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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - Printable Version
+- Roosh V Forum ( +-- Forum: Main (/forum-1.html) +--- Forum: Travel (/forum-3.html) +--- Thread: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) (/thread19165.html) Pages: 1 2

Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - jsmith198328 Yesterday 05:19 PM Note to Admin: i broke this thread into 4 parts so i could fit all the photos in. please don't delete any of the pics I have read thru the posts here and i have been fortunate enough to communicate with many types of men about the country and the women. And each type of man whether he be white, black, asian, european or american etc., they all have different opinions on the women of the country. i have read the St.Petersburg thread about how non-white men will have issues. I have talked to men online who told me that black men should avoid Moscow. i have heard about problems with racism and skinheads i certain parts. And the same is true for other parts of Ukraine. at the Euro 2012 i heard about problems with race attacks and skinheads.

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

and apparently roosh visited Kharkiv and made a bang guide about the country which I will buy when it becomes available.But i fear its written with a white men or men with a white asthetic in mind & not black men. But i have to ask.. is Ukraine a waste of time for non-white men? Especially black men? Initially i did not know that Ukraine existed at all. I didn't know about the Ukraine/russian culture. All the exotic beautiful super model girls too and how there is more women than men and all that, the dating agencies and all that. I didn't know about it. But once I saw all the attractive ladies I was pulled in to this Ukraine woman thing like most men.

Basically i became friends with an African guy online who visits Kiev,Ukraine every summer and he sends me photos and video footage of himself with a lot of pretty women. He does pretty well too. He bangs beautiful women who are mostly 8s and 9s. See for yourself

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RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) jsmith198328 - Yesterday 05:22 PM

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) jsmith198328 - Yesterday 05:23 PM

He also parties with a nigerian rapper who performs at the discos over there who lives in Kiev. The crazy part is he has no African accent. He sounds like an American thug rapper. I guess talking like hes from NYC gives him some street cred I guess. Im not sure..

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) jsmith198328 - Yesterday 05:24 PM

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

Hes pretty talented and brings a lot of business to these kiev night clubs too. The Nigerian rapper guy bangs A LOT of pretty exotic Ukraine girls too. I have huge respect for him too because I have heard rumors of skinheads and racist attacks on African students there. And this Nigerian rapper lives right in the center of the city and bangs beautiful girls and somehow he avoids all the skinheads and has actually been on Ukraine tv a few times. So clearly the skinhead issue is real but its hyped up too much.

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

And the impression I got from the two of them is that younger Slavic girls are receptive towards Africans. So I assumed that they would also be receptive toward me an American black man like myself. Right?. So eventually I got on the Russian version of facebook and I was able to establish contact with a dating agency guy who is originaly from portrugal who operates out of Poltava ,Ukraine and is married to a ukraine woman. he hooked me up for free actually. But before he did this.. he warned me that Ukraine girls tend to have a white guy preference. But I was initially confident because I saw how well my two African friends did.

Boy!! I was in for shock.

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

The first girls I connected with were average looking girls (5s and 6s) who were translators and school teachers and I became friends with their friends and I ended up become friends with their friend too. I established connections with about 30 different women over a span of a year. These women were from Poltava, Ukraine ( a very small town in Ukraine) and one lived in Kiev. The dating agency guy who actually helped me for free connected me with a beautiful 22 year old brunette. This is her.

Now I have to say this. It is my belief that in any situation and in any culture when a woman is truly interested in a man she reaches out and shows CONSISTENT interest. Probably one of the more confusing things for men about how women show interest is when women appear to be sending mixed messages when they do something that makes it seem theyre interested, then do something that makes it seem like theyre being challenging or aloof. But I still felt that if two African guys can do well(One being a rapper and the other in his mid 40's) then a decent looking brother like me with muscles could do well. To make a long story short I ran into a lot of frustration because the average looking Ukraine girls were MOSTLY receptive towards me but when I got up into the 9-10 range I would always have issues/problems with their egos. See this scale here :

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when I go up the scale I have problems when I come down the scale to the 5 & 6 range those problems go away and the personalities of the women get better. (damn this is just like here in the USA bitches with egos!) In some cases girls would send me friend requests and never talk to me and then unfriend me later on the russian version of facebook. When I would check their social page I would see their anorexic skinny Slavic skin-head looking boyfriend.See for yourself.

