Powerful Prayer With The Blood of Jesus Christ

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Prime Creator Almighty and Omnipotent God in the name of Jesus and with power of His Precious Blood, I seal, cover, bathe and purify all humanity, facts or events on Earth and throughout the entire Universe. Omnipresent and Omnipotent Creator God I pray through Jesus to activate all Christed atoms of all beings on the planet Earth and throughout the Universe.

With the power of the Blood of Jesus, we seal all destructive power in the air, earth, water, fire, the ether, in and under the earth, in the satanic forces of nature, in the depths of hell and the world in which we move on today.

With the power of the Blood of Jesus, I seal the weather, all layers of the atmosphere, all the volcanoes, mountains, forests, plants, animals, oceans, all chakras, energy points, atoms and frequencies of the planet Earth and the Universe.

With the power of the Blood of Jesus, we break all interference and malicious actions. We ask Jesus to send to to our homes and workplaces the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Mother accompanied by Archangel Miguel, Gabriel, Rafael and the court of the Holy Angels and Archangels of Light.

With the power of the Blood of Jesus, we seal our house, all which inhabit it (name each), people that the Almighty sent to us, as well as food and goods that the Almighty sends us generously for our sustenance.

With the power of the Blood of Jesus, I seal the land, the ground, doors, windows, ceilings, objects, walls, floors and the air we breathe, the water we drink and put a circle with the blood of Jesus around our entire family.

With the power of the Blood of Jesus, we seal the places where we will be this day, and people, companies or institutions with whom we will treat (name each).

With the power of the Blood of Jesus, we seal our material and spiritual work, the business of all our family, and vehicles, the roads, the air routes and all means of transport that we will use, any means of communication we will use and also seal all information provided on the internet, all communication networks in the world and all nuclear plants, the electricity plants and water plants and distribution networks in the world, also seal all cellular networks and wireless frequencies. We also seal with the Blood of Jesus all satellites around the planet earth.

With the power of the Blood of Jesus, we seal acts, minds, thoughts, hearts and every atom of all the people and leaders of our country and our world, all religions and churches in the world, so that Your Peace, Your Teachings, Your Love and Your Heart finally reign in all of us.

With the power of the precious Blood of Jesus, we sealed all the past blessings, present and future blessings that have been given to us, we seal our aura, our astral doors, our chakras and energy points of the body against all human creations, embodied or disembodied spirits and any evil that comes against us, also we seal all that needs to be sealed and have no knowledge of or that we have forgotten and in Your name, Lord Jesus, and by the power of your precious blood, we claim all the blessings that the devil, his angels and his henchmen have stolen to us, all our family and all mankind, and we ask this to be returned filtered and purified seventy times seven with your Precious Blood Jesus.

We thank you God Almighty, Omnipotent and Omnipresent creator and Your Messenger and our Brother, Our Lord Jesus for his teaching which is Love and Forgiveness, For His Peace, His Heart, His Precious Blood and His Life, and thanks to all these Lord Jesus we have been loved, we are protected, preserved and are freed from all evil. Powerful Blood of Salvation, change the enemy Amen.


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