 he insults and mocks his mistress, but in the last two lines he declares his rare love for her. He declares how true and deep his love is for her by heaven ( a higher order) .

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