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Functional Requirements Specification




Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... ii Revision History ........................................................................................................................... iii 1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................1 Document Conventions................................................................................................................1 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions..............................................................................1 Project Scope ...............................................................................................................................1 References....................................................................................................................................1

2. Overall Description..................................................................................................................1
2.1 Product Perspective .....................................................................................................................1 2.2 User Classes and Characteristics .................................................................................................2 2.2.1 Primary Target: Patients.........................................................................................................2 2.2.2 Secondary Target: Caregivers..................................................................................................2 2.2.3 Secondary Target: Healthcare Professionals ...........................................................................2 2.3 Design and Implementation Constraints......................................................................................2 2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies ..................................................................................................2

3. System Features........................................................................................................................2
3.1 Home Page Template...................................................................................................................3 3.1.1 Description and Priority ..........................................................................................................3 3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ................................................................................................3 3.1.3 Functional Requirements.........................................................................................................3 3.1.4 Page Elements .........................................................................................................................3 3.2 Detail Page Template...................................................................................................................6 3.2.1 Description and Priority ..........................................................................................................6 3.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ................................................................................................6 3.2.3 Functional Requirements.........................................................................................................6 3.2.4 Page Elements .........................................................................................................................6 3.3 Confirmation or Thank You Page Template ............................................................................7 3.3.1 Description and Priority ..........................................................................................................7 3.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ................................................................................................7 3.3.3 Functional Requirements.........................................................................................................7 3.3.4 Page Elements .........................................................................................................................7 3.4 Information Kit Request ..............................................................................................................7 3.4.1 Description and Priority ..........................................................................................................7 3.4.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ................................................................................................7 3.4.3 Functional Requirements.........................................................................................................8 3.4.4 Page Elements .........................................................................................................................8 3.4.5 Additional Page Functionality...............................................................................................10 3.4.6 Description and Priority ........................................................................................................10 3.4.7 Stimulus/Response Sequences ..............................................................................................10 3.4.8 Functional Requirements.......................................................................................................10 3.4.9 Page Elements .......................................................................................................................10 3.5 Page Tools .................................................................................................................................11 3.5.1 Description and Priority ........................................................................................................11 3.5.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ..............................................................................................11 3.5.3 Functional Requirements.......................................................................................................11 3.5.4 Page Elements .......................................................................................................................12 3.6 Site Map.....................................................................................................................................13 3.6.1 Description and Priority ........................................................................................................13 3.6.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ..............................................................................................13 3.6.3 Functional Requirements.......................................................................................................13

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3.6.4 Page Elements .......................................................................................................................13 3.7 Search ........................................................................................................................................14 3.7.1 Description and Priority ........................................................................................................14 3.7.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ..............................................................................................14 3.7.3 Functional Requirements.......................................................................................................14 3.7.4 Page Elements .......................................................................................................................14 3.7.5 Additional Page Functionality...............................................................................................15 3.8 Exit Site (via contextual link) ....................................................................................................16 3.8.1 Description and Priority ........................................................................................................16 3.8.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ..............................................................................................16 3.8.3 Functional Requirements.......................................................................................................16 3.8.4 Page Elements .......................................................................................................................16 3.9 Tagging to support Webtrends Metrics .....................................................................................16 3.9.1 Description and Priority ........................................................................................................16 3.9.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences ..............................................................................................17 3.9.3 Functional Requirements.......................................................................................................17 3.9.4 Page Elements .......................................................................................................................17

Revision History
Name Shawn Stemen Date 11-15 11-28 12-19 Reason For Changes Initial draft based on kick off notes Updated with team comments and addl. info Added form detail, minor corrections Version 1 1.1 1.2

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1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
Our company is developing an informational website to present InstantCo products to the public. The functional elements of this web site are specified in detail in this document.

1.2 Document Conventions

Each functional site element is specified in a specific section of this document. Because consistency is central to the usability goals of this client, high level requirements are assumed to be inherited by detailed requirements. Apparent inconsistencies in requirements not clarified by inheritance must be addressed and resolved by the project team and the resolution documented here.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

This document is intended to provide a road map to functional elements of the web site for the project developers, project managers, marketing staff, users, testers, and documentation writers. The functional elements specified in Section 3 are unique to this document and specified no where else. Section 3 is of the greatest importance and interest to most project team members and others reading this document.

