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World U.S. N.Y. / Region Business Technology Science Health Sports Opinion Editorials Columnists Contributors Letters The Public Editor Global Opinion Arts Style Travel Jobs Real Estate Autos <A HREF=" /mo/day/opinion&pos=TopAd&sn2=47abbfff/ae2473b9&sn1=a07979e7/7a88ee6c&camp=TycoOct12Jan13-1837954-

nyt14&ad=768x90.Tyco.AV.B7046955.15&goto= 4/B7046955.15;sz=768x90;pc=nyt197815A315455;ord=2013." TARGET="_blank">< IMG SRC=";sz=768x90;pc=nyt197815A31 5455;ord=2013." BORDER=0 WIDTH=768 HEIGHT=90 ALT="Click Here"></A> Op-Ed Columnist The Girl of My Dreams By GAIL COLLINS Published: January 18, 2013 211 Comments Facebook Twitter Google+ Save E-mail Share Print Reprints

There is nothing the world loves more than an athlete whos playing the game on behalf of a dying loved one.

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David Brooks and Gail Collins talk between columns. All Conversations Related News Image Becomes a Puzzle as Theories on Teo Swirl(January 18, 2013)

Connect With Us on Twitter For Op-Ed, follow @nytopinion and to hear from the editorial page editor, Andrew Rosenthal, follow @andyrNYT. Readers Comments Readers shared their thoughts on this article. Read All Comments (211) In the land of sports, people who have terminal illnesses are always more interested in the teams fortunes than in having their son/brother/lover/best friend at their bedside. The storys been a staple ever since the expiring Ronald Reagan told Notre Dame to win just one for the Gipper in Knute Rockne All American. And now we have Manti Teo, the star linebacker for Notre Dame, whose dying girlfriend turned out to be imaginary. But imaginary with a lot of team spirit. Babe, if anything happens to me, you promise that youll stay there and youll play and youll honor me through the way you play, she told him when she was critically injured in a car crash, fell into a coma and then emerged to learn she had leukemia. When she was conscious, she devoted much of her time to writing inspirational letters to Teo before each game.

Such a girlfriend does not exist. Somebody made her up, and the sports world is currently debating whether Teo was the victim of a hoax, or part of the conspiracy. All I can say is, the story tells you a lot. Fans cheered when Teo played through what he said was the day of the funeral of his girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, who died on the same day as his actual grandmother. (I knew...that my girlfriend and my family would want me to be out there. They wouldnt want me to be sulking over things, he told Sports Illustrated.) Its the American way. But as the story unfolded, it turned out that she didnt ever require his presence. In an interview with Sports Illustrated, Teo said that at one point, he was on his way home to Hawaii for summer break when the comatose Lennay almost died in a hospital in California. They were scheduled to pull the plug while I was in the air, he told Sports Illustrated. It didnt seem to occur to him that he might have dropped by. Do you think this is a young-man fantasy a girlfriend so lacking in neediness that you dont even have to visit her in the hospital while shes in a coma followed by leukemia? In fact, there was apparently never any physical connection. They talked on the phone. Texted all the time. But the star linebacker who reportedly saw other flesh-and-blood girls on campus didnt seem to feel this special romance was lacking anything simply because it had no three-dimensional aspects. Maybe in an era when dating seems to mean send texts about whether to get together later, this counts as a fulfilling relationship. Its possible Teo was the credulous victim of an elaborate trick. But he was surrounded by a veritable army of coaches, chaplains and mentors, who were presumably privy to the Lennay saga from the start. Certainly they knew all about it when the Notre Dame publicity machine made it a core part of the football teams undefeated-until-the-championship-game season. But nobody seemed to raise an eyebrow. If you listened to the story while sitting next to Teo on a bus, you would have warned him not to tell a national TV audience about this girlfriend until he got some proof she actually existed. (We met just, ummmm, just she knew my cousin. And kind of saw me there so. Just kind of regular, he told Sports Illustrated.) But nobody at Notre Dame seems to have paid enough attention to figure out that the girl at the center of their winning-season story existed in the same universe as the Little Mermaid. Right after Christmas, Teo told his coach that a woman who sounded like the dead girlfriend had called him to say she wasnt deceased after all. The coach told the higher ups, and Notre Dame hired an outside firm to investigate the case. When an expos broke on the Web site Deadspin, the schools athletic director, Jack Swarbrick, held a press conference to tearfully announce that the investigation

showed that Teo was the victim of a very elaborate, sophisticated hoax perpetrated for reasons we cant fully understand. But it had a cruelty at its core. This all occurred a couple of years after the Notre Dame team was involved in a genuine tragedy when a freshman from a neighboring girls college reported she had been sexually assaulted by a football player. The school did not order up an outside investigation. In fact, there appeared to be no investigation at all. After a period of dead silence in which she received a threatening text from another player, the girl died from an overdose of medication. Nothing else happened. Writing this week in The Washington Post, Melinda Henneberger, a Notre Dame graduate, noted that my alma mater held the kind of emotional news conference for the fake dead girl they never held for the real one, Lizzy Seeberg. Games over. Notre Dame loses. A version of this op-ed appeared in print on January 19, 2013, on page A17 of the New York edition with the headline: The Girl Of My Dreams.

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Go January 18, 2013, 1:07 pmComment

Nokia Lets You 3-D Print Your Own Phone Case


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Nokia is turning its Lumia phones into a bit of an arts-and-crafts project. Now you can print your own cases for them.


In a blog post published Friday, John Kneeland, a community manager at Nokia, said the company was releasing a set of files for people to create their own cases with a 3-D printer. The tool kit, available as a free download, will include 3-D templates, case specifications and recommendations for materials and best practices. Mr. Kneeland said he believed phones would be more customizable in the future. Perhaps Nokia could offer entrepreneurs a phone template so they could build phones tailored to the needs of their communities, he said. You want a waterproof, glow-in-the-dark phone with a bottle opener and a solar charger? Someone can build it for you or you can print it yourself, he wrote. Of course, if youd ever want to use Nokias tool kit to design a case, youd need access to a 3-D printer and some knowledge of how to manipulate 3-D virtual objects. But the release of the software kit fits with Microsofts marketing message for Windows Phone 8, the software featured on the Lumias. It has been trying to market the Windows Phone software as more personal, allowing people to customize their home screens with different tiles.

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