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North American Indian tribes are very homogeneous with few differences in physical characteristics, language, and social organization. a. True b. False The current political and economic status of American Indians is the result of the process by which they have been incorporated into U.S. society. a. True b. False By the middle of the twenty-first century, it is expected that racial minorities will comprise less than 1 0 percent of the American population. a. True b. False As racial minorities, each group encounters different forms of exclusion, but they generally remain at the lowest rungs of society. a. True b. False Biological deficiency explanations state that inferiority is the result of flawed genetic or hereditary traits. a. True b. False Despite media attention, there is no definite evidence that racial groups differ in intelligence from the dominant race. a. True b. False Cultural deficiency explanations hold that minorities are disadvantaged because of heritage, customs, and way of life. a. True b. False Much of the public discussion about race and poverty rests on false assumptions about the defective nature of minorities, their ability, their values, and their cultures. a. True b. False Individual racism refers to the established customary and respected ways in which society operates to keep the minority in a subordinate position. a. True b. False Individual racism is an overt act by individuals that harms other individuals or their property, is usually publicly criticized, and may be on the decline in the United States. a. True b. False Some individuals, whether or not they are bigots, discriminate because we operate within a social milieu that ensures racial dominance. a. True b. False












Conflict theorists contend that the United States is a land of opportunity and all groups will eventually be assimilated into the mainstream. a. True b. False Order theorists argue that racial-ethnics were never meant to assimilate, as parts of society benefit from segregation. a. True b. False Neither the order theory nor conflict theory captures the complexity of today's multiracial society; instead today's dramatic population shifts require new theories. a. True b. False The poor are disproportionately African American and Hispanic. a. True b. False The average family income for Whites is greater than the average income for Black and Hispanic families. a. True b. False Although the median family income for Blacks is lower than for Hispanics, because Hispanics tend to have larger families, their per-person income is actually lower than for Blacks. a. True b. False Minorities at all levels still earn less than Whites do due to racial discrimination in the labor force. a. True b. False Because Blacks and Hispanics have made significant gains in educational attainment following the civil rights era, the income gap has disappeared. a. True b. False Unemployment statistics can be misleading because they count as employed people who work parttime because they can't find full-time work, and people who have given up their search for employment. a. True b. False Though minorities were once over-represented in jobs with low pay, power, and prestige, this is no longer the case. a. True b. False There have been improvements in minority employment, largely because of economic restructuring in the United States which is positively affecting employment patterns in communities across the country. a. True b. False












Two-thirds of American Latinos are Mexican-Americans. a. True b. False Unlike other services, the health care of the U.S. population is distributed evenly across races, and most minorities now have health coverage through Medicaid. a. True b. False Environmental racism refers to the disproportionate exposure of racial groups to environmental toxic substances. a. True b. False There are three major trends that will shape race relations in the near future: growing racial strife, the economic polarization of minorities, and a national shift in U.S. racial policies. a. True b. False Growing racial strife has resulted from increased racial diversity and increased competition between Whites and minorities and among minorities themselves, as people compete for a decreasing number of jobs and opportunities. a. True b. False Lack of jobs, housing, and other resources add to fear and a condition referred to as minority scapegoating by Whites. a. True b. False The Southern Poverty Law Center has documented a decline in the number of racist and Neo-Nazi groups and the number of hate crimes. a. True b. False The use of the Internet has been associated with an increase in the popularity of hate groups and the spread of their literature to young people. a. True b. False Racial oppression is always rooted in an individual's personality. a. True b. False The social definition of race changes over time, a fact illustrated by the 2000 Census Report permitting people to record themselves in two or more racial categories. a. True b. False "Racial-ethnic group" refers to people with culturally distinct customs who haven't been victims of discrimination. a. True b. False The size of the U.S. Latino population is second to that of the African-American population. a. True b. False













While pre-World War II Asian immigrants came from a peasant background, the recent immigrants from Asia tend to have a range of education. a. True b. False Institutional derogation refers to a presentation, in the mass media, of a particular minority as inferior. a. True b. False Marrying across racial lines is becoming more common. a. True b. False Racial-ethnics are concentrated in the South and Southwest. a. True b. False Institutional discrimination may be unconscious and unintentional. a. True b. False Worldwide, women perform around 60% of all work, but receive 10% of the income and own only 10% of the land. a. True b. False The gender system denies both women and men the full range of human and social possibilities. a. True b. False Sex refers to the social and cultural definitions of feminine and masculine. a. True b. False The feminist approach refers to the ranking of the sexes in such a way that women are superior in power, resources, prestige, and presumed worth. a. True b. False Sex, not gender, refers to one's biological identity as male or female. a. True b. False Although every society has certain expectations for both women and men, cross-culturally, there is little consistency in expectations for men and women. a. True b. False Patriarchy is the term used for forms of social organization in which men are dominant over women. a. True b. False Compulsory heterosexuality imposes negative sanctions on those who are homosexual or bisexual. a. True b. False