1.4 Project Scope

<see Creative brief>

1.5 References
In additional to this Functional Specification a Style Guide will be developed to address creative aspects of the web site specifically related to look and feel. A Content document contains final, edited site content. A Technical Specification is maintained in VSS. A Project Plan is maintained along with various supporting design documents in VSS at: $/InstantCo/INSTCO_0001_0002_Website_Development/IIG_Deliverables.

2. Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
InstantCo Corporation is a pioneer in lifesaving technologies, designing and development of medical products. Currently InstantCo focuses its promotional activities towards a professional audience, leveraging the strength of its sales force relationship with Medical Professionals. In November of 2005, InstantCo will launch a new consumer-directed effort, called Project Thumper, messaging across multiple media channels

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with the goal of reaching a mass patient audience and spurring the sale of 9,074 incremental INSTANTCO devices.

2.2 User Classes and Characteristics

2.2.1 Primary Target: Patients
Tend to be between 50-75 years of age Have survived a heart attack Are experiencing some symptoms (congestive heart failure: fatigue, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, trouble sleeping) Do not have any device contraindications See a cardiologist at least once a year Feel depressed, anxious, worried about having another attack and curtail much of their activities for the first 3-6 months after the heart attack Most are not aware of implantable defibrillator devices and many who become aware are intimidated by the prospect of surgery and having something inside their bodies Tend to believe that devices are for someone sicker than themselves Limited knowledge of ejection fraction

2.2.2 Secondary Target: Caregivers

Family members (spouse or adult children) who help patients make healthcare decisions If the patient is the aggressive one, then the caregiver plays a lesser role. If the patient is passive, the caregiver takes on the role of the patient. Often caregivers role is to reinforce lifestyle changes and treatment compliance. This can be a frustrating task as patients often do not comply with all recommended changes in both lifestyle and treatment. The more recent the attack the more influential they are on lifestyle changes. As time passes after the attack, the less influential caregivers feel.

2.2.3 Secondary Target: Healthcare Professionals

2.3 Design and Implementation Constraints

It is not required that this web site conforms to Another company guidelines but it is desirable. ANOTHER COMPANY is in the process of acquiring InstantCo so the site will probably have to comply at some future time.

2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies

This web site will be developed on servers in-house and then deployed to WHmhs servers.

3. System Features
Functional requirements are organized by system feature. In the following sections, each feature is described and specified.

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3.1 Home Page Template

3.1.1 Description and Priority home page is the primary landing page for all site audiences. It is potentially the single most visited page of the site. 3.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences User becomes aware of via television or print media User enters the URL into browser System presents Home Page to User User chooses desired content area and clicks on a link 3.1.3 Functional Requirements REQ-1: REQ-2: REQ-3: REQ-4: REQ-5: REQ-6: REQ-7: REQ-8: Afford access to site content tailored to three specific audiences: Patients, Caregivers, Healthcare Professionals Afford access to downloadable and printable materials related to implantable defibrillators and interactions with healthcare professionals about implantable defibrillators Afford access to categorized site content via a menu Afford access to supporting materials related to InstantCo, other InstantCo sites, privacy, and contacting InstantCo Present questions that draw the user into the site content and peak interest in implantable defibrillators Present introductory text that orients the user and invites them to explore the site Present an Avatar that greets visitors with a photorealistic, full motion visual of a healthcare professional and plays audio that introduces the site, its content, and invites exploration Present a brand logo that relates the site to television and print advertising and establishes a consistent page element that will appear throughout the web site

3.1.4 Page Elements Home Page Elements Audience Selection Bar Description Remarks Provides user access to audience appropriate areas of the site Current area is indicated by a color change in the text Non-current area is indicated by a color change in the text logo
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Current area indicated Three choices: For Patients image= For Caregivers image= For Healthcare Professionals image= Non-current area Three choices: indicated For Patients image= For Caregivers image= For Healthcare Professionals image= Logo Image path=
Functional Specification for InstantCo