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

This would happen a lot. Girls would try to associate with me just to make their boyfriend / ex-husband jealous. And I have to say this. Ukraine men are not handsome. Ukraine / Russian women are beautiful but the men leave much to be desired.
RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) jsmith198328 - Yesterday 05:25 PM

It's one thing to see beautiful women fucking a guy who is less than what she is looks-wise. but when i look ukraine ladies i see EXTREMES I have grouped these extremes into several categories.

1. Old Ugly Men with Ukraine women

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2. Skinny Alcoholic anorexic Looking Ukraine guys with Ukraine women who are racist

3. Nerdy-Geeky Socially Awkward Men who can't dress with Ukraine Women

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RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) jsmith198328 - Yesterday 05:28 PM

4. Freaky Ukraine women who are obsessed with Rap Music and what to have sex with Thugs and want alcohol & drugs

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

5. Beautiful Older Ukraine women and their ugly old ex-husbands who STILL treat them badly - but who still reject non-white men despite being divorced women.

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6. My Reality: Leftover Girls who make me work and make me beg And who dont show consistent interest

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

So its my feeling that for black men . We need to deal with areas where women have had some exposure to black men and focus on the integrated parts of ukraine. I feel that dealing with these smaller towns (like Poltava) where girls have NEVER in their lives seen a man of color before can be a big mistake and a waste of time/money. You could get lucky but I came into contact with exotic looking ukraine women who want piece of shit looking old white men or ugly Ukraine/Euro guys over me. And on the other extreme my two African friends were banging women who were 9s and 10s. see my friend the math doesn't add up Once I get the opportunity to explore kiev, I will make a FINAL determination on Ukraine but non-white men need to really develop a strategy and position yourself correctly. And network with the black men who live there and are doing well as far as banging the girls is concerned. Not all Ukraine women are the same and see life the same way apparently..but there is in-bred prejudice in that culture. Because I think because of the way Ukraine women live they and the lack of exposure to black men and the desire to have a white male partner and the lack of availability of good looking men make them have bizarre interests as far as men are concerned.

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

Some of them are open minded, some of them are scammers who try to marry money, some of them are racist, others only deal with Ukraine & Europe men only, some women want a man they can control with their looks. Its a real mixed bag. If anyone else has perspective as a non-white manplease contribute.

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - UrbanNerd Yesterday 05:36 PM I would not call it a "waste of time", but me personally (black male, 40's, not overly muscular, very good income by USA standards) would not want to travel that far and may have to deal with skinheads and overall not having even a handful of brothas to mesh with. Add to that, my preferences are women of african descent and next latin chicks, so my zeal for eastern europe is not that high. Note: I am not saying those Ukraine chicks in those pics are not sexy. I have banged a few in both Canada and the UK and if I catch their asses here in the USA and she is not gonna make me work that hard...she will get stuck. Take out the skinheads and if I knew how responsive the chicks are to black men (without a lot of work) and I might reconsider. I will admit, I typically will not work as much for a european/caucasian female as I would for an african-descent/latin chick. That may not sound good but I am being honest.

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - rudebwoy Yesterday 05:44 PM Here is an idea, why not go visit Ukraine/Russia for yourself and then you can write a detailed report on "YOUR" experiences. Since all non-white men are not the same, I repeat all non-white men are not the same therefore we will ALL have different experiences. Obviously your "friend" and the "rapper" are not concerned about violence, skinheads and neo-nazi's. So why are you?

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - Branimir Yesterday 05:48 PM I wouldn't make such a big fuss about it and go into all kinds of interpretations . All of this won't change the way those girls think . I'm not sure if it'd be worth all the hassle anyway. I wouldn't look up to those other black guys there, cause there may be some other important impacts // backgrounds that cause these pictures. Just as you pointed out.

