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Previous Works

Seducing HIs Wife

Breaking Delias Rules

Mistletoe Mambo

The Designers Bride

Decadent Seconds

The Pick-Up Wife

W. Lynn Chantale A Whispers Publishing Publication

The Pick Up Wife A Whispers Publishing Publication May 11th 2012 Copyright (2012) (W.Lynn Chantale ) Cover illustration copyright (Elaina ) ISBN Not Assigned All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in an y form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, record ing, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the Web-without permission in writing from the publisher. All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the aut hor and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. Th ey are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the aut hor, and all incidents are pure invention.

Published by: Whispers Publishing, P.O. Box 1165, Ladson, SC 29456-1165.

Table of Contents Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve


I would like to take a moment to thank my editor. Thank you for your patience. A special shout out goes to Myla for being such a great sounding board and my de ar sister Aleisha for allowing me to interrogate pepper her with questions. Love you both. As always I thank God for blessing me with this talent.

Chapter One It couldnt be. Symmone stared at the tall, broad shouldered man waiting at the ho stess stand. The din of voices and clink of silverware faded as her world narrowed to the man

smiling at Amanda. For a moment Symmone forgot to breathe. Attraction made her heart flutter, but searing pain swamped and choked her. The coffee she poured into a waiting cup overflowed and cascaded over her hand. With a gasp, she jerked her focus back to her task, set the coffee pot on the co unter, and hurried to run cool water over her burning fingers. She glanced over her shoulder in time to see the hostess seat the new arrival at a table near the long bank of windows. Just great. She dried her hand and tried not to wince when she scraped the coarse paper towel too roughly against her te nder flesh. Leaning against the counter, she drew several deep breaths. What was he doing here? Hed made it very clear she was a hindrance in his life. Despite trepidation gnawing at her, some part of her was excited. She ruthlessly squashed the sentiment and filled a glass with ice and water. Stay focused. He was the one whod left to pursue his career, while shed had to cop e with loneliness and a broken heart. She squared her shoulders. But why was he here? There was no reason for him to e ven seek her out. They were divorced, good and proper. She hadnt asked him for an ything in the ensuing years, even going so far as to return the monthly support payments. She didnt want or need his guilt money. Besides, ten years was a long time to carry a torch for anyone, and she had too much going on in her life to waste her time with teenage fantasies and lovelorn dreams. And certainly not on Leo Sheppard. Quickly she mopped up the errant coffee and did her best to avoid Amandas wave an d point. You have a customer. And he asked for you, Amanda said, slapping a stack of menus on the counter. I was really hoping to Cmon, Symmone. Hes absolutely gorgeous and hes wearing this really great cologne. Amanda swept her gaze over Symmone from head to toe and just barely wrinkled her nose. Why he would ask for you I have no idea. Disdain from the snotty hostess was a given, and Symmone could ignore the cattin ess; what she couldnt ignore was the hot, bitter emotion roiling in her stomach. For a second it felt a lot like jealousy. Ten years and she was jealous? Unbelievable. With an eye roll, Symmone picked up the glass of water and approached the table where Leo sat. Thankfully he had his back to her and she had time to gather her thoughts. Why was he here? She couldnt seem to get past that question. Her footsteps slowed as she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the windowpane . She paused long enough to straighten her dark ponytail. With a huff of disgust she dropped her hand from her ebony tresses and shook her head. She couldnt beli eve she was primping for her ex. Primping!

She set the glass on the table with a thump. He looked up with a tentative smile, and she was lost. She opened her mouth to s peak and not a single word came out. God, he was even more handsome than the las t time shed seen him. Gone was the youthful softness of his face. Now he had a ma ns face, a jaw that spoke of strength and maturity. His brown eyes, while bright and intelligent, seemed to hold a tinge of sadness, but what drew her attention most was his mouth. How many hours had she fantasized about the taste and shape of his mouth, about the firm press of his lips against hers or the butterfly kis ses he used to flutter over her skin. His smile widened. Youre speechless. The warm rasp of his rich baritone danced over her, opening wounds she thought l ong since healed and igniting a desire shed hoped long dead. He couldnt come in here, to her place of employment, and upset everything shed eve r worked for with just two words. Everything came back in an aching, throbbing fireball, and she clenched her hand s at her sides. What do you want? She didnt bother to hide the annoyance or anger in her voice. He blinked, and his smile drooped a bit, but he managed to maintain it. I came to see you. You havent given a damn about me in ten years. Whats so special about now? Are you dying? Or have you come to assuage some misplaced sense of guilt? Either way, the caf ha s very good takeout I believe you would enjoy. He chuckled, and it produced an ache in areas she didnt want to acknowledge. I sup pose I deserve that, but youre wrong, Symmone. Ive never stopped thinking about yo u. His quiet admission stayed her irritation. And I was wrong to do what I did. Tears burned and clogged the back of her throat. Somehow hed stolen all of her ri ghteous indignation with a few short sentences. Well, Im glad to hear you admit it . So is this what makes amends for anyone youve wronged? Fine. Youre forgiven. You may go. She spun on her heel, wouldve made a clean getaway, except he grabbed her wrist. The chair scraped across the floor, and a moment later the hard line of his body met her back. Need slammed through her system, sparking little used nerves and sending her pul se into overdrive. The heady scent of his cologne, a little pine and sage, promi sed slow, sensual seduction. She whirled around and snapped her gaze to his face. Molten desire shone in the depths of Leos milk chocolate eyes. Her breath caught in her throat. She never ex pected to see such passion on his face, not after all this time. Biting her lip against the answering wave of desire pulsing through her veins, she snatched her hand away. Dont touch me again! He backed up, hands raised. Okay. Im sorry. I justhe inhaledI want to talk to you, Sym mone. I meant what I said. There has been no one else since you and, well, I wou ld really like to take you out to dinner tonight.

Dinner? She pierced him with an icy stare and savored a small victory when he sh ifted his weight from one foot to the other. Im. Busy. Nodding, he reached inside his jacket pocket, pulled out a card, and laid it on the table. If you change your mind, my cell is at the bottom and my hotel is on the back. His gaze lingered on her a moment. If I dont hear from you, I will be back every day until you agree to see me. He brushed past and she stared after him, dumbfounded. What game was he playing now?

**** Symmone was still worrying about her exs motivation for returning when she dragge d her weary, aching body across the threshold of her house. She closed the door and leaned against the wood, closing her eyes. Even though she was home, the real work was just beginning. Small arms circled h er waist and squeezed. A soft smile curved her lips, and she returned the hug. Well, hello to you too, sweetheart. How was school? She stroked the little girls ba ck. Fine. LJ got in a fight. Did not! came the indignant reply. Symmone let out an exaggerated sigh and both children fell silent. I just need fi ve minutes. Please. She looked from her son to her daughter and back again. And since I didnt g et a call from the school, well talk about your behavior. LJ nodded solemnly. But I really didnt get into a fight. I didnt even go to the pri ncipals office.

She beckoned the little boy over, and he dragged his feet. All she did was give him a quick hug. Well talk about what happened in a bit. She stroked the face of each child. Now go show me what you did today. Both hurried off to grab their schoolwork. Symmone set her purse on the small table and ambled down the short hall until sh e came to an open doorway on the right. Standing at an electric stove in dire ne ed of a junkyard was Melvin. He stirred something that looked suspiciously like spaghetti sauce. She gave the air an experimental sniff; the basil and tomatoes wafting toward her were unmistakable, and her mouth watered. You didnt have to cook, she said, entering the room. She went straight to the fridg e and tried not to groan when she opened the door. The shelves were practically bare, save for a half-empty milk jug, a carton of eggs, and a couple of bottles of water. Just enough to get the kids through breakfast tomorrow. Thank goodness

it was also payday. She would go grocery shopping on her way home. She grabbed a water and closed the door. Melvin turned, an easy smile on his boyish face. I heard the munchkins harassing you when you arrived. Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes. I have to leave in a bit, but I will be back before you go to work tonight. Symmone sat down, breaking the seal on the bottle. She set the bottle on the sca rred wooden 16 table without drinking any. Work. Tonight. A sigh escaped her lips. Just once sh ed like to come home and not have to go out again, but thats the price she paid fo r raising her children alone. Dont remind me. He chuckled. The kids are done with their homework, they have field trip forms wh ich require your signature, and parent-teacher conferences are next week. You ne ed to pick a date and time. She nodded. Yeah. Yeah, I know the drill. He sat across from her. So how was your day? She raised the bottle to her lips, thought a moment, then lowered the water to t he table again. Guess who came into the caf today. Melvin tilted his head to the side. My mother. She barked a short laugh; getting her Aunt Cynthia, Melvins mother, to walk into a restaurant would be no mean feat. The woman had a phobia about places where sh e couldnt see her food being prepared. Nope. Symmone glanced around, leaned across the table, and kept her voice to a hoa rse whisper. Leo. Melvin sat back, eyes wide and mouth open. No way! What did he want? She gave a careless shrug, belying the nervousness clutching at her since the mo ment he walked into the caf. He wanted to take me to dinner. What? She nodded. Gave me his business card and everything. Melvin shook his head. I cant believe he would come back after all this time. So a re you going out with him? She inhaled the water she was drinking instead of swallowing. A coughing spasm s hook her body as she tried to expel the offending fluid. No, she said when she finally recovered her voice. Why not? Youre not dating anyone else, and if Im not mistaken, youre still in love w ith him. A spark of truth resonated in his words, but she didnt want to acknowledge them. T hat aside, the answer is still no.

Has it been five minutes? LJ yelled from the other room. Symmone chuckled, the tension easing from her shoulders. And I have more importan t things to focus on right now. She pushed her chair away from the table and stoo d. Yes.

**** Late in the evening, Symmone stood in the middle of the hall between her childre ns bedrooms, the only two bedrooms in the house. She slept on the foldout in the living room and kept her clothes in a beat-up bureau that doubled as a TV stand. Ten years, two kids, and one failed marriage. Children she shouldve told Leo abou t by now. Symmone veered left into an ancient bathroom and flicked on the shower . Though in need of updating, just like the rest of the house, it served the occ upants needs. Toilet, shower, sink. That was all. Still, some days she would love the luxury of soaking in a large w hirlpool tub, but right now shed settle for a working showerhead. The water sprin kled from above. Refreshed, dried off, and dressed for her second job, she paced the living room. Three nights a week she cleaned office buildings, in addition to working full-t ime at the caf. And on those three days her cousin Melvin spent the night. Often he would suggest she cash one of the support payments, but that would be too muc h like taking charity. She refused to let Leo dismiss her, then throw money at h er like some hollaback girl. On her next pass in front of the TV, she reached out a hand and picked up the fr amed drawing. Why she felt the need to keep the picture after all these years, s he couldnt be sure. Tracing the pencil line, a deep pang of regret resounded thro ugh her. Maybe it served as a reminder of all her broken dreams and promises. Or maybe it kept her focused on the future. Just a silly drawing of a silly house. With a sigh, she replaced the frame. Twin beams of light sliced through the darkness and bounced off the window. The squeal of brakes signaled Melvins arrival. She breathed a relieved sigh. The seco nd job wasnt quite necessary, but it helped round out the rest of her household b udget, and she could afford a few extras for her children. She greeted him at the door. Everything go all right? Melvin nodded. Of course. I should be back by three, she said, shrugging her purse onto her shoulder. Well, dont wake me.

Chuckling, she closed the door. The warm, humid night slid around her. She glanc ed up at a star-laden sky. Despite the beauty of the evening a heaviness settled around her heart. It wasnt until she arrived at the office building she was to c lean that she realized what bothered her. Leo.

Chapter Two Leo loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top button of his dress shirt. He peered around the hotel room, which was more like a junior suite with its spacious sit ting area and separate bedroom. He toed off his shoes, picked them up, and set t hem in the closet. The tie and cufflinks followed. He sat in a leather recliner and let out a sigh. Seeing Symmone again was incredible. The moment he laid eyes on her, the love, t he happiness, the attraction all came rushing back, and he could only stare, dri nking in the delicious sight of her. For a moment he forgot how terribly he had treated her. When hed decided to visit the caf, he wasnt sure if she would be there or not, so h e stood outside watching, waiting. Then when she sashayed from the back of the r estaurant his heart skipped a beat. Shed let her hair grow. He longed to slide his fingers through her long tangle of ebony hair. Would the strands be as silky as he remembered? Could he even get close enough to find out? When he held her hand, he had the ov erwhelming urge to explore her satiny skin, relearn all the secrets her body hel d. A spark of lust flared to life, and he shifted his arousal to a more comforta ble position. The last real picture he had of her was their wedding day where she still had th e fresh-faced glow of innocence about her, but now A moan hovered on his lips. No w she was all grown up, with the lush curves and sensuality of a woman he wanted to get to know. A woman he wanted in his bed. He stood and crossed to the floor-to-ceiling window, drew back the curtain, and stared out into the deepening night. Headlights, streetlamps, and other luminary devices vied with the inky sky. Miles and miles of blacktop and concrete as far as the eye could see intersected with buildings of all shapes and sizes. Somewh ere out there, Symmone was waiting. Abruptly he pulled back. She wasnt waiting for him; the way shed looked at him ear lier let him know exactly where he stood with her. She wanted no part of him, bu t her honey-almond eyes didnt lie. Hed seen the quick flash of heat when he touched her. Regardless of the words fal ling from her delectable lips, she was still attracted to him, but would it be e nough to gain him entry into her heart? He huffed. Unlikely. The woman hed seen earlier in the afternoon, while it may ha ve seemed she has happy and carefree, left him believing she wanted more. And he wanted to give her more. He somehow wanted to make up for divorcing her ten yea rs ago. A huge, catastrophic mistake. The biggest, stupidest blunder of his life. The im age of her tear-stained faced and wide-eyed shock haunted his dreams and every m oment of his waking hours. While pursuing his career had been fulfilling, without Symmone by his side to sh

are the success his achievements were hollow victories. Why did he ever put his career before his marriage? Or think he would be better off without her? And for a while he believed the bull, until he came home to an empty house. He twisted the plain gold band on his finger. Hed been approached by one of the partners about the possibility of buying into t he firm as a full partner, and to his surprise Dexter Greene had asked about his family. Greene wanted to meet Leos family before the final decision was made. Family. Something hed abandoned in pursuit of his career and the very thing he no w needed to solidify his position with Greene and Banks Architects. If Symmone d idnt call him, Leo would go to her job again. He was not leaving until he had con vinced her he was still in love with her and he had mended the fence hed so callo usly busted.

