Possible Naration Line

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God had called me forth, ME.

A lowly choir angel and I was being offered one of THE three seats. I'm so excited. I stride down the streets of paradise barely containing my bursting pride as I make my way to the arena. The one point were all four realms collided, the house of god. It was god's personal way of keeping an eye on everything at once. It was also a rather humble sight. The house appeared to be a lowly peasant dwelling. A single story with one room and all wood furniture. It was not worthy of housing god's presence. I could never understand why his holiness would want to live in such squalor but of course I never questioned it. I knocked on the rotted oak door and was greeted with a deep gust of warm wind with a melodic voice trapped inside. "Enter Fralen." I could have dropped from sheer happiness. 'He said my name!' I felt like squealing. 'He said my name!' I strode through the door and there was god in all of it's splendor. Of course the form of god is not a set thing. God has no set gender or shape. A floating vapor was the chosen form of the morrow. A knock came from the cupboard. "Come in Severith." the breezy voice beckoned. At his order a demon sauntered through the cupboard door. His purple skin blazed with light and his blue furred tail swung back and forth. He gave a low mocking bow "Good morrow your highness." I almost shouted at him in rage. "You should show proper respect in the presence of God. Be humbled heathen. For this is the first that one of your ilk has lain eyes upon the creator for millennia." "Shove a bible in it church sucker." "ENOUGH!" Roared the suddenly cold breeze that was god. The vapor turning to flakes of ice in mid-air " You shall be civil with one another for the remainder of your stay here." A tentative clunk came from a trapdoor in the roof. "You may proceed Issac." A small child with blazing red hair fell through the trap door and collapsed under the once more warm breeze of the creater. The child remained silent but stared around at the others. "Good now that you're all here. I'd like to announce that you will all be my guests. You will walk through the basement door and find yourself in my box of 'the arena' at that point you will remain in the box until such time as the earthly realm has begun to crumble. Even after that terrible time you will remain by my side for an eternity and a day. Where I wander so shall you. Where I lay so shall you too. And where I sing your voices will rise to join mine. Now let us go to our seats. The show is about to begin. And of course we wouldn't wish to miss the prologue would we?" And so we three walked alongside God to the private box and sat as it told the story of how the end began. In the beginning there was nothing, then there was God. God created a universe in which his creations could thrive and grow. He then created creatures in a design of it's own. One of these created species was granted an elevated intelligence. The first two of aforementioned species were called Adam and Eve and they eventually mated and had many children. But God could feel that something was missing,

these creations were stupid and worked arduously only to die. They were missing the entire point of their short life-spans and God had to collect the broken fragments of their souls when they finished. God decided to put an expiration date on this world and knew exactly the event it wanted to use as the trigger. Among all of the children that Adam and Eve had the oldest two were most prominent. Their names were Cain and Able. Cain toiled in the fields using scythe and sickle to harvest bountiful wheat. His brother Able worked as a shepherd. The brothers were quite close but there was a slight wedge in their relationship. Able was always praised while Cain was suspected of having committed all crimes whether guilty or not. One day Able lost one of his flock, upon discovery of this the boys father reprimanded Cain, claiming that he must have distracted Able whilst in the fields. Cain grew enraged at this and in his anger flew out to the field where Able was attending the remaining members of the flock. Cain grabbed a nearby rock and caved his brothers skull in on itself. God ascended from heaven in light of this atrocity which Cain had perpetrated. Cain! God cried out in fury. Cain fell to his knees at the coming of the almighty and ever powerful god. My lord I Cain began. SILENCE!! God spat in disgust. You have killed your brother over petty differences. Why have you decided that it is your place to determine when he should die? Cain stood before God and his voice took on a hard edge. I toil in the fields harvesting the fruits of my labor. My brother, bless his soul watched the sheep. I work three times as hard as he did and still father treated me as though I were an animal dropping that had accumulated itself on his boot. God paused in thought for several seconds. Finally God's voice rang rang forth from the heavens once again. Cain for your crimes you will be punished. From this point onward you shall forever work to harvest the fruit of man. Your only tool for this matter will be your scythe. You will never die and you will never rest. But loe I still have compassion for you. Therefore whomsoever attacks you shall be burdened with the pain inflicted upon you sevenfold. Cain toiled collecting souls for the creator until his bones became as dust. At which point his soul was implanted into the body of a mortal. This mortal had the ability to pass Cains spirit through a contract written in blood and bound by the lord. As the population of earth swelled Cains soul was separated and passed to many Reapers until an order was established. Now whilst god had created Reapers it felt that more disruptors of the natural order were required for the trigger event, so it sought three souls who deserved punishment to become horsemen. On the island of St. Kilda there lived a woman by the name of Dirge Hercy. Young Dirge grew up in a secret society of woman warriors but left the island to find her fortune in warfare. She set course for Europe which was said to be fraught with war at the time. She proved her worth in underground blood sports and quickly became known as a ferocious fighter. The local lords sought Dirge the beast Hercy

for aid in combat. Eventually Dirge gathered up a group of restless and downtrodden villagers and proceeded to campaign a war against the whole of Europe. She gained and amassed power swiftly but was brought down by the blade of a rival in combat. The villagers returned to their lives and the story was suppressed so the lords of the region could keep their dignity. Dirge was commanded to be the first Harbinger, tasked with creating and orchestrating everything from drunken fist fights to wars. Her spirit was divided to meet demand much the same as Cain's before her. Finally there were two twins, one male one female. The girl was always skinny and never seemed to be able to fill her stomach no matter how much she ate. The boy was sickly and had contracted so many diseases that it was a wonder he had lived as long as he had. The twins loved to create mayhem with their practical jokes and couldnt get enough of it. One day a joke went awry and a palace guard was killed. The children both suddenly died of unknown causes. God had been waiting for these two for a very long time. He told them that they would be forever contracted to create mischief. From loss of personal items and oddly timed explosions to ticked off animals. Tricksters grew with humanitys stupidity and forgetfulness. All four of the groups teamed up and became known to both heaven and hell as The Disruptors. Working for neither side and promised their own dimension for great service and good behavior by the almighty himself. Disruptors are Gods way of keeping things sporadic and testing the faith of the people of earth. And so god had the full set. Every now and again a large event would occur. At this point one disrupter would be chosen to create a large scale catastrophe. The existence of all four types of event organizers existing at the same time was said to be the beginning of the end of the world known as Earth. A Death from the Reapers, a War from the Harbingers, and a Plague and Famine from the Tricksters. The end times have begun on the mortal plane. The four great event organizers are in existence. The world has been rebuilt from shambles to resemble days of yore. The four need only gain their status as disruptors to begin. God watches from his heavenly perch with a grim satisfaction at the workings of the world's undoing. Satan paces back and forth in the world beneath awaiting his time to shine impatiently as always. The entire disruptor community waits in breathless excitement for the coming of the four who are only whispered about in legend. The last organizers. The Horsemen. All three realms are abuzz and members from each realm gather to watch as the world comes tumbling down. And that's were we'll begin.

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