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World Peace

If there is to be peace in the world, there must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, there must be peace in the cities. If there is to be peace in the cities, there must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, there must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, there must be peace in the heart.

-Lao Tzu (570-490B.C)

The inevitable need of todays world is planetary peace and reconciliation among nations which are currently exchanging blows to establish their supremacy in theirs as well others vicinity. United States of America, the only country that fulfills the criteria to be considered a superpower as well as the potential superpowers like Russia, China are tending to create-help continue the hostilities among or within some countries which are politically subordinate but prospective to threaten them in future with their advancing technology. These inferior activities of superpowers are creating many scenarios in the world which are raising the notion of the third world war, which if staged will lead to a global destruction, massive and hazardous than the previous two. World Peace is an ideal of freedom, peace and happiness among and within all nations or people. And also it is an idea of planetary non-violence by which nations willingly co-operate either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents warfare. These are some definitions for World Peace found when surfing. The term world peace is also referred to as the cessation of all hostilities among all individuals. The evidences for the incidence of wars among people are dating many years back to the origin of human race. In the beginning human lived an understanding and inter dependant life in which existed an unparalleled peace as defined. Then the human population increased with time and so is the freedom of thought which lead to differences among the opinions of them. This created disparities amidst human in race, religion and complexion which divided the human population by some loathsome criteria like ruler-slave in governing each other, black-white in skin complexion and European-African in addressing. The hostilities created by these divisions lead to many internal revolutions like French Revolution, Russian Revolution and freedom struggles in all colonies of Europeans, large scale world wars like world war one and two which killed hundred thousands of human lives as well as properties worth many billions. The basis of

these destructions due to the enmities among human race which earlier lived peacefully is lack of verbal negotiations among them in case of differences in opinions. If you want to make peace, you dont talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies said Moshe Dayan, an Israeli military leader as well as diplomat. No one will be talking about with what they are satisfied and will be obsessed with what they are lacked. The term world peace got prominence when it got lacked among people and currently the world, by organizing many committees and discussing for many long years, is in search for what it possessed for many long years and lost unknowingly for the selfishness of some of its individual elements. Hence the need for world peace was felt with the massive destruction to worlds population, economy and resources by world scale wars both armed wars as well as cold war. World peace is necessarily needed to remove many obstacles that hinder the global development as well as economy. Inflation in developing as well as developed countries, unwanted destruction of many viable youths and juveniles in wars, damage to the natural resources of many countries, on the export of which the people of those countries rely, due to wars are some common and visible ill-effects of lack of worldly peace. But other than these there are many post war episodes hidden from being leaked to the outer world. For an example due to the atomic bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki nearly 140,000 people were killed and only 10% of them were killed by the initial radiation and the rest of 90% died only 2 weeks after bombing due to residual radiation, which itself a clear sign of how the impacts of radiation will continue for decades. The generations of all who got wounded are still suffering due to acute sickness and the bad effects of the radiation are still appearing in the newborn even after many decades. But the governments of many countries are not seem to be feeling these problems and retrieve themselves from ceasing the hostilities through negotiations rather than wars, but still improving their war technologies and test their new missiles to annoy their enemies who then repeat the same with an advanced missile. Though the need for a united world with peace was felt by all nations, there are some reasons for which they avoid creating such a peaceful world. Today the main aim of each country is to develop itself on any cost. This hunger of each country makes them get devoid of world peace programmes on which they formally sign but work in a controversial manner to them. For an example, since 1945 the United Nations and five permanent members of the Security Council (the US, Russia, China, France and the UK) have worked to resolve conflicts without declarations of war. However, the United States and other nations have entered several military conflicts since that time. Even without a declaration of war, the use of military force prevents the realization of World Peace. Each country aiming to develop them is not only concentrating on their development, but eyes on the development of other countries which develop themselves in some other means. These green-eyed countries then plan to acquire their resources under any pretext or transform it a global villain and impose economical bans on them, which will help them improve without competition. The best examples are United States intrusion in Irans nuclear projects under the pretext that theyre carrying out uranium

enrichment and the war on Iraq under another false pretext. The Presidents of United States will identify themselves as peace-promoters in their inaugural addresses and the last one in that lineage have won the Nobel Peace Prize. But their lack of interest in world peace is evident from the fact that the main source of income to USA is from armory sale. Therefore the world peace will only be a matter of discussion between many countries and only a vain as no countries are heartily and willingly involved in world peace promotion. The rich get richer, the poorer get poorer and the middle class get decimated This is the current status of worlds economy. In order to make the ideal world peace a reality, the richer should share its resources both financial and human resources with the poorer, which will allow the latter to get benefitted from the surplus of the former. For an example USA can feed an Ethiopian or Haitian with its surplus wheat rather than dumping it in the sea under the pretext of proposing it as a way of burying carbon. Another way to promote world peace is to use the advancing science and technology in a creative manner than to use it for destructive ways. Today the most number of satellites revolving around the earth are not for constructive purpose but for spying others internal moves. And also each country should try to reduce its nuclear weapons which are hazardous to the human population and also to the environment as well. Human, the race in the top of evolutionary phylogeny should not try to erase its existence by some treacherous activities. Gradual evaporation of terrorist activity is another important thing to prop up world peace. Once a global coherence group is formed between nations, the modern plague of malevolent terrorism will find no fertile soil in which to breed. But achieving all these goals is impossible unless each individual feel the need and support this programme. As Sri Chinmoy stated, World Peace can be achieved when in each person the power of love replaces the love to power. All the above mentioned means and measures are already defined many decades ago and nothing happened progressively in these years. But the status of world peace got worsened in these days due to the hanging around in of developed countries to conquest power. If these are allowed to continue without any impediment, all the above discussions will be theoretical as in today but even a single individual of human race will be left to hear that there happened many measures to promote world peace. Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent revolt of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity. It is right and it is duty. -Bishop Oscar Romero (1917-1980) M.Tharushihan Grade 12 (2012)

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