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Alice in Wonderland

These clothes may be made with any of the American Thread Company products listed below: MATERIAL Quantity Sz of Doll Sz of Needle "Puritan" Crochet Cotton 2 balls Blue or color desired 10 in. steel 7 Article 40 1 ball White or "Deluxe" Crochet Cotton 2 balls Blue or color desired 10 in. steel 7 Article 346 1 ball White or "Star" Crochet Cotton 2 balls Blue or color desired 7 or 8 in. steel 11 Article 20, size 30 1 ball White and "Star" Six Strand Embroidery Cotton Article 50--Assorted Colors 1 1/2 yds narrow White Ribbon DRESS: SKIRT--With Blue ch 46, 2 dc in 4th st from hook, 3 dc in each remaining st of ch, ch 3, turn. 2nd row: Working in back loop of sts, dc in same space, 2 dc in each remaining dc , join. 3rd rnd: Working in back loop of sts for remainder of skirt, ch 1 and work 1 sc in each dc, join each round. 4th and 5th rnds--Ch 1, 1 sc in each sc. 6th rnd: Ch 3, 1 dc in each sc. 7th, 8th and 9th rnds: Ch 1 and work 1 sc in each st. Repeat the last 4 rounds 4 times. 26th rnd: * Ch 5, skip 2 sts, sc in next st, repeat from * all around ending rnd with ch 2, dc in same space as beginning (this brings thread in position for next rnd). 27th rnd: * Ch 5, sc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending rnd with ch 2, dc in dc. 28th rnd: Same as last rnd but ending rnd with ch 5, sc in dc. 29th rnd: * 3 sc in next loop, repeat from * all around, join, cut thread. BODICE: With right side of skirt toward you, attach thread in 1st st at top of skirt, ch 3 and work 1 dc in each st of starting ch, ch 1 (44 dc counting the ch 3 as 1 dc) turn. 2nd row: Working in front loop of sts, work 1 sc in each dc, ch 1, turn. 3rd row: Working in back loop of sts, work * 1 sc in each of the next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * across row to within the last 8 sts, 1 sc in each of the last 8 sts, ch 1, turn. All even numbered rows are worked in front loop of sts and odd numbered rows are worked in back loop of sts for remainder of bodice.

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4th row: 1 sc in each sc (50 sc), ch 3, turn. 5th row: * 1 dc in each of the next 4 sc, 2 dc in next sc, repeat from * across row to within the last 9 sts, 1 dc in each remaining st, ch 1, turn. 6th row: Working in sc, increase 1 sc in every 4th st, ch 1, turn (72 sc), then work 2 rows even in sc, ch 3 to turn last row. 9th row: 1 dc in each st, ch 1, turn. Work 3 rows even in sc, ch 3 to turn last row. 13th row: 1 dc in each of the next 11 sts, ch 10, skip 9 sts, 1 dc in each of the next 30 sts, ch 10, skip 9 sts, 1 dc in each of the last 12 sts, ch 1, turn. 14th row: 1 sc in each dc and 1 sc in each st of ch, ch 1, turn. 15th row: ** 1 sc in each of the next 5 sc, decrease in next 2 sts (to decrease * insert hook in next st, pull loop through, repeat from * once, thread over and pull through all loops at one time), repeat from ** across row ending row with 1 sc in each of the last 4 sc, ch 1, turn. 16th row: Working in sc, decrease every 9th st, ch 1, turn, then work 1 row even, ch 1, turn. 18th row: Repeat the 16th row. 19th row: 1 sc in each of the next 12 sc, * decrease in next 2 sts, 1 sc in each of the next 5 sts, repeat from * 3 times, decrease in the next 2 sts, 1 sc in each remaining st, without cutting thread, work a row of sc around back opening working a ch 3 loop at neck, center of bodice and waistline on each side for ribbon loops, cut thread. COLLAR: With wrong side toward you attach thread in 1st free loop of st of 18th row, working on right side, * ch 3, skip 1 st, sc in free loop of next st, repeat from * across neck, ch 3, turn. 2nd row: Sc in next loop, * ch 3, sc in next loop, repeat from * to end of row, ch 1, turn. 3rd row: * 3 sc in next loop, repeat from * across row, cut thread. SLEEVE: Attach thread in 1st st of ch 10 at top of armhole, sc in same space, 1 sc in each of the next 9 sts of ch, ch 3, turn. 2nd row: Sc in next sc, * ch 3, sc in next sc, repeat from * 7 times, ch 3, turn. 3rd row: Sc in 1st loop, * ch 3, sc in next loop, sl st in base of next row at side of armhole, ch 1, turn. 4th row: 3 sc in each loop, sl st in base of next row at side of armhole, cut thread. Work other sleeve in same manner. Place on doll and tie with 3 small ribbon bows in back, inserting ribbon through the loops. PANTALETTES: With Blue ch 49, tr c in 5th st from hook, 1 tr c in each remaining st of ch, turn. 2nd row: Ch 4 (counts as 1 tr c), working in back loop of sts only, 1 tr c in each of the next 4 tr c, 2 tr c in next tr c, * 1 tr c in each of the next 5 tr c, 2 tr c in next tr c, repeat from * across row ending with 1 tr c in each of the last 4 sts. 3rd row: Working in front loop of sts, work same as 2nd row but ending row with 1 tr c in each of the last 5 sts. 4th row: Ch 4, turn, working in tr c and back loop of sts, increase 7 tr c evenly spaced, join in 4th st of ch (68 tr c), cut thread, turn. All even numbered rows are worked in back loop of sts and all odd numbered rows are worked in front loop of sts for remainder of pantalettes. 5th row: Start leg--Attach thread in 18th st from joining, ch 4, 1 tr c in each of the next 33 tr c, join in 4th st of ch, ch 4, turn. 6th row: 1 tr c in each tr c, join in 4th st of ch, ch 4, turn. Repeat the last row 8 times or length desired, turn. 15th row: Ch 1 and work 1 sc in each tr c, join, cut thread. RUFFLE: Attach thread in 1st free loop of sts of 14th row, ch 3, dc in same space, * 2 dc in free loop of next st, repeat from * all around, join.