Chapter Three Symmone poured a much needed cup of coffee the following morning. Cleaning the b uilding had taken longer, thanks to three of the crew members deciding not to sh ow. What was supposed to be a quick five-hour shift had turned into an all-night er. She stifled a wide yawn as she doled scrambled eggs onto waiting plates. Breakfast, she called and sipped her coffee. Doors slammed and footsteps pounded across the floor until her twin terrors appe ared in the doorway, babbling about the latest episode of Phineas and Ferb. She listened to the chatter flowing around her. No matter how tired she was, she loved listening to their young voices. Every decision she had made since they w ere born was for them. And she couldnt sacrifice their well-being now. Not for an yone, and especially not for their father. She had no more illusions of love, and any time a man could put his career or an ything else before her, she was done with him. So can we? Symmone tuned into the conversation and found two like faces staring at her in e arnest. Two pairs of soft brown eyes were filled with hope. She hated to let the m down. Can you what? Our class is going on an overnight to the museum in Detroit. Can we go? Jewel said , shoving a forkful of eggs into her mouth. You promised the next field trip we could go. LJs voice held a slight whine. The field trip forms. And I do my best to keep my promises. Symmone looked from on e face to the other. Whatever she had to do, she would do. And youre going. Squeals of delight split the air and she was engulfed in happy hugs and kisses. She returned the exuberance with a giggle. Okay, now make sure you finish eating.

Rinse your plates when youre done. I have to get dressed.

**** By the time Symmone entered the caf, a few patrons dotted the tables, while sever al more lined the long eat-in counter. Next to the register sat a tall vase wrap ped in florist paper, but a red petal or two peeked above the green and white wr apper. Morning, Donna. She donned a fresh apron, tied the strings, and pointed to the arr angement. Thats sweet. Your daughter send you flowers again? Donna was a quiet waitress in her mid-fifties, and while she didnt need to work, she enjoyed interacting with the customers. Sitting at the register for the dura tion of her shift allowed her to do that. Actually, my dear, those are for you. Seems you have a secret admirer. Warm pleasure stole through her. No one other than her children ever gave her fl owers. She crossed to the vase and pulled the paper down. Two dozen long stemmed roses were arranged in a cut crystal vase. She savored th e sweet scent of the bouquet before she plucked the envelope from the clear plas tic fork and removed the card. Until we meet again. Trepidation made her heart pound a little harder. What did he want? She slid the card back in the envelope and dropped it into her pocket. Was it one of our regulars? Donna drew her attention. Ive noticed a couple of the yo unger crowd eyeing you lately. You should really think about dating one of them, Symmone. Your kids are old enough to handle you dating. Symmone laughed and moved the roses to an empty shelf behind the servers station. That may be true, but I dont have time to date. Working and raising my kids keeps me busy enough. Will you at least think about it? Youre still young and have the rest of your life to work like crazy. Nodding, Symmone grabbed a couple of menus and headed to a booth where an older couple were seated. She hadnt given much thought to her social life, or lack ther eof, until Leo walked in yesterday. Until that moment she didnt think anything was wrong with her existence. Sure, sh e worked two jobs, something she desperately wanted to stop doing, but dating? N ope. She shook her head. Entertaining the notion of someone else when she barely had time for her childre n now just wasnt an option. Flowers and dating were pushed from her mind as the caf filled to overflowing. By the time breakfast blurred into lunch, her patience was thin. Lack of sleep and cranky customers only added to her irritability. Thank goodnes s once her shift ended she could go home and be with her children.

Right after a nice long hot shower. She thumped a glass of water on yet another table and removed her order tablet f rom her pocket. Im so sorry about the wait, she said, infusing as much sincerity in to her voice as possible. What could I get to start you off? Did you like the flowers? Warmth whispered over her, awakening nerves and desires she desperately needed t o stay dormant. Symmone snapped her attention to the speaker and groaned. I reall y dont have time for this today, so if you want something to eat, just give me yo ur order. When Leo chuckled, a part of her wanted to hear him laugh again. She rocked back on her heels, refusing to admit to herself she was still attracted to him. She sniffed, her senses colliding with delicious musk, and stifled a moan of appreci ation. The man always wore great smelling cologne. A frown tugged at the corner of his mouth when his gaze drifted over her. Do you treat all of your customers this way? No, just annoying ex-husbands, she said with a slight smile. He nodded. You look tired. Busy. His frown deepened. Symmone. She placed a hand on her hip. Leo. I have thirty other people in this section who want to eat. They dont care if Im tired, overworked, or sleep deprived and you shouldnt either. Now what would you like? He shook his head. I forgot how stubborn you could be. Dont forget a hindrance to your career, she said quietly. If you would just agree to go out with me, we could talk. So now you want to talk? she demanded. Whats changed? Have you lost your job? She studied him a moment, taking in the red striped polo shirt with the image of a rhino emblazoned on the breast and oversi zed Invicta divers watch on his wrist. No. Maybe you need a pretty bauble on your arm to make nice at the office. Im sure you can find some unsuspecting female for the event. Even to her ears the last statement sounded petty and mean. When he tightened his jaw and pursed his lips a small shiver of satisfaction rip pled through her, before guilt reared its ugly head. Yep, she definitely went to o far, but he couldnt yank around her emotions. She wasnt some lovestruck teenager anymore. She shook her head. You know what, Leo, it doesnt even matter why youre here. Ill pu t in an order for todays special, bring you an iced tea, and comp you the meal. T hat way I dont have to worry about bringing you a bill and you dont have to worry

about a tip. He sat back, draped an arm over the empty chair next to him, and held her gaze. Y ou can do that, but Ill be back tonight. Then tomorrow morning, and I will keep c oming until you agree to have dinner with me. Something flickered in his chocolate eyes that triggered a sinking feeling in th e pit of her stomach. He would be back. She couldnt do this right now. With a sig h, she tapped a few screens on her tablet. Ill give you my answer when I get back. She walked away, shoving the tablet in her pocket. Dinner was definitely out of the question. There was no way she was going to let him wine and dine her. If he wanted to tal k, he could do it after her shift. Once she reached the order window, she snagged several plates ready to go to the ir hungry owners. By the time she returned to Leo with the promised iced tea and sandwich, shed made her decision. She thumped the food in front of him. If you promise not to come in here again, w e can talk. I can A wave of her hand cut him off. I didnt say I would go to dinner. I said we can ta lk. After my shift is over and then for only fifteen minutes. I have errands to run before Mel I need to be home. She didnt want Leo to know he had kids, especiall y if he had nothing of any substance to say. Those are my conditions. Take em or l eave em. He stared at her a long time before he spoke again. Are you seeing someone? For a quick moment she debated telling him a lie, but changed her mind. She had enough secrets already. No. My life is too chaotic for a relationship right now. That seemed to satisfy him. Fine. What time? Four-thirty. He took so long to answer she didnt think he would agree to her terms, but now that he had she could find out what he really wanted. And afterward, you dont see me again. He tilted his head to the side, a cryptic smile on his lips. If thats what you rea lly want. Hey, Sym! Symmone glanced and waved at a patron two tables away. Gotta go, duty calls. Despi te making a deal with the devil she realized she was looking forward to spending a few precious minutes with Leo.

**** At four-twenty-nine, Symmone sat at an outside table away from the main flow of traffic.

This table was usually reserved for interviews or employee meetings. She sipped a glass of iced tea as she waited for Leo to make his way through the tables to her. She studied him, uncaring if he saw her. The years had been kind to him and a sp ark of desire ignited in her veins. Today he wore a striped polo shirt and wellworn jeans. Each confident stride stretched the denim over powerful legs and thi ghs and when he turned just right, she was treated to an outline of his Ahem. No sense in letting her mind wander to what she could no longer have. But there was nothing wrong with admiring, hoping, fantasizing, and it had been so long since the last time shed been with him or any other man. Still, she could enjoy the well toned arms, solid chest, and narrow waist. She wondered if he wa s still ticklish. Leo stood in front of her, amusement curving his luscious lips and lighting his eyes. Do you like what you see? She ran a finger around the rim of the glass. Theres nothing wrong with checking out the view. She waved her hand to the chair ac ross from her. Have a seat and tell me why youve decided to find me after all thes e years. His gaze swept over her face. She seemed a little more relaxed, but dark circles shadowed her honey-almond eyes. To be this close to her after so long, he longe d to do more than just sit across the table from her and talk. He wanted to gath er her in his arms, run his fingers over her skin and see if it was still satiny soft. He wanted to bury his nose in the hollow of her throat and inhale her fem inine scent while he sampled her exotic flavor. Despite the flare of heat hed seen in her eyes a moment ago, none of the whimsica l humor he remembered remained, and if it did, it was well hidden beneath the to ugh exterior shed developed. Did you like the flowers I sent? Yes, but if thats the only reason you wanted to see me, youre wasting my time. Should he tell her the truth? Maybe now wasnt the time to tell her why he was the re. Shed send him packing for sure.

I meant what I said, Symmone. Ive missed you. I made a mistake leaving you the way I did. She nodded and shifted in her chair. Weve established that. I want you back. Her hand hit the table the same time her mouth dropped open. For a moment all he could think about was sliding his hard cock between her lips and watching her s uck him off. He shook himself. Now was not the time, but soon. No. He raised a brow. Really? Not even going to hear me out? She shook her head. Let me share what Ive learned and you so thoroughly taught me.

No matter how much you love and trust someone, he can hurt you on a whim for hi s career. I learned that no matter how much I loved you, you werent coming back, and no matter how many tears I cried or wished upon stars, my heart would still be broken. She blinked rapidly against the sheen of tears glistening in her eyes. You dont get a second chance to do that again.

To hear her utter the words describing his treatment of her Until now hed had no i dea of the pain hed really caused. Guilt and shame settled around his shoulders l ike a heavy cloak. He reached across the table and covered her hand with his. He wasnt surprised to find it trembled; what did surprise him was the jolt of elect ricity that slid up his arm and filled him with an overwhelming need to hold her close and erase the pain hed caused. He exhaled and steeled himself for the accusation in her eyes. What he read in t heir brown depths was far worse. In addition to pain was total distrust. She hel d absolutely no faith in him. Youre correct, Symmone. You shouldnt give me a chance to hurt you again, but I woul d like a second chance to show you Ive changed. He twined her fingers with his, re lishing the silkiness of her skin, enjoying the soft caramel color against his d arker cocoa. Im not the same selfish immature man I was ten years ago and I need y ou to let me prove it to you. She shook her head. I cant. Rebuilding my life took too long and theres too much at stake now.

He frowned. Why didnt you finish school? A blush swept through her cheeks and she looked away. I went as long as I could a fter we divorced, but I needed to work. He shifted, leaning forward. I sent money. She went rigid and fixed him with what he could only call a haughty glare. I didnt want that to be one more thing I was dependent upon; it could just up and stop. Damn, this was going to be harder than hed thought. Okay, so what have you done si nce the divorce? Mostly work, and I catch a class or two when I can. Two more classes and Ill have my bachelors.

He smiled. Thats great. Is there anything I can do to help? No. She glanced at her watch. Your fifteen minutes are up. You were serious about that? Of course. I told you I have errands to run. She pushed back her chair and stood. He stood as well. Can I help?

She studied him for a long moment. Leo, I appreciate the apology and for allowing me the opportunity to tell you what I think and feel, but I dont need your help. I grew up a long time ago. Tugging the purse strap on her shoulder, she turned to leave. Sym, please.

She stopped, her shoulders heaving up and down, before she spun on her heel to f ace him. Standing in front of him, she jabbed her index finger in his chest. He cradled h er hand with both of his. Were not a couple anymore and I have no illusions regarding us. You are a complica tion I just cant afford right now. When she tugged on her hand, he drew her closer and wrapped a strong arm around her waist. She trembled in his embrace. You were never good at completely hiding your feelings, Symmone. You feel somethi ng for me, something besides animosity. Even now youre aroused. She rested her hands on his chest. That doesnt mean I have to act upon my hormones .

