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OM SHRI GANESAYA NAMAHA OM SHRI JEGATHAMBIKAYA NAMAHA OM SHRI VEDACHALAYA NAMAHA OM SHRI AGASTYA GURUVE NAMAHA The Agastya Jeeva Naadi indicates the trends and directions that can be altered either by divine or by the human will, by way of prayers and pujas, by persuading the God's. As such the natives General Chapter and other matters related to the love/matrimony life and remedies are predicted here. The good and bad which you enjoy during the present period of janma (This birth) is brought forward from your purva karma (Past life) and to have a good life during the rest of the present life period and to have a nice opening in the next birth also, all you have to do is do the prayers and it will bring you the ultimate positive happenings and that is the punya which you will be taking with you to the next birth. As such the native is hearing the Agastya Jeeva Naadi predictions during his 48 th year running and before going in to the predictions, the planetary position of the native's chart is explained here. According to the chart, Saturn has taken seat in lagnam/ascending sign, Sun and Venus in Meenam, Moon, Mercury and Kethu in Mesha, Mangal in Vrishaba, Guru in Kanni and Raghu in Libra and the star is Aswini and Lagnam is Vrischika and during the mentioned period the native has been born and the natives predictions are hereby narrated. The general chapter gives the precise position of the planets and predictions of the native and also goes into the details of the momentary planetary transit position. The native is ambitious and aspiring, active, energetic and forceful and a practical man. Has a strong physical temperament and likes own independence and will enjoy the material comforts and physical pleasures. Frank and truthful. Will have importance everywhere. You will face the obstacles and will be daring and will be able to act swiftly in the time of emergencies. Anxious to learn and gain all the knowledge and information available. In the later stages of his life there will be progress in the field of mental and intellectual activities. You will have enough money at the times of need and will earn and spend freely. Will aspire for fame and prominence as well as for the authority and power. You will be able to serve under others exercising great tact and skill and win their

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favour and also you yourself have the capacity for having practical action and enterprise of your own in the days of the Raghu dasa and the period from the age of 51 running, will be more interesting as a lot of new changes will take shape and also in respect of your love affairs, however there are some blocks to the upliftment of your happy goings, this has to be removed by the way of remedies and the details will be predicted during the predictions at the right stage. The early part of your life period will be mostly a mixture of good and bad, but out of that the bad will be more than the good part, even then, you will be having some success by virtue of your personality and by the capacity of your practical actions. You will have sufficient measure of self-control, strength of character and ability to influence others and will overcome antagonistic surroundings and enemies. The present period is not favourable to you, but at the same time and after the pariharam/performance of remedies and chanting of the sacred divine words, then you will find miraculous solutions and ways, and come to enjoy a more comfortable life and a change of love and partner will be fulfilled. While going round into the destiny of the native, there is some problems and difficulties and at certain periods in the course of your life and career, you will not have much advancement as you feel you have what you have deserved. In total, the life of marriage, love affairs or friendships with girls, will be miserable and you will be broken into pieces in that respect due to the planetary effects of Mangal/Mars in the seventh house and the lord of the seventh house Venus has taken seat in the purva karma place, that is fifth house, joined and under the impact of the planet Sun and also Saturn is aspecting Mars, therefore and moreover you will have more than three affairs with females in your life and during your age/period of 51, 52 and 53 years running, you are destined to have a new relationship/love affair and this will be a period of much happiness and you will come to enjoy the matrimonial part of life with this new Lady association and this relationship will at same time give you the love and marriage. This is a fourth woman in your life and you will see it come to happen in practice. You will have a life of struggle but you should not give up as the success in your life comes through struggles. At times you will be hasty and hot headed if things do not come up to your expectations. Some times your behaviour will be just like fire in eruption. You will have a habitual hopefulness and tendency to take up everything in the attempts with great enthusiasm, but at the same time liable to drop them again before they have come to anything. You have been advised to be firm at all cost and keep going until your goal is touched. Otherwise your energies will be wasted and chances of excess of nervous and mental unbalance, which again will create violent exertions and outburst of angers.

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According to the planets, then you will come cross ailments and suffer in respect of diseases connected with face, brain, head, knees, bones and also in the secret parts and also you will have operations in the body. As such the native has to be more careful for the next twenty months, after that it is the period of rising in respect of his wishes. As of now according to the transit of planets, at present it is the Arthasthama Saturn period,- that is Saturn is in the fourth house and Jupiter is in the sixth house and more over the native has been affected by Poorva Sarpa Dosham and also having a strong Mangal Dosham/Mars defect and according to the present period, during the age of 48, 49 and 50 running, due to the impact of the influence of the malefic planets and the Poorva Dosham (previous life's acts and deeds) the native will have the experiences of untimely happenings in the personal and family life, suffering in body and mind, trouble through a dangerous woman, danger from thefts and snakes or food poison, and also some kind of malefic effects of the planets, will affect the native and there will be disturbance in the family life, and especially in respect of the present wife/woman, all this will not be cordial and there will be distrust and quarrels in the family and the native will be going through much upset due to all the happenings. To have a fine and good future, you has to remove the Poorva Sarpa and Mangal Dosham and by that you will be able to come out from the Sarpa, Papa, Rona Vimochanam and for that you is advised to perform the Sarpa, Mangal, Sani Pariharam puja and the Swayamvara Parvathi Japa Homam, by the Pariharam, this will result in relief, domestically, socially and financially, and the period of bad will be overcome and then you will have a bright periods during the coming period. The future aspects connected to the new love affair, will have a good development and also you will find a refresh or a new leaf of life in this development and also there are chances as predicted for another love affair/marriage and during the period of 51, 52, and 53 of age running (50, 51 and 52) it will work good for you a lot and not only that, even after your 60 years (59) of age you will find good opportunities and more over, you will do a lot achievements during the period as per your chart and the periods 55 and 56 (54 and 55) will also be favourable, however you will have to make some efforts for a change of the domestic situation during the said period. The thing in respect of the love affairs will be up to your desire/wish, it is because Guru/Jupiter is influencing the planet Mars and also is aspecting the lord of the seventh house Venus, who is in an exalted position and seated along with the Sun and therefore you will come across a fine working women in your life and with her enjoy the parapnelia of luxury and sexual and loveable pleasures and it is all there in your future. All the difficult years of the past is the work of your destiny and the coming period will bring the changes and after the pariharam/remedies is performed, some sacred words (Mantras) will be given to you and you have to chant it with faith and you will have great changes in your life and we bless you with good health and longevity and with a happy domestic life.

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Arulasi. Subham. The recommended remedies to perform are Sarpa, Mangal, Sani Parihara puja and Swayamvara Parvathi japa Homam.

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