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2nd row: Ch 1 and working in back loop of sts, work 1 sc in each dc, join, cut thread. Work a ruffle in free loop of sts of 13th, 12th and 11th rows in same manner. Finish other leg in same manner. APRON: Band: With White ch 46, tr c in 5th st from hook, 1 tr c in each remaining st of ch, cut thread. 2nd row: Attach White in 13th st from end and working in back loop of sts, ch 4, 2 tr c in same space with ch 2, * 3 tr c in next tr c, repeat from * to within the last 12 tr c, ch 5, turn. 3rd row: Working through both loops, skip 1 tr c, tr c in next tr c, * ch 1, skip 1 tr c in next tr c, repeat from * across row ending row with ch 1, skip 1 tr c in 4th st of ch, ch 4, turn. 4th row: 1 tr c in each mesh and 1 tr c in each tr c working last tr c in 4th st of end ch, ch 5, turn. Repeat the last 2 rows twice but ch 1 at end of last row. Work a row of sc up side of apron, around entire band, down opposite side of apron and across lower edge, cut thread. BIB: Attach thread in 15th st of band, ch 4 (counts as 1 tr c), 1 tr c in each of the next 15 sts, ch 4, turn. Work 2 rows even in tr c. 4th row: Ch 1, turn, 1 sc in each of the 1st 3 tr c for strap, ch 1, turn. Next row: 1 sc in each sc, ch 1, turn. Repeat the last row 31 times, ch 4, turn, 1 tr c in each of the next 2 sc, cut thread. Attach thread at opposite side and work another strap in same manner, cut thread. Attach thread at waist band and work a row of sc around entire bib and straps, cut thread. Lace ribbon through band, then lace through each end of strap and tie in back. SNOOD: With White ch 36, sc in 6th st from hook, * ch 5, skip 1 st of ch, sc in next st, repeat from * across ch, ch 5, turn. 2nd row: Sc in next loop, * ch 5, sc in next loop, repeat from * across row, ch 4, turn. 3rd, 4th and 5th rows: Sc in next loop, * ch 4, sc in next loop, repeat from * to end of row, ch 4, turn. 6th row: Sc in next loop, * ch 4, sc in next loop, repeat from * to within the last 2 loops, ch 4, sc in next loop, sc in next loop, ch 4, turn. Repeat the last row 6 times. 13th row: Sc in next loop, * ch 4, sc in next loop, repeat from * across row working 2 sc in last loop, then work 2 sc in each loop around entire snood, join, cut thread. This end is top of snood. Lace ribbon through sides and lower edge and tie in position on head.

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