He stroked the curve of her cheek. You are just so damn beautiful, and truth be t old Ive missed you. Symmone pushed against the unyielding wall of his chest, but he merely held her tighter. He was getting too close. His stupid apology was salve to her ailing he art, just the balm she needed to cure the ache, and being locked in his arms eas ed the void of loneliness. But she couldnt give in to him, to the emotions he awa kened. Let me go. He tangled his fingers in her hair and tipped her head back. The one thing Ive mis sed most is holding you. You were always so soft and Im glad that hasnt changed. She held her breath. Please. But she couldnt be sure if her plea was for him to con tinue his sweet words or to release her.

I promised myself one thing when I got the opportunity to hold you again. He dippe d his head. Symmone parted her lips in anticipation, the mint on his breath an enticement al l its own. What was that? He pressed his lips to hers, light, tentative, seeking. She moved closer and the

kiss grew more demanding, seducing a response, coaxing forgiveness for wrongs t hat could never be undone. Symmone slid her hands up until she locked her fingers behind his neck. His hand s stroked her spine, ushering her even closer to the lean firmness of his body. So much time had passed since shed been kissed with any type of passionand she sti ll dreamed about Leos kisses. If only she could let go of the pain as easily as s he yielded to his kiss. Time stood still and they were once again a young couple with the world laid out before them for the taking.

Tears burned beneath her lashes. They would never have that again. She broke the kiss, burying her face in his shoulder. If you tell me you feel absolutely nothing, Ill walk away and youll never see me ag ain, he murmured in her ear. I just want a chance to prove Ive changed. I can be th e man you expected me to be. Wrapped in his arms, surrounded by his scent, giving him a chance made sense. Sh e lifted her head and scrutinized his face. She swept her thumb against the full ness of his bottom lip. Everything in her clamored for more, but she needed a clear head, not a raging l ibido. I have to think about it. He opened his mouth then closed it again. Fine. You have my number? She nodded. I really have to go. Mel will be worried. You two are still close? She smiled. I wouldnt have gotten this far without him. Leo cradled her cheek. Tell him I said thank you. I really have to go. She stepped away. Youll think about what I said. Bobbing her head up and down, she hurried away. She needed space, she needed tim e to think, and one way to have that was to focus on being a mom.

Chapter Four Youre late, Melvin admonished as he grabbed two of the cloth grocery bags Symmone c arried. She shuffled the others. I know. The line at the supermarket was crazy and then i t took forever at the gas station. Ive had a really long day. You know who paid m e another visit.

He thumped the bags on the kitchen table then turned to help her with the others . Really. What did he say this time? He sent me flowers this morning. She began unpacking the groceries. Nice move.

Theyre in the car. Melvin opened the fridge door when she held up a carton of eggs and package of c heese. Well, you brought them home; thats a good sign. She shoved a box of cereal on top of the refrigerator. I cant be vulnerable again. I cant just let him into my life. The kids dont even know him. She slid a case of fruit cups in a lower cabinet, then paused. Ohmigosh. He doesnt know about the kid s. She stared at Melvin. Hes never known about the kids. Melvin lifted a brow, his eyes widening. Never? He served me papers the day I found out I was pregnant. I was a little preoccupie d by the break up of my marriage. The kids had to have asked about him.

She shook her head. Symmone! She shrugged. Theyve always had you, and most of their classmates at school only h ave a mom. She huffed at the accusation in his eyes. The subject never came up. You need to tell him. Tell me something I dont know. They fell silent as Once everything was s and stuck them in in her hands. Life ow old with the man Sym, I have to go. they continued putting away the remainder of the groceries. shelved, properly chilled, or frozen, Symmone folded the bag a nearby drawer. She plopped in a chair and dropped her head wasnt supposed to be this complicated. She was supposed to gr she loved, not keep secrets from him.

She looked up. Thanks, Mel. Make sure you tell him.

As soon as I figure out how.

Chapter Five Every day for the past week Leo had sought out Symmone, as well as sent flowers. No matter how often he saw her, it wasnt enough. He craved her company and looke d forward to their banter, but he wanted more than the few minutes of witty conv ersation. What the hell were you thinking? Melvin demanded as the bartender set a bottle of beer in front of him. Leo took a swig from his bottle and focused on the man seated next to him. Thats t he problem. I wasnt. Melvin shook his head. You two deserve each other on so many levels. Did you talk to her?

Sort of. Did you ask her out? She wont budge. He shook his head again. I swear you two will be the death of me. Shes your cousin. Tell me how to breach that giant wall shes erected around her lif e. She always refused any help Ive tried to give in the past. You sent her flowers. Leo sighed. I think she liked them. Oh, she liked them. She brought them home. He smiled. If Symmone took home the roses, she had to be softening. Shes not makin g this easy.

Melvin barked a laugh. Did you expect her to? No, butwhen I get near her, Its like I never left. She lights up and tries very har d not to sparkle when she sees me. He faced Mel. You would tell me if something wa s wrong with her, right? Yeah. Sure. Why is she so tired? Melvin fell silent. Leo studied him a moment. See, she had the same look. Like she wanted to tell me, but didnt. And why didnt she finish school?

Did you ask her? She said it was complicated.

All right then. No. Thats vague and you know it. Of course it is, but since Im the only relative she still speaks to, Id like to kee p it that way. So what do I do now? Either wait for her to call you or continue to show up at her job until she agree s to go out with you. Leo turned back toward the bar. You are no help. Melvin chuckled, reached for a napkin, and pulled a pen from his pocket. He scri bbled something on the paper before sliding it to the other man. Whats this? Her schedule for the rest of the week.

Leo studied the napkin. Are you saying she works two jobs? He nodded. Ive done all I can do here. He slid off the bar stool. Have fun. Indeed. Leo drained the rest of his beer and stared at the napkin in his hand. I f Symmone didnt call him tonight, he would definitely be at the caf again in the m orning. Why did she need to work two jobs anyway?

**** Symmone flinched at the heavy thud behind her and glanced over her shoulder to f ind Amanda frowning at her. Not what she needed while she was on break. Why in the world would someone want to send you flowers? Disdain oozed from every syllable Amanda spoke.

Maybe I have a better attitude. Symmone turned around. Amanda sniffed and spun on her heel, nose tilted to the ceiling. Symmone scooted her chair closer to the arrangement of flowers before briefly wondering if the womans neck ever got a cramp from holding her nose in the air. More roses. She plucked the card from the holder and the corners of her mouth qu irked upward. Have Dinner With Me. She shook her head. Dinner was out of the question, especially after the kiss th

eyd shared last week. Just thinking about the touch of his lips, the heat of his body, left her yearning for one night in his arms. She couldnt let it go any furt her. She tapped the card against her hand. Or could she? Maybe she would call him aft er the kids went to bed and plan something for the weekend. Even if only to test Leos sincerity, she had to tell him about the children.

**** Chaos reigned when she arrived home. Throughout the day shed expected Leo to show up at the cafafter all hed stopped by e very daybut he hadnt. Despite the slight relief of not seeing him, she was surpris ed to find disappointment lurking. Now that she was home all thoughts of her ex were pushed from her mind as she watched the scene unfold before her. LJ chased Jewel, brandishing half a toy car, while they screamed at the tops of their lung s. Stop it, LJ! Jewel shrieked. You broke it! he shouted. You two. Hey. Hey! Symmone waited until they came to a reluctant stop, only to ind ulge in a shoving match. Stop it. Now. But Mom No. You, in that corner. She pointed to ou in the other corner. She waited until he hall, with their noses to the drywall, think about what youve done and Ill be to say. Jewel turned around. Mom. What? The little girl looked at her feet then at Symmone. I did break his toy. Dont make him stand in the corner. LJ, then to the wall near the front door. Y both children were at opposite ends of t before she heaved a sigh. I want you to back in five minutes to hear what you have

Symmone studied her daughter for a moment. And youre willing to accept all the con sequences of your actions? Tears puddled in Jewels eyes, but she nodded. Fine. Go to your room, and Ill be up there in a minute. LJ, have a seat on the cou ch. And no TV. Yes, Mom, they said in chorus. Once things had quieted down, the faint drone of water running drifted to her ea rs. Now where was that coming from? A quiet thud and the droning morphed to rumb ling, almost like water hitting the floor. Did you leave the water running?

Symmone! I could use a hand, Melvin hollered. She looked up in time to see water drip from the ceiling. She dashed upstairs an d into the bathroom. Water cascaded over her shoes and a stream shot from the wa ll beneath the sink. Melvin! What happened? She grabbed a handful of towels and fought her way through the deluge. The pipe broke. So why didnt you shut it off? He held up a pair of vise-grip pliers, then went back to work. There is no knob f or the shut-off valve to the main line. He fought with the pliers some more; the water slowed to a trickle and finally stopped. You really need to find someplace else to live. Symmone slipped on the water and fell on her butt, banging her wrist against the toilet. Are you okay? Melvin scrambled to her side. No! Tears stung her eyes as she cradled her arm in her lap. Footsteps pounded in the hall and she glanced over her shoulder to find her chil dren on the threshold. Did you hurt yourself? Jewel asked. Theres water dripping in the hall downstairs, LJ said. Melvin helped Symmone to her feet. Go get the mop and bucket, Jewel. LJ, put those towels in the washer, but dont do anything else.

Honey, your arm is bleeding, Melvin said. Symmone inspected the swelling skin to discover a long line of crimson welling a bove an inch-wide gash. She grabbed a handful of tissues and pressed them to the cut. Now Im all wet. He smoothed her hair from her face. Are you sure youre okay? Just fine. Why dont you go change and dry off. Me and the kids can clean up the water. She shook her head. Its just water. Look, Im fine, just wounded my pride. The kids can stay in their rooms. And how mu ch is this going to cost?

He bit back a comment when Jewel banged through the door with the bucket and mop . Water sloshed along the floor. She eyed the adults.

This is gonna take forever. Not if we all pitch in and help, Melvin said. Symmone gave a weary nod. At least she had the weekend.

**** It was raining by the time she dragged out of the building. Symmone stared at th e spitting sky. Just great. Her jacket was in the car. She stood under the awning a moment befor e rummaging in her purse for her keys. At least everyone showed up tonight. She couldnt have handled a full shift with a throbbing hand and an aching hip. Tomorrow, or rather today, she would sleep in and make the kids waffles. The only good thing about the weekend was that those days were hers to do whatever she liked. She stepped from the awning and cold r ain pelted her arms and her clothes.

She muttered a curse when she dropped her keys, then froze as a shadow fell over her. Snatching up her keys, she spun around, then sagged with relief. Leo. He stepped closer, aiming his umbrella over her. I didnt mean to startle you. She stared at him, waiting for her heart to return to normal, only it raced even more. What are you doing here? Its three in the morning.

He chuckled. I came to see you. The heat of his body chased the chill from hers, while the subtle scent of his c ologne left her a little giddy. She eyed him with suspicion. How did you know where to find me? I asked your cousin. Remind me to cross him off my Christmas list. Leo smoothed a damp curl from her forehead. Dont be upset with him, hes just trying to Meddle in my love life. You could say that. Why are you here? Dont you have a career to pursue?

He nodded. Yes, but at the moment Im on leave. She folded her arms against her breasts, noted how he followed the movement with his gaze, and a flicker of awareness shot through her. On leave? I needed time to persuade my ex-wife to become my wife again. She dropped her arms to her sides and stepped away. Leo followed, keeping the um brella over her. We were barely on speaking terms, and youre already talking about marriage. I said I want you back. Come with me and we can talk. She shook her head. Leo, Im tired. When she swayed, he wrapped an arm around her waist and held her against his che st.

She stared into his face and read determination in the rigid set of his jaw. A t iny jolt of longing wiggled through her veins, puckered her nipples, and warmed her thighs. He was herewould it be so wrong to indulge, just a little bit? Do you have to run straight home? All Im asking is for the rest of the night. You dont want much, do you? He cupped her cheek, sweeping the pad of his thumb across the fullness of her bo ttom lip. His eyes implored her. Say yes. The lounge at the hotel has live music all night and all I can think about is holding you in my arms. She sighed; she had to be more tired than she realized. He was getting to her. Fi ne. Ill follow you to your hotel.

**** Ten minutes later, Leo ushered Symmone to an empty table. She glanced around the dimly lit room, surprised to see so many of the tables full. A slow, sensuous b lues song filled the air as the vocalist moaned about lost love and the need to find his way home. She could so relate. Did you want anything? He sat next to her, his arm draped across the back of her c hair. No. She leaned forward, rested her elbow on the table, and propped her chin in her hand. Only in her deepest dreams did she expect to be this close to him again, and eve n with his knee brushing her thigh she still couldnt believe she was sitting next to him, listening to music. She closed her eyes, swaying to the beat.