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) thegmanifesto - Yesterday 05:50 PM

(Yesterday 05:25 PM)jsmith198328 Wrote:

It's one thing to see beautiful women

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

fucking a guy who is less than what she is looks-wise. but when i look ukraine ladies i see EXTREMES I have grouped these extremes into several categories.

1. Old Ugly Men with Ukraine women

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

That one guy (on the right) looks like a goofball, but the other two (on the left) look pretty smooth actually. Well dressed. I bet they are successful. They look like they don't give a f*ck, and don't have a care in the world. They certainly don't look like they are worried about making rent. I don't really think those two cats are really that "old" either. Maybe 35-45? (I am bad at guessing guy's ages.) Hell, maybe even the cat on the right is hilarious or something. It doesn't seem like he give a f*ck either. In fact, it looks like homeboy is having a ball. Good for him. Props. Those are usually the type of cats I see with super hot girls. I see it everyday walking down the street. Why wouldn't they get fly girls?

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - Roosh Yesterday 06:00 PM Skinhead violence occurs mostly in Russia. In Ukraine it is quite rare. I lived in Kharkiv with tons of Nigerians, and they were living life without being hassled. By and large your analysis is pretty good, but understand that even for white American guys, they will encounter the same problems of hitting a wall in the 6 range of beauty where going above that depends on time (more than a short stay), Russian ability, and professional or social connections. Ukraine is no easy lunch, and even guys who racked up a couple bangs in short time had to work hard for it.

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) Playboy_Extraordinare - Yesterday 07:37 PM

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

(Yesterday 05:28 PM)jsmith198328 Wrote:

4. Freaky Ukraine women who are obsessed with Rap Music and what to have sex with Thugs and want alcohol & drugs

5. Beautiful Older Ukraine women and their ugly old ex-husbands who STILL treat them badly - but who still reject non-white men despite being divorced women.

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

6. My Reality: Leftover Girls who make me work and make me beg And who dont show consistent interest

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

So its my feeling that for black men . We need to deal with areas where women have had some exposure to black men and focus on the integrated parts of ukraine. I feel that dealing with these smaller towns (like Poltava) where girls have NEVER in their lives seen a man of color before can be a big mistake and a waste of time/money. You could get lucky but I came into contact with exotic looking ukraine women who want piece of shit looking old white men or ugly Ukraine/Euro guys over me. And on the other extreme my two African friends were banging women who were 9s and 10s. see my friend the math doesn't add up Once I get the opportunity to explore kiev, I will make a FINAL determination on Ukraine but non-white men need to really develop a strategy and position yourself correctly. And network with the black men who live there and are doing well as far as banging the girls is concerned. Not all Ukraine women are the same and see life the same way apparently..but there is in-bred prejudice in that culture. Because I think because of the way Ukraine women live they and the lack of exposure to black men and the desire to have a white male partner and the lack of availability of good looking men make them have bizarre

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interests as far as men are concerned. Some of them are open minded, some of them are scammers who try to marry money, some of them are racist, others only deal with Ukraine & Europe men only, some women want a man they can control with their looks. Its a real mixed bag. If anyone else has perspective as a non-white manplease contribute.
Damn good thread my friend!

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - jimukr104 Yesterday 07:51 PM

(Yesterday 05:50 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:

It's one thing to see beautiful women fucking a guy who is less than what she is looks-wise. but when i look ukraine ladies i see EXTREMES
(Yesterday 05:25 PM)jsmith198328 Wrote:

I have grouped these extremes into several categories.

1. Old Ugly Men with Ukraine women

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

That one guy (on the right) looks like a goofball, but the other two (on the left) look pretty smooth actually. Well dressed. I bet they are successful. They look like they don't give a f*ck, and don't have a care in the world. They certainly don't look like they are worried about making rent. I don't really think those two cats are really that "old" either. Maybe 35-45? (I am bad at guessing guy's ages.) Hell, maybe even the cat on the right is hilarious or something. It doesn't seem like he give a f*ck either. In fact, it looks like homeboy is having a ball. Good for him. Props. Those are usually the type of cats I see with super hot girls. I see it everyday walking down the street. Why wouldn't they get fly girls?