How gender is learned depends on many social conditions affecting the socialization applied to boys and girls. a. True b. False While both parents contribute to the gender stereotyping of their children, fathers have been found to reinforce gender stereotyping more often than mothers. a. True b. False Androgyny refers to the integration of traditional feminine and masculine characteristics into the same individual. a. True b. False The concept of glass ceiling refers to the limited advancement opportunities for women after they reach a certain level within an organization. a. True b. False The term feminization of poverty refers to the fact that adult women's chances of living in poverty are still higher than men's at every age. a. True b. False Although Title IX outlawed sex discrimination in school athletics, studies show that discrimination is pervasive. a. True b. False There is a substantial amount of research indicating that teachers give more classroom attention and more esteem-building encouragement to girls. a. True b. False Experts advise teachers that they can counter unequal gender treatment by monitoring their own ( teacher) behavior. a. True b. False Men more often occupy the bottom rungs of education occupations while women generally hold prestigious and decision-making positions. a. True b. False As the level of education increases, the proportion of female teachers increases. a. True b. False Studies have demonstrated that highly stereotyped behavior characterizes adult programming, while children's programming presents the sexes in significantly less stereotyped ways. a. True b. False












In studies of non-verbal gender communication, we see that men touch women more than women touch men. a. True b. False Advertising aimed at the "new woman" places additional stresses on women and at the same time upholds male privilege. a. True b. False The law has historically discriminated against women, including denying them the vote until the early 1900s. a. True b. False The women's movement remains one of the most influential sources of social change. a. True b. False The concentration of women in lower-paying occupations is evidence that the earnings gap persists. a. True b. False The biggest factor in the U.S. wage gap is institutional sex discrimination in the labor market that blocks women's access to better paying jobs through hiring or promotion practices or simply paying women less. a. True b. False Compared with white women, women of color are concentrated in low-paying jobs and have few fringe benefits, poor working conditions, high turnover, and little chance of advancement. a. True b. False Gender segregation refers to the pattern whereby women and men hold different jobs throughout the labor force. a. True b. False Gender is a basis for assigning roles and allocating social rewards. a. True b. False The feminist approach argues for separation of the sexes. a. True b. False The hormone differences between males and female children is very slight. a. True b. False Males and females have both sets of sex hormones, androgen and estrogen. a. True b. False













Class, race, ethnicity, and sexuality have a significant effect in the way masculinity and femininity are modeled. a. True b. False Barrie Thorne's study of gender play in multiracial schools found that boys treated girls with respect and as equals. a. True b. False Nowadays, toys for boys tend to encourage exploration, invention, and aggression. a. True b. False In U.S. high schools, boys' sports were historically better treated than girls' sports in terms of number of participants, financial support, and facilities. a. True b. False Most U.S. religions endorse the idea that women are to some degree subordinate to men. a. True b. False The "stained-glass ceiling" refers to the struggle of female clergy for equal rights. a. True b. False A woman's educational level and work experience have no bearing on the earnings gap. a. True b. False Many features of work itself block women's advancement. a. True b. False Female workers earn substantially less than do males workers with the same education, work histories, skills, and experiences. a. True b. False The drastic rate of growth in the elderly population is referred to as the "senior boom". a. True b. False Many find family changes that have been occurring in the last few decades threatening. a. True b. False The families of the past were more stable, better adjusted, and happier than today's families. a. True b. False Family arrangements in the United States are closely related to economic development. a. True b. False














Divorce rates in the past were lower because love between family members was stronger. a. True b. False The myth of a singular or monolithic family form gives us a consistent image of what the family is supposed to be as presented by politicians, ministers and priests, children's literature, and television. a. True b. False Families are embedded in a class hierarchy that is "pulling apart" to shrink the middle class while more families join the ranks of the rich or the poor. a. True b. False Today, many families can sustain their class status only through the economic contributions of employed wives. a. True b. False Because of the changes in the economy, today, many middle-class families find themselves without middle-class incomes. a. True b. False Downward mobility, associated with changes in the economy, has affected blue-collar workers, but not white-collar workers. a. True b. False In working class families, the pooling of resources is an attempt to cope with the tenuous nature of connections between households and opportunity structures in society, requiring expanded family boundaries. a. True b. False Some downwardly mobile middle-class families end up in poverty, but most come to rest at a standard of living above the poverty level but far below the affluence they enjoyed in the past. a. True b. False The postmodern family has emerged as a new family form as a consequence of economic uncertainty and domestic upheavals, which require innovative ways to cope. a. True b. False There are divorce-extended families that include ex-spouses and their lovers, children (often adults), and friends; households now expand and contract as adult children leave and then return home, only to leave again. a. True b. False Today, no one household arrangement is typical. a. True b. False












The postmodern family forms are new to working-class and middle-class families as they adjust to the structural transformation, but they are not new to the poor. a. True b. False Many studies have revealed that marriage provides greater physical and social benefits for husbands than wives. a. True b. False Around half of first marriages end in divorce, and the U.S. divorce rate is highest among the world. a. True b. False Men are almost always better off financially after divorce than women are. a. True b. False The fact that men and women experience marriage differently challenges the myth of the unified family experience. a. True b. False





100. One reason for the increase in the U.S. divorce rate has been the elimination of no-fault divorce laws. a. True b. False 101. Greater tolerance by religious groups is partly responsible for the increase in the U.S. divorce rate. a. True b. False 102. Surges in the number of families headed by single women often affect the U.S. child poverty rate. a. True b. False

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