Gentle fingers slid down her spine and a soft sigh left her lips. She couldnt eve n remember the last time she went out by herself or even a group of friends. Mos t of her time and attention was focused on her children. And that left little ro om for a relationship. If she was really honest with herself, she missed being w ith Leo. The chair beside her creaked and Leos arm grazed her shoulders as he leaned close r. Dance with me. Anticipation crackled down her spine. She twisted her head to stare into his eye s, his face mere inches from hers. All she had to do was close the scant few inc hes to taste his lips. Wanting him the way she did was insane, yet she couldnt de ny the lure of being held again. Okay. He grasped her hand and led her to the dance floor. Once there he swept her into his arms, bringing her in contact with his hard lean body and his arousal. A sh udder of awareness rippled through her body. This close to him she went rigid. H ow else were they supposed to dance together? Relax. His warm breath tickled her ear and tightened her nipples. I just want to da nce with you. He slid a hand to the curve of her hip, while his other clasped her hand. Remember how much we loved listening to music and dancing until management asked us to leave? Resolve waning, she smiled at the memory.

That was so long ago, Im surprised you thought of it. They swayed to the music, and despite being tired Symmone sank into the strength of his embrace. With a sigh she leaned her head against his shoulder and inhale d his scent, a little spiced pine and all male. Every day I remember. She fell silent. So many times shed wanted to be in his arms, dancing or just bei ng held by him. For a moment she allowed the memories of the good times to wash over her. The day he proposed, hed taken her on a picnic. Then their wedding day. The only member of her family whod showed up for the big day was Melvin. He chee red her on when no one else would, and the day had been perfect. Beautiful weath er. Then the day she found out she was pregnant. Before she could even share the good news, her happy world came crashing down. Theyd been married just over a year, and for some reason Leo decided the best thi ng for his career was to leave her. She thought he did well as an architect stra ight out of college. Maybe it was too much too fast. She didnt even have the bene fit of hindsight to pinpoint the exact moment when things went wrong. They hadnt argued about money or the time he spent working. She was too busy with her accou nting classes to really complain about long hours. Somehow they always managed t o spend Sundays together, or a few stolen moments at the end of each day. If shed known he wanted out, maybe she couldve prepared for the breakup in some wa y; but being blindsided She exhaled a stuttered breath. Thats why the divorce hurt so much. And now he wanted her back? Would he still want her when he learned ab

out the children?

The easy jazz number flowed into something more melodic, more sensual, a bit rem iniscent of Luther Vandrosss If Only For One Night, and she wanted to have just one night with Leo. She lifted her head and found him staring at her. The love and sadness she read in his chocolate-brown depths lodged a lump in her throat. It was as if everythi ng he was was laid bare in one look. But she had to know one thing. Was it worth it? Was ending our marriage worth your career? Leo stroked her cheek before he threaded his fingers through her hair. No.

Then why? Her voice broke on the question. She couldnt stop the lone tear from slid ing down her cheek. He lowered his head until he rested his forehead against hers. I thought it would endear me to the partners more. She flinched. Im so sorry, Symmone. Nodding, she stepped away. I should really get home. He grasped her hand when she would have walked away. She gazed into eyes despera te for her forgiveness. Just one night. Maybe if she wasnt so tired shed have resisted more, but she wanted the same thing . At her nod, he led her from the dance floor and to the elevator. Not once did he let go of her hand; whether he was afraid she would change her mind or needed the assurance she was real, she didnt care. She needed the contact. She needed t o know he wasnt a figment of her imagination.

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. He led her out of the car, down the hall, to the room next to the exit sign. Whe n he faced her, he seemed to struggle with something before he drew her close. She flattened her hands shirt warm beneath her anding. If only he knew him into her life as if against the hard muscles of his chest. The cotton of his palms. She gazed into his face, found a plea for underst how much she wanted to give him a second chance, to let nothing had happened.

Rising on tiptoe, she touched her lips to his. When his arm tightened at her waist she kissed him with a hunger at odds with he r projected calm. She just wanted one night, a few stolen hours where nothing el se mattered. He pressed her against the wall, the plaster cool through her rain damp shirt. S

he barely registered the click of the door opening and he maneuvered her inside. The door slammed shut and she tore her mouth from his. Im sorry, I didnt mean He silenced her apology with a searing kiss of his own. She sighed and he deepen ed the kiss, tongues dueling. Time seemed to stand still. One kiss gave her the assurance she needed that he desired her. Tears burned behind her lids. She step ped back, her body raging for more. His gaze drifted over her as he smoothed her hair from her face. Ive missed you so much, sweetheart. I dont want to make another mistake. I want you, but I want you rested and clear before we take this further. Her heart melted at his restraint. Once more she lifted to her toes and swept he r lips against his. I can live with that. She glanced around the room, mildly surprised to see a small kitchen which opened into a roomy living room with a leather recliner and match ing sofa. Would you mind if I took a shower? Desire leaped into his eyes, and she smiled. Whatever makes you comfortable. He pivoted on his heel, led the way to the bathroo m, and flicked on the lights. Cocoa slate greeted her. The bathroom sported a large walk-in shower with a glas s door. Thick, fluffy towels waited on a shelf. Wow. He chuckled. Yeah. He moved to the door. Ill hang one of my shirts on the door knob. A shy smile creased her lips. Id like that.

**** Nodding, he closed the door. The sound of water running filtered through the woo d, as did the click of the lock. He smiled. Shed removed temptation. For a moment he stood, listening to the flow of water, imagining how her lush curves would l ook after all these years. How he longed to run his fingers over every supple in ch of her satiny flesh. He forced himself to leave the door and move into the bedroom. Flicking on the l ights, he crossed the room and tugged open the closet door. Reaching into his open suitcase, he extracted a pajama shirt. One night with her in his arms, thats all he really wanted. He hung the shirt on the knob and returned to the bedroom. The last thing he tho ught shed ask him was if sacrificing their marriage for his career had been worth

the pain. It hadnt. When he said he didnt want to make another mistake, he wasnt l ying. He wanted her back, but he needed her to know everything. Somehow Im back be cause I need you to further my career just didnt have the right ring to it, but it was the truth. Or was it? Was his career the only reason he was here? The door clicked open and a moment later Symmone appeared in the doorway. His jaw hit the floor as he plopped on the bed. His pajama shirt stopped mid-thi gh on her and treated him to a generous view of her long, sexy legs. Was it so w rong to want to have them wrapped around him? He worked his gaze upward, lingeri ng on the soft swell of her full breasts. If he just had time to bury his face i n the valley of her breasts, it still wouldnt be enough. By the time he reached h er face she was grinning. God, woman, you are temptation. She inclined her head. Cmere. He held his arms out to her. After a brief hesitation, she settled in his lap. He buried his nose in her hair , taking the scent of soap and peaches deep into his lungs. So many lonely night s, and now here she was, warm from her shower, in his arms. He shifted and stret ched out on the bed. The shirt bunched, giving him a hint of dark curls. He groa ned.

You really are tempting me. She giggled. Not intentionally. She tugged at the hem of the shirt, snuggled close r, and exhaled. Why do you work so hard? Youve sent back every check I wrote. I didnt want to be reminded. He stared into her face, noticed her eyelids were dropping, and brushed a kiss a cross her forehead. Go to sleep, sweetheart. Well talk more after youve had some re st. Her head moved against his chest, and he studied the sooty thickness of her lash es resting on her cheeks. A few moments later her deep even breathing let him kn ow she was sound asleep. He traced the outline of her lips before tucking a curl behind her ear. One night with her in his arms. He jerked the blanket over them. He wasnt going t o waste it sleeping.

Chapter Six She was warm and snug for the first time in years. Strong arms tightened around her as she settled deeper into the security of the embrace. Lips, moist and soft, nibbled the hollow of her shoulder, while a solid erection

bounced against her butt. A sigh left her lips. If she was dreaming, she didnt want to wake up. Familiar ha nds traveled down her body and slid beneath the cotton of her shirt. She arched into the palms cupping her breasts. One hand delved lower, while the other remai ned to tease the soft globe. She shifted, throwing her leg over a powerful thigh to give the fingers brushing her mound better access to her aching folds. She held her breath as those digit s slipped between her legs and slid inside her heat.

Her hips jerked at the welcome invasion and she moaned. She turned her head unti l her lips touched his, demanding more, yielding everything. When he flicked his thumb against the button of nerves her entire body clenched. Gone was the languid lover. Intimacy had been lacking in her life for far too lo ng and she needed the fire of this man. With trembling hands she tugged at Leos s hirt. She had to feel his skin against hers. Somehow, between desperate kisses, he managed to disrobe, leaving her in his borrowed top. Early morning light fell across his features, stark with unrestrained passion. S he lifted a hand and traced his lips. He grabbed her hand and planted a kiss in the center of her palm. He traced the triangle of skin at the opening of the shirt before he slipped eac h button from its mooring. The garment fell away, exposing her skin to the cool air. Her nipples tightened further under his scrutiny. She reached up and drew h im down for a kiss. He obliged her mouth before moving to her chin, the hollow o f her throat, and the valley of her breasts. Attention was laved on each puckere d peak before he moved down her body, trailing kisses against her heated flesh. She clutched the sheet in her hands as his tongue swirled against her stomach, t easing the raised edge of a scar, before traversing lower. A moan eased past her lips as his thumbs parted her labia. Air skittered across her exposed sex. When his tongue licked her from top to bottom she sobbed in pleasure. He wedged his shoulders between her legs, exposing her even further to his oral exploration. When she tried to wiggle away from his marauding mouth he grasped her buttocks a nd hauled her closer. He took his time alternating between long slow licks to rapid flicks of his tong ue, which left her moaning and sighing his name. Her hips thrust toward his ques ting mouth while pleasure swamped her. Flames flickered and sizzled through her veins as he kept her focused on what he was doing. He slid two fingers into her channel, stretching her while he teased her clit with his tongue. She relished t he tight sensation but craved more. His fingers moved. In and out. In and out, u rging her closer, stoking her passion until she burned for him. She rode his hand and prayed this sweet torture wouldnt end. He withdrew his fing ers only to spear deep, lapping at her cream. She didnt want his loving to end, so exquisite was the pleasure he offered. Once more he sealed his mouth to her delicate flower, his tongue delving deep. Her hi ps bucked, riding the wave of ecstasy he provoked.

Tension coiled tighter, her belly bunching under his tender ministrations. Every thing centered on the delight of his lips and mouth. Each rasp of his tongue bro ught her closer and closer, until her world narrowed. So close. She whimpered as he eased the assault on her clit to place feather light kisses around the area. When he pulled his mouth from her entirely she shrieked a prote st. No worries, sweetheart. He teased the head of his cock against her weeping entranc e. In one powerful stroke he entered her. Tiny fissures built and shattered as her orgasm overtook her. He didnt allow her to savor her climax but dragged her legs over his arms and kept the pressure whe re she needed it most. Each slam of his hips built heat her body eagerly craved. She matched his pace, demanding as much as she gave. He smiled before he dropped a kiss on her waiting mouth. His pelvis butted against her clit, teasing her, nudging her closer to her preci pice. Everything centered on their intimate joining, her muscles bunching in ant icipation of the orgasm she knew was to come. Ecstasy swept over and around her until she was plunging headlong into a massive climax. Her vaginal muscles clenc hed and spasmed around the hard cock impaling her. He stiffened, his fingers clu tching her hips as his release overtook him. His thrusts slowed and he collapsed next to her. They lay there panting, limbs tangled. After a moment he reached over and caress ed her lips with his own. Youre not a dream, he said. She chuckled. I was thinking the same thing. He gathered her close. Let me take you out to dinner. Okay.

He leaned away to stare into her eyes. Really? Yes. His response was a searing kiss that curled her toes. She wrapped her arms around him and clung to his shoulders. He drifted his finge rs over her abdomen as he circled her waist. She stiffened when he found and tra ced the raised skin. When he leaned away, she shivered without his body heat. He slanted back and fli cked on the light. She blinked in the sudden brightness. With growing trepidatio n she retrieved the nightshirt. She knew what he would find when he examined her. An ugly, jagged scar ran low o n her abdomen before disappearing into her bikini line. When she tried to bring the front of the shirt together he stilled her hands. Fo

r a long moment she stared into his eyes. Something akin to compassion and love flickered in the coffee-colored depths, and she allowed him to brush the garment away. His warm breath teased and tickled the sensitive area, producing an ache between her legs.

What happened? She swallowed. I was in a really bad car accident. It was all she could say. She d idnt want to mention how she nearly lost the twins because of some careless drive r on his cell phone. You mean I almost lost you and never even knew? Too overwhelmed by tenderness to speak, she nodded. He blanketed her body with his. Say youll come back with me.

