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Assessment Committee Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2009 3:00-5:00 in Room 3603

Members Present: Claire Stuart-Quintanilla, Jane Reynolds, Marietta McDuffy, Hope Essien,
Stephanie Owen, Lisa Owens, Michael Callon, Lois Collins, Nelly Calub, Sohee Jon, Beverly
Anderson, Boniface Ekpenyong, Tracey Hudson, Nelida Metio, Ali Khan, Ahmed Khan, Pierre
Harges, Sheila Wicks, Luc Elie, David St. John, Edna Boone

Minutes taken by Stephanie Owen, Recorder

I. Sign-in Roll Call
II. Department representatives
• Representatives from each department/program is as followed:
Math: Hope Essien (Chair) and David St. John
Respiratory Care: Jane Reynolds (Director) and Ijaz
Biology: Lois Collins and Sheila Wicks
English: Michael Callon (Chair), Lisa Owens, and Mary Beth Jone
Nursing: Carmen Hovanec, Beverly Anderson, and Nelly Calub
Physics/Chemistry: Edna Boone, Joshua Oladipo
Library: Stephanie Owen, Fumilayo Rufai
Surgical Technology: Marietta McDuffy, Neelida Metio
Renal Technology: Ali Khan, Ahmed Khan
Political Science: Claire Stuart Quintanilla
III. Update on Faculty Resource Room
• There are some issues with the electricity and hooking up the computers
• Computers are here and furniture have been ordered
• Will continue to meet in room 3603 until we hear we can move into resource
IV. Assessment Committee elections for officers
• Will be voting for new officials in April. Each officer serves a mandatory one
year term
• Guidelines for consideration: Must be on the committee for at least a year.
• Open positions are: Chair, Co-Chair, Team leader, Recorder, Public relations
V. SLP update
• Claire has a list of those who submitted SLP post-tests from Dean Javior. They
are Math, English, Biology, Physical Science, Chemistry, Social Science, and
• Renal swears they turned theirs in to their Director, as well as Mortuary Science
• Respiratory Care and Phlebotomy have their scores but need to turn them in
• Nursing has them but not scored yet
• No results for Pharmacy, Physician’s Assistant, CNA, and Radiology
• Would like to develop a survey asking what could have been done differently to
ensure greater numbers? Why did only ½ of the results get turned in?
• Some problems and issues: Asked: What went wrong with the process? Some of
the issues were: Different post-test scoring issues whereby administration (?) used
different procedures for post from prêt-test; graders did not get instructions on
who/how to turn in the post-test scoring or turning the scores in; felt instructions

Assessment Committee Meeting 01-22-09 1

Minutes taken by Stephanie Owen
needed to be written down – need a better “script” of what needs to be done, as
well as how to administer; there was some confusion on the rubric; other people
just had difficulty looking for the form.
• Claire asked if those programs that didn’t administer the post-test, could they still
administer the test now? It would be the same students since they are all in cohort
• Is it possible to administer if we explain the lag time, would the data still be
valid especially if you administer the same question to the same cohort
• Some members felt it couldn’t be done. You could only compare those scores
with those administered now rather than those that were turned in last
• Action item: Ask Dean Javior if this is a possibility
• Programs that administered pre-test, but not post-test include: Surgical
technology, Physician’s Assistant, Pharmacy, EMT…
• Need to double check with Dean Javior
• Action item: Confirm with Dean Javior who hasn’t turned them in.
• Need to address why there was a breakdown in communication
VI. Department Assessment Plan
• It was determined that full committee meetings will be working meetings
• Claire reminded everyone that we told HLC that we would have
department/program plans done by Spring 2009 and implemented by Fall 2009 so
we need to move on this immediately
• For the working meetings, departments/programs will work in the following
groups: Social Science, English, and Library; Respiratory Care, Child
Development, Radiology, and Renal; Surgical Tech, EMT/Paramedics,
Phlebotomy, and Business; Math, Physical Science/Chemistry, and Biology; and
Nursing, Mortuary Science, Physician’s Assistant, CNA, and Pharmacy
• Themes Claire found in previous department assessment plans were: 1) most
plans were too global and broad; 2) departments and programs don’t talk about
assessment within their own department or program but on a general level; 3) did
not focus their plan on current courses; 4) most of the plans were just plans on
how to plan an assessment plan and not actually plans; 5) many of the ones she
looked at didn’t have any SLOs; and 6) no one has any specific assessment tools
they plan on using.
• Discussion on needing a place to save/archive syllabi. Lois does not want them
emailed to her. Discussed possibility giving access to Department Chairs and
Program Directors/Deans to the Assessment Committee blackboard and posting
all the syllabi there.
VII. Adjournment
• Meeting adjourned at 4:50.

Assessment Committee Meeting 01-22-09 2

Minutes taken by Stephanie Owen

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