Global Navigation Default image (no Four choices: action in progress) What is sudden cardiac arrest? image= How can I find out if Im at risk? image= How are abnormal heart rates treated? image= Should I talk to my doctor about an implantable defibrillator? image= On mouse over image Four choices: (user moves mouse What is sudden cardiac arrest? image= over image) How can I find out if Im at risk? image= How are abnormal heart rates treated? image= Should I talk to my doctor about5 an implantable defibrillator? image= On click image(user Four choices: moves mouse over What is sudden cardiac arrest? image= Link image and clicks left to= mouse button) How can I find out if Im at risk? image= Link to= How are abnormal heart rates treated? image= Link to= Should I talk to my doctor about5 an implantable defibrillator? image= Link to= Explanatory text Click on a question to get started Style= Discussion Guides Default image (no action in progress) On mouse over image (user moves mouse over image) On click image(user moves mouse over image and clicks left mouse button) Free Kit Default image (no action in progress) On mouse over image (user moves mouse over image) On click image(user moves mouse over image and clicks left mouse button) Avatar Image= Image= Image= Link to=

User views menu

User mouses over menu items

User makes menu choice

Orients user, provides explanation of global navigation Link to Discussion Guide

Link to sign up for additional information Image= Link to= Image= Link to= Image= Link to= Flash video introduction to the site and page, plays only once the first time the page is visited Swf location=

Flash animation

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Flash controls Pause (leftmost) Pauses playback at current location

Three controls located below animation, provides user control Allows user to stop and re-start playback without losing current position

Default view On mouse over On click Rewind (2nd from Returns playback to earlier point in playback left) Default view On mouse over On click Progress indicator Triangular pointer moves left to right; color from beginning of bar to pointer indicates viewed portion of video (viewed bar), color from pointer to right side of scale indicates un-viewed portion of video (un-viewed bar); user may click and drag pointer to any position and playback will then begin from that point (current position indicator) Current position indicator Default view On mouse over On click Viewed bar Default view On mouse over On click Un-viewed bar Default view On mouse over On click Global Navigation Four choices: Menu (restatement) What is sudden cardiac arrest? How can I find out if Im at risk? How are abnormal heart rates treated? Should I talk to my doctor about5 an implantable defibrillator? See specification above for link locations. Default view On mouse over On click Title Introductory text Text= Welcome to Style= Text= <see content doc> Style=

Allows user to back up the video

Moves left to right to indicate current position in animation, allows user to slide to any point in the video

Global nav is restated as text to assist users who may not recognize post-it notes as global nav Styles applied to produce feedback for user Title to introductory paragraph Intro text orients new user, welcomes users to site and page

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Footer InstantCo logo Footer Menu

Image= Link to= Five choices: InstantCo Leadership Link to= Link to= Terms of Use Link to= Privacy Policy Link to= Contact Us Link to=

Default view On mouse over On click Copyright text Text= <see content doc>

Authoritative version of copyright statement appears in the copy doc

3.2 Detail Page Template

3.2.1 Description and Priority detail pages present site content to a specific audience. The page must serve its primary audience as an information vehicle while allowing the user search for other information of interest, browse to related topics, and contact InstantCo for additional information. 3.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences User views the Home Page and clicks on a link to a Detail Page System presents Detail Page to User User chooses views desired content area and clicks on a link or chooses to search or browse to content or materials of greater interest. 3.2.3 Functional Requirements REQ-1: REQ-2: REQ-3: REQ-4: REQ-5: REQ-6: REQ-6: Afford access to all navigation features required on the Home Page template Afford access to page tools that allow the user to resize page text to enhance readability Afford access to page tools that allow the user to bookmark the current page Afford access to page tools that allow the user to print the current page Afford access to page tools that allow the user to email the current page Afford access to additional visual and auditory features that may support or enhance the message in the content Present the user with a call to action at the bottom of the page content. By default this call to action will allow access to the next logical page on a linear reading of all the content on the site.

3.2.4 Page Elements

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<see Design Comps> Element Description Remarks <see Design Comps>

3.3 Confirmation or Thank You Page Template

3.3.1 Description and Priority This page is displayed in confirmation of submission of any form on the site. This includes Request for Information Kit and Contact Us. 3.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences User interacts with web site functionality, user chooses appropriate form button to complete functional flow System displays Confirmation (Thank You) page. User clicks on Continue System displays page viewed at start of functional flow 3.3.3 Functional Requirements System displays page with explanatory text and Continue button 3.3.4 Page Elements Confirmation page Elements Explanatory text Button Description Text: <see Content document> Button. Label=Continue Remarks Allows user to close page and continue interaction with site at page viewed at start of functional flow

3.4 Information Kit Request

3.4.1 Description and Priority
A User can register to receive an Information Kit. This registration mimics the offline BRC. Data collected from the offline and online will need to be sent to offline fulfillment.

