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9 Euclidian Movements

for 4 or more performers (vocalists or instrumentalists)

George Chambers

.hsiw sremrofrep eht sa semit ynam sa detaeper eb yam sdroW .hsiw yeht sa semit wef sa ro ynam sa sdrow eseht esu nac sremrofreP .tnemevom eht ni tniop emos ta desu eb tsum sdrow tnereffid 5 ,tneserp era selcric dekcehc 5 fi ,elpmaxe roF .tnemevom a nihtiw desu eb tsum taht sdrow elohw fo rebmun = selcric dekcehc fo rebmuN .tnemevom a ni drow elbasingocer lluf a fo esu eht etacidni esehT .selcric dekcehc :

.tnemevom eht tuohguorht llits niamer tsum ydob rieht tub ,ecaps wol dna hgih erolpxe ot degaruocne era sremrofreP .ecnamrofrep a erofeb desraeher dna deerga eb dluohs srekram noitisop citatS .evom ot eerf era sremrofrep rehtO .tnemevom eht fo noitarud eht rof noitisop siht ni citats niamer tsum remrofrep eno tsael tA .nalproolf hguor a sa egap eht fo knihT .rekram noitisop citatS :

.snoitces draob ssehc lartsa gnirud desu eb yam sdroW .remrofrep eht yb elbatius demeed esle gnihtyna ro emutsoc fo egnahc ,gnithgil fo egnahc ,remrofrep artxe na fo noisulcni eht ,yalp a morf noitatouq tcerid a edulcni dluoc noitnevretni nA .noitnevretni eht fo rewop dna htgnel eht senimreted draobssehc eht fo ruoloc dna ezis ehT .noitnevretni lacirtaeht rojam a fo noitidda eht : sdraob ssehc lartsa

Key to Notation Instructions for performers

Each page is a separate movement. Movements can be performed in any order. Not more than one movement can be performed at the same time. Not all performers have to perform at the same time. The use of full words should be avoided at all times, except for checked circles and astral chess boards. Each movement should last between 1 and 2 minutes. Physical movement, body gestures and props are encouraged. Performers should be aware of their vocal and physical presence.

fall to the floor

with angst pp


-------------------- x

Sit and think only of yourself, your attributes, your failures, your successes

Free your body for a short while

angular, with feeling


la lee low grr

Vigourous, harsh, insulting.


at a high level

through the wilderness


through the rain

And when they come knocking t the door, we shall rejoice. We shall be taken, beaten and e made better for it. That is what has been seen and what will happen. We are waiting.
imagine yourself in pain

the length of you


(performed as an echo)

and they then said in a dark tone be with us and we obeyed

at a low level

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