Jousting Games Character Creation Rules

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Jousting Games Making a Character Guide

All starting characters have: 100 Hero points to distribute. Ability Scores Starting ability scores: All ability scores start at 10. Increasing ability scores: 1) Up until 14: 1 hero point each increase. 2) Up until 16: 2 hero points each increase. 3) Up until 18: 3 hero points each increase. 4) Etc... Maximum starting ability scores: 18, maximum hero points spend: 35. Races Race Hero Points Cost Starting Fame Starting Owning Land Human Elf, Dwarf 0 20 100+10/charisma modifier Yes 10/charisma modifier 50+10/charisma modifier Yes (half worth) Yes Half-elf, Half-orc 15

Orc 20 10/charisma modifier No Humans do not earn the bonus feat or skills (it is calculated in the hero points). Hit Points Starting hit points: 2xConstitution . Hit points for monsters are calculated depending the size: Fine: 1/4xConstitution , Diminutive: 1/3xConstitution , Tiny: 1/2xConstitution , Small: Constitution , Medium: 2xConstitution , Large: 3xConstitution , Huge: 4xConstitution , Gargantuan: 5xConstitution , Colossal: 6xConstitution . Minimum hit points a creature can have: 1. Increasing hit points: 1) First 5 hero points: 3 hit point increase. 2) Second 5 hero points: 6 hit point increase. 3) Third 5 hero points: 9 hit point increase. 4) Etc... Example: A character with 14 constitution and devoted 10 hero points has a total of 2x14 + 3 + 6 = 37 hit points. Base Attack Bonus Starting base attack bonus: +0. Increasing base attack bonus: 1) Up until +5: 1 hero point each increase. 2) Up until +10: 2 hero points each increase. 3) Up until +15: 3 points each increase. 4) Up until +20: 4 points each increase. Maximum starting BAB: +6. General maximum BAB: +20. Base Saves Starting base save: all saves start at +0. Increasing base save bonus: 5) Up until +3: 1 hero point each increase. 6) Up until +6: 2 hero points each increase. 7) Up until +9: 3 points each increase. 8) Up until +12: 4 points each increase. Maximum starting base save bonus: +4. General maximum base save: +12.

Skills Starting skill points: 5*(1+intelligence modifier). Minimum skill points a creature can have: 5. Increasing skill points: 1) For 5 hero points: 5*(3+intelligence modifier) skill points . 2) For 15 hero points: 5*(5+intelligence modifier) skill points . 3) For 25 hero points: 5*(7+intelligence modifier) skill points . 4) Etc... All skills are considered class skills. Maximum starting ranks: 5 at any one skill. General maximum ranks: 20 at any one skill. Feats Starting feats: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency. Note: Martial Weapon Proficiency(All) needs to be paid as a single feat. Learning a feat: Every new feat chosen costs 5 hero points. Prerequisites: Normally, class related prerequisites are replaced with BAB, Base Save prerequisites of what that class would normally possess. Example: Weapon Specialization: BAB: +4, Base Fort Save: +4, Base Reflex Save: +1, Base Will Save +1 . Maximum starting feats: 10. Special Abilities Starting special abilities: None. Learning a special ability: Each new special ability costs 10 hero points. Prerequisites: Each special ability has some prerequisites. Maximum starting special abilities: 2. Benefit: Some of them have altered game mechanics, described here. Special Ability Prerequisites Benefit Detect Evil/Good/Law/Chaos Wisdom 13+, Opposite Alignment of what you can detect Lay on Hands Charisma 13+, Heal 5+ ranks, Good or Evil Good characters channel positive energy, Evil characters channel negative energy. 5*(charisma modifier) hit points per day. 1/day cause/remove disease. Fortitude Save vs. DC: 10+heal ranks+charisma modifier. 1/day instantly kill one opponent you touch. Fortitude Save vs. DC: 10+heal ranks+charisma modifier.

Cause/Remove Disease

Lay on Hands, Charisma 15+, Heal 10+ ranks, Good or Evil Lay on Hands, Cause/Remove Disease, Wisdom 15+, Charisma 15+, Evil, Heal 15+ ranks Wisdom 13+, Charisma 13+, Base Will Save: +6 Knowledge Religion 5+ ranks, Wisdom 13+, Charisma 13+