I cant. I have a life here. What do you have here that you cant do close to my office? She clamped her lips together. Symmone? Tonight over dinner Ill tell you everything, but Im not going to drop everything Ive done to be with you. Asking you to drop two crappy jobs to be my wife isnt a good idea? She sucked in a breath and shoved at the hard wall of muscle. He didnt budge. You arrogant jerk! Get off me. As soon as he rolled to the side, she scooted to the edge of the bed. Her crappy jobs? Was that what he really thought? While he was off pursuing his all-powerf ul career designing multimillion-dollar buildings, she was only raising children and doing her best to balance life and motherhood. She dragged her fingers thro ugh her tangled curls and yanked on the ends. I cant believe you could be so callous as to dismiss what Ive done just because it isnt corporate. She stood and found herself staring at the solid wall of his chest. When had he moved? He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. Youre right, youre right. I was a little harsh. Im sorry. She studied him a moment. Im going to leave now. She stepped around him. Maybe we bo th need a little time to put things in perspective. Wait

She slammed the bathroom door and leaned against the wood. It was too soon. He d idnt even know about the kids and already he was trying to dictate what she shoul

d and shouldnt do. She couldnt give up her independence again. Not for him. Once dressed, she was a little more composed. She stepped into the living area a nd found him seated on the couch, clad in black pajama bottoms. He tapped a busi ness envelope in his hand. I got carried away. Tell me what you want, he said, holding her gaze. She studied him, trying to determine if he was serious. I need to trust you. Just because were still attracted to one another doesnt mean Im going to drop everythin g and be your wife again. What makes you think I want to get married again or ne ed you to take care of me? He sat back, his brows lifting. But I thought He shook his head. I guess it doesnt ma tter what I think. He held out the envelope. This is yours. She snatched the paper from his outstretched fingers. An envelope? A peace offering. Great, just great, as if the flowers and sex werent enough. She opened the flap a nd out tumbled a plastic card. She turned it over then looked at him for an expl anation. Okay. This isnt mine. She held the card out to him. He nodded. Yes, it is. On the advice of my lawyer and accountant, I opened an acc ount. The money you returned has been held in trust. That is your account. Your money. She pursed her lips. I told you I dont want Would you even care to know the balance? Shaking her head, she slipped the card inside the envelope and laid it on the ta ble. He just didnt get that she didnt want him to take care of her. She was fine w ithout him. Thanks, but no thanks. She glanced at her watch. I really need to leave now. A plumber is due at my house in thirty minutes. Ignoring the disappointment on his face, she moved toward the door. Let me help. She spun on her heel only to find him mere inches from her. Somehow hed moved wit hout her hearingagain. She lifted her gaze from his bare chest to his face. A fro wn adorned his delectable mouth. How else am I supposed to get you to trust me if you wont let me do anything? His g aze roved over her face. I understand I really hurt you, but I know you have feel ings for me or you wouldnt be here. She lowered her head, hating he was right. But there was so much she had yet to tell him. If they were going to have any ty pe of amicable relationship, she needed to tell him about the twinsbefore someone else did. Fine. She reached in her purse, pulled out pen and paper, and scribbled her addres s on the page. Be there in an hour. I need you to meet someone. Before he could an swer she slipped out the door.

**** What had she done? She hadnt even prepared the kids for Leos arrival. Symmone walk ed through the house wiping imaginary dust from shelves and tables. The plumber had long since left and the bathroom was functional. When she arrived home to te ll Melvin what transpired, she found a note saying hed taken the kids to breakfas t and hinted at her getting some rest after her date. She sank onto the sofa. He didnt know the half of it. She had no idea what time t hey would be back, and Leo was due any minute. What would he say when she told h im? Her pulse pounded. What would he do? She sprang to her feet; she couldnt sit still any longer. Maybe some sunshine would calm her nerves. The sun bounced its blissful rays on the sidewalk and the few children brave eno ugh to use their imaginations. Symmone sat on the front stoop watching a small g roup of girls take turns twirling the ends of a jump rope. A smile touched her l ips. If Jewel was home, she would be out playing right along with them. At the hollow bounce of a ball, Symmone swung her glance in the other direction. Two boys tossed a ball back and forth. Other than that the street was quiet, but it was early yet. By midafternoon the pavement would be crowded with kids ridin g their bikes or drawing on the sidewalks with chalk. The purr of a big engine dragged her attention to the driveway, and ipped a beat. Leo waved from the front seat of his Mercedes SUV and n greeting. The kids still werent back. Silence filled the air and ting off her butt. She smoothed a trembling hand along the front of orts before tucking a stray hair behind her ear. her she she her heart sk smiled i stood, dus khaki sh

He pushed open the truck door and stepped out with a smile. For a second her hea rt pounded harder. She jammed her hands in her pockets to keep him from seeing h ow much they were shaking. You really need to get more than three hours of sleep. The concern in his voice to ok some of the sting from his words. She inclined her head. Ill have plenty of time to rest later. She allowed her gaze to drift over him. He seemed to still prefer jeans and polo shirts. It was nice to see that hadnt changed. I brought you something. He handed her a single red rose.

She went all gooey inside and couldnt stop a wide grin from creasing her lips. Tha nk you. He glanced around. Cute little place. She shrugged. Yeah. Did you, um, want to come in or we can sit out here for a bit ? He studied her a moment. Did things go okay with the plumber? She nodded and mounted the steps. Maybe it would be better to wait for Melvin an

d the kids inside. Yes. She held the door open for him and the screen banged close behind him. Are we still on for dinner tonight? Yeah. Why do you ask? He shrugged, just a casual ripple of his broad shoulders. After this morning and right now you seem a little preoccupied. I was making sure you werent trying to f igure out the best way to tell me no. She chuckled, but it did nothing to dispel the tight knot of anxiety lodged in t he pit of her stomach. I still plan to have dinner with you. She moved further dow n the hall and the footsteps behind her paused. Without looking she knew what ha d drawn his attention. Pictures of LJ and Jewel hung along one wall. Melvin had kids? Theyre cute. Although the girl looks just like you. Summoning a deep breath she turned to face Leo. He was inspecting the twins schoo l photos. Um, no, he didnt. Leo looked at her, brow furrowed. How old are they? The screen door banged open. Mom! You gotta see this! Jewel ran past, bumping Leo. Oh, sorry, she tossed over her shoulder before skidding to a halt in front of Sym mone. Jewel held up a blue plastic bag. Mel said you wouldnt mind.

Its the bracelet-making set I wanted, and LJ got Phineas and Ferb. The door banged again. LJ and Melvin walked in. Oh, Melvin said in greeting. Symmone met Leos puzzled gaze and then watched realization bloom across his featu res. He clenched his jaw and her heart sank. How old are they? Mom? Jewel looked between the two adults. Melvin surged forward. Lets give your mom and her guest a moment to talk. He ushere d the children toward the back of the house and the stairs, but not before LJ pi ped up. Is that our dad? LJ said. Melvin glanced at Symmone. Um, your mom will explain everything. Symmone ran trembling fingers through her shoulder-length hair. I sure will. She s tared after them, dreading the inevitable encounter with Leo. Might as well get this over with. She inhaled a deep breath and waved a hand tow ard the living room. Theyre nine, she said once he sat down.

And youre their father.

**** Leo sat only because his legs would no longer support him. When shed asked him to come meet someone, children were not what he expected. He looked around the sma ll living room, sparsely furnished, a six-drawer bureau in front of him, a small end table with a lamp on his left, and the sofa. He was a father. He stared at his hands before pinning her with a scathing stare . Fury thinned his lips and clenched his jaw. You never said a word. She shook her head. He surged to his feet, advancing so fast her eyes widened as she stumbled backwa rd. Dont you think thats something I may have wanted to know? he said, barely bridle d anger in his voice. It was my intention. You had nine years! She flinched at his outburst, but lifted her chin. You handed me divorce papers. Do you remember that? You shouldve said something.

You didnt want me! she fairly shouted. Her shoulders shook with each ragged breath she drew. Tears glistened in her sof t brown eyes. Why would I think you wanted them? Especially when I didnt fit into your career plans. She presented him her back. He stared at her. That one day was firmly etched in his brain. She had been exci ted when she came home, but making a clean break was more important to him than hearing how shed aced a test. But it wasnt a school test shed passed. Anger dissipated from his body, and his shoulders sagged. When she needed him most hed walked out on her. Didnt listen to any of her tearful pleas, just took his clothes and left. He looked around the room again. Shed don e well for herself. This wasnt the life hed envisioned for her, but standing in he r living room he had no doubt love prevailed. Shed made a home for her and their childrenand then it clicked: her earlier statement about leaving her life. He wouldnt do that to her; he wouldnt ask her to uproot and start over. n his eyes fell on the framed photo next to the television. A lump lodged throat. After all these years shed kept the drawing? A plan formulated. artner no longer held the same appeal, not when he was faced with family. never known existed until today. Now more than ever he was determined to ymmone his wife again. I want to meet them, he said quietly. She whirled, defiance and caution in her eyes. Theres no turning back, she warned h im. It was the in his Making p One hed make S

You cant decide a day or a week or months from now that you dont want the responsib ility of being their father. He held her gaze. If you didnt want me to meet them, why did you invite me here? He seized her shoulders and drew her to him. I want you and my children. Absolute ce rtainty stole through him and he released her as suddenly as he grabbed her. You need to understand that. Reaching in his jeans pocket, he extracted the folded envelope from earlier. Take this. From this point on you dont refuse what I give you. For a long moment he didnt think she would take the envelope. He read a flicker o f emotion he couldnt decipher before her hand closed over his. Her fingers were cool as they pulled the envelope away.

Okay, she said. He regarded her a moment. Now that we have that settledyou shouldve told me. She inhaled a shaky breath. LJ and Jewel mean the world to me, Leo. They are the only reason I got through the divorce and am standing here right now. She touched his sleeve, her eyes imploring him. Youre right. I shouldve told you and wouldve if not for the car accident. He stroked her cheek. I want a second chance. I need a second chance. She stepped away and his hand fell to his side. Come on. Ill take you to meet the kids.

Chapter Seven Her knees wobbled so badly Symmone held to the handrail as she mounted the stair s. She wasnt certain Leo believed what she said, but things were far from settled . They had so much more they needed to discuss. Like if he was going to fight fo r custody. She paused at the top of the stairs. She didnt want to lose her kids, and if she had to marry him again to keep them, she would. Leo, look, I know we never talked about starting a family His easy smile stilled her tumble of words. I never gave you the opportunity. He c radled her cheek. Im excited to know that I have twins, and I want to be a part of their lives. He searched her eyes. Do you hear me? I want to be a part of your li fe.

She read sincerity in his tone and the knot in her chest loosened. Okay.

When she stood in the doorway of Jewels room, where Mel and the children were sea ted on the floor playing a board game, they looked up. She hesitated. This wasnt the way shed envisioned introducing her children to thei r father, but life so rarely conformed to dreams. Hey, guys. I need you to come here a moment. She waited until LJ and Jewel stood i n front of her. She straightened their clothes. I know Ive never said anything abo ut your father, but you do have one. LJ smiled. Its okay, Mom. Kenny Farmers parents are divorced too. Does this mean we get to spend weekends at his house? Symmone swallowed a gasp, while Mel smothered a chuckle. Jewel stared up at Leo. What took you so long? Jewel! Symmone admonished. LJ furrowed his brow. Were you in jail? Dannys Uncle Jay went to jail. The police came to his house and everything. Jewel tilted her head, her eyes wide. Were you in jail? Did they have recess? This time Melvin did laugh, and Symmone turned her face, willing the heat in her cheeks to die down. This was her punishment for not telling her children anythi ng about their dad. She peeked at Leo to find a flicker of amusement lighting hi s eyes. Oh, you two have your hands full. Such imaginations. Melvin shoved the board game on the shelf with the others. Im going to let you straighten out your wayward offs pring. Ill be downstairs. He clapped Leo on the shoulder as he passed. Glad they le t you out on good behavior. Not helping, Symmone said. What have you been telling our children about me, Symmone? Leo said. Her eyes widened as she stared at him in shock. They never asked. When he chuckled , some of the tension ebbed from her shoulders. Very funny. She sank to the twin bed behind her. Leo, this is Leo Jr., or LJ. And this is Jalisa. The little girl wrinkled her nose . But shes always been Jewel.

You dont like the name? Leo said. Jewel vehemently shook her head. And my language arts teacher insists on calling everyone by their given names. No nicknames are allowed. Leo looked past Jewel to Symmone. His Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. You named her after my mother. Her gaze never left his face. Your mother was very sweet to me, even after the di vorce.

Thank you. She nodded, her throat constricting around the lump lodged in the back. Im going t o leave you three to get acquainted. Youre leaving me alone with them? If she wasnt mistaken, she thought she saw a flicker of fear in his eyes and she suppressed a chuckle. Oh, youll be fine. He caught her hand as she passed him and s he met his gaze. I wont be far.

He brought her hand to his mouth and swept his lips across her knuckles. Moistur e swam in his eyes. Thank you. Not trusting her voice, she nodded and slipped from the room. So are you going to live with us now? LJ was asking. Do we live with you? Symmone paused, straining to hear the answer. You know eavesdropping is considered impolite, Melvin admonished. She glanced over her shoulder. I thought you went downstairs. He grinned. And miss whatever other questions those two monsters will ask? She folded her arms and rolled her eyes. Now whos being impolite? They fell silent. The low murmur of Leos baritone was punctuated with childish gi ggles and plenty of questions. What would he have been like if hed had the benefi t of their entire lives? How different would her life have been, or even the kid s, if shed blurted the news to him? Would they have opted for a private school rat her than the public one she chose? Why didnt you tell me you were bringing him to meet the kids? Symmone dragged her attention back to her cousin. He asked me to marry him, and I figured this would be the best way to know if he was serious.

