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A Smile

Author Unknown

A smile costs nothing, but gives muchIt takes but a moment, but the memory of it usually lasts forever. None are so rich that can get along without itAnd none are so poor but that can be made rich by it. It enriches those who receive, without making poor those who giveIt creates sunshine in the home, Fosters good will in business, And is the best antidote for troubleAnd yet it cannot be begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is of no value Unless it is given away. Some people are too busy to give you a smileGive them one of yoursFor the good Lord knows that no one needs a smile so badly As he or she who has no more smiles left to give.

Giving From the Heart

A mother seems to specialize in doing thoughtful deeds, Before you ask she understands your problem and your needs. Quietly she does her best to help, inspire and cheer, And everything looks brighter right away because she's near. She always has a lot to do but still finds time to spare, To listen and to give advice because she really cares. She helps because she wants to, she finds joy in being kind, And making others happy is the first thing on her mind. She makes this world a better place by practicing the art, Of reaching out to others and by giving from the heart.

Antony Smith Family is, heaven sent from our father above, bonded by the power of love. No matter what family has each others back, when push comes to shove. Family is, understanding, never demanding, all for one and one for all, I will never leave you alone standing. Family is, one in itself, my love is your love, your pain is my pain, my wealth is your wealth, I promise to never leave you by yourself.

Family is, the strongest team, the strongest unit; if love could be visualized, family would be the blue print. Family is, forgiveness and patience, it's sweeter than the sweetest fragrance, the power of family is a reflection of Gods compassion and magnificence. Family is, never turning our back, and never shames, lend my helping hand and not a finger pointing the blame. No matter what a family bond can never be broken, even through a nuclear explosion, if one of us lives we all live. Forever to eternity, we are family, my father, my mother, my sisters and me. Antony-Tyrone Smith AKA Pen Dragon Source: The Power Of Family, Poem about Family http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/the-power-of-family#ixzz2Bk3agEQK www.FamilyFriendPoems.com

Your Family Your family are people, you can depend, If you get in trouble, they shall defend. They are the one's that understand, Always willing to give you a hand. Your family, you should always cherish, Without them you would probably perish. Your connection with them is very deep, If something happens, together you weep. You family can help, your confidence build, With their love and support, you'll feel fulfilled.

Just don't forget to show your appreciation, That will strengthen your relation.

** THE WILL OF GOD ** The will of God will never take you, Where the grace of God cannot keep you. Where the arms of God cannot support you, Where the riches of God cannot supply your needs, Where the power of God cannot endow you. The will of God will never take you, Where the spirit of God cannot work through you, Where the wisdom of God cannot teach you, Where the army of God cannot protect you, Where the hands of God cannot mold you. The will of God will never take you, Where the love of God cannot enfold you, Where the mercies of God cannot sustain you, Where the peace of God cannot calm your fears, Where the authority of God cannot overrule for you. The will of God will never take you, Where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears, Where the Word of God cannot feed you, Where the miracles of God cannot be done for you, Where the omnipresence of God cannot find you.

God Knows Best

by Helen Steiner Rice

Our Father knows what's best for us, So why should we complain-We always want the sunshine, But He knows there must be rain--

We love the sound of laughter And the merriment of cheer, But our hearts would lose their tenderness If we never shed a tear...

Our Father tests us often With suffering and with sorrow, He tests us, not to punish us, But to help us meet tomorrow...

For growing trees are strengthened When they withstand the storm, And the sharp cut of a chisel Gives the marble grace and form...

God never hurts us needlessly, And He never wastes our pain For every loss He send to us Is followed by rich gain...

And when we count the blessings

That God has so freely sent, We will find no cause for murmuring And no time to lament...

For our Father loves His children, And to Him all things are plain, So He never sends us pleasure When the soul's deep need is pain...

So whenever we are troubled, And when everything goes wrong, It is just God working in us To make our spirit strong.

The Love Of God


All things that are on earth shall wholly pass away, Except the love of God, which shall live and last for aye. The forms of men shall be as they had never been; The blasted groves shall lose their fresh and tender green; The birds of the thicket shall end their pleasant song, And the nigthingale shall cease to chant the evening long. The kine of the pasture shall feel the dart that kills, And all the fair white flocks shall perish from the hills. The goat and antlered stag, the wolf and the fox, The wild boar of the wood, and the chamois of the rocks, And the strong and fearless bear, in the trodden dust shall lie, And the dolphin of the sea, and the mighty whale, shall die. And realms shall be dissolved, and empires be no more, And they shall bow to death, who ruled from shore to shore; And the great globe itself, (so the holy writings tell,)

With the rolling firmament, where the starry armies dwell, Shall melt with fervent heat--they shall all pass away, Except the love of God, which shall live and last for aye.

A Love Poem to God

Ive struggled with sin for so long, Youve been so right, Ive been so wrong. When will I triumph over my sin? When will true closeness to You begin? At the cross you reply with a strong voice, My Son made the ultimate choice, He took your sin and nailed it there with Him So that your time being near Me could begin. So dont fail to praise Me with all you are Because your sins were forgiven through His scars. Your love for me, o God, is beyond compare, But Ill do all I can to lay my sould bare So that you can see that my love is true All my days I will spend praising You.

Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.

Alan Watts

Love is not enough. It must be the foundation, the cornerstone - but not the complete structure. It is much too pliable, too yielding. Bette Davis (1908 - 1989)

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