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McCaule ey

Comm munity Lea ague

Edm montons Mu ulticultural Ur rban Village e; an Historic Gem within the City

Chang are be mad that will affect your chil abilit to enro in public school. ges eing de w lds ty ol
The McCauley Commu unity League is extremely concerned ab bout changes that are bein proposed t school bou s ng to undaries in our neigh hborhood.

Our hi schoo student will no longer have acce to firs enrollm igh ol ts o h ess st ment at Victoria Schoo of the Performin Arts. ol P ng
Currently high school students in our neighborhood have fir choice enr y, l o rst rollment in th school. Thi will change and our high his is e h school students will be directed to Eastglen, wh is far awa and unwalk hich ay kable, across the very busy Wayne Gre etzky Drive. This loss will be anoth blow to mature neighb ch her m borhoods such as ours whic have alrea suffered f h ady from losses of local schools. We oppo this chang on several grounds: ose ge C Children will be required to travel far di b o istances from their homes in order to a m s attend high sc chool. O children should have first choice en Our s f nrollment in the only publiic high school left within w t walking distan nce. It will impact property valu and famili terms of residence in o communit t ues ies r our tycurrently Victoria Sch y, hool is a draw w f families to come and liv in McCaule for o ve ey. O children are entitled to a first class education wi Our a o ithout having to compete for it. g O children will lose the spots that are currently pro Our w s e otected and s aside for t set them to ensu they have access to a ure p public high school close to home. we t S A d blic e Further w maintain that Victoria School of the Performing Arts is a publi c school paid for with pub funds. We reject the notion of exclusivity. This is counte to what ma f T er akes commun nities healthy where child dren can live, learn and play close to , their hom These ch mes. hanges shut our children out of a place of academic excellence an choice. o nd

Your E Expertise
As the pa arent of a chil or as a concerned reside you can already anticiipate the like impacts that will occur to your home ld ent, a ely e life, quali of life or future family plans. You ha expertise to contribute to the discussion on wha you think w happen to ity p ave e at will o you as th result of th district cha he his ange. Please no these cha ote, anges apply to the followin communit and all of their children are similarly affected: Alex Taylor, ng ties f Delton, E Edmonton Mu unicipal Airpo H.A. Gray, McCauley, Central McDo ort, , C ougall, McKay Avenue, Nor y rwood, Oliver Parkdale, r, Prince Ru upert, Queen Mary Park, Riverdale and Spruce Avenue. R

McCauley Community L M C League base ement of Zocalo, 10826 95 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5H 2E3 H (780 428-5332 0) mcca auleycommu unityleague@ m

What you can do t

The di istrict chan nges are be oppos by the McCauley Communi League. We are m eing sed y ity making a presen ntation aga ainst this at a meetin with Edm a ng monton Pu ublic Schoo Board pl ol lanning repres sentatives. This meet will take place on Wednesday January 23, 2013 from 6 8pm at . ting 3 Victoria School for the Per f rforming ar rts. an ese ted o b l effective): You ca (and the are list in the order we believe will be most e 1. Appear at the meeti and spe about your conc t ing eak cerns. tter g cerns or op pposition t Edmonton Public S to School Boa trustee ard e 2. Send a let stating your conc Dave Colb burn. His em addre is Dave.Colburn@ mail ess, o you can call him at (780) 429 or t: 8135. 3. Share this letter with your neig s ghbors and other pe d eople you t think might be impac t cted by this s. hool board and come to the he e earing if yo can. We need both. Any qu ou uestions or o Write to the sch concerns, call th McCaule Commu he ey unity Leagu at (780) 428 5332 and leave us a mes ue 2 e ssage with your n name and number. We will cal you back W ll k.

In additio write, pho or send a fax or e mail of your com on, one, mments to: B Board Chair Sarah Hoffma and Superi S an intendent of Schools Edga Schmidt ar C Centre for Edu ucation, One Kingsway, Ed dmonton, Alberta, T5H 4G9 9,, Tel 780.429 9.8000, Fax 78 80.429.8318 M Brian Ma MLA ason, edmonton.highlandsnorwood@a assembly.ab.c Tel (780) 4 0682, Fax (780) 414 06 ca, 414 x 684 M Laurie Blakeman, edm MLA monton.centr re@assembly, Tel (7 780) 414 0743 Fax (780) 4 0772 3, 414 M Minister of Ed ducation Jeff Johnson, edu ucation.minis ster@gov.ab. ca, Tel (780) 4 5010, Fax (780) 427 5 427 5018 P Premier Aliso Redford, premier@gov. on, Fax (78 422 3843 80) 3 C Councillo Jane Batty, City Hall #1 Sir Winston Churchill Squa City or , S C are E Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7 Pho B one: 780 496 8140 fax 780 496 8113 ja 0 ane.batty@ed L Linda Cochran Head of the revitalizat ne, tions Office of the Genera l Manager , 1 th Floor, CN Tower 10004 104 Avenue o 11 4 E Edmonton, Alberta T5J 0K1 Telephone 780 496 588 1 87

Altho ough the abov are at arm length in th process, ap ve ms he ppealing to th hem might be helpful if no now then fo the future. e ot or .

McCauley Community L M C League base ement of Zocalo, 10826 95 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5H 2E3 H (780 428-5332 0) mcca auleycommu unityleague@ m

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