3.4.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

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The User enters required personally identifiable data The User clicks submit System inserts record into database System validates Email Format System forwards user to Thank You page

3.4.3 Functional Requirements

System processes form that gathers user information. System must: Insert record into database Validate Email Format Forward to Thank You page

3.4.4 Page Elements

Information Kit request Form Element Disclaimer Title First name Last name Address Address Line 2 City State Zip Code Phone Number Email Address Year of Birth Are you a Type Length Default Description

Check box Drop Down menu Text box Text box Text box Text box Text box Text box Text box Text box Text box Text box Drop Down menu

unchecked none none none none none none none none none none none none


If you are a healthcare professional, what is your specialty?

Drop Down menu


Required Required. Choices: Dr., Ms., Mrs., Mr. Required, Text Required, Text Required, Text Required, Text Required, Text Required, Text Required, Numeric Required, Numeric Required, Email Required, Numeric Required. Choices: Patient, Caregiver, Healthcare Provider Following questions required based on answer to Are you a Required. Choices: Cardiologist General Cardiologist Surgeon Cardiologist Interventional Cardiologist Electrophysiology Cardiologist Nuclear Primary Care IM/GP/FP Heart Failure Specialist Nurse / Allied Health Professional Other

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Other, please specify IF PATIENT OR CAREGIVER Have you, or the person you are caring for, had a heart attack? When was the last heart attack? Month Year Do you (or the person you are caring for) currently see a cardiologist? If so, when is your next appointment? Do you (or the person you are caring for) have any of the following symptoms? Shortness of breath Ankle swelling Ongoing fatigue Difficulty breathing when lying flat Has your doctor (or the doctor of the person you are caring for) ever discussed an implantable defibrillator? Would you like to receive additional information about sudden cardiac arrest and treatment in the future BOTH HCP and CAREGIVER Button

Text box


Drop Down menu

Required if Other chosen in previous Following questions required based on answer to Are you a Required. Choices: Yes, No, Dont Know

Text box Text box Drop Down menu

Required. Numeric Required. Numeric Required. Choices: Yes, No, or Dont Know

Text box. Followed by Within Months Title text

Required. Numeric


Radio Button, no default Radio Button, no default Radio Button, no default Radio Button, no default Radio Button, no default

Required. Choices: Yes, No, or Dont Know Required. Choices: Yes, No, or Dont Know Required. Choices: Yes, No, or Dont Know Required. Choices: Yes, No, or Dont Know Required. Choices: Yes, No

Radio Button, no default

Required. Choices: Yes, No

Required Label=Submit Action= Submits form for error

Displayed at bottom of form, right justified, second from

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checking and processing


3.4.5 Additional Page Functionality Label prompt text so when the user clicks on the text the form item will become focused (the flashing cursor will appear in a text box; with a checkbox, the box itself will become selected). For example, an input box this would look like: <label for="name">Name</label> <input type="text" id="name" /> For example, a checkbox this would look like: <input type="checkbox" id="sport" /> <label for="sport">Sport</label> The value in the <label for> tag is the same as the id in the input item and is unique on the page. 3.4.6 Description and Priority A user may choose to contact InstantCo. 3.4.7 Stimulus/Response Sequences User clicks on a link labeled Contact Us System presents a form page User completes the form and clicks Submit System presents a Thank You confirmation page 3.4.8 Functional Requirements System adds to address in the form: validates Email Address Format sends email containing the Users Profile to Regulatory
forwards user to Thank You page

3.4.9 Page Elements Element Disclaimer Text Disclaimer Title First name Last name Address City Description Text: <see Content Document>.. Check box. Default: unchecked. Drop Down menu. Choices:
Dr., Ms., Mrs., Mr

Remarks Required. Required. No default. Required. No default. Text. Required. No default. Text. Required. No default. Text. Required. No default.