You two are already talking marriage? Melvin opened his eyes so wide his eyelids disappeared into his hairline. She chuckled. Hes talking marriage. I want to be sure hes serious. This isnt about m e anymore. LJ and Jewel come first. Melvin leaned over and snatched the envelope from her pocket. Whats this? Hey! She lunged for the paper and he held it just out of reach. Well?

He held the money I sent back in trust. She held out her hand. Give it back. Melvin flipped open the envelope, pulled out the receipt, and his eyes went wide . Curious, she plucked the page from his fingers and did her own double take. She sank to the top step. Wow. Yeah. Still think hes serious? She glanced over her shoulder then back at her cousin. I think so.

**** Dinner was at Chuck E. Cheese. The aroma of melted cheese and tomato sauce wafte d through the air, mingling with the cacophony of childish shrieks, buzzers, and dull thudding from the whack-a-mole game. She couldnt remember the last time shed seen the kids so excited. And seeing Leo interact with them left her a little o verwhelmed. She chewed her lower lip as she watched him demonstrate rolling a wooden ball up the narrow ramp and it popped into the hundred thousand cup. Jewel and LJ both cheered. Symmone smiled and her heart squeezed. She swiped at a trickle of moisture on her cheek. This was what shed longed for, and somehow hed managed to capture her childrens affection, or at least their admi ration. Jewel ran up to Symmone and wrapped her small arms around her waist in a tight h ug. Need more tokens? Symmone jiggled the cup, the golden coins inside rattling. The little girl shook her head. Can Dad spend the night? Symmone opened her mouth then closed it again. She slid a glance at Leo who was coaching LJ on shooting free throws. She returned her attention to her daughter. He has his own place; I dont think he would want to stay. Besides, we have nowher e to put him. Jewel stepped back and planted her hands on her hips. Arent moms and dads supposed to sleep together? Heat rose to her face, and Symmone fought down her mortification. You are asking a lot of grown-up questions. Why dont you try being a kid? Mom, I dont want him to leave. Hes so nice and fun. And he even showed LJ how to sh oot the ball. Cousin Mel couldnt do that, no matter how hard he tried. Symmone chuckled. The little girl had a point, but there were still things that needed to be discussed that didnt involve little ears. Your dad and I still have some things to work out, but hes going to be here for yo u, no matter where he lives.

Jewel huffed. But can he spend the night? Yeah, can I? Symmone looked up to find a crooked smile on Leos face. Yeah, Mom, can Dad spend the night? Three pairs of eyes, three faces all wore identical expressions of hope. After s eeing him with the kids, she didnt want to see him leave either. Okay.

**** Long after the kids were asleep, Symmone sat on the front porch. Muffled laughte r drifted from the house on the corner, some faded love song wafted through the air, while the bass knocked in some unseen vehicle. The screen creaked behind he r, and she glanced over her shoulder. Leo handed her a bottle of water as he set tled on the step beside her. His thigh brushed hers, igniting a tingle of pleasure. They are beautiful, Symmon e. LJ is a card, and even though he lets his sister boss him around he still get s what he wants in the end. And Jewel has no problem speaking her mind. Symmone laughed. You havent heard the half of it. He rested his hand on her knee. Youve given me so much more than I ever expected, than what I deserve. He picked up her hand, twining her fingers with his. I want t his, Symmone. We have to make this work because I want a family. I want you and LJ and Jewel. The emotion and conviction in his voice shook her to her core. Shed waited a long time to hear him say those words and now that he had, she wasnt sure if she coul d totally let go and let him take control again.

This was just one day, Leo. There are no breaks when it comes to parenting or whe n you get tired or the kids get sick or you get sick. You dont get a do-over or p ut your career before them, and you can never break a promise to them. She held h is gaze. Ever. He drew her into the haven of his arms. I understand what youre saying, and Im will ing to do whatever it takes to be a part of this family. I came back with the in tention of marrying you, and Im more determined than ever. She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder, a hand lingering over his heart. I dont know if I can ever marry you, Leo. I dont know if I can trust you to take c are of me like that again.

A gentle squeeze was his answer. Are you okay with that?

Honestly? No, but I understand. Are you willing to live with me? She stilled. Was she? This was the only home her children had ever known. This w as the place where she was able to stand on her own. I wont uproot the kids. Change is hard enough without having to make new friends, h e was saying. I just want us to be a family and Im willing to move here to make th at happen. A fourth person in her tiny two-bedroom would not work either. She straightened.

Seriously? He smiled, his teeth gleaming against the night. Give me a few days and Ill have a solution to our housing dilemma. In the meantime, we need to discuss our sleepi ng arrangements. A tingle of desire shivered down her spine. Theres only the foldout in the living room. His smile widened. Interesting. Brings back memories of our first apartment. Reme mber how we had that studio and the only bed we could fit in the space was a fut on? She nodded with a slight smile. We were so happy then. He rested his hand against her cheek. We can have that again. She wanted to believe him with all her heart, because she was falling for Leo a second time.

I have a few more days before I have to return to work and I want things settled between us. If its too much It isnt! He inhaled. You are more important than my job, but I need to know were okay before I can go back to work. She searched his face. The last time shed seen him this earnest was when hed propo sed. If you keep going at this pace, well be okay. He nodded. Tomorrow I want to take you and the kids out for brunch. Then I want t o take you to dinner. Once again she was struck by the sincerity in his voice. Id like that.

**** Leo checked out of the hotel. He had a lot to prove to Symmone. The last thing h

e wanted was to break the fragile bond between them. The children were already o n his side and despite the years of not knowing them, he felt as if hed been ther e every day of their lives. He stretched his legs in front of him as he pulled his laptop closer. Something definitely had to be done about the sleeping arrangements. Sleeping next to Symmone the last few nights and not being able to touch her as he had in his hotel room was frustrating him more than he cared to admit. He glanced at the clock at the top of the screen and grimaced. If he didnt leave now, he would be late seeing the realtor. He answered a couple of e-mails and on the last one his finger hovered above the Send button. The final e-mail regarde d the company picnic in a few weeks. His boss wanted to meet his family, and he still hadnt mentioned the outing to Symmone. Yet there was one tiny obstacle: he hadnt told her the real reason he came back.

With a gulp he pressed Send. She would have to understand. He was doing this for them.

Chapter Eight Symmone hummed a tune while she rolled silverware. The last week was the best sh ed had in a very long time. Leo had been adamant about being a part of every aspe ct of the childrens lives. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she recalled the parent-teacher co nferences. She let him take the lead. The teachers, while polite, were bursting with curiosity. One teacher even went so far as to pull her aside and ask where Leo came from. S he placed the silverware in a waiting tub and continued. Every night he helped t he kids with their homework. She wondered how much of that would change once he returned to work. So far, he was hanging in there. As a show of faith, she quit her second job. She had to admit it was refreshing not having to work until the wee hours of the morning. And it was nice sleeping next to Leo on a nightly basis. So often she wished for him at night and now that he was there, she wished they had their own room. She placed the last silverware roll in the tub and dusted off her hands. Tonight . Leo was taking her to dinner. Just the two of them. Before she went out, she h ad to buy a dress. Every other time they went out the kids were usually with the m, and since she hadnt dated she really didnt have any suitable clothes for a roma ntic evening. She knew where to find the perfect dress.

**** Twenty-eight minutes later, dress and shoes purchased, Symmone nosed her little Malibu toward home. Melvin had agreed to watch the kids. She missed her cousin n

ot being around as much, but she also knew it was time for her to let go. Brakin g at a red light, she drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as she waited fo r the light to change. Too bad she didnt have time to get her hair done; that wou ld be a real treat.

Smiling, she looked through the windshield, the light turned green, and she step ped on the gas. From the corner of her eye a dark blur headed her way. She glanced around. Traff ic was already moving. Horns blared a frantic warning before metal screeched aga inst metal.

**** The doctor said I was fine. Symmone leaned heavily against Leo as he helped her up the stairs. Even with the dose of painkillers in her system, her body ached and her shoulder throbbed.

Your shoulder is dislocated, and you have a concussion. That is not fine. He wrapp ed a strong arm around her waist as he opened the door. Stitches. You have stitches, for crying out loud. Symmone placed a hand to her head with a grimace. Could you not yell? And he said slight; otherwise theyd have kept me. God, my head is tap-dancing. Youre lying down and not moving. While he may have sounded harsh to anyone else, al l Symmone heard was the concern. Are the kids okay? I dont want to worry them. Oh no! Im supposed to go on their fie ld trip to the museum. They picked out their sleeping bags and everything. He paused and faced her. Youre in no condition to go on a sleepover, and besides, you have no vehicle. She sighed. I just want to soak in a hot bath. I hurt all over. A soft moan escape d when she shifted. Melvin and the kids stood in the hall. He grabbed their hands when they surged f orward. Let em go, Symmone said and braced for the hugs. She couldnt bear to see the tears o n her childrens faces. Theyd never seen her so banged up before. She managed a sma ll smile. I must really look bad if you guys wont even hug me. LJ looked her up and down. You should sit down. Did you get stitches? Can I see? This was from Jewel.

Symmone wouldve laughed if it didnt hurt so much. Maybe when its time to change the bandage.

Thats just gross, Jewel. The little girl smiled. I think its neat. Did I tell you we get to dissect a frog next year? The sofa bed was already made and waiting. Symmone sank gratefully onto the mattress. This feels so much better. I need to l ie down for a bit. Leo was already kneeling in front of her untying her shoes. You should really eat something. After I sleep. The meds are really kicking in now. She swung her legs onto the bed . Tension eased from her body as she settled onto the bed. She offered a tentative smile before closing her eyes. Dont look so worried. Ill be okay.

You say that now. Leo placed a pillow beneath Symmones elbow, then swept a lock of hair from the square of gauze taped above her left eyebrow, and finally plucked a tiny piece of glass from the strands. Is Mom going to be okay? Symmone managed a faint smile and cracked open one eye. She hated to worry her k ids, but now it was his turn to be the parent. Shell be sore for a few days, but shes fine. Promise? Jewel said, tucking her hand in his. LJ grabbed his other hand. Promise. Symmone hoped he would do everything he could to make sure his promise came true .

**** A week later Symmone examined the stitches disappearing into her hairline. The a rea was still a little tender to the touch, and she didnt care for the yellowishgreen discoloration either. With a sigh she combed her hair to hide the worst of the bruising. She couldnt wa it to get the stitches out; they were beginning to pull and generally annoy her. Hopefully when she went to the doctor tomorrow he would remove them. Ready? Leo appeared in the mirror. Symmone pivoted, favoring her left shoulder. The joint was still sore. Leo leane d against the door frame, a slight frown adorning his lips when his gaze swept o ver her. Self-conscious, she finger-combed her hair over her forehead. Youre supposed to keep that covered, he said, pushing off the door and entering the

bathroom. He rummaged in the medicine cabinet a moment. People stare. She couldnt keep the slight whine from her voice. Then give you dirty looks. He chuckled. Since when have you cared what people think? He folded a piece of gau ze in half. Now hold still. Symmone held her breath as the heat of his body beckoned, the spicy scent of his cologne intoxicated, and desire warred with common sense. She worried her bottom lip as his fingers, firm but gentle, taped the bandage in place. A ripple of anticipation went through her at his touch. His warm breath feathered the hairs on her forehead, and all she could do was stare at his mouth . The past week hed taken care of her. Even when he went with the kids to the museu m he made sure Melvin was there to watch over her. Somehow Leo managed to cook, clean, and get the kids off to school each morning. He moved through the house and settled into the family as if hed been there the entire time. Sure, it was only one week, but he was doing his best to take care of her and th e children, even going so far as to replace her totaled vehicle. He dropped his hands to his sides and she moved closer. Not once had he tried anything more int imate, but shed often seen the desire in his eyes or felt his arousal pressed aga inst her buttocks at night. Now that she was feeling more like herself, she wanted a little more. She curled her fingers in his shirt and rose on tiptoe.

I dont think Ive thanked you for everything youve done this past week. Leo rested his hands at her waist. Its the least I could do. She relished the strength of his hands. She closed the distance between them, to uched her lips to his and applied pressure. She kept the kiss light and teasing, and his hands tightened at her waist. Slowly she explored his mouth, feathering kisses from one corner to the other, a nd nipped his bottom lip. A soft moan parted his lips and she darted her tongue inside. He tasted like peppermint. It seemed his restraint broke, and he gathere d her close, taking over the kiss. She didnt mind. When he pulled away abruptly, she let out a whimpered protest. He chuckled and r ested his forehead briefly against hers. I know just how you feel. He glided his hand over her breast, intensifying the ach e between her legs. He swept a caress along her lips. And if we had more time, Id indulge in all this soft skin. Liquid desire pulsed along her nerve endings and she bit back a moan as he flick ed a careful thumb across her painfully taut nipples. She dropped a hand to the crotch of his jeans only to find the material straining against the bulge. Holding his gaze, she stroked him up and down, savoring the passion darkening hi

s eyes. We have all the time in the world. She was not taking no for an answer. She pried the button loose, then dragged the zipper down his fly. When her hand closed aro und her prize his eyes widened.