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

Actually the guy with the glasses looks like typical local guy that they like. Only in FSU do you see such a large amount of guys with big round faces, although they are skinny. Womem tend to be heart shape due to cheekbones. Caucasian beauty seems to be oval faces or angular for men in western world but round is typical FSU guy. Remember they think those guys a beautiful and will give offspring women with hot looks.

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) thegmanifesto - Yesterday 08:18 PM

(Yesterday 07:51 PM)jimukr104 Wrote: (Yesterday 05:50 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote: (Yesterday 05:25 PM)jsmith198328 Wrote: It's one thing to see beautiful women fucking a guy who is less than what she is looks-wise. but when i look ukraine ladies i see EXTREMES

I have grouped these extremes into several categories.

1. Old Ugly Men with Ukraine women

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1/2/2013 1:22 PM

Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

That one guy (on the right) looks like a goofball, but the other two (on the left) look pretty smooth actually. Well dressed. I bet they are successful. They look like they don't give a f*ck, and don't have a care in the world. They certainly don't look like they are worried about making rent. I don't really think those two cats are really that "old" either. Maybe 35-45? (I am bad at guessing guy's ages.) Hell, maybe even the cat on the right is hilarious or something. It doesn't seem like he give a f*ck either. In fact, it looks like homeboy is having a ball. Good for him. Props. Those are usually the type of cats I see with super hot girls. I see it everyday walking down the street.

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

Why wouldn't they get fly girls? Actually the guy with the glasses looks like typical local guy that they like. Only in FSU do you see such a large amount of guys with big round faces, although they are skinny. Womem tend to be heart shape due to cheekbones. Caucasian beauty seems to be oval faces or angular for men in western world but round is typical FSU guy. Remember they think those guys a beautiful and will give offspring women with hot looks.

That guy reminds me of this actor (actually more like the splitting image):

Who was in the dopest movie of last decade:

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - jimukr104 Yesterday 08:27 PM

(Yesterday 07:37 PM)Playboy_Extraordinare Wrote:

4. Freaky Ukraine women who are obsessed with Rap Music and what to have sex
(Yesterday 05:28 PM)jsmith198328 Wrote:

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

with Thugs and want alcohol & drugs

5. Beautiful Older Ukraine women and their ugly old ex-husbands who STILL treat them badly - but who still reject non-white men despite being divorced women.

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

6. My Reality: Leftover Girls who make me work and make me beg And who dont show consistent interest

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

So its my feeling that for black men . We need to deal with areas where women have had some exposure to black men and focus on the integrated parts of ukraine. I feel that dealing with these smaller towns (like Poltava) where girls have NEVER in their lives seen a man of color before can be a big mistake and a waste of time/money. You could get lucky but I came into contact with exotic looking ukraine women who want piece of shit looking old white men or ugly Ukraine/Euro guys over me. And on the other extreme my two African friends were banging women who were 9s and 10s. see my friend the math doesn't add up Once I get the opportunity to explore kiev, I will make a FINAL determination on Ukraine but non-white men need to really develop a strategy and position yourself correctly. And network with the black men who live there and are doing well as far as banging the girls is concerned. Not all Ukraine women are the same and see life the same way apparently..but there is in-bred prejudice in that culture. Because I think because of the way Ukraine women live they and the lack of exposure to black men and the desire to have a white male partner and the lack of availability of good looking men make them have bizarre interests as far as men are concerned. Some of them are open minded, some of them are scammers who try to marry money, some of them are racist, others only deal with Ukraine & Europe men only, some women want a man they can control with their looks. Its a real mixed bag. If anyone else has perspective as a non-white manplease contribute.
Damn good thread my friend! You realize that makes no sense? They do not think brad Pitt or western pretty boys are better looking than there own guys. They have there own standards of beauty, just watch what their sex symbols look like. As far as they are concerned foreigners are only better looking because better teeth and clothing. When they complaining about there own men they are no different than American women saying all guys they meet are bad. Truth is the majority do not like non whites .A rich non white might have a chance. Looks have nothing to do with it, FSU girls put low priority on it.Wolverine said it best, its like wired in them. However, a certain minority ,like in any country might think it is cool to experiment. Those are the girls who go for non whites. Problem is its also a minority that goes with foreign white guys due to culture and language difference.So basically you will be competing with the same English guys. If you was a university student you would naturally meet girls and probably meet those who are experimenting. But, expect it be on the down-low. I am not including Turks in this. A lot actually like Turks or did like them before the sex tourist thing. A lot of turks are light skin.

