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07MCA25 Second Semester MeA Degree Examination, June-July 2009 Operations Research

Time: 3 hrs.

Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions.

1 a. Briefly explain the different phases of an operations research study. (12 Marks) b. The Prime Insurance Company is introducing 2 new product lines: Special risk insurance and mortgages. The expected profit is $5/unit on special risk and $2/unit on mortgages. Management wishes to establish sales quota as for the new product lines to maximize total exp ecte d pro fi Th ewor k requuements are . It.
Department Underwriting Administration Claims Work hours/unit Special risk Mortgage 3 2 1 0 2 0 Work hours available 2400 800 1200 (08 Marks)

Formulate the problem into linear programming 2


a. Explain the terms : i) Basic solution ii) Basic feasible solution iii) Optional solution b. Solve using simplex method Maximize Z = 3Xl + 5X2 Subject to x, ~ 4 2X2 s 12 3Xl + 2X2 ~ 18, xi , X2~ O. a. Find the dual of Max Z = 3Xl'+ 5X2 Subject to x, ~ 4 2X2 ~ 12 3Xl + 2X2 ~ 18, x, , X2~ O. b. Solve by revised simplex method Maximize Z = 6Xl - 2X2+ 3X3 Subject to 2Xl - X2+ 2X3 ~ 2 Xl + 4X3 s 4, 41 , X2, X3~ O.

iv) Degeneracy.

(08 Marks)

(12 Marks)

(05 Marks)

(15 Marks)

Given Max Z = -Xl + 2X2- X3 Subject to 3Xl + X2- X3~ 10 -Xl + 4X2+ X3~ 6 X2+ X3~ 4, x, , X2, X3~ O. i) Obtain optimal solution ii) Determine the ranges for changes in the components of b2 & b, so as to maintain optimality. iii) Determine the effect for changes in the components of cost vector which corresponds to basic variables. (20 Marks) Apply dual simplex method to Maximize Z = -4Yl - 12Y2- 18Y3 Subject to Yl + 3Y3 ~ 3 2Y2 + 2Y3 ~ 5, Yl , Y2, Y3~ O.

(20 Marks)



The child fair company has 3 plants producing child push chairs that are to be shipped distribution centres. Plants 1, 2 & 3 produce 12, 17, 11 shipments/month. Each distrib centre needs to receive 10 shipments / month. The distances (miles) from each plant t respective distribution centre is as follows: . . Distribution centre 2 3 4 1 400 1300 700 800 1 1100 1400 600 1000 Plant 2 1200 600 800 900 3 The freight cost for each shipment is $100 plus 5 cents/unit. Obtain optimal solution. (20 MI A private firm employs typists on hourly piece rate basis for their daily work. 5 typist working in that firm and their charges and speeds are different. On the basis of some C( understanding only one job is to be given to one typist and the typist is paid for full hours when he/she works for a fraction of an hour. Find least cost ass'rgnment. Number of pages Typist Rate/hour Number of pages / Job hour 12 P 199 A 5 14 175 B Q 6 R 145 C 8 3 295 10 S D 4 E 4 11 T 178


Use minimax criterion to find the best strategy for each player. Does this game have as; point? (10 M Player II 1 234

Player I

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Find minimal spanning tree for the graph

With constraints i) Link AD can be included only if DE is included. ii) At most one of 3 links AD, CD & AB can be included.

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