His shaft was velvet-smooth, iron-hard. Such a contradiction. She wrapped her fi ngers around him, squeezed, and his hips jerked in response. Whats five minutes? she whispered in his ear. Never taking her eyes from his, she slowly dropped to her knees, shoving his jea ns over his hips as she went. She parted her lips and licked the head, swirling her tongue around the broad mu shroomed tip before drawing his essence into her mouth. A low moan echoed off th e walls and she repeated the motion, this time taking him farther in her mouth. She kept the rhythm slow, alternating between sucking and licking, moving her mo uth back and forth over the smooth texture of his penis. His hips bucked in time to her movements until each thrust brought her nose and lips to meet his coarse tight curls. She paused, her lips sealed around the base of his cock as she swa llowed. He tangled his fingers in her hair as she allowed him to slide from her mouth, s tanding proud and glistening in the afternoon sun. He drew her to her feet, and when his lips met hers his kiss was hard and demanding. She met his passion with a fervor that surprised her. He yanked up her skirt and snatched down her panties, then thrust two fingers in side her wet slit. She moaned against his lips, her body seeking release. His th umb found the tiny bundle of nerves and strummed while he continued to work his fingers in and out of her wet channel. She rode his hand as desperately as she w anted to ride his cock. Lightning wisped through her veins, building, coiling tighter until only one thi ng would ease the tension. You are so hot, he murmured against her ear. I want you. In one hurried motion he swept the contents from the vanity top. Plastic bottles , toothpaste, and hairpins hit the floor with a clatter. Leo lifted Symmone and settled her on the edge of the counter. The surface was cool against her bare bu ttocks in contrast to the heat burning between her legs. He stood between her th ighs, teasing her swollen folds with the head of his cock. She sighed and wiggle d her hips, eager for his entry. Grasping her hips, he plunged into her pliant depths in one powerful thrust. Spa rks danced along her body in a pleasurable jitterbug as he came to rest deep ins ide her. She drew him down for a kiss, his lips moist and warm as they caressed hers.

Slowly he withdrew, the head of his cock barely sheathed in her entrance. A smal l protest eased past her lips even as her body sought to bring him closer. He fl ashed her a wicked smile before impaling her once more. Each stroke of rigid thi

ckness scraped across sensitive skin and coaxed her closer to release. Every bru sh of his pelvis against hers added pressure to where she needed it most, and wh en she wrapped her legs around his hips, the world shifted on its axis. Somehow he seemed to slide deeper. She gripped his biceps as he pounded into her slick heat. Over and over. In and out. Each thrust was a brand, a stamp on her heart, and for the second time in h er life she knew she wanted to be in this mans bed and in his life.

The soft slap of flesh against flesh mingled with the squeak of the vanity. Symm one focused on their intimate joining, each delicious stroke urging her closer a nd closer. Leo gripped the countertop for leverage as he leaned closer, his thru sts more demanding, the vanity shrieking in protest to the increased rhythm. Her orgasm caught her off guard in a jubilant wave that tossed and buffeted her with overwhelming sensation. She clenched her thighs, her muscles spasming aroun d the hard cock moving inside her. For a heartbeat he slowed his thrusts before he increased speed, prolonging her climax and unleashing his own. His guttural cry mingled with hers as his hips slowed and finally stopped. Their soft pants filled the silence. Gently, he eased from her body and wrapped his a rms around her. Good God, woman, you make me forget my name. She laughed. He touched his lips to hers, his kiss so tender tears burned beneath her lashes. Did I hurt you? She smoothed her thumb against the crease along his forehead. No. You were absolu tely perfect.

Chapter Nine What are we doing here? Symmone slowly exited the SUV and looked around the neighb orhood. Here, the houses were farther apart, allowing homeowners the luxury of s pace and semi-privacy. This was one of her dream places to live: big beautiful h omes, and her kids could walk to school. He came around the vehicle, offered her his arm and an enigmatic smile. Her heart tripped a beat she was sure he could hear. He wouldnt, would he? Leo? Across the manicured lawn to the paving stone walkway and up the bricked porch t o the bright red front door, anticipation gripped her with each step. This was t he house she admired most on the block. This house was a new build with modern f lair. Clean, sleek lines adorned the front of the house while large glass window s graced the upper and lower floors. Somehow the architect managed to blend cont emporary with old school Victorian, giving the house a distinctive yet elegant c harm.

Yet there was something very familiar about the dwelling she couldnt quite put he r finger on. It has five bedrooms, three and a half baths. Oh, and you should see the master s uite. He punched in three numbers on the lock box hanging from the front knob and extr acted a key. The backyard is huge, so the kids will have plenty of space to run around and you can plant a garden. I remember you always wanted to have one. He fit the key in the lock, cranked the knob, and pushed open the door. With a w ave he ushered her forward. Symmone stepped across the threshold, her sandals clicking across the pale marbl e floor. She pushed her sunglasses on top of her head and peered around. Wow. Her voice echoed off the vaulted ceiling and reverberated through the air. A chandel ier hung from above, the crystal danglies reflecting and sparkling in the late-a fternoon sun. The hall opened to a wide sweeping staircase that branched off upstairs. The lan ding ran the length of the hall. She couldnt wait to see the rooms above. She was aware of Leo trailing her from room to room. With each new discovery exc itement mounted, and she found it increasingly difficult to restrain her emotion . This house was everything shed imagined. Even though she knew this was the best thing for them as a family, she couldnt let a knee-jerk reaction govern such a h uge decision.

Warm wood floors and soft earth tones gave the house an almost homey feeling, an d by the time they arrived upstairs Symmone could no longer contain her enthusia sm. When she faced him a slow grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. Ohmigosh, Leo! The house is simply beautiful, but I cant afford this, no matter ho w much I love it. He grasped her hand and drew her into his arms. His scent, a little sage, a litt le pine, enveloped her, and he rested his hands on the curve of her waist. Do you think I would bring you here and not consider you might like the house? She tugged away from him. I honestly dont know what you think, Leo. She walked to t he window and gazed out. I watched this house being built, and from the moment I saw the plans Ive always wanted this house. Its on the cul-de-sac and the kids cou ld ride their bikes. They could have a swing and When she turned she was talking t o herself. Well, didnt that beat all. She lingered in the room, taking in the gleaming wood floors and moldings. The closet alone was worth exploring, and she could envisio n Jewel in this room, with pretty purple curtains and unicorns. Symmone wandered from room to room on the left side of the hall. She leaned on t he oak banister and looked down into the foyer. The house was perfect, even if t hey wanted to expand their family.

She ran a hand down her flat stomach. A pang of longing stole through her. But i t wasnt the right time. Symmone! Leos voice seemed to fill the room. She glanced toward the direction she thought his voice came from. Where are you? The master suite. The only bedroom she hadnt seen. She furrowed her brow as she pushed off the bani ster and headed to the other side. She found him staring out the window. He turn ed as her footsteps echoed across the oak floor. Let me show you something. He beckoned her to the window. When he moved aside, she stood in front of the glass. The view was still of the backyard, but held more of the wooded area at the edge of the property. For a mo ment his arms ringed her waist, and she leaned into the strength of his body. The woodsy spice of his cologne enveloped and enticed her. You always smell so go od. His throaty chuckle wound deep into her heart. So do you. She faced him. I really like this house. He picked up her hand and dropped a set of keys in the center of her palm. The m etal was cool as it rested against her skin. She stared at her hand, her mouth f alling open. When she looked up, Leo was on bended knee, holding a single red rose. Keys forg otten, she gasped at the light dancing off the Asscher-cut solitaire ring in the middle of the rose. The square stone had the same elegant and distinctive lines as its emerald-cut cousin. The diamond itself was set in an antique white gold setting and so very different from the one hed presented her ten years before. I love you, Symmone. My life has been bleak and miserable without your love and s mile in my life. He kept his gaze on her. I know I messed up, but these last coupl e of weeks have shown me that I want you as my wife for the rest of my life. If youll have me, Id like to be your husband again. Will you marry me? She clapped a hand over her mouth. It was one thing to think about being his wif e again, but now she was being presented with tangible proof of his love and com mitment. From the moment she spent the night in his hotel room, he hadnt left her side. Hed done everything he promised, even with the children. Would he put his career before her again? Or before the kids? Yet the elation of being asked, of wanting to give in to her heart edged out the doubt. Yes. His hand shook as he plucked the ring from the petals and slipped it on the thir d finger of her left hand. Her own hand trembled as the ring settled in place. He gathered her close. Youve made me so happy.

She hugged him. Despite her lingering doubts, this was what shed been missing. He was what shed been missing. The keys dug into her palm and she stepped back. Whats with the keys? She tucked a curl behind her ear. He smirked. The house is yours. A gasp stuck in her throat as disbelief squeezed her heart. How? I bought the house, Symmone. Remember the house I designed during my internship? She furrowed her brow. Realization pierced her heart. He couldnt have. Stunned, s he walked from the room, taking in each room as she recalled the plans hed made. The hardwood floors, the moldings. Even five bedrooms. This was her house. Moisture bubbled and flowed down her cheeks. This was the house hed promised hed b uild. For her. He wrapped his arms around her waist as his warm breath tickled her ear. I never forgot, he whispered. She turned in his embrace and placed a damp kiss on his mouth before burying her face in his shoulder. Neither had she.

**** Three days later, Symmone knelt in front of a box and placed what she hoped was the last DVD inside. She had no idea shed collected so many over the years, and most were chil drens and educational movies. A quick glance around the living room assured her n othing else remained on the shelves, and the chest of drawers hung open and empt y. The solitaire and matching diamond band glittered in the bright sunlight. A soft smile teased her lips. Once again she was married. She picked up a black marker and the tip squeaked as she wrote across the cardboard flap. Even the kids were excited, and while they were changing out of their wedding finery, she was pack ing the last few boxes. She paused, listening to the murmur of voices drifting down from the floor above . Nothing serious. Melvin would take the kids for a couple of days and then they would all meet up Sunday for brunch. Her smile widened. But she wouldnt be able to get any rest until she was sure eve rything was ready for the movers on Monday. The other furniture would be deliver ed a few days later. She sat back, peering around the living room. Her life, the ir life, was about to begin a new chapter. Her gaze settled on the rings on her finger. The first time the diamond had been smaller and the band a plain gold band, but this thing was nearly the size of her pinky fingernail and looked absolutely per fect on her hand. What are you doing? Leo demanded from the doorway.

She lifted her gaze to find a slight frown on his face. Packing. His heavy sigh elicited a chuckle from her. This can wait until we get back. He stood in front of her and extended his hand. I would like to spend a little time with my dear wife. She placed her hand in his and he effortlessly tugged her to her feet. She smoot hed a wrinkle from the front of her ivory skirt, then picked a stray fuzzy from the beaded bodice.

You go back to work Monday, and I want to get as much of this done as I can. He cradled her face in his hands. Sweetheart, everything will be fine. Ive hired a very reputable company who will n ot only move our precious valuables to storage, but also clean. He touched her sh oulder and she winced. Youre still recovering and I dont want you to re-injure your shoulder. She wound her arms around his waist and hugged him close. Fine, but this is the a bsolute last time youre going to tell me what to do. He chuckled. I have no doubt. So lets go spend a couple of days getting to know on e another again.

She giggled. I like that idea. So where are you taking me? Leo draped an arm at her hips and guided her toward the front door. Theres this li ttle resort in Orlando I think you may like. Sounds decadent. He flashed her a wicked grin. Especially if I get to see you in a bikini. She tucked a curl behind her ear and smirked. Im not bringing one. She slid into th e car. Oh, I think we can find a way to improvise.

Chapter Ten The housetheir homeseemed so different. Symmone trailed her fingers along the oak banister as she ascended the stairs. W ith school out for the summer, the kids were able to do something they longed to do: go to day camp with their friends. The eight hours they spent away from home every day staved off their inevitable lament of boredom and would keep them learning. She paused in the hallway to cat ch her breath then veered to her left. With only three rooms occupied she wanted

to make sure the kids were keeping up their end of the bargain. She peeked first in LJs room. For once his bed was neatly made and his clothes we re strewn in a laundry basket. She made a mental note to grab a few Phineas and Ferb decorations. She closed the door and continued down the hall to the last do or. Jewels room wasnt as neat as her brothers, but at least she had the general ide a.

The bedspread lay at an angle, but the little girls shoes were lined in an orderl y row in front of the closet door. Symmone chuckled and backed from the room. She crossed the wide expanse of hall to the master suite and heaved a sigh. The woodsy scent of Leos cologne lingered in the air and filled her with longing. After spending so much time with him ove r the last several days, she missed him. She stepped to his closet and threw ope n the doors. His scent greeted her like a welcome caress; she inhaled deeply, cl osing her eyes. So this is what you do all day. A small shriek escaped her throat. Startled, she turned to find Leo watching her . Youre home, she glanced at her watch, very early. He loosened his tie. I took the afternoon off. She edged away from the closet as he tossed his tie on top of the bureau. You jus t had a very long vacation; wont your boss be upset? Her eyes never left his, her pulse pounding in response to his heated gaze. He slipped the buttons from their moorings, exposing his muscular chest to her n ot-so-subtle scrutiny. Her mouth went dry at the tantalizing display of skin bef ore her. She longed to press her lips to him and hear his soft groans of pleasur e. She backed up another step. He stalked her across the room, discarding clothi ng as he went. When the backs of her knees hit the mattress, he pushed her shoulder. She tumble d backward and he followed her down onto the bed. His mouth found hers, his kiss hot and demanding. She met his passion with a dizzying desire she realized only he could ignite wit hin her. He worked her out of her shirt, his lips following the path downward as he tugge d on her jeans. Some things just required having the afternoon off.