Text Box. Size: <tbd> Text Box. Size: <tbd> Text Box. Size: <tbd> Text Box. Size: <tbd>

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State Zip Code Phone Number Email Address

Text Box. Size: <tbd> Text Box. Size: <tbd> Text Box. Size: <tbd>

Text Box. Format: Alphanumeric @ alphanumeric . Alphanumeric Question or Comment Text Box. Size: <tbd> Label=Submit button
Action= Submits form for error checking and processing

Text. Required. No default. Text, 2 characters Required. No default. Numeric, 5 digits Required. No default. Numeric, 10 digits Required. No default. Required. No default. Displayed at bottom of form, right justified, second from right Displayed at bottom of form, right justified, rightmost button


Label=Cancel Action= Abandons form, user returns to page viewed at start of functional flow

3.5 Page Tools

3.5.1 Description and Priority Email this page, Print this page, Bookmark this page, and resize text on page functions are available to the user via an icon appearing at the top of the content area, right justified. 3.5.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences User clicks on appropriate icon. System performs associated task User is on same page (text may resize) 3.5.3 Functional Requirements Email page: User clicks Email this page icon System displays form in pop-up window User fills out form and clicks Submit button System validates the Email Address Format System sends email from the user to the friends email System displays Thank You page User clicks on Continue button User is now in same state as at start of use case Print page User clicks Print this page icon System applies CSS for printed page System displays page in pop-up window, formatted for print User reviews page and clicks Submit button System sends page to printer defined locally System displays Thank You page

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User clicks on Continue button User is now in same state as at start of use case Bookmark page User clicks Bookmark this page icon System displays proposed bookmark of page in browser defined pop-up User reviews bookmark and clicks appropriate confirmation button System has browser bookmark page User is now in same state as at start of use case Resize content text on page User clicks desired resize icon System displays page content text using chosen text size User is now in new state on same page as at start of use case 3.5.4 Page Elements Email this page Elements Email page icon Disclaimer Text Disclaimer Your Name Your Email Address Your Friends Name Your Friends Email Address Submit button Thank You page Elements Thank You window Thank You text Close button Description 5th from left, rightmost icon in tools. X pixels wide by Y pixels tall Text: <tbd>. Check box. Default: unchecked. Drop Down menu. Choices:
Dr., Ms., Mrs., Mr.


Required. Required. No default. Required. No default. Text. Required. No default. Text. Required. No default. Text. Displayed at top and bottom of Print window Page displayed at end of flow Displayed when user clicks Print this page icon Displayed at top and bottom of Print window

Text Box. Size: <tbd> Text Box. Size: <tbd> Text Box. Size: <tbd>

X pixels wide by X pixels tall Formats content using Print CSS

Print this page Elements Print page icon Print window

Description 4th from left icon in tools. X pixels wide by Y pixels tall X pixels wide by X pixels tall Formats content using Print CSS


Displayed when user clicks Print this page icon

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Functional Specification for InstantCo

Print CSS Print Footer Print button Close button Thank You text

Font= Style= ?? Text=<text added to each printed page>

Text: <tbd>

Print friendly styles applied to pages Applied to each printed page Displayed at top and bottom of Print window Displayed at top and bottom of Print window Displayed after user clicks on Print button Remarks

Bookmark this page Elements Bookmark page icon

Description 3rd from left icon in tools. X pixels wide by Y pixels tall Description 2nd from left icon in tools. X pixels wide by Y pixels tall Leftmost icon in tools. X pixels wide by Y pixels tall

Resize content text Elements Resize content text (larger) icon Resize content text (largest) icon


3.6 Site Map

3.6.1 Description and Priority A site map is available to the user via a link in the standard footer that appears on each page of the web site. 3.6.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences User clicks on a site map link in the footer menu of any page on the site. System displays a site map page User accesses desired page by clicking contextual link on Site Map 3.6.3 Functional Requirements System displays a site map page that is correct with working links to all entry pages 3.6.4 Page Elements Site Map page Elements Description Remarks

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Category title Page Title

Category title Page title, link to page

Local navigation categories also used as site map categories It is assumed that each page on the site will have a descriptive title

