Guidelines On Maintenance of Common Facilities: Community Capacity Building Guidelines Series No. 5

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Community Capacity Building Guidelines Series No.


(Version 1)

Prepared by

Consolidation for Settlement Capacity Building and Livelihoods Development Project in Sri Lanka
Funded by World Jewish Relief




Introduction 1.1 1.2 Need for this guideline Target groups of this guideline

1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 7


Steps to make a maintenance plan Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Preparing for a workshop Introducing the workshop objective Identifying common facilities Identifying problems related to the common facilities Listing the common problems Analyzing the problems and searching for solutions Identifying the responsible parties Formulating a maintenance plan Disseminating the maintenance plan

3.0 4.0

Setting up of Maintenance Committee Establishment of Maintenance Fund

Annex I Agenda of Workshop on Maintenance of Common Facilities

Photos on the cover page: 1) Community hall for social and religious use (Jaffna District) 2) Well for drinking water (Trincomalee District) 3) Distribution of waste collecting bags for preventing of irregular disposal of nondegradable garbage (Galle District)


Introduction Urban low-income settlements are provided with free basic common facilities such as common water taps, drains, community halls and playgrounds etc. These facilities are provided for the benefit of the community by the funding agencies. Thereafter the responsibility for their proper maintenance and protection falls on the Community Development Council (CDC) as funding institutions will cease their involvement in these activities. The objective of this guideline is to educate CDC office bearers and members on how to conduct the maintenance work effectively. 1.1 Need for this guideline

Once the funding agencies complete their activities, they hand over the facility to the community and withdraw from the scene. Protecting and maintaining these facilities then becomes the responsibility of the CDC. The funding agencies do not provide financial assistance for their maintenance. Hence two (2) responsibilities fall on the CDC. One is the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the common facilities. The other is raising funds necessary for operation and maintenance work. For this work is to be carried out appropriately, the office bearers of all CDCs should get together and decide on a suitable methodology. In the absence of such a mechanism in CDCs, over a period of time many common facilities will be on the verge of breaking down. Generally CDC office bearers are ignorant of ways and means of raising funds necessary for maintenance. Therefore a guideline which provides the required know-how to the office bearers of CDCs is necessary to enable them to implement operation and maintenance work systematically.


Target groups of this guideline

The main target group of this guideline is the office bearers of the CDCs. This guideline can also be used by community mobilizers as a hand book on maintenance of common facilities.


Steps to make a maintenance plan A plan for the maintenance of common facilities to be carried out by a CDC could be formulated by conducting a workshop. Only those office bearers of CDCs who have some understanding should be summoned for the workshop. At the end of the workshop they should prepare a plan for the maintenance of common facilities relevant to their settlements. A step by step description is given below. Step 1 Preparing for a workshop Step 2 Deciding the date for the workshop Identifying suitable CDC office bearers (between 15-20) Identifying a suitable venue Procuring the stationery necessary for the workshop Finding a suitable resource person

Introducing the workshop objective The resource person should explain the objective of the workshop, the way it will be conducted and that the final plan will be prepared after group discussions. Items that are considered as common facilities should also be explained.


Identifying common facilities (Plenary) Common facilities can be identified through a discussion. A list of all the common facilities in the settlement can be prepared by the resource person after inquiring from the participants. The table given below can be used for this purpose. CDC List of Common Facilities (Quantity) 1 2 3 4 Drain system ( linear feet) Community hall (1) Common water taps (5) Common bathing well (2)


Identifying problems related to the common facilities (Group work) The resource person should then divide participants into groups, and direct all the groups to identify the problems related to common facilities. After that, the reasons for the problems and who are

affected by the problems will be analyzed. The table below can be used for this purpose. Problems related to common facilities Drains are not maintained and cause mosquito problems. Reasons People dumping garbage Inadequate side walls Lack of money for maintenance No one takes the responsibility. Who are affected Entire community

Community hall is not cleaned. 2 out of 5 common water taps are broken.

Entire community


Listing the common problems (Plenary) After the groups identify the problems, an opportunity should be given to all the groups to make presentations. Views of others should also be obtained on the presentations and amendments made if necessary. Next step is the preparation of a list of common problems with priorities. Priority 1 2 Problems Drains are not maintained. 2 out of 5 common water taps are broken.

Step 6

Analyzing the problems and searching for solutions (Group work & Plenary) The resource person will again divide the participants into groups, and each group will suggest short term and long term solutions. One group can work on one problem. The following table can be used for this purpose. All groups will make presentations on the proposed solutions and amend them if necessary. Priority 1 2 Problems Drains are not maintained. Common water taps are broken.

Solutions Short term Long term

Step 7 Identifying the responsible parties (Group work) An attempt is made here to identify responsibilities for maintenance among parties including the CDC and external institutions. Responsibilities Problems Solutions Individual community members CDC as a whole Local authority or any other institutions

Step 8 Formulating a maintenance plan (Group work & Plenary) In this step, it is intended to bring together the information collected earlier and formulate the overall plan. It should clearly be determined as to by whom, how, and when those activities are to be carried out. Plan for Maintenance of Common Facilities Problems Solutions Responsibilities Individuals CDC Institutions Time Frame

The overall plan will be prepared by presenting the information identified by the groups separately. Their shortcomings can be rectified during the discussion.

Step 9 Disseminating the maintenance plan After the workshop, the maintenance plan should be presented to the entire community.


Setting up of a Maintenance Committee At the end of the workshop, it is important to form a Maintenance Committee, which is comprised of four (4) office bearers. Its functions will be: 1. 2. 3. Implementation and coordination of the maintenance activities in the settlement. Coordination of large scale repairs with relevant institutions. Establishment and operation of the Maintenance Fund.


Establishment of a Maintenance Fund Establishment of a community fund for maintenance of common facilities is important. Raising funds can be done in several ways. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conduct of a lottery Crediting 1% of the value of community contracts to the fund Donations Crediting a certain portion of the profits received by the CDC to the fund Charging a monthly sum of about Rs. 10/= from households (monthly subscription fees)

The responsibility of the Maintenance Committee is to operate the Maintenance Fund properly and to carry out the necessary maintenance activities, prepare accurate records and create awareness among the community regarding maintenance activities.

Annex I:

Agenda of Workshop on Maintenance of Common Facilities

Time 09.15 a.m. 09.15 a.m. 09.30 a.m. 09.40 a.m. 10.10 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 11.00a.m. - 09.30 a.m. - 09.40 a.m. 10.10 a.m. 10.30 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.30 a.m.

Activity Welcome Speech Self Introduction Explanation on the objective of the workshop Explanation on the need for a Community Maintenance System in the settlement Tea Identifying common facilities in the settlement Identifying problems related to the common facilities and prepare a list of common problems Analyzing the problems and search for solutions and identifying the responsibilities Formulation of the maintenance plan Setting up of the Maintenance Committee Follow-up Action Discussion & Winding up Session

11.30 a.m.

12.00 a.m.

12.00 a.m. 12.30 a.m. 01.00 p.m. 01.30 p.m.

12.30 p.m. 01.00 p.m. 01.30 p.m. 01.40 p.m.

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