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

I also do not understand the purpose of the photo's. This is like that Indian kid on the other forum use to do. I am sure people from every race and nationality has scored at one time or another. Heck, Jews scored during Nazi Germany. Sometimes being a minority makes it easy to stand out to find the girls who dig them. I saw 2 guys in Uman(ukraine) who were from China who had GF's .They were all students. I also saw Asians get beat on main street of Kiev. Different experiences. My experience is most black chicks do not dig white guys but i know a few who gave me attention when I worked in uniform. They are supposed to hate cops where i worked also.Anyone can break the barrier with time, persistence and plain luck. It is just harder when foreigners have to in ,general jump though so many hoops to reach the elusive goal.

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - PhilE Yesterday 11:54 PM I just looked at your Latina Thread...and you could of basically did the same thing with Latinas. My biggest gripe is when i see an UGLY, OLD and/or FAT LATINO guy with a SUPER BAD LATINA chick and know that she turned down DOZENS of nice looking Black/White/Indian Guys for that muthaf***! I feel the same about black chicks when i see them with an ugly/out of shape black guy....but then i remember black chicks don't get hit on in nearly the same frequency by non black men as Latina women do..or white women for that matter. So she may not had an opportunity to date a hotter looking or at least better shaped non black guy. But Latinas and White women have no excuse.

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - jimukr104 Today 12:25 AM

(Yesterday 11:54 PM)PhilE Wrote: I just looked at your Latina Thread...and you could of basically did the same thing with Latinas. My biggest gripe is when i see an UGLY, OLD and/or FAT LATINO guy with a SUPER BAD LATINA chick and know that she turned down DOZENS of nice looking Black/White/Indian Guys for that muthaf***! I feel the same about black chicks when i see them with an ugly/out of shape black guy....but then i remember black chicks don't get hit on in nearly the same frequency by non black men as Latina women do..or white women for that matter. So she may not had an opportunity to date a hotter looking or at least better shaped non black guy. But Latinas and White women have no excuse. yes but if someone is not attracted to guys of a certain race then the guy you think is ugly is better looking than the good looking guy of another race. I do not find black women attractive(unless they kind of look white) so what might be considered an attractive black women is ugly to me. I would take an ugly white chick first. My wife is Ukrainian, I think she thinks all races are ugly other than whites. Heck she does not like blondes either. Seems a lot of her friends do not like blondes. It is just preference. Remember guys go for body first so its easier for us to race jump since all races can have a slender fit women.Women go for stupid things they see in face. To be honest I knoW a Russian chic here who thinks all British guys have that Sean Penn expression on there face that looks like they just smelled something bad. Remember Fast Times at Ridge men High? Girls have that "I have to have my type" attitude. i did good with Latina because i look like i can be Italian, a lot like that look.But the majority picked some chubby short buzz cut papi chulo over me.In NYC these guys where their jeans around their kneecaps, lol. They at best are 5'7" and have mustaches look like Hitler. But I can not compete with them. What about Asians? Asian chicks almost always date there own in USA. I have a family member

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married to a Chinese American girl, she even said he was not her type look-wise. mind you he is very good looking. Comparing looks among different races is like comparing apples and oranges. Some like Apples , some like Oranges. At least blacks have reputation of having big dicks, as oppose to some other races. Go to happier this forum is made up of guys who whine about how they have no game and small penises.