Chapter Eleven Ohmigosh! This place is huge. Symmone adjusted her sunglasses as she gaped at the park. Leos architectural firm had commandeered a local park for their annual picnic, an d what pavilions werent covered in company paraphernalia were loaded with food. H uge stainless steel grills belched white smoke and teased anyone close enough wi

th the promise of hamburgers and hot dogs. Lines were already forming for cotton candy and snow cones. And there had to be at least a dozen bounce houses and slides littering the park. Can we go play? LJ and Jewel said as one. Go nuts, Leo said. Stay together, Symmone called after them. She watched them race to the nearest bou nce house and climb in. Your firm does this every year? Yes, and this is the first time Ive had any reason to stay. She looked at him sharply. Never? He shook his head. What do you see? Slowly she looked around the grounds. Children ran rampant while adults clustered in small groups, and it struck her. F amilies. You never came because Its hard on a mans ego when he sees others with what he wants, what he had. I usual ly stayed long enough for people to know I was here, then I would leave. She leaned into him and his arms circled her. Im glad youre getting a chance to enjoy this with us. He nuzzled her neck as he gazed out over the park. Childish giggles and sparkly laughter reached his ears. For the first time in years he didnt dread being at th e picnic. He lifted a hand and waved at his children. A lumped lodged in the bac k of his throat. His children. He held Symmone a little tighter. He didnt know what he would do without her and the kids. His gaze searched the grounds for the one man who could possibly take away his h appiness. The senior partner was nowhere in sight. Leo had to tell Symmone. I need to ask you something, he murmured against her ear.

Hmm? She tilted her head back to fix her beautiful eyes on him. He opened his mouth, then snapped it shut again. How was he going to tell her th e truth? Every step to this point in their relationship had been a struggle. If he told her now why hed really sought her out, hed lose everything. Somehow he had to tell her what his real position in the architect firm was. She tugged away from him; concern creased her brow. What is it? Her eyes widened. I s it the kids? She spun away, moving her head back and forth, searching. He slid a hand down her arm and grasped her hand. No, sweetheart, the kids are fi ne. He blew out his breath and smoothed a stray hair from her forehead. I love you so much. Her smile chased the worry from her face, but her eyes remained guarded. I love y

ou too, Leo. Whats wrong? Ah! There you are, Sheppard. I wasnt sure if youd stayed long enough, but someone m entioned youd brought your family with you this year. Dread hit the pit of Leos stomach and he tensed at the newcomers voice. He fixed a pleasant smile on his face and faced the senior partner. Dexter Greene. Leo shook his hand. Id like you to meet my wife Symmone. Its a pleasure, Mr. Greene. Symmone shook his hand as well. The pleasure is all mine. May I call you Symmone? Dexter said, his hand lingering on hers longer than friendly.

A stab of jealousy sliced through Leo and he drew Symmone more firmly to his sid e. She chuckled and withdrew her hand. Of course. Dexter shifted his gaze from one to the other. For a while there, we thought you were a figment of Leos imagination, but after seeing what a beauty you are I can see why he keeps you hidden away. Leos heart pounded louder. Im not surprised; Leos always been protective of his family. Some of the tension eased from his shoulders at Symmones answer, but the next wor ds left him breathless.

Im sure youve heard the great news. Since Ive now met you, Leo is a full partner in our firm. Symmone flinched beside him and the genial smile she wore slipped. Really? I had absolutely no idea he was up for such a huge promotion. Despite the lightness in her voice, he still heard anger and, if he wasnt mistake n, hurt. He risked taking a look and resisted the urge to duck. If looks could kill With the move and all, I hadnt gotten around to mentioning the promotion. Leo force d a smile. Well, Ill let you two celebrate. It was nice meeting you, Symmone. Likewise, Mr. Greene.

He clasped her on the shoulder. Call me Dexter. After all, were family. A long, tense silence filled the space after Dexter walked away. Leo dreaded mee ting her eyes and when he did, his heart sank. Gone was the earlier jocularity; in its place was a pain hed seen once before.

Sym. Partner? Sweetheart, I can She blinked several times, but it didnt stop the tears from trickling from her ey es. You lied to me. He held his hands out palms up in a helpless gesture. I wanted to tell you. When? After you signed the papers for your partnership? Or maybe when you decided we no longer fit into your career plans.

Leo looked around the park; people were still far enough away that they couldnt h ear their conversation. He had to do something before things escalated. He stepp ed closer, his gaze searching hers. Can we discuss this later? Absolutely! Dont worry; I wont do anything to break the illusion that weve been marr ied for years. She spun on her heel and marched to where LJ and Jewel were climbi ng a slide. Cold fear curdled his stomach as he watched her walk away. Somehow he had to get her to see he really did love her, and not just for his job. **** Later in the evening Symmone slammed the bedroom door. Spending most of the day at the park and playing nice when all she wanted to do was yell at Leo had left her with a raging headache. Now they were home. She snorted. How could she have been so stupid? Hot tears bubbled as she stared out the window. She couldnt believe hed used her. He couldve just told her the truth. She toed off her sandals; some of the tension seeped from her shoulders as the floorboards cooled her toes. She should never have listened to her heart. Leo never really wanted her at all; she was just a m eans to an end. The door opened and closed quietly behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to find Leo standing just inside the door, holding a large bouquet of roses. Remors e shadowed his eyes when he met her gaze, but regret lingered in the slump of hi s shoulders and frown. I know I messed up, Symmone, but it isnt exactly what you think. She winged a brow. Oh really? So all that talk about wanting me back was just for your promotion? He flinched. No, it was the catalyst. The promotion gave me an excuse to seek you out. He held the roses out. I dont know what else to do to fix this. She knocked the roses to the floor. You dont get to do this! You dont get to walk b ack into my life and fix things. You dont get me to fall in love with you again, make my children to depend on you, build a house and in general make me trust yo u, just to have someone say it was part of your career plan! She stalked to the w

indow. Such dreams, and God help her, she was desperately in love with him. Dash ing at the tears streaking down her cheeks, she stared out the window. She wante d to believe he had changed, needed to believe hed changed. When he stood behind her and cupped her shoulders, she shrugged off his hands an d moved away. Symmone. Im not some pick-up wife to seduce and use as needed. She faced him. Did I ever mean anything to you? His eyes widened. Baby, you mean everything to me. She searched his face. Truth rang in his words, and she read sincerity in his ey es, yet she still wasnt convinced. I dont need you in my life.

He flinched, but nodded. Youve made that quite clear, but I need you. These last f ew weeks have made me realize whats truly important. The promotion is nice and ev erything Ive worked for, but I would gladly give it all up to spend the rest of m y life with you. My job, my life means nothing without you by my side. Tears clogged her throat, and she swallowed to keep the moisture from leaking fr om her eyes. She couldnt be swayed by his words; thats what got her in the predicament she was in now. She wanted to believe him, but it was too much like the first time. I-I need time to think. Her voice cracked on the words, and she cleared her throat . She crossed to the closet and pulled down a duffel bag.

Where are you going? She barely spared him a glance as she crossed to the chest of drawers where her clothes were kept. I told you. I need to think. He stepped behind her, slid his hands down her arms, and grasped her hands. She closed her eyes at the tingles shivering through her body at the contact. His li ps were warm and moist as they grazed her ear. Dont leave. The kids are asleep. Please. I just found you again. His plea tore at her heart, left her more confused than before. She wanted to gi ve in to his appeal and even more to the sensations roiling through her body, bu t she needed to be certain. Entirely too much was at stake. If her heart was broken this time, there would b e no coming back. She shook off his hands and closed the drawer. This isnt done. I know. The weight of his stare followed her as she picked up the duffel bag and replace d it in the closet. One thing she was certain of, she needed space to sort out h er thoughts. And if she had to wait until he went to sleep, then so be it.

Chapter Twelve She was gone when he woke the next morning. Somehow he thought a good nights slee p would put things in prospective. When she didnt come home that evening or the n ext, he really couldnt blame her. Yet that knowledge didnt ease the burden of guil t and loneliness weighting his shoulders. Leo wandered from room to room, hoping, expecting to see Symmone or one of the c hildren. Nothing. Emptiness and silence greeted him. Enveloped him until it pushed in to suffocate him with desolation and despair. He stood outside the family room, one corner dedicated for his office space. Sym mones old sofa bed sat against one wall. Shed wanted to get rid of it, but hed talk ed her into keeping it as a reminder of their new beginning. He never wanted to cause her that type of pain again, and because of his ambition he had.

Despite the changes hed made, nothing would matter if he couldnt tell Symmone the truth. He couldnt live another day, let alone a decade, without her or the childr en. As he entered the room, his gaze fell on his desk; plans for a dollhouse and tree house waited for him to finish. Moisture pooled in his eyes and clogged his throat as he sank heavily to the sof a behind him. He dropped his head to his hands. All he needed was one more chance; this time h e couldno, would make the right choice. Giggles and chatter shattered his reverie and his head snapped up. Excitement pu lsed through his veins. Did he dare hope? Footsteps grew louder, then faded on th e stairs overhead. Heels clicking against the wood floor, along with the soft scent of spiced vanil la, preceded Symmones entrance. He stood as she entered and stopped in front of h im, just out of reach. I called your office and was informed youd resigned. He nodded, his heart stuck in his throat. Right now he just wanted to gather her close, hold her soft body in his arms and know she was real. I realized I was chasing the wrong dream. She nodded. Yes, you were. She moved past him to lift a photo of the four of them from the end table. I thought about us.

Leo closed his eyes. He had to say this, even if it cost him everything. She nee

ded to know what she meant to him. Listen for one moment. Yes, I quit my job, but it was the only way to show you I was serious. Working for Greene and Banks Architects is what cost me a life with you in the f irst place. I dont want a partnership to take you away from me again. He stepped i n front of her and skimmed his hands down her bare arms. So smooth and silky. Im opening my own design company, Sym. He held her gaze. I need you to know how trul y sorry I am. These last couple of days reminded me that I didnt want to spend th e rest of my life without you or the kids. I love you too much to let you go. She eyed him a long moment before speaking. I dont need you in my life, she said qu ietly. He stiffened; too little, too late. Shed made her decision and now he would be re duced to, what, part-time dad, no-time husband? He dropped his gaze to their twi ned fingers. The diamonds on the wedding bands glittered, mocking him for what h e could no longer have. But I want you in my life. His gaze snapped to her face, and the smile quirking her lips radiated through h is soul as nothing else could. He searched her eyes and read the love in their h oney-almond depths. He drew her close, one hand resting at her waist while he trailed his fingers th rough the silk of her hair. I want you too, sweetheart. He dropped his mouth to he rs, stealing whatever words she wouldve said, drinking in the sweetness of her li ps.

Pledging his love and commitment in one easy kiss. Oh, man! Theyre at it again, LJ said, followed by an exaggerated sigh from Jewel. They broke apart with a chuckle. Symmone swiped at the moisture on her cheeks wh ile Leo held her close. Did you two need something? he said. He glanced at Symmone, and shed composed herse lf. Reluctantly he released her. We wanted to show you what we got for you, Jewel answered. But we had to put our st uff away first. As the children chattered, Leo stared over the tops of their heads to the woman whod made it all possible. She flashed him a sultry smile and he relaxed. The pro mise of passion flickered in her eyes.

**** Later, much later when they were both naked and in bed, Symmone rolled on her si

de, propped on her elbow, and cradled her chin in her hand. How do I know youre se rious about this? He chuckled and smoothed a hand down her thigh. I was wondering when youd get arou nd to that particular point. She sat up, pulling the sheet to cover her breasts. It was a little difficult wit h kids clamoring for attention and then you dragging me into the shower. He flicked on the bedside lamp and picked up an envelope from the nightstand. I m eant what I said, Sym. Having you by my side means the world to me, and seeing t he pain I caused you wasnt worth the partnership. Id rather start my own firm than lose you again. He tapped the envelope. I signed the lease on some office space y esterday.

He cupped her face. I needed you to know I truly learned my lesson. She leaned over and lightly touched her lips to his. Thank you. He wrapped his arms around her and dragged her against the heat of his body. Nee d sidled through her veins as she pressed closer. Shed had time to think, and a l ifetime without Leo would be unbearable. Love wasnt about giving up, but giving h im another chance. And if she truly loved him, shed give him a chance to make thi ngs right. His lips grazed the curve of her shoulder and a sigh whispered past her lips. Ye ah, she hoped Leo would spend the rest of their lives making things right.

About The Author

W. Lynn Chantale resides in southeastern Michigan. Married to her high school sweetheart, theyve been together for the last twenty y ears. They have three children. She writes African-American and Interracial Roma nce across the erotic, contemporary and suspense genres. Shes also a member of RW A, GDRWA, Kiss of Death, Passionate Ink, has a mad affinity for chocolate, and p lays the bass guitar when the Muse begs for a bit of distraction.

I love hearing from readers and can be found at my cyber home at

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