3.7 Search
3.7.1 Description and Priority A search interface (text entry box and associated Search button) is available to the user via a form in proximity to the local navigation menu that appears on each page of the web site. 3.7.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences User enters search term or terms and clicks the Search button. System processes the search term or terms using indexes previously created and maintained on a regular basis. System displays a page of search results. User accesses desired result page by clicking contextual link or modifies and resubmits search. 3.7.3 Functional Requirements System crawls the web site and creates an index of terms searchable by the user. System updates search index on a regularly scheduled bases System accepts search terms, processes terms using chosen search software, and presents a valid search result page to the user. 3.7.4 Page Elements Search form Elements Search box Description Text Box. Size: <tbd> Remarks Allows user to enter search terms and any advanced search operators Submits search terms to search software for processing Remarks Allows user to enter search terms and any advanced search operators Submits search terms to search software for processing

Submit search button Search Result page Element Search box

Label = Search Description Text Box. Size: <tbd>

Submit search button

Label = Search

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Summary statement of search

Text: Your search for <terms> has found <numeric> results. <terms> = search terms entered by user <numeric> = number of search results, 0 if no results found Format of search result: Page Title Context of search term Page Title is a link to the page Context is 9 words before and after search term If more than 20 search results are returned the search results will be displayed 20 on each page in this format: Page: 1 2 3 4 Next Where each numeral is a link to that page of results except the numeral for the current page which is not a link and is given an appropriate prominence to indicate current page Next is a link to the next page in sequence. It is only displayed if a next page exists so it is not displayed on a one page search result or on the last page of any search result (example is page 4 of a 4 page result set): Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 Previous is a link to the previous page in sequence (displayed on pages 2-n where a previous page exists, not displayed on page 1) Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 Next

Displayed at top of page, before search results.

Search result

Search term is displayed in context so the user can evaluate the relevance of the page Extensions may be added if the site grows and result sets exceed 20 pages (400 results).


User is able to search the entire Website using simple words and phrases. The search will be available from any page on the Website. The User can enter any text for the search The User Selects Search Return all the links (on one page) to the pages of the Website that meet the search criteria

3.7.5 Additional Page Functionality

Label the search box so users with screen readers and other assistive technologies may easily recognize and access search: For example: <label for="search" class="noshow">Search</label> <input type="text" id="search" /> <input type="button" value="search" />

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And within the CSS you'd put: .noshow {position: absolute; left: -9000px}

3.8 Exit Site (via contextual link)

3.8.1 Description and Priority When a user clicks on an external contextual link an exit site pop-up window is displayed to warn the user that they are leaving the web site. 3.8.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences User clicks on a contextual link in the content area of any web page on the site System displays a pop-up window User reads the content in the pop-up and clicks on Continue System closes the op-up window System forwards the user to the linked web site User views the linked page on the external site. Alternative: User clicks on a contextual link in the content area of any web page on the site System displays a pop-up window User reads the content in the pop up and clicks on Cancel System closes the pop-up window User views the same page viewed at beginning of use case 3.8.3 Functional Requirements 3.8.4 Page Elements Element Pop-up warning Warning text Continue button Cancel button Description X pixels wide by X pixels tall Formats content using CSS Text: <see Content document> Button, happy path use case Button, alternative use case, returns user to page Remarks Pop up window covers part of current browser page Text has been developed.

3.9 Tagging to support Webtrends Metrics

3.9.1 Description and Priority
<Provide a short description of the feature and indicate whether it is of High, Medium, or Low priority. You could also include specific priority component ratings,

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such as benefit, penalty, cost, and risk (each rated on a relative scale from a low of 1 to a high of 9).>

3.9.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

<List the sequences of user actions and system responses that stimulate the behavior defined for this feature. These will correspond to the dialog elements associated with use cases.>

3.9.3 Functional Requirements

<Itemize the detailed functional requirements associated with this feature. These are the software capabilities that must be present for the user to carry out the services provided by the feature, or to execute the use case. Include how the product should respond to anticipated error conditions or invalid inputs. Requirements should be concise, complete, unambiguous, verifiable, and necessary. Use TBD as a placeholder to indicate when necessary information is not yet available.> <Each requirement should be uniquely identified with a sequence number or a meaningful tag of some kind.>

REQ-1: REQ-2: 3.9.4 Page Elements Element Description Remarks

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