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - bojangles Today 07:15 AM I loved the pics, great thread just for that reason, I want to go to the Ukraine despite my brownness maybe having a negative effect (doubt it)

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - speakeasy Today 12:13 PM One of the most honest posts I've seen on the topic of blacks in Russia. Also, for whatever reason it seems a lot of African dudes do pretty well abroad. I remember reading about race riots in China by beta men. They were angry because Nigerian students were cleaning up with the local women.

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - ao85 Today 12:17 PM If you go, be VERY careful about the venues you select - face control will eat you alive. 95% of girls will not want to be seen with a non white guy. Dress to kill. See if you can break in via Social circle. I saw a black guy in a Moscow semi elite club with an awesome custom suit and hat, and he was getting IOIs all over the place, so it's possible. Not sure if a women will go against social pressure though to satisfy her curiousity. I'm planning a major fashion upgrade in the coming months and will report on how it has changed my dealings with Russian women. The 5% is your target zone, I've found that Latino clubs are the best place to meet open minded Russian girls. There is a way to crack the code, but I haven't done it in a year in Moscow and don't know if I ever will. Race relations are getting worse and worse in Russia and as a south Asian or African you will suffer as well. DC has been kinder to me than Moscow has despite good Russian. Perhaps Ukraine is better, they aren't rolling in dough to the degree that the Russian dudes in Moscow are.

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - el mechanico - Today 12:49 PM From the videos I've watched the skinheads and biker dudes seem to be a lot of fun to hang with. I wonder if they pull a lot? I've seen the cops harassing them and they always have some hot girls around. As funny as it sounds I would probably get a bike and fall into that sort of social circle if I spent time there (not the race violence part)

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - alphascout -

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

Today 02:12 PM I've seen that particular Rapper in a club in Kyiv several times while he was working. He was with a pretty girl (7+ level), but by no means the best in the club (not even close, maybe top 1/2 talent level there). By contrast, I've seen white DJ's in Urkaine do much better. If your a black semi-famous DJ/rapper, or in his entourage, you can probably pull 6-7.5 (and occasional 8) that are into hiphop culture (small minority). These girls are about equivalent to a US 7.5-9. If your already pulling this in the US as a famous DJ in the US on in his entourage ... why even bother coming to Ukraine? This Nigerian Rapper is in a special situation, basically he is a nobody in the US but is a mini celebrity in central Kyiv specifically, where he fills a need at clubs that want a 'rapper' for their hiphop nights. Its the best place for him and his entourage specifically. For him it make sense.

For the well-put-together black guy who doesn't have kyiv social circle with semi-famous hiphop DJs, he may have access to the occasional 4-7 who is open minded, but its pretty rare. If your pulling well in the US, why bother coming to Ukraine? (fyi I met a couple of black guys while in Kyiv who were well put together, neither pulled.. .and basically had similar experiences to yours) Also, if your not pulling well in the US, Ukraine probably won't be any better. nevermind the problem of late night racist drunk attacks when coming out of the club late at night.

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) frenchcorporation - Today 02:52 PM Roosh has done a stellar job of travelling and letting guys know what its like on the ground and Some black guys still have reservations about how theyd do compared to roosh, based on the ethnicity/phenotype difference no gripes, just pointing it out

Seems like theres a demand for similar consistent reports from a negrito in the manner roosh has been providing. To clear all the bs up, so to speak

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - Vice - Today 03:01 PM

(Today 12:25 AM)jimukr104 Wrote: Asian chicks almost always date there own in USA.

You're clearly clueless. I read some Pew Research report a while ago that said 35-40% (don't remember exactly) of Asian women married interracially in 2010. And that's for marriage so the % would obviously be higher for casual dating.

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Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black ...

RE: Is Ukraine/Russia a waste of time for Non-white men (esepcially black men) - Greek kamaki - Today 03:35 PM Only in Kiev I have seen good looking Ukrainian girls with black guys.

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