Death Touch

Aura of Courage Turn/Rebuke Undead

1/day turn all undead within 60ft. must succeed a will saving throw vs. DC: 10+knowledge religion ranks+charisma modifier or be turned/rebuked. Bolstering gives +4 to this save. No

destroy/command. Turn/Rebuke Earth Turn/Rebuke Air Turn/Rebuke Fire Turn/Rebuke Water Turn/Rebuke Animals Turn/Rebuke Plants Knowledge Planes 5+ ranks, Wisdom 13+, Charisma 13+ Knowledge Planes 5+ ranks, Wisdom 13+, Charisma 13+ Knowledge Planes 5+ ranks, Wisdom 13+, Charisma 13+ Knowledge Planes 5+ ranks, Wisdom 13+, Charisma 13+ Knowledge Nature 5+ ranks, Wisdom 13+, Charisma 13+ Knowledge Nature 5+ ranks, Wisdom 13+, Charisma 13+ Similar with turn/rebuke undead. Similar with turn/rebuke undead. Similar with turn/rebuke undead. Similar with turn/rebuke undead. Similar with turn/rebuke undead. Similar with turn/rebuke undead. 1/day charisma modifier to hit/damage. Attack becomes aligned. Immune to both disease and poison. +2 for every 5 ranks in knowledge skill. Can taken multiple times to choose other enemy. For every 5 ranks in knowledge nature, your animal companion gains: +1 BAB/Saves/Nat. AC/ Strength/Dexterity/Constitution 1/day for up to 1 hour.

Smite Evil/Good/Law/Chaos Charisma 15+, Opposite Alignment of what you can smite Divine Grace Divine Health Favored Enemy Charisma 15+, Good or Evil Divine Grace, Charisma 17+, Good or Evil Wisdom 15+, Appropriate Knowledge 5+ ranks, Alignment restricted options Charisma 15+, Knowledge Nature 5+ ranks, Neutral Alignment (any part) Charisma 15+, Knowledge Nature 5+ ranks, Neutral Alignment (any part) Wisdom 13+, Dexterity 15+, Listen or Spot or Sense Motive 5+ ranks, Combat Reflexes

Animal Companion

Speak with Animals

Uncanny Dodge

Improved Uncanny Dodge

Uncanny Dodge, Wisdom 15+, Immune to flank. Dexterity 15+, Listen or Spot or Sense Motive 10+ ranks, Combat Reflexes Wisdom 17+ Dexterity 13+, Lightning Reflexes, Base Reflex Save +3 Evasion, Dexterity 17+, Lightning Reflexes, Base Reflex Save +5 Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Only with light weapons, +1d6 BAB +3, Heal 5+ ranks damage per 5 heal ranks. Damage is applied also to critical hits.

Luck Evasion Improved Evasion

Sneak Attack

Crippling Strike

Sneak Attack, Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 15+, BAB +6, Heal 10+ ranks Dexterity 15+, Base Reflex Save +5, Dodge, Tumble 5+ Ranks Dexterity 15+, Combat Reflexes, BAB +5 Intelligence 15+, 10+ ranks, Skill Focus at each chosen skill Wisdom 15+, Base Will Save +5, Iron Will Charisma 15+, Knowledge Religion 5+ ranks 1/day immediate action gain +charisma modifier to AC against one attack or +charisma modifier to a saving throw. This is a sacred bonus. 1/day free action gain +wisdom modifier to strength score for 1 round. This is a sacred bonus.

Defensive Roll

Opportunist Skill Mastery Slippery Mind Protection Ward


Wisdom 15+, Knowledge Religion 5+ ranks

Freedom of Movement Bardic Music Charming Performance

Dexterity 15+, Escape Artist 5+ 1/day immediate action gain ranks freedom of movement for 1 round. Perform 5+ ranks, Charisma 13+ Perform 5+ ranks, Charisma 15+, Bardic Music 1/day inspire courage +1 per 5 ranks in perform. 1/day fascinate, suggestion (requires 10+ ranks in perform), mass suggestion (requires 15+ ranks in perform). Will save vs. DC: 10+perform ranks+charisma modifier. 1/day countersong, inspire competence , inspire greatness (requires 10+ ranks in perform) , inspire heroics (requires 15+ ranks in perform), song of freedom (requires 15+ ranks in perform)

Advance Bardic Music

Perform 5+ ranks, Charisma 17+, Bardic Music

Starting Gold: 1000gp You should buy your Horse, Armor, Weapons. No magical equipment is allowed, alchemical is fine. At any jousting game the organizer will provide a Jousting Lance. This inferior Lance is not suitable for war but counts as a lance in any other respect. Religion Old Religion: TBD New Religion: TBD Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Orcish

Example Character STR 16 DEX 16 CON 14 INT 14 WIS 14 CHA 15 (Cost: 34 Hero points ) HP: 28 BAB: 6 (Cost: 7 Hero points ) Saves: Fort: +4 +2 +2 (Costs: 9 Hero points ) Skills: 5*(3+2) = 5*5 sp Chose: Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Handle Animal 5, Knowledge Nature 5, Heal 5 (Costs: 5 Hero points ) Feats: Simple Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, All Martial Weapon Proficiency, Medium Armor, Weapon Focus(lance), Weapon Specialization(lance), Mounted Combat (Costs: 25 Hero points ) Special: Animal Companion, Turn Animals (Costs: 20 Hero points )

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