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Having six regional affiliates globally, MTV faces a big challenge in its hands the challenge to choose advertisements that mirror the sentiment shared by youths across the 64 countries, yet still retain their national identities and cultural values; and the challenge to adopt services that would give a positive perception to local mainstream viewers.

Demographics. MTV reaches 64 countries with its six affiliate broadcasting arrangements across the world. This represents the youthstudents and young professionals who are relatively cognizant of the trends and lifestyle patterns. It offers particularly different styles of programming in each local unit. Market, thus, can be segmented geographically in this sense, where every local programming is customized based on the socio-economic culture of the said local geographical unit. Socio-cultural. MTV adjusts its advertisements to its affiliate units accordingly. For the Latin population for instance, the advertisements are significantly influenced by the pressing social issues that need to be addressed to. Language is also a vehicle for local customization.

With respect to one affiliate MTV unit, the target market would be the local population with age ranging from 18 to 34. Furthermore, it has its target audience as well as in the different sectors of the society through parents, elders and politicians. These sectors influence how programs are relayed through them (this of course relates to the fact that these people are the direct constant companions of the target market). Also, MTV caters to the upper part of the youth in terms of financial brackets. It wants to connect to these people in the upper echelon what is hip, trendy, as well as informational.

At present, MTV has been and is positioning itself as the worlds most influential music and lifestyle icon for the youth. Now, it has also delved into informed, aware, and concerned vehicle for change in the youth. Levi Strauss is one of the worlds most recognized leading distributor in the mercantile industry. It would definitely want to advertise globally on MTV for the primary reason that MTV connects to the upper echelon of the market. Levi Strauss is actually a high-end clothing distributor, hence doing so would emphasize their image as hip, cool, and a brand that is worn not just anyone else.
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Apple Computers case is the same. Particularly looking at the price range of Apple computers in the market, one can see that it is definitely for the upper bracket in the market. Only affluent people can afford to buy it. Therefore, showing Apple computers being used by local VJs would definitely pique the interest of the audience. Since the target audience of MTV are teenagers and young professionals, the teenagers can convince heir parents into buying it, and the young professionals just recently enjoying their spending power would likely save their salaries for this cool thing. Coca-Cola on the other hand, would want to advertise globally on MTV for the simple reason that MTV connects with almost all the different types of people. People who may like pop music but not rock may as well be getting the same CocaCola in the local supermarket together with someone who likes rock but not pop.

thinking globally and acting globally

I do not believe that the homogenization of youth in countries would lead them to lose their national identities and cultural values. It is a fact that we are already living in a globalized worlda world where cultures mesh, where people start to learn other languages, where people adapt other cultures. But it does not necessarily equate to losing ones identity. I believe, it is more of enrichment of ones identity. It is actually good that in the process, the youths beliefs and stands are in harmony with one another. It is through this that there is a synchrony of awareness, collective movement, and thus, collaborative action from them.

MTVs marketing mix

Product(service). Basically MTV offers to the youth and young professionals a whole package of lifestyle and information all rolled into one. It features music videos, fashion trends, concert tours (and information), and promotions. Moreover, it promises value-adding services through news broadcasting and tackling of local issues. Price. Basically the amount of money customers have to pay is actually continual patronage of the program. Also, high viewers ratings will bring them into line with the markets perception of MTVs (increasing) value, hence increasing their price from business conglomerates such as KODAK, Apple, Coca-Cola, etc. Place. MTV does this well, in the sense that they make their service and name available to target consumers through concert tours, music awards, campus tours, etc.
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For the place as well, they make themselves accessible to their target market through cable channels. Lastly, they select only particular coverages that their market would embrace. Promotions. MTV always has many activities and programs that persuade target customers to patron them. Examples of this is regular celebrity VJs that visit their hubs and singers/bands as well that promote their upcoming tours/ or singles. Also, they now converge directly with the youth through campus tours and sponsoring concert tours in universities. The thing here is MTV has begun to integrate their marketing program designed to achievethe marketing objectives by delivering value to customerssuch as incorporating social issues in their programs. Kodaks marketing strategy gave emphasis on the social awareness on its marketing mix. It used themes that is presently relevant to their target market Latin America. Coca-Cola on the other hand, is most likely to emphasize individualism on their marketing mix, since Coke is after all, for everyonefor all types of people. Como Tu Quieras con Kodak I think this is not the best ad theme for the Latin market. Since their visual ads mainly shows social consiousness, As you wish it with Kodak does not clearly shows coherence with their objective. The phrase below would be my recommendation:

Mostrar el salto con Kodak

(Take the leap with Kodak) Since Kodak focuses on social awareness and social mobilization to pursue change, I think it would be appropriate to invoke willingness for change. Kodak should retain the visual representations it uses (ie. acid rain theme, etc).

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